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L.W.(Bill) Hughes III 04-22-2006 06:40 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
Hi Earle,
So you want to all of Nathan's neighbors in Montana give up
producing meat for America, to take care of the wolf? Then what, put
them all on welfare, like you've done to the Blacks and Mexicans?
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

Earle Horton wrote:
> Nathan,
> "lol....nope. up here bears are shot on sight. wolves too."
> "ive never shot a wolf, but i know that it happens."
> "wolves and cougars shot on sight, hopefully to total extinction."
> "man is "doing 'exactly' what they were put here to do" when we hunt the
> wolf to extinction"
> "i find fun in killing wolves"
> Maybe you haven't actually killed a wolf, but you sure give the impression
> of a guy that would like to. Same thing with abortion clinic bombing. It
> does appear, that you have enough sense to realize, that fulfilling your
> desires would most likely get you in jail. Btw, if you know people who
> commit these crimes, and you don't report them to authorities, that makes
> you accessory.
> You give a pretty graphic description of partial birth abortion, in a
> transparent attempt to make people think, that it applies to all abortions.
> That's that same "liberal" trick, that you accuse me of.
> Mike's a pretty smart guy. So's Waldron. I am too. You should listen to
> us. Those "locals" you are so proud of, are ignorant as a post, but they
> are crafty. They make a life work, out of playing people like you for
> suckers. It's just a question, of how long it will take you, to figure this
> out.
> Earle

L.W.(Bill) Hughes III 04-22-2006 06:40 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
Hi Earle,
So you want to all of Nathan's neighbors in Montana give up
producing meat for America, to take care of the wolf? Then what, put
them all on welfare, like you've done to the Blacks and Mexicans?
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

Earle Horton wrote:
> Nathan,
> "lol....nope. up here bears are shot on sight. wolves too."
> "ive never shot a wolf, but i know that it happens."
> "wolves and cougars shot on sight, hopefully to total extinction."
> "man is "doing 'exactly' what they were put here to do" when we hunt the
> wolf to extinction"
> "i find fun in killing wolves"
> Maybe you haven't actually killed a wolf, but you sure give the impression
> of a guy that would like to. Same thing with abortion clinic bombing. It
> does appear, that you have enough sense to realize, that fulfilling your
> desires would most likely get you in jail. Btw, if you know people who
> commit these crimes, and you don't report them to authorities, that makes
> you accessory.
> You give a pretty graphic description of partial birth abortion, in a
> transparent attempt to make people think, that it applies to all abortions.
> That's that same "liberal" trick, that you accuse me of.
> Mike's a pretty smart guy. So's Waldron. I am too. You should listen to
> us. Those "locals" you are so proud of, are ignorant as a post, but they
> are crafty. They make a life work, out of playing people like you for
> suckers. It's just a question, of how long it will take you, to figure this
> out.
> Earle

L.W.(Bill) Hughes III 04-22-2006 06:40 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
Hi Earle,
So you want to all of Nathan's neighbors in Montana give up
producing meat for America, to take care of the wolf? Then what, put
them all on welfare, like you've done to the Blacks and Mexicans?
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

Earle Horton wrote:
> Nathan,
> "lol....nope. up here bears are shot on sight. wolves too."
> "ive never shot a wolf, but i know that it happens."
> "wolves and cougars shot on sight, hopefully to total extinction."
> "man is "doing 'exactly' what they were put here to do" when we hunt the
> wolf to extinction"
> "i find fun in killing wolves"
> Maybe you haven't actually killed a wolf, but you sure give the impression
> of a guy that would like to. Same thing with abortion clinic bombing. It
> does appear, that you have enough sense to realize, that fulfilling your
> desires would most likely get you in jail. Btw, if you know people who
> commit these crimes, and you don't report them to authorities, that makes
> you accessory.
> You give a pretty graphic description of partial birth abortion, in a
> transparent attempt to make people think, that it applies to all abortions.
> That's that same "liberal" trick, that you accuse me of.
> Mike's a pretty smart guy. So's Waldron. I am too. You should listen to
> us. Those "locals" you are so proud of, are ignorant as a post, but they
> are crafty. They make a life work, out of playing people like you for
> suckers. It's just a question, of how long it will take you, to figure this
> out.
> Earle

Mike Romain 04-22-2006 06:59 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
Bill, I lived in a town when a coyote tried to steal a kid. I have seen
the bitch in heat trying to get the dog into the brush. You live in the
bush, you don't leave your kids alone and you train your kids and dog.
Simple. ---- happens. Something about the name Darwin comes to

We lived at the end of a 10 mile road 'way' back into the BC rainforest
when my son was just starting school and we got a mutt and trained and
watched our son. A Bouvier des Flandres / Irish Setter cross. 'Big'
SOB. He ended up about 140 lb or so. Super friendly unless you mess
with 'his' kid, then he would take you down. Literally pull you to the
ground. He wouldn't draw blood, but he wouldn't let go until he figured
it was safe.

He was 'really' smart and the Bouvier was a bear hunter strain in him
plus the silly bugger would hold a 'classic' point on a ruffed grouse.
He taught our chickens to fly.... LOL!


"L.W.(Bill) ------ III" wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> There will be a day when your Son gives you a grandchild, and you
> won't even want a coyote around!
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> Mike Romain wrote:
> >
> > Wow you are sure one gullible city boy....
> >
> > They have you totally convinced don't they?
> >
> > You also snipped the part about the wolf coming into our campsite last
> > summer and I guess forgot the part where I said I lived in the Rockies
> > and was a back country fishing guide for years.
> >
> > I have seen lots of wolf kill and you know, the wolves ate their kill...
> > So did grizzly bears.
> >
> > It is the feral dog packs and the dog/wolf mixes that cause the
> > destruction and gutting you are 'so' convinced a wolf just 'must' have
> > done because they are 'evil'. LOL!
> >
> > Just watch your ass, those local yokels that have you so convinced are
> > likely just making a fool out of the latest city boy with a gun to come
> > along. 'They' won't be the ones caught poaching wolves.....
> >
> > I won't waste any more bandwidth, you are obviously convinced.
> >
> > Mike

Mike Romain 04-22-2006 06:59 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
Bill, I lived in a town when a coyote tried to steal a kid. I have seen
the bitch in heat trying to get the dog into the brush. You live in the
bush, you don't leave your kids alone and you train your kids and dog.
Simple. ---- happens. Something about the name Darwin comes to

We lived at the end of a 10 mile road 'way' back into the BC rainforest
when my son was just starting school and we got a mutt and trained and
watched our son. A Bouvier des Flandres / Irish Setter cross. 'Big'
SOB. He ended up about 140 lb or so. Super friendly unless you mess
with 'his' kid, then he would take you down. Literally pull you to the
ground. He wouldn't draw blood, but he wouldn't let go until he figured
it was safe.

He was 'really' smart and the Bouvier was a bear hunter strain in him
plus the silly bugger would hold a 'classic' point on a ruffed grouse.
He taught our chickens to fly.... LOL!


"L.W.(Bill) ------ III" wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> There will be a day when your Son gives you a grandchild, and you
> won't even want a coyote around!
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> Mike Romain wrote:
> >
> > Wow you are sure one gullible city boy....
> >
> > They have you totally convinced don't they?
> >
> > You also snipped the part about the wolf coming into our campsite last
> > summer and I guess forgot the part where I said I lived in the Rockies
> > and was a back country fishing guide for years.
> >
> > I have seen lots of wolf kill and you know, the wolves ate their kill...
> > So did grizzly bears.
> >
> > It is the feral dog packs and the dog/wolf mixes that cause the
> > destruction and gutting you are 'so' convinced a wolf just 'must' have
> > done because they are 'evil'. LOL!
> >
> > Just watch your ass, those local yokels that have you so convinced are
> > likely just making a fool out of the latest city boy with a gun to come
> > along. 'They' won't be the ones caught poaching wolves.....
> >
> > I won't waste any more bandwidth, you are obviously convinced.
> >
> > Mike

Mike Romain 04-22-2006 06:59 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
Bill, I lived in a town when a coyote tried to steal a kid. I have seen
the bitch in heat trying to get the dog into the brush. You live in the
bush, you don't leave your kids alone and you train your kids and dog.
Simple. ---- happens. Something about the name Darwin comes to

We lived at the end of a 10 mile road 'way' back into the BC rainforest
when my son was just starting school and we got a mutt and trained and
watched our son. A Bouvier des Flandres / Irish Setter cross. 'Big'
SOB. He ended up about 140 lb or so. Super friendly unless you mess
with 'his' kid, then he would take you down. Literally pull you to the
ground. He wouldn't draw blood, but he wouldn't let go until he figured
it was safe.

He was 'really' smart and the Bouvier was a bear hunter strain in him
plus the silly bugger would hold a 'classic' point on a ruffed grouse.
He taught our chickens to fly.... LOL!


"L.W.(Bill) ------ III" wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> There will be a day when your Son gives you a grandchild, and you
> won't even want a coyote around!
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> Mike Romain wrote:
> >
> > Wow you are sure one gullible city boy....
> >
> > They have you totally convinced don't they?
> >
> > You also snipped the part about the wolf coming into our campsite last
> > summer and I guess forgot the part where I said I lived in the Rockies
> > and was a back country fishing guide for years.
> >
> > I have seen lots of wolf kill and you know, the wolves ate their kill...
> > So did grizzly bears.
> >
> > It is the feral dog packs and the dog/wolf mixes that cause the
> > destruction and gutting you are 'so' convinced a wolf just 'must' have
> > done because they are 'evil'. LOL!
> >
> > Just watch your ass, those local yokels that have you so convinced are
> > likely just making a fool out of the latest city boy with a gun to come
> > along. 'They' won't be the ones caught poaching wolves.....
> >
> > I won't waste any more bandwidth, you are obviously convinced.
> >
> > Mike

Mike Romain 04-22-2006 07:04 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
They only got half the gene left Bill. The chase and kill is there but
dogs have been bred to not eat what they kill, to bring it back to the
master. Our Brittany Spaniel was considered a 'soft mouth' dog. He
would bring back game without breaking their skin and sometimes still
alive... Our Bouvier / Setter was a soft mouth dog too.

Where I grew up it was legal to shoot any 'dog' on deer or bear....


"L.W.(Bill) ------ III" wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Where do you thing the domestic dog inherited that trait?
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> Mike Romain wrote:
> >
> > Oh and I 'have' seen dog kill all gutted out nice with the dogs still
> > chasing more. No wolves in sight.
> >
> > Mike

Mike Romain 04-22-2006 07:04 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
They only got half the gene left Bill. The chase and kill is there but
dogs have been bred to not eat what they kill, to bring it back to the
master. Our Brittany Spaniel was considered a 'soft mouth' dog. He
would bring back game without breaking their skin and sometimes still
alive... Our Bouvier / Setter was a soft mouth dog too.

Where I grew up it was legal to shoot any 'dog' on deer or bear....


"L.W.(Bill) ------ III" wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Where do you thing the domestic dog inherited that trait?
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> Mike Romain wrote:
> >
> > Oh and I 'have' seen dog kill all gutted out nice with the dogs still
> > chasing more. No wolves in sight.
> >
> > Mike

Mike Romain 04-22-2006 07:04 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
They only got half the gene left Bill. The chase and kill is there but
dogs have been bred to not eat what they kill, to bring it back to the
master. Our Brittany Spaniel was considered a 'soft mouth' dog. He
would bring back game without breaking their skin and sometimes still
alive... Our Bouvier / Setter was a soft mouth dog too.

Where I grew up it was legal to shoot any 'dog' on deer or bear....


"L.W.(Bill) ------ III" wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Where do you thing the domestic dog inherited that trait?
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> Mike Romain wrote:
> >
> > Oh and I 'have' seen dog kill all gutted out nice with the dogs still
> > chasing more. No wolves in sight.
> >
> > Mike

Mike Romain 04-22-2006 07:10 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
You are correct, BUT here in Ontario Canada, they are allowed to run
deer and bear with dogs and even use radio collars on them. I couldn't
freakin' believe it when I first saw the hunt camps with all the dog
houses. What kind of freakin' 'sport' is that eh? Run them to the
ground with the dog and walk up and shoot them....

Big 'he-man' hunters Ya Right....


"L.W.(Bill) ------ III" wrote:
> Those dogs should have been shoot on sight as they have no fear of
> man.
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> Mike Romain wrote:
> >
> > My wife and I saw gutted deer on our way home from our New Years Jeep
> > run. The dogs were still on that one and these 'dogs' had collars
> > on... I didn't hear what the local's version was, but it sure wasn't
> > wolves that live in the area that brought 'that' deer down... I did get
> > a photo of what I believe was a wolf's track on top of a deer trail a
> > few miles back the road too. They are in my sig line link. I didn't
> > bother taking a photo with the dogs on the guts...
> >
> > But you know. I saw fresh wolf tracks on that deer trail about 10
> > minutes back so the natural reaction might have been to think the wolf
> > gutted the deer if I hadn't seen the dogs in action and known better...
> > I know wolves 'eat' deer, they don't gut and leave them.
> >
> > Mike
> > 86/00 CJ7 Laredo, 33x9.5 BFG Muds, 'glass nose to tail in '00
> > 88 Cherokee 235 BFG AT's
> > Canadian Off Road Trips Photos: Non members can still view!
> > Jan/06
> > (More Off Road album links at bottom of the view page)

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