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L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 01:39 AM

Re: Minimum speed for cruise control
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24Bit®" <> wrote in message
> Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
> Norman Doidge
> National Post
> What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
> every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?
> That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
> illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
> offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
> Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
> All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
> "offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
> found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
> behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
> likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
> Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.
> The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
> -- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
> than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
> in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
> our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
> appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
> since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
> treatments really psychotherapy?
> Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
> self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
> Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
> because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
> psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
> concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
> which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
> concern by definition.
> But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
> on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
> co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
> new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
> psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
> moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
> Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
> that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.
> Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
> clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
> Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
> something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
> prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
> Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
> community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
> psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.
> The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
> To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
> miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
> short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
> eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.
> I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
> boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
> other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
> a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
> self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
> raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
> or "negative tapes" in her head.
> Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
> ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
> backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
> consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
> of mankind how to be remorseless.
> But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
> of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
> sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
> force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
> with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
> prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
> carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
> choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
> be practised.
> So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
> 1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
> crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
> just say they are beyond therapy.
> That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
> psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
> low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
> intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
> evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from
> treatment.
> The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
> mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
> forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
> unwillingness to make basic distinctions.
> In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
> hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
> person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
> we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
> soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
> always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
> control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
> is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
> bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
> virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
> "conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
> that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
> physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
> shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
> functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
> notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
> into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
> by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 01:39 AM

Re: Minimum speed for cruise control
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24Bit®" <> wrote in message
> Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
> Norman Doidge
> National Post
> What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
> every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?
> That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
> illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
> offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
> Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
> All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
> "offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
> found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
> behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
> likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
> Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.
> The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
> -- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
> than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
> in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
> our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
> appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
> since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
> treatments really psychotherapy?
> Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
> self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
> Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
> because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
> psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
> concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
> which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
> concern by definition.
> But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
> on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
> co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
> new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
> psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
> moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
> Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
> that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.
> Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
> clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
> Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
> something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
> prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
> Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
> community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
> psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.
> The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
> To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
> miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
> short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
> eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.
> I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
> boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
> other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
> a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
> self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
> raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
> or "negative tapes" in her head.
> Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
> ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
> backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
> consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
> of mankind how to be remorseless.
> But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
> of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
> sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
> force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
> with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
> prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
> carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
> choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
> be practised.
> So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
> 1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
> crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
> just say they are beyond therapy.
> That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
> psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
> low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
> intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
> evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from
> treatment.
> The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
> mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
> forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
> unwillingness to make basic distinctions.
> In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
> hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
> person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
> we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
> soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
> always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
> control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
> is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
> bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
> virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
> "conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
> that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
> physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
> shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
> functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
> notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
> into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
> by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 01:39 AM

Re: Minimum speed for cruise control
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24Bit®" <> wrote in message
> Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
> Norman Doidge
> National Post
> What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
> every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?
> That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
> illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
> offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
> Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
> All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
> "offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
> found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
> behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
> likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
> Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.
> The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
> -- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
> than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
> in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
> our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
> appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
> since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
> treatments really psychotherapy?
> Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
> self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
> Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
> because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
> psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
> concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
> which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
> concern by definition.
> But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
> on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
> co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
> new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
> psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
> moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
> Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
> that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.
> Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
> clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
> Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
> something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
> prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
> Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
> community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
> psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.
> The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
> To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
> miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
> short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
> eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.
> I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
> boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
> other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
> a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
> self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
> raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
> or "negative tapes" in her head.
> Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
> ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
> backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
> consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
> of mankind how to be remorseless.
> But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
> of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
> sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
> force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
> with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
> prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
> carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
> choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
> be practised.
> So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
> 1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
> crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
> just say they are beyond therapy.
> That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
> psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
> low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
> intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
> evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from
> treatment.
> The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
> mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
> forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
> unwillingness to make basic distinctions.
> In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
> hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
> person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
> we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
> soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
> always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
> control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
> is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
> bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
> virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
> "conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
> that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
> physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
> shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
> functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
> notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
> into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
> by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 01:40 AM

Re: Minimum speed for cruise control
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24Bit®" <> wrote in message
> Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
> Norman Doidge
> National Post
> What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
> every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?
> That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
> illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
> offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
> Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
> All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
> "offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
> found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
> behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
> likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
> Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.
> The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
> -- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
> than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
> in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
> our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
> appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
> since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
> treatments really psychotherapy?
> Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
> self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
> Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
> because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
> psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
> concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
> which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
> concern by definition.
> But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
> on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
> co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
> new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
> psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
> moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
> Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
> that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.
> Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
> clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
> Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
> something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
> prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
> Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
> community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
> psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.
> The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
> To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
> miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
> short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
> eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.
> I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
> boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
> other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
> a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
> self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
> raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
> or "negative tapes" in her head.
> Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
> ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
> backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
> consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
> of mankind how to be remorseless.
> But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
> of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
> sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
> force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
> with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
> prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
> carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
> choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
> be practised.
> So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
> 1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
> crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
> just say they are beyond therapy.
> That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
> psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
> low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
> intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
> evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from
> treatment.
> The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
> mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
> forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
> unwillingness to make basic distinctions.
> In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
> hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
> person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
> we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
> soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
> always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
> control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
> is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
> bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
> virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
> "conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
> that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
> physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
> shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
> functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
> notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
> into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
> by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 01:40 AM

Re: Minimum speed for cruise control
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24Bit®" <> wrote in message
> Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
> Norman Doidge
> National Post
> What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
> every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?
> That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
> illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
> offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
> Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
> All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
> "offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
> found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
> behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
> likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
> Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.
> The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
> -- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
> than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
> in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
> our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
> appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
> since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
> treatments really psychotherapy?
> Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
> self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
> Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
> because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
> psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
> concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
> which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
> concern by definition.
> But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
> on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
> co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
> new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
> psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
> moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
> Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
> that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.
> Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
> clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
> Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
> something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
> prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
> Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
> community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
> psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.
> The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
> To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
> miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
> short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
> eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.
> I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
> boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
> other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
> a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
> self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
> raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
> or "negative tapes" in her head.
> Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
> ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
> backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
> consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
> of mankind how to be remorseless.
> But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
> of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
> sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
> force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
> with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
> prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
> carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
> choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
> be practised.
> So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
> 1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
> crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
> just say they are beyond therapy.
> That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
> psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
> low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
> intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
> evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from
> treatment.
> The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
> mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
> forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
> unwillingness to make basic distinctions.
> In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
> hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
> person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
> we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
> soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
> always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
> control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
> is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
> bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
> virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
> "conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
> that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
> physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
> shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
> functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
> notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
> into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
> by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 01:40 AM

Re: Minimum speed for cruise control
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24Bit®" <> wrote in message
> Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
> Norman Doidge
> National Post
> What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
> every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?
> That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
> illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
> offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
> Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
> All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
> "offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
> found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
> behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
> likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
> Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.
> The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
> -- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
> than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
> in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
> our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
> appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
> since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
> treatments really psychotherapy?
> Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
> self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
> Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
> because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
> psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
> concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
> which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
> concern by definition.
> But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
> on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
> co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
> new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
> psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
> moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
> Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
> that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.
> Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
> clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
> Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
> something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
> prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
> Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
> community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
> psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.
> The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
> To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
> miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
> short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
> eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.
> I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
> boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
> other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
> a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
> self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
> raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
> or "negative tapes" in her head.
> Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
> ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
> backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
> consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
> of mankind how to be remorseless.
> But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
> of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
> sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
> force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
> with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
> prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
> carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
> choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
> be practised.
> So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
> 1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
> crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
> just say they are beyond therapy.
> That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
> psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
> low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
> intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
> evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from
> treatment.
> The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
> mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
> forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
> unwillingness to make basic distinctions.
> In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
> hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
> person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
> we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
> soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
> always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
> control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
> is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
> bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
> virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
> "conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
> that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
> physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
> shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
> functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
> notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
> into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
> by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 01:41 AM

Re: Minimum speed for cruise control
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24Bit®" <> wrote in message
> Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
> Norman Doidge
> National Post
> What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
> every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?
> That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
> illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
> offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
> Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
> All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
> "offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
> found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
> behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
> likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
> Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.
> The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
> -- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
> than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
> in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
> our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
> appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
> since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
> treatments really psychotherapy?
> Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
> self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
> Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
> because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
> psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
> concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
> which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
> concern by definition.
> But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
> on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
> co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
> new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
> psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
> moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
> Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
> that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.
> Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
> clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
> Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
> something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
> prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
> Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
> community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
> psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.
> The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
> To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
> miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
> short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
> eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.
> I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
> boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
> other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
> a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
> self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
> raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
> or "negative tapes" in her head.
> Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
> ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
> backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
> consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
> of mankind how to be remorseless.
> But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
> of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
> sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
> force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
> with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
> prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
> carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
> choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
> be practised.
> So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
> 1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
> crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
> just say they are beyond therapy.
> That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
> psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
> low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
> intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
> evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from
> treatment.
> The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
> mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
> forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
> unwillingness to make basic distinctions.
> In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
> hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
> person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
> we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
> soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
> always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
> control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
> is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
> bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
> virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
> "conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
> that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
> physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
> shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
> functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
> notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
> into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
> by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 01:41 AM

Re: Minimum speed for cruise control
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24Bit®" <> wrote in message
> Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
> Norman Doidge
> National Post
> What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
> every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?
> That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
> illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
> offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
> Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
> All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
> "offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
> found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
> behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
> likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
> Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.
> The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
> -- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
> than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
> in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
> our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
> appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
> since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
> treatments really psychotherapy?
> Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
> self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
> Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
> because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
> psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
> concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
> which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
> concern by definition.
> But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
> on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
> co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
> new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
> psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
> moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
> Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
> that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.
> Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
> clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
> Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
> something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
> prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
> Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
> community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
> psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.
> The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
> To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
> miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
> short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
> eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.
> I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
> boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
> other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
> a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
> self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
> raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
> or "negative tapes" in her head.
> Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
> ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
> backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
> consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
> of mankind how to be remorseless.
> But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
> of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
> sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
> force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
> with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
> prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
> carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
> choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
> be practised.
> So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
> 1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
> crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
> just say they are beyond therapy.
> That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
> psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
> low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
> intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
> evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from
> treatment.
> The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
> mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
> forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
> unwillingness to make basic distinctions.
> In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
> hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
> person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
> we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
> soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
> always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
> control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
> is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
> bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
> virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
> "conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
> that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
> physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
> shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
> functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
> notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
> into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
> by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 01:41 AM

Re: Minimum speed for cruise control
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24Bit®" <> wrote in message
> Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
> Norman Doidge
> National Post
> What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
> every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?
> That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
> illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
> offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
> Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
> All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
> "offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
> found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
> behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
> likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
> Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.
> The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
> -- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
> than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
> in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
> our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
> appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
> since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
> treatments really psychotherapy?
> Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
> self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
> Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
> because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
> psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
> concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
> which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
> concern by definition.
> But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
> on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
> co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
> new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
> psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
> moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
> Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
> that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.
> Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
> clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
> Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
> something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
> prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
> Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
> community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
> psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.
> The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
> To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
> miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
> short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
> eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.
> I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
> boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
> other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
> a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
> self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
> raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
> or "negative tapes" in her head.
> Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
> ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
> backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
> consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
> of mankind how to be remorseless.
> But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
> of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
> sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
> force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
> with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
> prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
> carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
> choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
> be practised.
> So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
> 1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
> crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
> just say they are beyond therapy.
> That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
> psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
> low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
> intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
> evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from
> treatment.
> The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
> mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
> forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
> unwillingness to make basic distinctions.
> In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
> hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
> person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
> we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
> soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
> always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
> control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
> is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
> bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
> virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
> "conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
> that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
> physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
> shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
> functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
> notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
> into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
> by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

Jeff Strickland 10-17-2007 11:01 AM

Re: Minimum speed for cruise control

"Earle Horton" <> wrote in message

> I haven't been to Holland, which is where the OP is from, but driving in
> Europe is like driving in a parking lot, except for the Autobahn, heh. A
> scary parking lot, with drivers going at suicidal speeds through narrow
> little alleys and pedestrians playing chicken with them. The only people
> really going 25 mph, are the tractor trailers just in front of you. They
> park cars everywhere, half on the sidewalk, on the sidewalk, on entrance
> ramps to freeways, everywhere. They have traffic laws, but you could have
> fooled me. The toll road from el País Vasco to Madrid is 12 Euros, and
> worth every penny.

Clearly, one would not want to be using Cruise Control in a situation like
that. Well, _I_ would not want to be using Cruise in that situation.

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