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Mike Romain 07-03-2004 03:23 PM

Re: TJ got raided for food out camping!
We went Wed. night and I was running shotgun. My friend had to be back
for a wedding today and I couldn't find anyone to come into the bush
today or tomorrow to pick me up if I had of stayed.

We go into the bush out Bancroft way. It 'used' to be a serious
challenge in 4x4 to get into the lakes I like to camp at, 4 plus hours
one way from paved roads.

Now the loggers have made the roads so nice, minivans fully loaded can
make it right to some lakes in less than an hour.

It has way too many 'yahoos' able to get in there now in any truck so
has pretty much ruined the area.

We were camped on a lake you still need a 4x4 to get to and the yahoos
with their ATV's with no mufflers were annoying us from two lakes away
still! They were loud enough voices carry.

We should have had a camera with us though. We were 3 feet away from a
beaver working his pond without a worry, saw lots of deer, hawks,
snakes, found a beaver skull that my friend grabbed and generally had a
nice couple days.

Most of the trails I run are ok for any stock 4x4 if they take it easy
so if you see me post about a trip and feel like coming speak up!

Going to James Bay the end of August. All paved roads up to an hour
from the Bay though and the last are nice graded gravel. A car can run
this trip.


SB wrote:
> Short trip eh?
> I heard about the bear siting down near Dundas (just read they shot it).
> Where abouts did ya's go?
> I'm still trying to find some wheeling trails (I am only stock yet) but
> think I'll have to venture further north (in Barrie now) to find
> anything....
> "Mike Romain" <> wrote in message
> > LOL! Well, that was a first for me!
> >
> > I was out camping in the deep bush with a friend in his TJ and we were
> > being careful about garbage and any open food or smells because there is
> > a nuisance bear warning in the general area. Politicians stopped the
> > spring hunt so a new generation of bears isn't equating people with
> > guns, instead they are raiding homes and camps for food.
> >
> > So I have just finished making and eating breakfast and we are down to
> > the lake washing dishes.
> >
> > I come walking back up to see a freaking raccoon trying to run away with
> > a whole loaf of bread. I yell for my buddy that we are getting raided
> > by a coon and he says 'what the heck is the coon doing out in the day?'
> > I answered, 'stealing our bread!'
> >
> > So we chased the bugger up a tree and he drops the bread on a branch
> > about 15 feet up. Frig that, I get a stick and retrieve the bread.
> > Turns out it was a bag of sesame egg hot dog buns and they are still ok.
> >
> > Great, so we put them into a zippered bag where we though they were
> > zipped into in the first place. I sort of grumble about leaving food
> > bags open and Jay swears he closed it. Ok, I'm not going to argue.
> >
> > So the coon comes back a couple more times during the day and we treed
> > him both times. He still didn't get the point...
> >
> > Come night, we made sure no food was open with anything smelly locked
> > inside the cooler and put the bread and buns in this zip up bag in the
> > TJ and we zipped up the TJ and closed the doors.
> >
> > I get up in the morning and open the TJ only to find a pile of crumbs in
> > the drivers seat and the empty bag of hot dog buns sitting on the floor!
> >
> > WTF?
> >
> > 'Nothing' else was touched, we had bags of nuts and cereals and other
> > breads and not a ding on anything!
> >
> > Ok, so I am checking around trying to figure out just how the heck this
> > damn coon got in there, let along back out and get Jay up. Then we see
> > the paw prints in the dust.
> >
> > The raccoon had gone all the way around the soft top trying to open up
> > the velcro and zippered windows! He almost got them open in several
> > places and finally he stood on the tail light and got the corner started
> > where a string was hanging out and zipped the zipper up enough to get
> > in.
> >
> > He then went for the zip up bag, opened it up, grabbed those buns and
> > sat back in the front seat for a munchie.
> >
> > He then up and left without touching another thing!
> >
> > I will be watching for that from now on.
> >
> > I guess the bugger likes egg bread big time! LOL!
> >
> > I also need to bring my buddy Jay along more often. The Deer flies and
> > Mosquitoes are in season. My buddy has a new nick name... Bait! ;-)
> >
> > I never got 'bugged' and he was swarmed not 3' from me on many
> > occasions. He tried all different types of bug spray, just added flavor
> > for them. Even sitting down wind of a smoky fire didn't help him....
> >
> > Mike
> > 86/00 CJ7 Laredo, 33x9.5 BFG Muds, 'glass nose to tail in '00
> > 88 Cherokee 235 BFG AT's

Mike Romain 07-03-2004 03:23 PM

Re: TJ got raided for food out camping!
We went Wed. night and I was running shotgun. My friend had to be back
for a wedding today and I couldn't find anyone to come into the bush
today or tomorrow to pick me up if I had of stayed.

We go into the bush out Bancroft way. It 'used' to be a serious
challenge in 4x4 to get into the lakes I like to camp at, 4 plus hours
one way from paved roads.

Now the loggers have made the roads so nice, minivans fully loaded can
make it right to some lakes in less than an hour.

It has way too many 'yahoos' able to get in there now in any truck so
has pretty much ruined the area.

We were camped on a lake you still need a 4x4 to get to and the yahoos
with their ATV's with no mufflers were annoying us from two lakes away
still! They were loud enough voices carry.

We should have had a camera with us though. We were 3 feet away from a
beaver working his pond without a worry, saw lots of deer, hawks,
snakes, found a beaver skull that my friend grabbed and generally had a
nice couple days.

Most of the trails I run are ok for any stock 4x4 if they take it easy
so if you see me post about a trip and feel like coming speak up!

Going to James Bay the end of August. All paved roads up to an hour
from the Bay though and the last are nice graded gravel. A car can run
this trip.


SB wrote:
> Short trip eh?
> I heard about the bear siting down near Dundas (just read they shot it).
> Where abouts did ya's go?
> I'm still trying to find some wheeling trails (I am only stock yet) but
> think I'll have to venture further north (in Barrie now) to find
> anything....
> "Mike Romain" <> wrote in message
> > LOL! Well, that was a first for me!
> >
> > I was out camping in the deep bush with a friend in his TJ and we were
> > being careful about garbage and any open food or smells because there is
> > a nuisance bear warning in the general area. Politicians stopped the
> > spring hunt so a new generation of bears isn't equating people with
> > guns, instead they are raiding homes and camps for food.
> >
> > So I have just finished making and eating breakfast and we are down to
> > the lake washing dishes.
> >
> > I come walking back up to see a freaking raccoon trying to run away with
> > a whole loaf of bread. I yell for my buddy that we are getting raided
> > by a coon and he says 'what the heck is the coon doing out in the day?'
> > I answered, 'stealing our bread!'
> >
> > So we chased the bugger up a tree and he drops the bread on a branch
> > about 15 feet up. Frig that, I get a stick and retrieve the bread.
> > Turns out it was a bag of sesame egg hot dog buns and they are still ok.
> >
> > Great, so we put them into a zippered bag where we though they were
> > zipped into in the first place. I sort of grumble about leaving food
> > bags open and Jay swears he closed it. Ok, I'm not going to argue.
> >
> > So the coon comes back a couple more times during the day and we treed
> > him both times. He still didn't get the point...
> >
> > Come night, we made sure no food was open with anything smelly locked
> > inside the cooler and put the bread and buns in this zip up bag in the
> > TJ and we zipped up the TJ and closed the doors.
> >
> > I get up in the morning and open the TJ only to find a pile of crumbs in
> > the drivers seat and the empty bag of hot dog buns sitting on the floor!
> >
> > WTF?
> >
> > 'Nothing' else was touched, we had bags of nuts and cereals and other
> > breads and not a ding on anything!
> >
> > Ok, so I am checking around trying to figure out just how the heck this
> > damn coon got in there, let along back out and get Jay up. Then we see
> > the paw prints in the dust.
> >
> > The raccoon had gone all the way around the soft top trying to open up
> > the velcro and zippered windows! He almost got them open in several
> > places and finally he stood on the tail light and got the corner started
> > where a string was hanging out and zipped the zipper up enough to get
> > in.
> >
> > He then went for the zip up bag, opened it up, grabbed those buns and
> > sat back in the front seat for a munchie.
> >
> > He then up and left without touching another thing!
> >
> > I will be watching for that from now on.
> >
> > I guess the bugger likes egg bread big time! LOL!
> >
> > I also need to bring my buddy Jay along more often. The Deer flies and
> > Mosquitoes are in season. My buddy has a new nick name... Bait! ;-)
> >
> > I never got 'bugged' and he was swarmed not 3' from me on many
> > occasions. He tried all different types of bug spray, just added flavor
> > for them. Even sitting down wind of a smoky fire didn't help him....
> >
> > Mike
> > 86/00 CJ7 Laredo, 33x9.5 BFG Muds, 'glass nose to tail in '00
> > 88 Cherokee 235 BFG AT's

Mike Romain 07-03-2004 03:23 PM

Re: TJ got raided for food out camping!
We went Wed. night and I was running shotgun. My friend had to be back
for a wedding today and I couldn't find anyone to come into the bush
today or tomorrow to pick me up if I had of stayed.

We go into the bush out Bancroft way. It 'used' to be a serious
challenge in 4x4 to get into the lakes I like to camp at, 4 plus hours
one way from paved roads.

Now the loggers have made the roads so nice, minivans fully loaded can
make it right to some lakes in less than an hour.

It has way too many 'yahoos' able to get in there now in any truck so
has pretty much ruined the area.

We were camped on a lake you still need a 4x4 to get to and the yahoos
with their ATV's with no mufflers were annoying us from two lakes away
still! They were loud enough voices carry.

We should have had a camera with us though. We were 3 feet away from a
beaver working his pond without a worry, saw lots of deer, hawks,
snakes, found a beaver skull that my friend grabbed and generally had a
nice couple days.

Most of the trails I run are ok for any stock 4x4 if they take it easy
so if you see me post about a trip and feel like coming speak up!

Going to James Bay the end of August. All paved roads up to an hour
from the Bay though and the last are nice graded gravel. A car can run
this trip.


SB wrote:
> Short trip eh?
> I heard about the bear siting down near Dundas (just read they shot it).
> Where abouts did ya's go?
> I'm still trying to find some wheeling trails (I am only stock yet) but
> think I'll have to venture further north (in Barrie now) to find
> anything....
> "Mike Romain" <> wrote in message
> > LOL! Well, that was a first for me!
> >
> > I was out camping in the deep bush with a friend in his TJ and we were
> > being careful about garbage and any open food or smells because there is
> > a nuisance bear warning in the general area. Politicians stopped the
> > spring hunt so a new generation of bears isn't equating people with
> > guns, instead they are raiding homes and camps for food.
> >
> > So I have just finished making and eating breakfast and we are down to
> > the lake washing dishes.
> >
> > I come walking back up to see a freaking raccoon trying to run away with
> > a whole loaf of bread. I yell for my buddy that we are getting raided
> > by a coon and he says 'what the heck is the coon doing out in the day?'
> > I answered, 'stealing our bread!'
> >
> > So we chased the bugger up a tree and he drops the bread on a branch
> > about 15 feet up. Frig that, I get a stick and retrieve the bread.
> > Turns out it was a bag of sesame egg hot dog buns and they are still ok.
> >
> > Great, so we put them into a zippered bag where we though they were
> > zipped into in the first place. I sort of grumble about leaving food
> > bags open and Jay swears he closed it. Ok, I'm not going to argue.
> >
> > So the coon comes back a couple more times during the day and we treed
> > him both times. He still didn't get the point...
> >
> > Come night, we made sure no food was open with anything smelly locked
> > inside the cooler and put the bread and buns in this zip up bag in the
> > TJ and we zipped up the TJ and closed the doors.
> >
> > I get up in the morning and open the TJ only to find a pile of crumbs in
> > the drivers seat and the empty bag of hot dog buns sitting on the floor!
> >
> > WTF?
> >
> > 'Nothing' else was touched, we had bags of nuts and cereals and other
> > breads and not a ding on anything!
> >
> > Ok, so I am checking around trying to figure out just how the heck this
> > damn coon got in there, let along back out and get Jay up. Then we see
> > the paw prints in the dust.
> >
> > The raccoon had gone all the way around the soft top trying to open up
> > the velcro and zippered windows! He almost got them open in several
> > places and finally he stood on the tail light and got the corner started
> > where a string was hanging out and zipped the zipper up enough to get
> > in.
> >
> > He then went for the zip up bag, opened it up, grabbed those buns and
> > sat back in the front seat for a munchie.
> >
> > He then up and left without touching another thing!
> >
> > I will be watching for that from now on.
> >
> > I guess the bugger likes egg bread big time! LOL!
> >
> > I also need to bring my buddy Jay along more often. The Deer flies and
> > Mosquitoes are in season. My buddy has a new nick name... Bait! ;-)
> >
> > I never got 'bugged' and he was swarmed not 3' from me on many
> > occasions. He tried all different types of bug spray, just added flavor
> > for them. Even sitting down wind of a smoky fire didn't help him....
> >
> > Mike
> > 86/00 CJ7 Laredo, 33x9.5 BFG Muds, 'glass nose to tail in '00
> > 88 Cherokee 235 BFG AT's

jbjeep 07-03-2004 10:04 PM

Re: TJ got raided for food out camping!
Sounds like a really nice trip Mike.

How you been feeling? Things getting any better??

On Sat, 03 Jul 2004 15:23:16 -0400, Mike Romain <> wrote:

>>We went Wed. night and I was running shotgun. My friend had to be back
>>for a wedding today and I couldn't find anyone to come into the bush
>>today or tomorrow to pick me up if I had of stayed.
>>We go into the bush out Bancroft way. It 'used' to be a serious
>>challenge in 4x4 to get into the lakes I like to camp at, 4 plus hours
>>one way from paved roads.
>>Now the loggers have made the roads so nice, minivans fully loaded can
>>make it right to some lakes in less than an hour.
>>It has way too many 'yahoos' able to get in there now in any truck so
>>has pretty much ruined the area.
>>We were camped on a lake you still need a 4x4 to get to and the yahoos
>>with their ATV's with no mufflers were annoying us from two lakes away
>>still! They were loud enough voices carry.
>>We should have had a camera with us though. We were 3 feet away from a
>>beaver working his pond without a worry, saw lots of deer, hawks,
>>snakes, found a beaver skull that my friend grabbed and generally had a
>>nice couple days.
>>Most of the trails I run are ok for any stock 4x4 if they take it easy
>>so if you see me post about a trip and feel like coming speak up!
>>Going to James Bay the end of August. All paved roads up to an hour
>>from the Bay though and the last are nice graded gravel. A car can run
>>this trip.
>>SB wrote:
>>> Short trip eh?
>>> I heard about the bear siting down near Dundas (just read they shot it).
>>> Where abouts did ya's go?
>>> I'm still trying to find some wheeling trails (I am only stock yet) but
>>> think I'll have to venture further north (in Barrie now) to find
>>> anything....
>>> "Mike Romain" <> wrote in message
>>> > LOL! Well, that was a first for me!
>>> >
>>> > I was out camping in the deep bush with a friend in his TJ and we were
>>> > being careful about garbage and any open food or smells because there is
>>> > a nuisance bear warning in the general area. Politicians stopped the
>>> > spring hunt so a new generation of bears isn't equating people with
>>> > guns, instead they are raiding homes and camps for food.
>>> >
>>> > So I have just finished making and eating breakfast and we are down to
>>> > the lake washing dishes.
>>> >
>>> > I come walking back up to see a freaking raccoon trying to run away with
>>> > a whole loaf of bread. I yell for my buddy that we are getting raided
>>> > by a coon and he says 'what the heck is the coon doing out in the day?'
>>> > I answered, 'stealing our bread!'
>>> >
>>> > So we chased the bugger up a tree and he drops the bread on a branch
>>> > about 15 feet up. Frig that, I get a stick and retrieve the bread.
>>> > Turns out it was a bag of sesame egg hot dog buns and they are still ok.
>>> >
>>> > Great, so we put them into a zippered bag where we though they were
>>> > zipped into in the first place. I sort of grumble about leaving food
>>> > bags open and Jay swears he closed it. Ok, I'm not going to argue.
>>> >
>>> > So the coon comes back a couple more times during the day and we treed
>>> > him both times. He still didn't get the point...
>>> >
>>> > Come night, we made sure no food was open with anything smelly locked
>>> > inside the cooler and put the bread and buns in this zip up bag in the
>>> > TJ and we zipped up the TJ and closed the doors.
>>> >
>>> > I get up in the morning and open the TJ only to find a pile of crumbs in
>>> > the drivers seat and the empty bag of hot dog buns sitting on the floor!
>>> >
>>> > WTF?
>>> >
>>> > 'Nothing' else was touched, we had bags of nuts and cereals and other
>>> > breads and not a ding on anything!
>>> >
>>> > Ok, so I am checking around trying to figure out just how the heck this
>>> > damn coon got in there, let along back out and get Jay up. Then we see
>>> > the paw prints in the dust.
>>> >
>>> > The raccoon had gone all the way around the soft top trying to open up
>>> > the velcro and zippered windows! He almost got them open in several
>>> > places and finally he stood on the tail light and got the corner started
>>> > where a string was hanging out and zipped the zipper up enough to get
>>> > in.
>>> >
>>> > He then went for the zip up bag, opened it up, grabbed those buns and
>>> > sat back in the front seat for a munchie.
>>> >
>>> > He then up and left without touching another thing!
>>> >
>>> > I will be watching for that from now on.
>>> >
>>> > I guess the bugger likes egg bread big time! LOL!
>>> >
>>> > I also need to bring my buddy Jay along more often. The Deer flies and
>>> > Mosquitoes are in season. My buddy has a new nick name... Bait! ;-)
>>> >
>>> > I never got 'bugged' and he was swarmed not 3' from me on many
>>> > occasions. He tried all different types of bug spray, just added flavor
>>> > for them. Even sitting down wind of a smoky fire didn't help him....
>>> >
>>> > Mike
>>> > 86/00 CJ7 Laredo, 33x9.5 BFG Muds, 'glass nose to tail in '00
>>> > 88 Cherokee 235 BFG AT's

jbjeep 07-03-2004 10:04 PM

Re: TJ got raided for food out camping!
Sounds like a really nice trip Mike.

How you been feeling? Things getting any better??

On Sat, 03 Jul 2004 15:23:16 -0400, Mike Romain <> wrote:

>>We went Wed. night and I was running shotgun. My friend had to be back
>>for a wedding today and I couldn't find anyone to come into the bush
>>today or tomorrow to pick me up if I had of stayed.
>>We go into the bush out Bancroft way. It 'used' to be a serious
>>challenge in 4x4 to get into the lakes I like to camp at, 4 plus hours
>>one way from paved roads.
>>Now the loggers have made the roads so nice, minivans fully loaded can
>>make it right to some lakes in less than an hour.
>>It has way too many 'yahoos' able to get in there now in any truck so
>>has pretty much ruined the area.
>>We were camped on a lake you still need a 4x4 to get to and the yahoos
>>with their ATV's with no mufflers were annoying us from two lakes away
>>still! They were loud enough voices carry.
>>We should have had a camera with us though. We were 3 feet away from a
>>beaver working his pond without a worry, saw lots of deer, hawks,
>>snakes, found a beaver skull that my friend grabbed and generally had a
>>nice couple days.
>>Most of the trails I run are ok for any stock 4x4 if they take it easy
>>so if you see me post about a trip and feel like coming speak up!
>>Going to James Bay the end of August. All paved roads up to an hour
>>from the Bay though and the last are nice graded gravel. A car can run
>>this trip.
>>SB wrote:
>>> Short trip eh?
>>> I heard about the bear siting down near Dundas (just read they shot it).
>>> Where abouts did ya's go?
>>> I'm still trying to find some wheeling trails (I am only stock yet) but
>>> think I'll have to venture further north (in Barrie now) to find
>>> anything....
>>> "Mike Romain" <> wrote in message
>>> > LOL! Well, that was a first for me!
>>> >
>>> > I was out camping in the deep bush with a friend in his TJ and we were
>>> > being careful about garbage and any open food or smells because there is
>>> > a nuisance bear warning in the general area. Politicians stopped the
>>> > spring hunt so a new generation of bears isn't equating people with
>>> > guns, instead they are raiding homes and camps for food.
>>> >
>>> > So I have just finished making and eating breakfast and we are down to
>>> > the lake washing dishes.
>>> >
>>> > I come walking back up to see a freaking raccoon trying to run away with
>>> > a whole loaf of bread. I yell for my buddy that we are getting raided
>>> > by a coon and he says 'what the heck is the coon doing out in the day?'
>>> > I answered, 'stealing our bread!'
>>> >
>>> > So we chased the bugger up a tree and he drops the bread on a branch
>>> > about 15 feet up. Frig that, I get a stick and retrieve the bread.
>>> > Turns out it was a bag of sesame egg hot dog buns and they are still ok.
>>> >
>>> > Great, so we put them into a zippered bag where we though they were
>>> > zipped into in the first place. I sort of grumble about leaving food
>>> > bags open and Jay swears he closed it. Ok, I'm not going to argue.
>>> >
>>> > So the coon comes back a couple more times during the day and we treed
>>> > him both times. He still didn't get the point...
>>> >
>>> > Come night, we made sure no food was open with anything smelly locked
>>> > inside the cooler and put the bread and buns in this zip up bag in the
>>> > TJ and we zipped up the TJ and closed the doors.
>>> >
>>> > I get up in the morning and open the TJ only to find a pile of crumbs in
>>> > the drivers seat and the empty bag of hot dog buns sitting on the floor!
>>> >
>>> > WTF?
>>> >
>>> > 'Nothing' else was touched, we had bags of nuts and cereals and other
>>> > breads and not a ding on anything!
>>> >
>>> > Ok, so I am checking around trying to figure out just how the heck this
>>> > damn coon got in there, let along back out and get Jay up. Then we see
>>> > the paw prints in the dust.
>>> >
>>> > The raccoon had gone all the way around the soft top trying to open up
>>> > the velcro and zippered windows! He almost got them open in several
>>> > places and finally he stood on the tail light and got the corner started
>>> > where a string was hanging out and zipped the zipper up enough to get
>>> > in.
>>> >
>>> > He then went for the zip up bag, opened it up, grabbed those buns and
>>> > sat back in the front seat for a munchie.
>>> >
>>> > He then up and left without touching another thing!
>>> >
>>> > I will be watching for that from now on.
>>> >
>>> > I guess the bugger likes egg bread big time! LOL!
>>> >
>>> > I also need to bring my buddy Jay along more often. The Deer flies and
>>> > Mosquitoes are in season. My buddy has a new nick name... Bait! ;-)
>>> >
>>> > I never got 'bugged' and he was swarmed not 3' from me on many
>>> > occasions. He tried all different types of bug spray, just added flavor
>>> > for them. Even sitting down wind of a smoky fire didn't help him....
>>> >
>>> > Mike
>>> > 86/00 CJ7 Laredo, 33x9.5 BFG Muds, 'glass nose to tail in '00
>>> > 88 Cherokee 235 BFG AT's

jbjeep 07-03-2004 10:04 PM

Re: TJ got raided for food out camping!
Sounds like a really nice trip Mike.

How you been feeling? Things getting any better??

On Sat, 03 Jul 2004 15:23:16 -0400, Mike Romain <> wrote:

>>We went Wed. night and I was running shotgun. My friend had to be back
>>for a wedding today and I couldn't find anyone to come into the bush
>>today or tomorrow to pick me up if I had of stayed.
>>We go into the bush out Bancroft way. It 'used' to be a serious
>>challenge in 4x4 to get into the lakes I like to camp at, 4 plus hours
>>one way from paved roads.
>>Now the loggers have made the roads so nice, minivans fully loaded can
>>make it right to some lakes in less than an hour.
>>It has way too many 'yahoos' able to get in there now in any truck so
>>has pretty much ruined the area.
>>We were camped on a lake you still need a 4x4 to get to and the yahoos
>>with their ATV's with no mufflers were annoying us from two lakes away
>>still! They were loud enough voices carry.
>>We should have had a camera with us though. We were 3 feet away from a
>>beaver working his pond without a worry, saw lots of deer, hawks,
>>snakes, found a beaver skull that my friend grabbed and generally had a
>>nice couple days.
>>Most of the trails I run are ok for any stock 4x4 if they take it easy
>>so if you see me post about a trip and feel like coming speak up!
>>Going to James Bay the end of August. All paved roads up to an hour
>>from the Bay though and the last are nice graded gravel. A car can run
>>this trip.
>>SB wrote:
>>> Short trip eh?
>>> I heard about the bear siting down near Dundas (just read they shot it).
>>> Where abouts did ya's go?
>>> I'm still trying to find some wheeling trails (I am only stock yet) but
>>> think I'll have to venture further north (in Barrie now) to find
>>> anything....
>>> "Mike Romain" <> wrote in message
>>> > LOL! Well, that was a first for me!
>>> >
>>> > I was out camping in the deep bush with a friend in his TJ and we were
>>> > being careful about garbage and any open food or smells because there is
>>> > a nuisance bear warning in the general area. Politicians stopped the
>>> > spring hunt so a new generation of bears isn't equating people with
>>> > guns, instead they are raiding homes and camps for food.
>>> >
>>> > So I have just finished making and eating breakfast and we are down to
>>> > the lake washing dishes.
>>> >
>>> > I come walking back up to see a freaking raccoon trying to run away with
>>> > a whole loaf of bread. I yell for my buddy that we are getting raided
>>> > by a coon and he says 'what the heck is the coon doing out in the day?'
>>> > I answered, 'stealing our bread!'
>>> >
>>> > So we chased the bugger up a tree and he drops the bread on a branch
>>> > about 15 feet up. Frig that, I get a stick and retrieve the bread.
>>> > Turns out it was a bag of sesame egg hot dog buns and they are still ok.
>>> >
>>> > Great, so we put them into a zippered bag where we though they were
>>> > zipped into in the first place. I sort of grumble about leaving food
>>> > bags open and Jay swears he closed it. Ok, I'm not going to argue.
>>> >
>>> > So the coon comes back a couple more times during the day and we treed
>>> > him both times. He still didn't get the point...
>>> >
>>> > Come night, we made sure no food was open with anything smelly locked
>>> > inside the cooler and put the bread and buns in this zip up bag in the
>>> > TJ and we zipped up the TJ and closed the doors.
>>> >
>>> > I get up in the morning and open the TJ only to find a pile of crumbs in
>>> > the drivers seat and the empty bag of hot dog buns sitting on the floor!
>>> >
>>> > WTF?
>>> >
>>> > 'Nothing' else was touched, we had bags of nuts and cereals and other
>>> > breads and not a ding on anything!
>>> >
>>> > Ok, so I am checking around trying to figure out just how the heck this
>>> > damn coon got in there, let along back out and get Jay up. Then we see
>>> > the paw prints in the dust.
>>> >
>>> > The raccoon had gone all the way around the soft top trying to open up
>>> > the velcro and zippered windows! He almost got them open in several
>>> > places and finally he stood on the tail light and got the corner started
>>> > where a string was hanging out and zipped the zipper up enough to get
>>> > in.
>>> >
>>> > He then went for the zip up bag, opened it up, grabbed those buns and
>>> > sat back in the front seat for a munchie.
>>> >
>>> > He then up and left without touching another thing!
>>> >
>>> > I will be watching for that from now on.
>>> >
>>> > I guess the bugger likes egg bread big time! LOL!
>>> >
>>> > I also need to bring my buddy Jay along more often. The Deer flies and
>>> > Mosquitoes are in season. My buddy has a new nick name... Bait! ;-)
>>> >
>>> > I never got 'bugged' and he was swarmed not 3' from me on many
>>> > occasions. He tried all different types of bug spray, just added flavor
>>> > for them. Even sitting down wind of a smoky fire didn't help him....
>>> >
>>> > Mike
>>> > 86/00 CJ7 Laredo, 33x9.5 BFG Muds, 'glass nose to tail in '00
>>> > 88 Cherokee 235 BFG AT's

jbjeep 07-03-2004 10:04 PM

Re: TJ got raided for food out camping!
Sounds like a really nice trip Mike.

How you been feeling? Things getting any better??

On Sat, 03 Jul 2004 15:23:16 -0400, Mike Romain <> wrote:

>>We went Wed. night and I was running shotgun. My friend had to be back
>>for a wedding today and I couldn't find anyone to come into the bush
>>today or tomorrow to pick me up if I had of stayed.
>>We go into the bush out Bancroft way. It 'used' to be a serious
>>challenge in 4x4 to get into the lakes I like to camp at, 4 plus hours
>>one way from paved roads.
>>Now the loggers have made the roads so nice, minivans fully loaded can
>>make it right to some lakes in less than an hour.
>>It has way too many 'yahoos' able to get in there now in any truck so
>>has pretty much ruined the area.
>>We were camped on a lake you still need a 4x4 to get to and the yahoos
>>with their ATV's with no mufflers were annoying us from two lakes away
>>still! They were loud enough voices carry.
>>We should have had a camera with us though. We were 3 feet away from a
>>beaver working his pond without a worry, saw lots of deer, hawks,
>>snakes, found a beaver skull that my friend grabbed and generally had a
>>nice couple days.
>>Most of the trails I run are ok for any stock 4x4 if they take it easy
>>so if you see me post about a trip and feel like coming speak up!
>>Going to James Bay the end of August. All paved roads up to an hour
>>from the Bay though and the last are nice graded gravel. A car can run
>>this trip.
>>SB wrote:
>>> Short trip eh?
>>> I heard about the bear siting down near Dundas (just read they shot it).
>>> Where abouts did ya's go?
>>> I'm still trying to find some wheeling trails (I am only stock yet) but
>>> think I'll have to venture further north (in Barrie now) to find
>>> anything....
>>> "Mike Romain" <> wrote in message
>>> > LOL! Well, that was a first for me!
>>> >
>>> > I was out camping in the deep bush with a friend in his TJ and we were
>>> > being careful about garbage and any open food or smells because there is
>>> > a nuisance bear warning in the general area. Politicians stopped the
>>> > spring hunt so a new generation of bears isn't equating people with
>>> > guns, instead they are raiding homes and camps for food.
>>> >
>>> > So I have just finished making and eating breakfast and we are down to
>>> > the lake washing dishes.
>>> >
>>> > I come walking back up to see a freaking raccoon trying to run away with
>>> > a whole loaf of bread. I yell for my buddy that we are getting raided
>>> > by a coon and he says 'what the heck is the coon doing out in the day?'
>>> > I answered, 'stealing our bread!'
>>> >
>>> > So we chased the bugger up a tree and he drops the bread on a branch
>>> > about 15 feet up. Frig that, I get a stick and retrieve the bread.
>>> > Turns out it was a bag of sesame egg hot dog buns and they are still ok.
>>> >
>>> > Great, so we put them into a zippered bag where we though they were
>>> > zipped into in the first place. I sort of grumble about leaving food
>>> > bags open and Jay swears he closed it. Ok, I'm not going to argue.
>>> >
>>> > So the coon comes back a couple more times during the day and we treed
>>> > him both times. He still didn't get the point...
>>> >
>>> > Come night, we made sure no food was open with anything smelly locked
>>> > inside the cooler and put the bread and buns in this zip up bag in the
>>> > TJ and we zipped up the TJ and closed the doors.
>>> >
>>> > I get up in the morning and open the TJ only to find a pile of crumbs in
>>> > the drivers seat and the empty bag of hot dog buns sitting on the floor!
>>> >
>>> > WTF?
>>> >
>>> > 'Nothing' else was touched, we had bags of nuts and cereals and other
>>> > breads and not a ding on anything!
>>> >
>>> > Ok, so I am checking around trying to figure out just how the heck this
>>> > damn coon got in there, let along back out and get Jay up. Then we see
>>> > the paw prints in the dust.
>>> >
>>> > The raccoon had gone all the way around the soft top trying to open up
>>> > the velcro and zippered windows! He almost got them open in several
>>> > places and finally he stood on the tail light and got the corner started
>>> > where a string was hanging out and zipped the zipper up enough to get
>>> > in.
>>> >
>>> > He then went for the zip up bag, opened it up, grabbed those buns and
>>> > sat back in the front seat for a munchie.
>>> >
>>> > He then up and left without touching another thing!
>>> >
>>> > I will be watching for that from now on.
>>> >
>>> > I guess the bugger likes egg bread big time! LOL!
>>> >
>>> > I also need to bring my buddy Jay along more often. The Deer flies and
>>> > Mosquitoes are in season. My buddy has a new nick name... Bait! ;-)
>>> >
>>> > I never got 'bugged' and he was swarmed not 3' from me on many
>>> > occasions. He tried all different types of bug spray, just added flavor
>>> > for them. Even sitting down wind of a smoky fire didn't help him....
>>> >
>>> > Mike
>>> > 86/00 CJ7 Laredo, 33x9.5 BFG Muds, 'glass nose to tail in '00
>>> > 88 Cherokee 235 BFG AT's

Mike Romain 07-04-2004 10:49 AM

Re: TJ got raided for food out camping!
We had a nice time.

I really didn't want to bitch and complain, but the TJ has to be one of
the more uncomfortable vehicles I have ever driven in!

I just plain don't fit in one set up stock and I even tried driving for
a while. If I have to drive in one again I will bring my seat back
brace and a butt cushion. I need that brace to drive in the Cherokee

Basically just driving the hour and a half on dirt was/is as much as I
can take at one time. Getting better, but really slowly. Pinched
nerves are nasty.

I thought the TJ was supposed to have a soft cushy ride, this one was
worse than my CJ7! It literally could knock fillings out and it kept
trying to ring my bell off the roll bar during the bouncing, I couldn't
believe it. I had to hang onto the side bar to keep my head safe.

So we got out of the woods and found the first gas station (running on
fumes with the red light on, no gas stations were open Wed night late
because of the holiday but we had a jerry can) and I comment about the
shitty ride now that we are out of the bush and ask what he runs for
tire pressure.

'I don't know' he says, 'what ever the shop put in them'. So I get out
a gauge and the gauge only reads up to 50 psi....... Hey the sidewalls
'say' 50 psi on them....

I have no idea how much was actually in those tires, but it took a
'looong' time to get them down to 30 psi. WOW!

The drive home and the dirt road detour we took to check out some land
was sooo much of a smoother drive.....


jbjeep wrote:
> Sounds like a really nice trip Mike.
> How you been feeling? Things getting any better??
> -jenn
> On Sat, 03 Jul 2004 15:23:16 -0400, Mike Romain <> wrote:
> >>We went Wed. night and I was running shotgun. My friend had to be back
> >>for a wedding today and I couldn't find anyone to come into the bush
> >>today or tomorrow to pick me up if I had of stayed.
> >>
> >>We go into the bush out Bancroft way. It 'used' to be a serious
> >>challenge in 4x4 to get into the lakes I like to camp at, 4 plus hours
> >>one way from paved roads.
> >>
> >>Now the loggers have made the roads so nice, minivans fully loaded can
> >>make it right to some lakes in less than an hour.
> >>
> >>It has way too many 'yahoos' able to get in there now in any truck so
> >>has pretty much ruined the area.
> >>
> >>We were camped on a lake you still need a 4x4 to get to and the yahoos
> >>with their ATV's with no mufflers were annoying us from two lakes away
> >>still! They were loud enough voices carry.
> >>
> >>We should have had a camera with us though. We were 3 feet away from a
> >>beaver working his pond without a worry, saw lots of deer, hawks,
> >>snakes, found a beaver skull that my friend grabbed and generally had a
> >>nice couple days.
> >>
> >>Most of the trails I run are ok for any stock 4x4 if they take it easy
> >>so if you see me post about a trip and feel like coming speak up!
> >>
> >>Going to James Bay the end of August. All paved roads up to an hour
> >>from the Bay though and the last are nice graded gravel. A car can run
> >>this trip.
> >>
> >>Mike
> >>
> >>SB wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Short trip eh?
> >>>
> >>> I heard about the bear siting down near Dundas (just read they shot it).
> >>>
> >>> Where abouts did ya's go?
> >>>
> >>> I'm still trying to find some wheeling trails (I am only stock yet) but
> >>> think I'll have to venture further north (in Barrie now) to find
> >>> anything....
> >>>
> >>> "Mike Romain" <> wrote in message
> >>>
> >>> > LOL! Well, that was a first for me!
> >>> >
> >>> > I was out camping in the deep bush with a friend in his TJ and we were
> >>> > being careful about garbage and any open food or smells because there is
> >>> > a nuisance bear warning in the general area. Politicians stopped the
> >>> > spring hunt so a new generation of bears isn't equating people with
> >>> > guns, instead they are raiding homes and camps for food.
> >>> >
> >>> > So I have just finished making and eating breakfast and we are down to
> >>> > the lake washing dishes.
> >>> >
> >>> > I come walking back up to see a freaking raccoon trying to run away with
> >>> > a whole loaf of bread. I yell for my buddy that we are getting raided
> >>> > by a coon and he says 'what the heck is the coon doing out in the day?'
> >>> > I answered, 'stealing our bread!'
> >>> >
> >>> > So we chased the bugger up a tree and he drops the bread on a branch
> >>> > about 15 feet up. Frig that, I get a stick and retrieve the bread.
> >>> > Turns out it was a bag of sesame egg hot dog buns and they are still ok.
> >>> >
> >>> > Great, so we put them into a zippered bag where we though they were
> >>> > zipped into in the first place. I sort of grumble about leaving food
> >>> > bags open and Jay swears he closed it. Ok, I'm not going to argue.
> >>> >
> >>> > So the coon comes back a couple more times during the day and we treed
> >>> > him both times. He still didn't get the point...
> >>> >
> >>> > Come night, we made sure no food was open with anything smelly locked
> >>> > inside the cooler and put the bread and buns in this zip up bag in the
> >>> > TJ and we zipped up the TJ and closed the doors.
> >>> >
> >>> > I get up in the morning and open the TJ only to find a pile of crumbs in
> >>> > the drivers seat and the empty bag of hot dog buns sitting on the floor!
> >>> >
> >>> > WTF?
> >>> >
> >>> > 'Nothing' else was touched, we had bags of nuts and cereals and other
> >>> > breads and not a ding on anything!
> >>> >
> >>> > Ok, so I am checking around trying to figure out just how the heck this
> >>> > damn coon got in there, let along back out and get Jay up. Then we see
> >>> > the paw prints in the dust.
> >>> >
> >>> > The raccoon had gone all the way around the soft top trying to open up
> >>> > the velcro and zippered windows! He almost got them open in several
> >>> > places and finally he stood on the tail light and got the corner started
> >>> > where a string was hanging out and zipped the zipper up enough to get
> >>> > in.
> >>> >
> >>> > He then went for the zip up bag, opened it up, grabbed those buns and
> >>> > sat back in the front seat for a munchie.
> >>> >
> >>> > He then up and left without touching another thing!
> >>> >
> >>> > I will be watching for that from now on.
> >>> >
> >>> > I guess the bugger likes egg bread big time! LOL!
> >>> >
> >>> > I also need to bring my buddy Jay along more often. The Deer flies and
> >>> > Mosquitoes are in season. My buddy has a new nick name... Bait! ;-)
> >>> >
> >>> > I never got 'bugged' and he was swarmed not 3' from me on many
> >>> > occasions. He tried all different types of bug spray, just added flavor
> >>> > for them. Even sitting down wind of a smoky fire didn't help him....
> >>> >
> >>> > Mike
> >>> > 86/00 CJ7 Laredo, 33x9.5 BFG Muds, 'glass nose to tail in '00
> >>> > 88 Cherokee 235 BFG AT's

Mike Romain 07-04-2004 10:49 AM

Re: TJ got raided for food out camping!
We had a nice time.

I really didn't want to bitch and complain, but the TJ has to be one of
the more uncomfortable vehicles I have ever driven in!

I just plain don't fit in one set up stock and I even tried driving for
a while. If I have to drive in one again I will bring my seat back
brace and a butt cushion. I need that brace to drive in the Cherokee

Basically just driving the hour and a half on dirt was/is as much as I
can take at one time. Getting better, but really slowly. Pinched
nerves are nasty.

I thought the TJ was supposed to have a soft cushy ride, this one was
worse than my CJ7! It literally could knock fillings out and it kept
trying to ring my bell off the roll bar during the bouncing, I couldn't
believe it. I had to hang onto the side bar to keep my head safe.

So we got out of the woods and found the first gas station (running on
fumes with the red light on, no gas stations were open Wed night late
because of the holiday but we had a jerry can) and I comment about the
shitty ride now that we are out of the bush and ask what he runs for
tire pressure.

'I don't know' he says, 'what ever the shop put in them'. So I get out
a gauge and the gauge only reads up to 50 psi....... Hey the sidewalls
'say' 50 psi on them....

I have no idea how much was actually in those tires, but it took a
'looong' time to get them down to 30 psi. WOW!

The drive home and the dirt road detour we took to check out some land
was sooo much of a smoother drive.....


jbjeep wrote:
> Sounds like a really nice trip Mike.
> How you been feeling? Things getting any better??
> -jenn
> On Sat, 03 Jul 2004 15:23:16 -0400, Mike Romain <> wrote:
> >>We went Wed. night and I was running shotgun. My friend had to be back
> >>for a wedding today and I couldn't find anyone to come into the bush
> >>today or tomorrow to pick me up if I had of stayed.
> >>
> >>We go into the bush out Bancroft way. It 'used' to be a serious
> >>challenge in 4x4 to get into the lakes I like to camp at, 4 plus hours
> >>one way from paved roads.
> >>
> >>Now the loggers have made the roads so nice, minivans fully loaded can
> >>make it right to some lakes in less than an hour.
> >>
> >>It has way too many 'yahoos' able to get in there now in any truck so
> >>has pretty much ruined the area.
> >>
> >>We were camped on a lake you still need a 4x4 to get to and the yahoos
> >>with their ATV's with no mufflers were annoying us from two lakes away
> >>still! They were loud enough voices carry.
> >>
> >>We should have had a camera with us though. We were 3 feet away from a
> >>beaver working his pond without a worry, saw lots of deer, hawks,
> >>snakes, found a beaver skull that my friend grabbed and generally had a
> >>nice couple days.
> >>
> >>Most of the trails I run are ok for any stock 4x4 if they take it easy
> >>so if you see me post about a trip and feel like coming speak up!
> >>
> >>Going to James Bay the end of August. All paved roads up to an hour
> >>from the Bay though and the last are nice graded gravel. A car can run
> >>this trip.
> >>
> >>Mike
> >>
> >>SB wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Short trip eh?
> >>>
> >>> I heard about the bear siting down near Dundas (just read they shot it).
> >>>
> >>> Where abouts did ya's go?
> >>>
> >>> I'm still trying to find some wheeling trails (I am only stock yet) but
> >>> think I'll have to venture further north (in Barrie now) to find
> >>> anything....
> >>>
> >>> "Mike Romain" <> wrote in message
> >>>
> >>> > LOL! Well, that was a first for me!
> >>> >
> >>> > I was out camping in the deep bush with a friend in his TJ and we were
> >>> > being careful about garbage and any open food or smells because there is
> >>> > a nuisance bear warning in the general area. Politicians stopped the
> >>> > spring hunt so a new generation of bears isn't equating people with
> >>> > guns, instead they are raiding homes and camps for food.
> >>> >
> >>> > So I have just finished making and eating breakfast and we are down to
> >>> > the lake washing dishes.
> >>> >
> >>> > I come walking back up to see a freaking raccoon trying to run away with
> >>> > a whole loaf of bread. I yell for my buddy that we are getting raided
> >>> > by a coon and he says 'what the heck is the coon doing out in the day?'
> >>> > I answered, 'stealing our bread!'
> >>> >
> >>> > So we chased the bugger up a tree and he drops the bread on a branch
> >>> > about 15 feet up. Frig that, I get a stick and retrieve the bread.
> >>> > Turns out it was a bag of sesame egg hot dog buns and they are still ok.
> >>> >
> >>> > Great, so we put them into a zippered bag where we though they were
> >>> > zipped into in the first place. I sort of grumble about leaving food
> >>> > bags open and Jay swears he closed it. Ok, I'm not going to argue.
> >>> >
> >>> > So the coon comes back a couple more times during the day and we treed
> >>> > him both times. He still didn't get the point...
> >>> >
> >>> > Come night, we made sure no food was open with anything smelly locked
> >>> > inside the cooler and put the bread and buns in this zip up bag in the
> >>> > TJ and we zipped up the TJ and closed the doors.
> >>> >
> >>> > I get up in the morning and open the TJ only to find a pile of crumbs in
> >>> > the drivers seat and the empty bag of hot dog buns sitting on the floor!
> >>> >
> >>> > WTF?
> >>> >
> >>> > 'Nothing' else was touched, we had bags of nuts and cereals and other
> >>> > breads and not a ding on anything!
> >>> >
> >>> > Ok, so I am checking around trying to figure out just how the heck this
> >>> > damn coon got in there, let along back out and get Jay up. Then we see
> >>> > the paw prints in the dust.
> >>> >
> >>> > The raccoon had gone all the way around the soft top trying to open up
> >>> > the velcro and zippered windows! He almost got them open in several
> >>> > places and finally he stood on the tail light and got the corner started
> >>> > where a string was hanging out and zipped the zipper up enough to get
> >>> > in.
> >>> >
> >>> > He then went for the zip up bag, opened it up, grabbed those buns and
> >>> > sat back in the front seat for a munchie.
> >>> >
> >>> > He then up and left without touching another thing!
> >>> >
> >>> > I will be watching for that from now on.
> >>> >
> >>> > I guess the bugger likes egg bread big time! LOL!
> >>> >
> >>> > I also need to bring my buddy Jay along more often. The Deer flies and
> >>> > Mosquitoes are in season. My buddy has a new nick name... Bait! ;-)
> >>> >
> >>> > I never got 'bugged' and he was swarmed not 3' from me on many
> >>> > occasions. He tried all different types of bug spray, just added flavor
> >>> > for them. Even sitting down wind of a smoky fire didn't help him....
> >>> >
> >>> > Mike
> >>> > 86/00 CJ7 Laredo, 33x9.5 BFG Muds, 'glass nose to tail in '00
> >>> > 88 Cherokee 235 BFG AT's

Mike Romain 07-04-2004 10:49 AM

Re: TJ got raided for food out camping!
We had a nice time.

I really didn't want to bitch and complain, but the TJ has to be one of
the more uncomfortable vehicles I have ever driven in!

I just plain don't fit in one set up stock and I even tried driving for
a while. If I have to drive in one again I will bring my seat back
brace and a butt cushion. I need that brace to drive in the Cherokee

Basically just driving the hour and a half on dirt was/is as much as I
can take at one time. Getting better, but really slowly. Pinched
nerves are nasty.

I thought the TJ was supposed to have a soft cushy ride, this one was
worse than my CJ7! It literally could knock fillings out and it kept
trying to ring my bell off the roll bar during the bouncing, I couldn't
believe it. I had to hang onto the side bar to keep my head safe.

So we got out of the woods and found the first gas station (running on
fumes with the red light on, no gas stations were open Wed night late
because of the holiday but we had a jerry can) and I comment about the
shitty ride now that we are out of the bush and ask what he runs for
tire pressure.

'I don't know' he says, 'what ever the shop put in them'. So I get out
a gauge and the gauge only reads up to 50 psi....... Hey the sidewalls
'say' 50 psi on them....

I have no idea how much was actually in those tires, but it took a
'looong' time to get them down to 30 psi. WOW!

The drive home and the dirt road detour we took to check out some land
was sooo much of a smoother drive.....


jbjeep wrote:
> Sounds like a really nice trip Mike.
> How you been feeling? Things getting any better??
> -jenn
> On Sat, 03 Jul 2004 15:23:16 -0400, Mike Romain <> wrote:
> >>We went Wed. night and I was running shotgun. My friend had to be back
> >>for a wedding today and I couldn't find anyone to come into the bush
> >>today or tomorrow to pick me up if I had of stayed.
> >>
> >>We go into the bush out Bancroft way. It 'used' to be a serious
> >>challenge in 4x4 to get into the lakes I like to camp at, 4 plus hours
> >>one way from paved roads.
> >>
> >>Now the loggers have made the roads so nice, minivans fully loaded can
> >>make it right to some lakes in less than an hour.
> >>
> >>It has way too many 'yahoos' able to get in there now in any truck so
> >>has pretty much ruined the area.
> >>
> >>We were camped on a lake you still need a 4x4 to get to and the yahoos
> >>with their ATV's with no mufflers were annoying us from two lakes away
> >>still! They were loud enough voices carry.
> >>
> >>We should have had a camera with us though. We were 3 feet away from a
> >>beaver working his pond without a worry, saw lots of deer, hawks,
> >>snakes, found a beaver skull that my friend grabbed and generally had a
> >>nice couple days.
> >>
> >>Most of the trails I run are ok for any stock 4x4 if they take it easy
> >>so if you see me post about a trip and feel like coming speak up!
> >>
> >>Going to James Bay the end of August. All paved roads up to an hour
> >>from the Bay though and the last are nice graded gravel. A car can run
> >>this trip.
> >>
> >>Mike
> >>
> >>SB wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Short trip eh?
> >>>
> >>> I heard about the bear siting down near Dundas (just read they shot it).
> >>>
> >>> Where abouts did ya's go?
> >>>
> >>> I'm still trying to find some wheeling trails (I am only stock yet) but
> >>> think I'll have to venture further north (in Barrie now) to find
> >>> anything....
> >>>
> >>> "Mike Romain" <> wrote in message
> >>>
> >>> > LOL! Well, that was a first for me!
> >>> >
> >>> > I was out camping in the deep bush with a friend in his TJ and we were
> >>> > being careful about garbage and any open food or smells because there is
> >>> > a nuisance bear warning in the general area. Politicians stopped the
> >>> > spring hunt so a new generation of bears isn't equating people with
> >>> > guns, instead they are raiding homes and camps for food.
> >>> >
> >>> > So I have just finished making and eating breakfast and we are down to
> >>> > the lake washing dishes.
> >>> >
> >>> > I come walking back up to see a freaking raccoon trying to run away with
> >>> > a whole loaf of bread. I yell for my buddy that we are getting raided
> >>> > by a coon and he says 'what the heck is the coon doing out in the day?'
> >>> > I answered, 'stealing our bread!'
> >>> >
> >>> > So we chased the bugger up a tree and he drops the bread on a branch
> >>> > about 15 feet up. Frig that, I get a stick and retrieve the bread.
> >>> > Turns out it was a bag of sesame egg hot dog buns and they are still ok.
> >>> >
> >>> > Great, so we put them into a zippered bag where we though they were
> >>> > zipped into in the first place. I sort of grumble about leaving food
> >>> > bags open and Jay swears he closed it. Ok, I'm not going to argue.
> >>> >
> >>> > So the coon comes back a couple more times during the day and we treed
> >>> > him both times. He still didn't get the point...
> >>> >
> >>> > Come night, we made sure no food was open with anything smelly locked
> >>> > inside the cooler and put the bread and buns in this zip up bag in the
> >>> > TJ and we zipped up the TJ and closed the doors.
> >>> >
> >>> > I get up in the morning and open the TJ only to find a pile of crumbs in
> >>> > the drivers seat and the empty bag of hot dog buns sitting on the floor!
> >>> >
> >>> > WTF?
> >>> >
> >>> > 'Nothing' else was touched, we had bags of nuts and cereals and other
> >>> > breads and not a ding on anything!
> >>> >
> >>> > Ok, so I am checking around trying to figure out just how the heck this
> >>> > damn coon got in there, let along back out and get Jay up. Then we see
> >>> > the paw prints in the dust.
> >>> >
> >>> > The raccoon had gone all the way around the soft top trying to open up
> >>> > the velcro and zippered windows! He almost got them open in several
> >>> > places and finally he stood on the tail light and got the corner started
> >>> > where a string was hanging out and zipped the zipper up enough to get
> >>> > in.
> >>> >
> >>> > He then went for the zip up bag, opened it up, grabbed those buns and
> >>> > sat back in the front seat for a munchie.
> >>> >
> >>> > He then up and left without touching another thing!
> >>> >
> >>> > I will be watching for that from now on.
> >>> >
> >>> > I guess the bugger likes egg bread big time! LOL!
> >>> >
> >>> > I also need to bring my buddy Jay along more often. The Deer flies and
> >>> > Mosquitoes are in season. My buddy has a new nick name... Bait! ;-)
> >>> >
> >>> > I never got 'bugged' and he was swarmed not 3' from me on many
> >>> > occasions. He tried all different types of bug spray, just added flavor
> >>> > for them. Even sitting down wind of a smoky fire didn't help him....
> >>> >
> >>> > Mike
> >>> > 86/00 CJ7 Laredo, 33x9.5 BFG Muds, 'glass nose to tail in '00
> >>> > 88 Cherokee 235 BFG AT's

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