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Matt Macchiarolo 04-29-2006 05:14 PM

Re: Oops

"Nathan W. Collier" <> wrote in message

> lol.....i know.....from the sounds of it you would wait until you got her
> permission. :-)

The trick is to let them think you are getting their permission.

Nathan W. Collier 04-29-2006 07:07 PM

Re: Oops
"Earle Horton" <> wrote in message
news:44536ee1$0$14955$a82e2bb9@reader.athenanews.c om...
> More Classic Nathan Collier -->>

since youve gone to such great lengths of digging in the archives in a
pitiful attempt at discrediting me, i thought it might be fun to plug "earle
horton" into a search engine.

1- you had a one hit wonder year where you made $2 million.
certainly impressive

2- you take your new found money and you move into an uppity deed restricted
neighborhood. despite your one hit wonder year, you and everyone around you
knows that you dont belong there......youre sorta like the colorado
hillbilly. :-)
instead of honoring your legal obligation to keep your yard clean you choose
to be a "rebel" and show all of your neighbors that your individual rights
mean more than both their rights and the civil contract you signed when you
bought your house. your neighbors all join together and file a lawsuit
against you for ruining their property values by being a nasty
----er.......this of course is no surprise considering you allow cats on the
same table you eat from.

2- instead of investing your money wisely, over the next few years you
squandered it in legal fees fighting your entire neighborhood.

3- out of money, you begin to scramble for a way to preserve the quality of
life that you got such a short taste of. to your surprise, microsoft and
any other large company wont touch you because through your "i can keep my
yard anyway i want to no matter what it does to my neighborhood" being
published in newspapers you had shown the world that you are an eccentric
FOOL. you sell your "i got money!" house and move to a less expensive
neighborhood where you hope to regroup and get back on your feet.

4- you scramble for a way to earn a good living. you proudly announce to
the world that youve gone to nursing school, along with your wife. bottom
line you just cant cut it in nursing school (congratulations to your wifey
however, who could!) so you drop out. now youre learning to be a keep looking for your published work. ;-)

as i read multiple newsgroups and forums one thing became clear.....given
time to expose your true colors you become an outcast wherever you go.
"Aren't you the idiot millionaire nurse wannabe who used to post here two or
three years ago? The nut case who wouldn't cut his grass
just to piss off your neighbors? If you are, you haven't changed. You're
still the village idiot."
"I knew there was a reason I killfiled your crap. It hasn't improved."

earle himself from
"One of the advantages of being rich is that when you finally admit to
yourself that you are eating sh*t, you can afford to spit out what is in
your mouth and step back from the table, no matter how much you have paid
for it. I quit the nursing program"

heh.....just couldnt cut it huh earle?

......course, truth be known you arent "rich" anymore.
"Earle is a Microsoft millionaire who decided to go slumming among us peons.
He lectured us incessantly from the lofty heights of nursing school (in
Colorado, BTW), and now he's projecting his own failure onto us. Those of
us who have succeeded in nursing must therefore be devalued."
"I killfiled him long ago when he blamed the war on the servicemen."
"I've left Merde because he posts good stuff on unions. His xenophobia
makes me want to spew"
funny thing, nurses on multiple forums sure are glad that you dropped out of
nursing school. :-)

so sorry to hear how your entire nursing school as well as the entire
administration of the ambulatory service were all in some grand conspiracy
against little ole' you. ya know earle, your entire neighborhood.....the
entire staff at your nursing school.....the entire administration at the
ambulatory service where you volunteered.......all conspiring against YOU.
hmmm....methinks the real problem MIGHT just be with YOU. :-)

........and i saved the best for last. im waiting on your best shot before i
deliver mine. sheesh....if youre going to live in a glass house earle, dont
throw stones. :-)

Nathan W. Collier

Nathan W. Collier 04-29-2006 07:07 PM

Re: Oops
"Earle Horton" <> wrote in message
news:44536ee1$0$14955$a82e2bb9@reader.athenanews.c om...
> More Classic Nathan Collier -->>

since youve gone to such great lengths of digging in the archives in a
pitiful attempt at discrediting me, i thought it might be fun to plug "earle
horton" into a search engine.

1- you had a one hit wonder year where you made $2 million.
certainly impressive

2- you take your new found money and you move into an uppity deed restricted
neighborhood. despite your one hit wonder year, you and everyone around you
knows that you dont belong there......youre sorta like the colorado
hillbilly. :-)
instead of honoring your legal obligation to keep your yard clean you choose
to be a "rebel" and show all of your neighbors that your individual rights
mean more than both their rights and the civil contract you signed when you
bought your house. your neighbors all join together and file a lawsuit
against you for ruining their property values by being a nasty
----er.......this of course is no surprise considering you allow cats on the
same table you eat from.

2- instead of investing your money wisely, over the next few years you
squandered it in legal fees fighting your entire neighborhood.

3- out of money, you begin to scramble for a way to preserve the quality of
life that you got such a short taste of. to your surprise, microsoft and
any other large company wont touch you because through your "i can keep my
yard anyway i want to no matter what it does to my neighborhood" being
published in newspapers you had shown the world that you are an eccentric
FOOL. you sell your "i got money!" house and move to a less expensive
neighborhood where you hope to regroup and get back on your feet.

4- you scramble for a way to earn a good living. you proudly announce to
the world that youve gone to nursing school, along with your wife. bottom
line you just cant cut it in nursing school (congratulations to your wifey
however, who could!) so you drop out. now youre learning to be a keep looking for your published work. ;-)

as i read multiple newsgroups and forums one thing became clear.....given
time to expose your true colors you become an outcast wherever you go.
"Aren't you the idiot millionaire nurse wannabe who used to post here two or
three years ago? The nut case who wouldn't cut his grass
just to piss off your neighbors? If you are, you haven't changed. You're
still the village idiot."
"I knew there was a reason I killfiled your crap. It hasn't improved."

earle himself from
"One of the advantages of being rich is that when you finally admit to
yourself that you are eating sh*t, you can afford to spit out what is in
your mouth and step back from the table, no matter how much you have paid
for it. I quit the nursing program"

heh.....just couldnt cut it huh earle?

......course, truth be known you arent "rich" anymore.
"Earle is a Microsoft millionaire who decided to go slumming among us peons.
He lectured us incessantly from the lofty heights of nursing school (in
Colorado, BTW), and now he's projecting his own failure onto us. Those of
us who have succeeded in nursing must therefore be devalued."
"I killfiled him long ago when he blamed the war on the servicemen."
"I've left Merde because he posts good stuff on unions. His xenophobia
makes me want to spew"
funny thing, nurses on multiple forums sure are glad that you dropped out of
nursing school. :-)

so sorry to hear how your entire nursing school as well as the entire
administration of the ambulatory service were all in some grand conspiracy
against little ole' you. ya know earle, your entire neighborhood.....the
entire staff at your nursing school.....the entire administration at the
ambulatory service where you volunteered.......all conspiring against YOU.
hmmm....methinks the real problem MIGHT just be with YOU. :-)

........and i saved the best for last. im waiting on your best shot before i
deliver mine. sheesh....if youre going to live in a glass house earle, dont
throw stones. :-)

Nathan W. Collier

Nathan W. Collier 04-29-2006 07:07 PM

Re: Oops
"Earle Horton" <> wrote in message
news:44536ee1$0$14955$a82e2bb9@reader.athenanews.c om...
> More Classic Nathan Collier -->>

since youve gone to such great lengths of digging in the archives in a
pitiful attempt at discrediting me, i thought it might be fun to plug "earle
horton" into a search engine.

1- you had a one hit wonder year where you made $2 million.
certainly impressive

2- you take your new found money and you move into an uppity deed restricted
neighborhood. despite your one hit wonder year, you and everyone around you
knows that you dont belong there......youre sorta like the colorado
hillbilly. :-)
instead of honoring your legal obligation to keep your yard clean you choose
to be a "rebel" and show all of your neighbors that your individual rights
mean more than both their rights and the civil contract you signed when you
bought your house. your neighbors all join together and file a lawsuit
against you for ruining their property values by being a nasty
----er.......this of course is no surprise considering you allow cats on the
same table you eat from.

2- instead of investing your money wisely, over the next few years you
squandered it in legal fees fighting your entire neighborhood.

3- out of money, you begin to scramble for a way to preserve the quality of
life that you got such a short taste of. to your surprise, microsoft and
any other large company wont touch you because through your "i can keep my
yard anyway i want to no matter what it does to my neighborhood" being
published in newspapers you had shown the world that you are an eccentric
FOOL. you sell your "i got money!" house and move to a less expensive
neighborhood where you hope to regroup and get back on your feet.

4- you scramble for a way to earn a good living. you proudly announce to
the world that youve gone to nursing school, along with your wife. bottom
line you just cant cut it in nursing school (congratulations to your wifey
however, who could!) so you drop out. now youre learning to be a keep looking for your published work. ;-)

as i read multiple newsgroups and forums one thing became clear.....given
time to expose your true colors you become an outcast wherever you go.
"Aren't you the idiot millionaire nurse wannabe who used to post here two or
three years ago? The nut case who wouldn't cut his grass
just to piss off your neighbors? If you are, you haven't changed. You're
still the village idiot."
"I knew there was a reason I killfiled your crap. It hasn't improved."

earle himself from
"One of the advantages of being rich is that when you finally admit to
yourself that you are eating sh*t, you can afford to spit out what is in
your mouth and step back from the table, no matter how much you have paid
for it. I quit the nursing program"

heh.....just couldnt cut it huh earle?

......course, truth be known you arent "rich" anymore.
"Earle is a Microsoft millionaire who decided to go slumming among us peons.
He lectured us incessantly from the lofty heights of nursing school (in
Colorado, BTW), and now he's projecting his own failure onto us. Those of
us who have succeeded in nursing must therefore be devalued."
"I killfiled him long ago when he blamed the war on the servicemen."
"I've left Merde because he posts good stuff on unions. His xenophobia
makes me want to spew"
funny thing, nurses on multiple forums sure are glad that you dropped out of
nursing school. :-)

so sorry to hear how your entire nursing school as well as the entire
administration of the ambulatory service were all in some grand conspiracy
against little ole' you. ya know earle, your entire neighborhood.....the
entire staff at your nursing school.....the entire administration at the
ambulatory service where you volunteered.......all conspiring against YOU.
hmmm....methinks the real problem MIGHT just be with YOU. :-)

........and i saved the best for last. im waiting on your best shot before i
deliver mine. sheesh....if youre going to live in a glass house earle, dont
throw stones. :-)

Nathan W. Collier

Nathan W. Collier 04-29-2006 08:31 PM

Re: Oops
"Earle Horton" <> wrote in message
news:44540216$0$24435$a82e2bb9@reader.athenanews.c om...
> We're a tag team! But seriously, the Ryder we rented from Fort Collins to
> Grand Junction had no trouble with the down grades on I-70. But maybe the
> mountains are steeper in Montana, than in Colorado. ;^)

....or maybe the truck you rented wasnt a total piece of ----.

Nathan W. Collier

Nathan W. Collier 04-29-2006 08:31 PM

Re: Oops
"Earle Horton" <> wrote in message
news:44540216$0$24435$a82e2bb9@reader.athenanews.c om...
> We're a tag team! But seriously, the Ryder we rented from Fort Collins to
> Grand Junction had no trouble with the down grades on I-70. But maybe the
> mountains are steeper in Montana, than in Colorado. ;^)

....or maybe the truck you rented wasnt a total piece of ----.

Nathan W. Collier

Nathan W. Collier 04-29-2006 08:31 PM

Re: Oops
"Earle Horton" <> wrote in message
news:44540216$0$24435$a82e2bb9@reader.athenanews.c om...
> We're a tag team! But seriously, the Ryder we rented from Fort Collins to
> Grand Junction had no trouble with the down grades on I-70. But maybe the
> mountains are steeper in Montana, than in Colorado. ;^)

....or maybe the truck you rented wasnt a total piece of ----.

Nathan W. Collier

Earle Horton 04-29-2006 08:32 PM

Re: Oops
"Nathan W. Collier" <> wrote in message
> "Mike Romain" <> wrote in message
> > Earle Horton wrote:
> >>

> >
> >>
> >> I believe that this clip addresses the automatic transmission
> >> question.
> >>
> >> > The automatic transmission offered no engine braking,
> >> > and the truck constantly tried to run away coming
> >> > down the grades.

> >
> > Sure sound to me like someone that had no clue how to drive
> > an automatic.

> lol! oh yes, once again mike knows more about what happens
> from behind his computer screen. you and earle are quite the pair! :-)

We're a tag team! But seriously, the Ryder we rented from Fort Collins to
Grand Junction had no trouble with the down grades on I-70. But maybe the
mountains are steeper in Montana, than in Colorado. ;^)


Earle Horton 04-29-2006 08:32 PM

Re: Oops
"Nathan W. Collier" <> wrote in message
> "Mike Romain" <> wrote in message
> > Earle Horton wrote:
> >>

> >
> >>
> >> I believe that this clip addresses the automatic transmission
> >> question.
> >>
> >> > The automatic transmission offered no engine braking,
> >> > and the truck constantly tried to run away coming
> >> > down the grades.

> >
> > Sure sound to me like someone that had no clue how to drive
> > an automatic.

> lol! oh yes, once again mike knows more about what happens
> from behind his computer screen. you and earle are quite the pair! :-)

We're a tag team! But seriously, the Ryder we rented from Fort Collins to
Grand Junction had no trouble with the down grades on I-70. But maybe the
mountains are steeper in Montana, than in Colorado. ;^)


Earle Horton 04-29-2006 08:32 PM

Re: Oops
"Nathan W. Collier" <> wrote in message
> "Mike Romain" <> wrote in message
> > Earle Horton wrote:
> >>

> >
> >>
> >> I believe that this clip addresses the automatic transmission
> >> question.
> >>
> >> > The automatic transmission offered no engine braking,
> >> > and the truck constantly tried to run away coming
> >> > down the grades.

> >
> > Sure sound to me like someone that had no clue how to drive
> > an automatic.

> lol! oh yes, once again mike knows more about what happens
> from behind his computer screen. you and earle are quite the pair! :-)

We're a tag team! But seriously, the Ryder we rented from Fort Collins to
Grand Junction had no trouble with the down grades on I-70. But maybe the
mountains are steeper in Montana, than in Colorado. ;^)


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