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Nathan W. Collier 04-24-2006 10:27 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
"Mike Romain" <> wrote in message
> He is even so dumb or 'gullible' to think all
> 'your' US 9-11 terrorists came from Canada

you really are foolish to make statements like this when you could have done
a quick internet search to find out for yourself. this is even more foolish
than your statements concerning wolves.
"He will say they gave a non-existent Toronto address and drove a car with
Ontario, Canada, license plates. They claimed to be computer engineers from
Iran, and said they had just come down from Canada to find jobs."

"In a series of raids after 9/11, many partially completed fake IDs will be
found in the store and at al-Marabh's apartment. A stack of
tightly-controlled immigration forms enabling one to immigrate to Canada
will also be found."

you should do at least a little research before opening your mouth with such

Nathan W. Collier

Nathan W. Collier 04-24-2006 10:27 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
"Mike Romain" <> wrote in message
> He is even so dumb or 'gullible' to think all
> 'your' US 9-11 terrorists came from Canada

you really are foolish to make statements like this when you could have done
a quick internet search to find out for yourself. this is even more foolish
than your statements concerning wolves.
"He will say they gave a non-existent Toronto address and drove a car with
Ontario, Canada, license plates. They claimed to be computer engineers from
Iran, and said they had just come down from Canada to find jobs."

"In a series of raids after 9/11, many partially completed fake IDs will be
found in the store and at al-Marabh's apartment. A stack of
tightly-controlled immigration forms enabling one to immigrate to Canada
will also be found."

you should do at least a little research before opening your mouth with such

Nathan W. Collier

Nathan W. Collier 04-24-2006 10:27 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
"Mike Romain" <> wrote in message
> He is even so dumb or 'gullible' to think all
> 'your' US 9-11 terrorists came from Canada

you really are foolish to make statements like this when you could have done
a quick internet search to find out for yourself. this is even more foolish
than your statements concerning wolves.
"He will say they gave a non-existent Toronto address and drove a car with
Ontario, Canada, license plates. They claimed to be computer engineers from
Iran, and said they had just come down from Canada to find jobs."

"In a series of raids after 9/11, many partially completed fake IDs will be
found in the store and at al-Marabh's apartment. A stack of
tightly-controlled immigration forms enabling one to immigrate to Canada
will also be found."

you should do at least a little research before opening your mouth with such

Nathan W. Collier

Nathan W. Collier 04-24-2006 10:35 PM

Re: Off Topic: the reported bear attack
"Earle Horton" <> wrote in message
news:444cee68$0$14957$a82e2bb9@reader.athenanews.c om...
> Your opinions and experiences have some value, but there is such a thing
> as
> "not seeing the forest for the trees". This is where I place Nathan

heh....coming from someone who knows everything about wolves because you
"read a book" BUWAHAHA! :-)

> You don't know everything, just because "You were there".

heh....i have no doubt that you know better about what he experienced than
he does because you read it in a book or saw it on tv. :-)

> But Montana is a lot like Colorado, it isnt. just how much time have you spent in montana (and what
part of montana?) to draw such a conclusion earle? what, you read it in a
book? :-)

> I am not attacking him merely because
> his opinion is different from mine.

lol...liar. you cannot defeat my argument with merit, so you resort to
personal insult.

> he cannot abide the notion, that there are
> different opinions from his. very tolerant of the opinions and beliefs of others....only
in this case, yours is dead wrong. you read a book and think you know
something about wolves. youre an ignorant fool earle.

> denies it when you try to pin him down on any
> issue. have yet to provide anything of merit! "because i said so"
doesnt cut it earle, neither does "i read it in a book".

> The ranchers he is talking about receive numerous kinds of government
> assistance, including tax breaks, public lands leased for pennies, and
> periodic special forms of relief,

you dont know ---- about the ranchers or anybody else im talking about.
tell me earle, since you know so much more about these people than i do,
what government assistnace or tax breaks or ANY public lands does the pryor
creek ranch benefit from? name JUST ONE earle. sorry bub......thats 35,000
acres of PRIVATE property with absolutely NO government assistance required.
so you see, you make ---- up based upon the cloud of ignorance you live in,
the whole while making a fool of yourself.

Nathan W. Collier

Nathan W. Collier 04-24-2006 10:35 PM

Re: Off Topic: the reported bear attack
"Earle Horton" <> wrote in message
news:444cee68$0$14957$a82e2bb9@reader.athenanews.c om...
> Your opinions and experiences have some value, but there is such a thing
> as
> "not seeing the forest for the trees". This is where I place Nathan

heh....coming from someone who knows everything about wolves because you
"read a book" BUWAHAHA! :-)

> You don't know everything, just because "You were there".

heh....i have no doubt that you know better about what he experienced than
he does because you read it in a book or saw it on tv. :-)

> But Montana is a lot like Colorado, it isnt. just how much time have you spent in montana (and what
part of montana?) to draw such a conclusion earle? what, you read it in a
book? :-)

> I am not attacking him merely because
> his opinion is different from mine.

lol...liar. you cannot defeat my argument with merit, so you resort to
personal insult.

> he cannot abide the notion, that there are
> different opinions from his. very tolerant of the opinions and beliefs of others....only
in this case, yours is dead wrong. you read a book and think you know
something about wolves. youre an ignorant fool earle.

> denies it when you try to pin him down on any
> issue. have yet to provide anything of merit! "because i said so"
doesnt cut it earle, neither does "i read it in a book".

> The ranchers he is talking about receive numerous kinds of government
> assistance, including tax breaks, public lands leased for pennies, and
> periodic special forms of relief,

you dont know ---- about the ranchers or anybody else im talking about.
tell me earle, since you know so much more about these people than i do,
what government assistnace or tax breaks or ANY public lands does the pryor
creek ranch benefit from? name JUST ONE earle. sorry bub......thats 35,000
acres of PRIVATE property with absolutely NO government assistance required.
so you see, you make ---- up based upon the cloud of ignorance you live in,
the whole while making a fool of yourself.

Nathan W. Collier

Nathan W. Collier 04-24-2006 10:35 PM

Re: Off Topic: the reported bear attack
"Earle Horton" <> wrote in message
news:444cee68$0$14957$a82e2bb9@reader.athenanews.c om...
> Your opinions and experiences have some value, but there is such a thing
> as
> "not seeing the forest for the trees". This is where I place Nathan

heh....coming from someone who knows everything about wolves because you
"read a book" BUWAHAHA! :-)

> You don't know everything, just because "You were there".

heh....i have no doubt that you know better about what he experienced than
he does because you read it in a book or saw it on tv. :-)

> But Montana is a lot like Colorado, it isnt. just how much time have you spent in montana (and what
part of montana?) to draw such a conclusion earle? what, you read it in a
book? :-)

> I am not attacking him merely because
> his opinion is different from mine.

lol...liar. you cannot defeat my argument with merit, so you resort to
personal insult.

> he cannot abide the notion, that there are
> different opinions from his. very tolerant of the opinions and beliefs of others....only
in this case, yours is dead wrong. you read a book and think you know
something about wolves. youre an ignorant fool earle.

> denies it when you try to pin him down on any
> issue. have yet to provide anything of merit! "because i said so"
doesnt cut it earle, neither does "i read it in a book".

> The ranchers he is talking about receive numerous kinds of government
> assistance, including tax breaks, public lands leased for pennies, and
> periodic special forms of relief,

you dont know ---- about the ranchers or anybody else im talking about.
tell me earle, since you know so much more about these people than i do,
what government assistnace or tax breaks or ANY public lands does the pryor
creek ranch benefit from? name JUST ONE earle. sorry bub......thats 35,000
acres of PRIVATE property with absolutely NO government assistance required.
so you see, you make ---- up based upon the cloud of ignorance you live in,
the whole while making a fool of yourself.

Nathan W. Collier

Nathan W. Collier 04-24-2006 10:37 PM

Re: Off Topic: the reported bear attack
"Earle Horton" <> wrote in message
news:444cf056$0$14954$a82e2bb9@reader.athenanews.c om...
>> _im_ the braggart? this coming from someone who posts his w2 to
>> show how much money he made one year?
>> ......sorry earle.....youre a hypocrite buddy.

> It made you salivate though, didn't it?

lol.....sure it was an impressive year earle.....good job. but as i said,
im a duration earner and while i wont share my income information, im
"getting by" too.

Nathan W. Collier

Nathan W. Collier 04-24-2006 10:37 PM

Re: Off Topic: the reported bear attack
"Earle Horton" <> wrote in message
news:444cf056$0$14954$a82e2bb9@reader.athenanews.c om...
>> _im_ the braggart? this coming from someone who posts his w2 to
>> show how much money he made one year?
>> ......sorry earle.....youre a hypocrite buddy.

> It made you salivate though, didn't it?

lol.....sure it was an impressive year earle.....good job. but as i said,
im a duration earner and while i wont share my income information, im
"getting by" too.

Nathan W. Collier

Nathan W. Collier 04-24-2006 10:37 PM

Re: Off Topic: the reported bear attack
"Earle Horton" <> wrote in message
news:444cf056$0$14954$a82e2bb9@reader.athenanews.c om...
>> _im_ the braggart? this coming from someone who posts his w2 to
>> show how much money he made one year?
>> ......sorry earle.....youre a hypocrite buddy.

> It made you salivate though, didn't it?

lol.....sure it was an impressive year earle.....good job. but as i said,
im a duration earner and while i wont share my income information, im
"getting by" too.

Nathan W. Collier

Nathan W. Collier 04-24-2006 10:38 PM

Re: Off Topic: the reported bear attack
"Spdloader" <> wrote in message
> I'll ignore the obvious insults, and say you are wrong to think you are
> the only one who is capable of objectivity, and you are foolish to think
> someone with first hand experience doesn't know what he's talking about.

aw c'mon....earle reads books. :-)

Nathan W. Collier

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