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Bret Ludwig 08-13-2005 02:13 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?

The ANWR will slake our -----like lust for oil-for about five years.
At the cost of turning the whole area into a massive pile of wreckage
not worth backhauling out.

If I could buy Jet A for what the airlines get it for-it is still
subsidized-I sure as hell would run a car or truck on it. Any diesel
engine will burn Jet A, all the ramp equipment is and does. Last price
I heard air carriers pay was around $2.10/gal. Civilian FBOs will
charge up to $3 a gallon but some sell it for only a few cents over
cost-look at ads in Trade-A-Plane.Jet and diesel fuel are about the
same price, wholesale, before road or air taxes are added. If we get
Euro II diesel regs-and we are stupid not to, trucks and buses will run
a lot cleaner-they WILL be the same-it'll be cheaper just to make JP-8,
which is what all military diesel and turbine engines burn.

"George W. Bush is a traitor, an idiot, and a moron and I think the
Arabs should punish us for electing the silly son of a bitch by driving
Saudi oil high enough to crash the stock market."-A sign I saw on a
farmer's barn off I-80 out West. Don't remember the mile marker, but I
wish I had a picture.

tim bur 08-13-2005 08:02 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
dam you finally got a clue

Sarge wrote:

> "tim bur" wrote: "lets try not to run to the pump every day to top off the
> tank thus reducing a higher demand , lets slow down and reenact the 55 mph
> law federally, slow down and keep our vehicles fix when the check engine
> lite is on. start using concrete and cut down ashphalt that takes all kind
> of oil/tar to make and just watch how much oil comes down after 3 months of
> of causing a glut in the market gas does not have the shelf life it used
> to so they do not want to stockpile it"
> Stop using plastic since the chemicals to make it come from a barrel of oil.
> Stop taking medicines since some of the chemicals used to make it come from
> oil. Stop eating preserved foods since the chemicals to preserve it come
> from a barrel of oil. Stop your wife from smelling good with her perfume
> since perfumes are made from chemicals that come from a barrel of oil. Stop
> using insecticides since the come indirectly from a barrel of oil.
> The list continues so I guess if you want the price to go down we should all
> buy horses and let them feed in pastures where we don't fertilize or use
> pesticides. We could collect the manure and let it dry and use it for
> fertilizer or even burn it for fuel in the winter.
> Sarge

tim bur 08-13-2005 08:02 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
dam you finally got a clue

Sarge wrote:

> "tim bur" wrote: "lets try not to run to the pump every day to top off the
> tank thus reducing a higher demand , lets slow down and reenact the 55 mph
> law federally, slow down and keep our vehicles fix when the check engine
> lite is on. start using concrete and cut down ashphalt that takes all kind
> of oil/tar to make and just watch how much oil comes down after 3 months of
> of causing a glut in the market gas does not have the shelf life it used
> to so they do not want to stockpile it"
> Stop using plastic since the chemicals to make it come from a barrel of oil.
> Stop taking medicines since some of the chemicals used to make it come from
> oil. Stop eating preserved foods since the chemicals to preserve it come
> from a barrel of oil. Stop your wife from smelling good with her perfume
> since perfumes are made from chemicals that come from a barrel of oil. Stop
> using insecticides since the come indirectly from a barrel of oil.
> The list continues so I guess if you want the price to go down we should all
> buy horses and let them feed in pastures where we don't fertilize or use
> pesticides. We could collect the manure and let it dry and use it for
> fertilizer or even burn it for fuel in the winter.
> Sarge

tim bur 08-13-2005 08:02 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
dam you finally got a clue

Sarge wrote:

> "tim bur" wrote: "lets try not to run to the pump every day to top off the
> tank thus reducing a higher demand , lets slow down and reenact the 55 mph
> law federally, slow down and keep our vehicles fix when the check engine
> lite is on. start using concrete and cut down ashphalt that takes all kind
> of oil/tar to make and just watch how much oil comes down after 3 months of
> of causing a glut in the market gas does not have the shelf life it used
> to so they do not want to stockpile it"
> Stop using plastic since the chemicals to make it come from a barrel of oil.
> Stop taking medicines since some of the chemicals used to make it come from
> oil. Stop eating preserved foods since the chemicals to preserve it come
> from a barrel of oil. Stop your wife from smelling good with her perfume
> since perfumes are made from chemicals that come from a barrel of oil. Stop
> using insecticides since the come indirectly from a barrel of oil.
> The list continues so I guess if you want the price to go down we should all
> buy horses and let them feed in pastures where we don't fertilize or use
> pesticides. We could collect the manure and let it dry and use it for
> fertilizer or even burn it for fuel in the winter.
> Sarge

tim bur 08-13-2005 08:02 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
dam you finally got a clue

Sarge wrote:

> "tim bur" wrote: "lets try not to run to the pump every day to top off the
> tank thus reducing a higher demand , lets slow down and reenact the 55 mph
> law federally, slow down and keep our vehicles fix when the check engine
> lite is on. start using concrete and cut down ashphalt that takes all kind
> of oil/tar to make and just watch how much oil comes down after 3 months of
> of causing a glut in the market gas does not have the shelf life it used
> to so they do not want to stockpile it"
> Stop using plastic since the chemicals to make it come from a barrel of oil.
> Stop taking medicines since some of the chemicals used to make it come from
> oil. Stop eating preserved foods since the chemicals to preserve it come
> from a barrel of oil. Stop your wife from smelling good with her perfume
> since perfumes are made from chemicals that come from a barrel of oil. Stop
> using insecticides since the come indirectly from a barrel of oil.
> The list continues so I guess if you want the price to go down we should all
> buy horses and let them feed in pastures where we don't fertilize or use
> pesticides. We could collect the manure and let it dry and use it for
> fertilizer or even burn it for fuel in the winter.
> Sarge

tim bur 08-13-2005 08:14 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
did you know driving at 55 verses going the same place driving 70 only results in about a 10
minute difference in a 200 mile trip there is a formula for this thats given to each new
driver going thru training in my area
and i drive a 383 bigblock newport to work
talk to people u know and you will find that people fill the tanks on monday and use up 1/4
tank then drive right bac in and top off the tank thinking they are going to save a few
pennies. because gas goes up everyday, so demand goes up i see it everyday and hear about it
bllsht wrote:

> Explain to us how buying 10 gallons of gas every 5 days will create less demand
> than buying 2 gallons every day. Why don't we all stop buying gas on Mondays?
> That'll kill demand won't it? Give me a break...
> I'll gladly pay whatever it takes to drive my gas guzzler 75 mph. You can drive
> your hybrid whatever speed you want, but I say ---- driving 55 mph.
> In message <>, "tim bur" wrote:
> >lets try not to run to the pump every day to top off the tank thus reducing a higher
> >demand , lets slow down and reenact the 55 mph law federally, slow down and keep our
> >vehicles fix when the check engine lite is on. start using concrete and cut down ashphalt
> >that takes all kind of oil/tar to make and just watch how much oil comes down after 3
> >months of of causing a glut in the market
> > gas does not have the shelf life it used to so they do not want to stockpile it
> >
> >Cherokee-Ltd wrote:
> >
> >> From another thread that was veering off-topic...
> >>
> >> Besides untreated water, name another liquid you can get for $1.50/gallon.
> >> Bill had mentioned California diesel prices hitting $3.00/gallon in another
> >> thread.
> >>
> >>
> >> At first I thought waaa waa waa, it's still cheaper than most countries on
> >> the planet.... until I did the math! Tonight I paid $.82/L Canadian for
> >> diesel, after conversion to gallons and into US Funds, I paid $2.54/gallon
> >> US... hehehe. Unfortunately, regular unleaded in Canada is still
> >> $2.86/gallon US, almost $.30 higher than California.
> >>
> >> It's important for us Canadians and Americans not to whine too much for our
> >> overseas friends are paying at least twice as much for "petrol".
> >>
> >> Let's keep things in perspective
> >> In fact, at today's price of $63/barrel (petroleum barrels are 42
> >> gallons)...
> >>
> >> A cool refreshing cup of crude oil would cost you about 10 cents unlike the
> >> thieving pimply faced little girl down the street selling lemonade for 25
> >> cents a cup.
> >>
> >> Slide by your local pub for pint after a hard days work? You'd jump at a
> >> chance to get your suds for the price of a pint of crude at 19 cents.
> >>
> >> If only we could get a 255 ml can of pop for the price of crude... about 9
> >> cents.

tim bur 08-13-2005 08:14 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
did you know driving at 55 verses going the same place driving 70 only results in about a 10
minute difference in a 200 mile trip there is a formula for this thats given to each new
driver going thru training in my area
and i drive a 383 bigblock newport to work
talk to people u know and you will find that people fill the tanks on monday and use up 1/4
tank then drive right bac in and top off the tank thinking they are going to save a few
pennies. because gas goes up everyday, so demand goes up i see it everyday and hear about it
bllsht wrote:

> Explain to us how buying 10 gallons of gas every 5 days will create less demand
> than buying 2 gallons every day. Why don't we all stop buying gas on Mondays?
> That'll kill demand won't it? Give me a break...
> I'll gladly pay whatever it takes to drive my gas guzzler 75 mph. You can drive
> your hybrid whatever speed you want, but I say ---- driving 55 mph.
> In message <>, "tim bur" wrote:
> >lets try not to run to the pump every day to top off the tank thus reducing a higher
> >demand , lets slow down and reenact the 55 mph law federally, slow down and keep our
> >vehicles fix when the check engine lite is on. start using concrete and cut down ashphalt
> >that takes all kind of oil/tar to make and just watch how much oil comes down after 3
> >months of of causing a glut in the market
> > gas does not have the shelf life it used to so they do not want to stockpile it
> >
> >Cherokee-Ltd wrote:
> >
> >> From another thread that was veering off-topic...
> >>
> >> Besides untreated water, name another liquid you can get for $1.50/gallon.
> >> Bill had mentioned California diesel prices hitting $3.00/gallon in another
> >> thread.
> >>
> >>
> >> At first I thought waaa waa waa, it's still cheaper than most countries on
> >> the planet.... until I did the math! Tonight I paid $.82/L Canadian for
> >> diesel, after conversion to gallons and into US Funds, I paid $2.54/gallon
> >> US... hehehe. Unfortunately, regular unleaded in Canada is still
> >> $2.86/gallon US, almost $.30 higher than California.
> >>
> >> It's important for us Canadians and Americans not to whine too much for our
> >> overseas friends are paying at least twice as much for "petrol".
> >>
> >> Let's keep things in perspective
> >> In fact, at today's price of $63/barrel (petroleum barrels are 42
> >> gallons)...
> >>
> >> A cool refreshing cup of crude oil would cost you about 10 cents unlike the
> >> thieving pimply faced little girl down the street selling lemonade for 25
> >> cents a cup.
> >>
> >> Slide by your local pub for pint after a hard days work? You'd jump at a
> >> chance to get your suds for the price of a pint of crude at 19 cents.
> >>
> >> If only we could get a 255 ml can of pop for the price of crude... about 9
> >> cents.

tim bur 08-13-2005 08:14 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
did you know driving at 55 verses going the same place driving 70 only results in about a 10
minute difference in a 200 mile trip there is a formula for this thats given to each new
driver going thru training in my area
and i drive a 383 bigblock newport to work
talk to people u know and you will find that people fill the tanks on monday and use up 1/4
tank then drive right bac in and top off the tank thinking they are going to save a few
pennies. because gas goes up everyday, so demand goes up i see it everyday and hear about it
bllsht wrote:

> Explain to us how buying 10 gallons of gas every 5 days will create less demand
> than buying 2 gallons every day. Why don't we all stop buying gas on Mondays?
> That'll kill demand won't it? Give me a break...
> I'll gladly pay whatever it takes to drive my gas guzzler 75 mph. You can drive
> your hybrid whatever speed you want, but I say ---- driving 55 mph.
> In message <>, "tim bur" wrote:
> >lets try not to run to the pump every day to top off the tank thus reducing a higher
> >demand , lets slow down and reenact the 55 mph law federally, slow down and keep our
> >vehicles fix when the check engine lite is on. start using concrete and cut down ashphalt
> >that takes all kind of oil/tar to make and just watch how much oil comes down after 3
> >months of of causing a glut in the market
> > gas does not have the shelf life it used to so they do not want to stockpile it
> >
> >Cherokee-Ltd wrote:
> >
> >> From another thread that was veering off-topic...
> >>
> >> Besides untreated water, name another liquid you can get for $1.50/gallon.
> >> Bill had mentioned California diesel prices hitting $3.00/gallon in another
> >> thread.
> >>
> >>
> >> At first I thought waaa waa waa, it's still cheaper than most countries on
> >> the planet.... until I did the math! Tonight I paid $.82/L Canadian for
> >> diesel, after conversion to gallons and into US Funds, I paid $2.54/gallon
> >> US... hehehe. Unfortunately, regular unleaded in Canada is still
> >> $2.86/gallon US, almost $.30 higher than California.
> >>
> >> It's important for us Canadians and Americans not to whine too much for our
> >> overseas friends are paying at least twice as much for "petrol".
> >>
> >> Let's keep things in perspective
> >> In fact, at today's price of $63/barrel (petroleum barrels are 42
> >> gallons)...
> >>
> >> A cool refreshing cup of crude oil would cost you about 10 cents unlike the
> >> thieving pimply faced little girl down the street selling lemonade for 25
> >> cents a cup.
> >>
> >> Slide by your local pub for pint after a hard days work? You'd jump at a
> >> chance to get your suds for the price of a pint of crude at 19 cents.
> >>
> >> If only we could get a 255 ml can of pop for the price of crude... about 9
> >> cents.

tim bur 08-13-2005 08:14 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
did you know driving at 55 verses going the same place driving 70 only results in about a 10
minute difference in a 200 mile trip there is a formula for this thats given to each new
driver going thru training in my area
and i drive a 383 bigblock newport to work
talk to people u know and you will find that people fill the tanks on monday and use up 1/4
tank then drive right bac in and top off the tank thinking they are going to save a few
pennies. because gas goes up everyday, so demand goes up i see it everyday and hear about it
bllsht wrote:

> Explain to us how buying 10 gallons of gas every 5 days will create less demand
> than buying 2 gallons every day. Why don't we all stop buying gas on Mondays?
> That'll kill demand won't it? Give me a break...
> I'll gladly pay whatever it takes to drive my gas guzzler 75 mph. You can drive
> your hybrid whatever speed you want, but I say ---- driving 55 mph.
> In message <>, "tim bur" wrote:
> >lets try not to run to the pump every day to top off the tank thus reducing a higher
> >demand , lets slow down and reenact the 55 mph law federally, slow down and keep our
> >vehicles fix when the check engine lite is on. start using concrete and cut down ashphalt
> >that takes all kind of oil/tar to make and just watch how much oil comes down after 3
> >months of of causing a glut in the market
> > gas does not have the shelf life it used to so they do not want to stockpile it
> >
> >Cherokee-Ltd wrote:
> >
> >> From another thread that was veering off-topic...
> >>
> >> Besides untreated water, name another liquid you can get for $1.50/gallon.
> >> Bill had mentioned California diesel prices hitting $3.00/gallon in another
> >> thread.
> >>
> >>
> >> At first I thought waaa waa waa, it's still cheaper than most countries on
> >> the planet.... until I did the math! Tonight I paid $.82/L Canadian for
> >> diesel, after conversion to gallons and into US Funds, I paid $2.54/gallon
> >> US... hehehe. Unfortunately, regular unleaded in Canada is still
> >> $2.86/gallon US, almost $.30 higher than California.
> >>
> >> It's important for us Canadians and Americans not to whine too much for our
> >> overseas friends are paying at least twice as much for "petrol".
> >>
> >> Let's keep things in perspective
> >> In fact, at today's price of $63/barrel (petroleum barrels are 42
> >> gallons)...
> >>
> >> A cool refreshing cup of crude oil would cost you about 10 cents unlike the
> >> thieving pimply faced little girl down the street selling lemonade for 25
> >> cents a cup.
> >>
> >> Slide by your local pub for pint after a hard days work? You'd jump at a
> >> chance to get your suds for the price of a pint of crude at 19 cents.
> >>
> >> If only we could get a 255 ml can of pop for the price of crude... about 9
> >> cents.

tim bur 08-13-2005 08:40 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
yes u are burning the same 20 gallons a week but if gas was say a buc a gallon it would be
no big deal to wait till the end of the week to get gas, think bac to when it was. but people
now have a mind set they will save cash by topping off their tanks knowing that prices are
going to rise, and because of this mindset, they are now buying 5 gallons more a week topping
off the tank instead of waiting to get fuel when the tank gets low so damand goes up big time
it's a simple case of supply and demand. think this is bull ---- remember princess di's
beenie babies when she died they were upwards of 500 buc's if you could find them now they are
a dime a dozen
a friend of mind who works for a oil company tell me that sweet crude is no lomger used to
make gas and the refiners now use sour crude and it's the price of that oil per barrel thats
even higher something like 75.00 bucs a barrel he's say it will hit 100.00 by the end of summer
then it's going to drop big time. i hope hes right

Lee Ayrton wrote:

> Please explain: If I'm burning 20 gal/week, how does buying 20 gallons
> once a week instead of 5 gallons a day reduce demand.
> tim bur wrote:
> > lets try not to run to the pump every day to top off the tank thus reducing a higher
> > demand , lets slow down and reenact the 55 mph law federally, slow down and keep our
> > vehicles fix when the check engine lite is on. start using concrete and cut down ashphalt
> > that takes all kind of oil/tar to make and just watch how much oil comes down after 3
> > months of of causing a glut in the market
> > gas does not have the shelf life it used to so they do not want to stockpile it
> >
> > Cherokee-Ltd wrote:
> >
> >
> >>From another thread that was veering off-topic...
> >>
> >>Besides untreated water, name another liquid you can get for $1.50/gallon.
> >>Bill had mentioned California diesel prices hitting $3.00/gallon in another
> >>thread.
> >>
> >>
> >>At first I thought waaa waa waa, it's still cheaper than most countries on
> >>the planet.... until I did the math! Tonight I paid $.82/L Canadian for
> >>diesel, after conversion to gallons and into US Funds, I paid $2.54/gallon
> >>US... hehehe. Unfortunately, regular unleaded in Canada is still
> >>$2.86/gallon US, almost $.30 higher than California.
> >>
> >>It's important for us Canadians and Americans not to whine too much for our
> >>overseas friends are paying at least twice as much for "petrol".
> >>
> >>Let's keep things in perspective
> >>In fact, at today's price of $63/barrel (petroleum barrels are 42
> >>gallons)...
> >>
> >>A cool refreshing cup of crude oil would cost you about 10 cents unlike the
> >>thieving pimply faced little girl down the street selling lemonade for 25
> >>cents a cup.
> >>
> >>Slide by your local pub for pint after a hard days work? You'd jump at a
> >>chance to get your suds for the price of a pint of crude at 19 cents.
> >>
> >>If only we could get a 255 ml can of pop for the price of crude... about 9
> >>cents.

> >
> >

tim bur 08-13-2005 08:40 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
yes u are burning the same 20 gallons a week but if gas was say a buc a gallon it would be
no big deal to wait till the end of the week to get gas, think bac to when it was. but people
now have a mind set they will save cash by topping off their tanks knowing that prices are
going to rise, and because of this mindset, they are now buying 5 gallons more a week topping
off the tank instead of waiting to get fuel when the tank gets low so damand goes up big time
it's a simple case of supply and demand. think this is bull ---- remember princess di's
beenie babies when she died they were upwards of 500 buc's if you could find them now they are
a dime a dozen
a friend of mind who works for a oil company tell me that sweet crude is no lomger used to
make gas and the refiners now use sour crude and it's the price of that oil per barrel thats
even higher something like 75.00 bucs a barrel he's say it will hit 100.00 by the end of summer
then it's going to drop big time. i hope hes right

Lee Ayrton wrote:

> Please explain: If I'm burning 20 gal/week, how does buying 20 gallons
> once a week instead of 5 gallons a day reduce demand.
> tim bur wrote:
> > lets try not to run to the pump every day to top off the tank thus reducing a higher
> > demand , lets slow down and reenact the 55 mph law federally, slow down and keep our
> > vehicles fix when the check engine lite is on. start using concrete and cut down ashphalt
> > that takes all kind of oil/tar to make and just watch how much oil comes down after 3
> > months of of causing a glut in the market
> > gas does not have the shelf life it used to so they do not want to stockpile it
> >
> > Cherokee-Ltd wrote:
> >
> >
> >>From another thread that was veering off-topic...
> >>
> >>Besides untreated water, name another liquid you can get for $1.50/gallon.
> >>Bill had mentioned California diesel prices hitting $3.00/gallon in another
> >>thread.
> >>
> >>
> >>At first I thought waaa waa waa, it's still cheaper than most countries on
> >>the planet.... until I did the math! Tonight I paid $.82/L Canadian for
> >>diesel, after conversion to gallons and into US Funds, I paid $2.54/gallon
> >>US... hehehe. Unfortunately, regular unleaded in Canada is still
> >>$2.86/gallon US, almost $.30 higher than California.
> >>
> >>It's important for us Canadians and Americans not to whine too much for our
> >>overseas friends are paying at least twice as much for "petrol".
> >>
> >>Let's keep things in perspective
> >>In fact, at today's price of $63/barrel (petroleum barrels are 42
> >>gallons)...
> >>
> >>A cool refreshing cup of crude oil would cost you about 10 cents unlike the
> >>thieving pimply faced little girl down the street selling lemonade for 25
> >>cents a cup.
> >>
> >>Slide by your local pub for pint after a hard days work? You'd jump at a
> >>chance to get your suds for the price of a pint of crude at 19 cents.
> >>
> >>If only we could get a 255 ml can of pop for the price of crude... about 9
> >>cents.

> >
> >

tim bur 08-13-2005 08:40 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
yes u are burning the same 20 gallons a week but if gas was say a buc a gallon it would be
no big deal to wait till the end of the week to get gas, think bac to when it was. but people
now have a mind set they will save cash by topping off their tanks knowing that prices are
going to rise, and because of this mindset, they are now buying 5 gallons more a week topping
off the tank instead of waiting to get fuel when the tank gets low so damand goes up big time
it's a simple case of supply and demand. think this is bull ---- remember princess di's
beenie babies when she died they were upwards of 500 buc's if you could find them now they are
a dime a dozen
a friend of mind who works for a oil company tell me that sweet crude is no lomger used to
make gas and the refiners now use sour crude and it's the price of that oil per barrel thats
even higher something like 75.00 bucs a barrel he's say it will hit 100.00 by the end of summer
then it's going to drop big time. i hope hes right

Lee Ayrton wrote:

> Please explain: If I'm burning 20 gal/week, how does buying 20 gallons
> once a week instead of 5 gallons a day reduce demand.
> tim bur wrote:
> > lets try not to run to the pump every day to top off the tank thus reducing a higher
> > demand , lets slow down and reenact the 55 mph law federally, slow down and keep our
> > vehicles fix when the check engine lite is on. start using concrete and cut down ashphalt
> > that takes all kind of oil/tar to make and just watch how much oil comes down after 3
> > months of of causing a glut in the market
> > gas does not have the shelf life it used to so they do not want to stockpile it
> >
> > Cherokee-Ltd wrote:
> >
> >
> >>From another thread that was veering off-topic...
> >>
> >>Besides untreated water, name another liquid you can get for $1.50/gallon.
> >>Bill had mentioned California diesel prices hitting $3.00/gallon in another
> >>thread.
> >>
> >>
> >>At first I thought waaa waa waa, it's still cheaper than most countries on
> >>the planet.... until I did the math! Tonight I paid $.82/L Canadian for
> >>diesel, after conversion to gallons and into US Funds, I paid $2.54/gallon
> >>US... hehehe. Unfortunately, regular unleaded in Canada is still
> >>$2.86/gallon US, almost $.30 higher than California.
> >>
> >>It's important for us Canadians and Americans not to whine too much for our
> >>overseas friends are paying at least twice as much for "petrol".
> >>
> >>Let's keep things in perspective
> >>In fact, at today's price of $63/barrel (petroleum barrels are 42
> >>gallons)...
> >>
> >>A cool refreshing cup of crude oil would cost you about 10 cents unlike the
> >>thieving pimply faced little girl down the street selling lemonade for 25
> >>cents a cup.
> >>
> >>Slide by your local pub for pint after a hard days work? You'd jump at a
> >>chance to get your suds for the price of a pint of crude at 19 cents.
> >>
> >>If only we could get a 255 ml can of pop for the price of crude... about 9
> >>cents.

> >
> >

tim bur 08-13-2005 08:40 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
yes u are burning the same 20 gallons a week but if gas was say a buc a gallon it would be
no big deal to wait till the end of the week to get gas, think bac to when it was. but people
now have a mind set they will save cash by topping off their tanks knowing that prices are
going to rise, and because of this mindset, they are now buying 5 gallons more a week topping
off the tank instead of waiting to get fuel when the tank gets low so damand goes up big time
it's a simple case of supply and demand. think this is bull ---- remember princess di's
beenie babies when she died they were upwards of 500 buc's if you could find them now they are
a dime a dozen
a friend of mind who works for a oil company tell me that sweet crude is no lomger used to
make gas and the refiners now use sour crude and it's the price of that oil per barrel thats
even higher something like 75.00 bucs a barrel he's say it will hit 100.00 by the end of summer
then it's going to drop big time. i hope hes right

Lee Ayrton wrote:

> Please explain: If I'm burning 20 gal/week, how does buying 20 gallons
> once a week instead of 5 gallons a day reduce demand.
> tim bur wrote:
> > lets try not to run to the pump every day to top off the tank thus reducing a higher
> > demand , lets slow down and reenact the 55 mph law federally, slow down and keep our
> > vehicles fix when the check engine lite is on. start using concrete and cut down ashphalt
> > that takes all kind of oil/tar to make and just watch how much oil comes down after 3
> > months of of causing a glut in the market
> > gas does not have the shelf life it used to so they do not want to stockpile it
> >
> > Cherokee-Ltd wrote:
> >
> >
> >>From another thread that was veering off-topic...
> >>
> >>Besides untreated water, name another liquid you can get for $1.50/gallon.
> >>Bill had mentioned California diesel prices hitting $3.00/gallon in another
> >>thread.
> >>
> >>
> >>At first I thought waaa waa waa, it's still cheaper than most countries on
> >>the planet.... until I did the math! Tonight I paid $.82/L Canadian for
> >>diesel, after conversion to gallons and into US Funds, I paid $2.54/gallon
> >>US... hehehe. Unfortunately, regular unleaded in Canada is still
> >>$2.86/gallon US, almost $.30 higher than California.
> >>
> >>It's important for us Canadians and Americans not to whine too much for our
> >>overseas friends are paying at least twice as much for "petrol".
> >>
> >>Let's keep things in perspective
> >>In fact, at today's price of $63/barrel (petroleum barrels are 42
> >>gallons)...
> >>
> >>A cool refreshing cup of crude oil would cost you about 10 cents unlike the
> >>thieving pimply faced little girl down the street selling lemonade for 25
> >>cents a cup.
> >>
> >>Slide by your local pub for pint after a hard days work? You'd jump at a
> >>chance to get your suds for the price of a pint of crude at 19 cents.
> >>
> >>If only we could get a 255 ml can of pop for the price of crude... about 9
> >>cents.

> >
> >

tim bur 08-13-2005 08:43 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
but were is the dinosaurs now????

"L.W.(ßill) ------ III" wrote:

> Except we're a dimension away from using gravity. So lets use the
> the resources we have, until we gain that technology. Like if we had no
> petroleum tomorrow, wouldn't that speed up that process? Besides oil is
> a renewable resource, it just takes a little longer.
> God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> Earle Horton wrote:
> >
> > Bill,
> >
> > I am not sure which problem this is intended to solve. For me, the problem
> > is to assure a continued supply of petroleum and petroleum products, until
> > some whiz kid figures out how to make pure 2,2,4-trimethylpentane, out of
> > sh*t. If we want to do that, it is necessary to preserve what petroleum we
> > have, for a while at least. Opening up the tap isn't going to accomplish
> > that.
> >
> > I thought that conservatives, were supposed to "conserve" stuff. I may be
> > confused.
> >
> > Earle

tim bur 08-13-2005 08:43 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
but were is the dinosaurs now????

"L.W.(ßill) ------ III" wrote:

> Except we're a dimension away from using gravity. So lets use the
> the resources we have, until we gain that technology. Like if we had no
> petroleum tomorrow, wouldn't that speed up that process? Besides oil is
> a renewable resource, it just takes a little longer.
> God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> Earle Horton wrote:
> >
> > Bill,
> >
> > I am not sure which problem this is intended to solve. For me, the problem
> > is to assure a continued supply of petroleum and petroleum products, until
> > some whiz kid figures out how to make pure 2,2,4-trimethylpentane, out of
> > sh*t. If we want to do that, it is necessary to preserve what petroleum we
> > have, for a while at least. Opening up the tap isn't going to accomplish
> > that.
> >
> > I thought that conservatives, were supposed to "conserve" stuff. I may be
> > confused.
> >
> > Earle

tim bur 08-13-2005 08:43 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
but were is the dinosaurs now????

"L.W.(ßill) ------ III" wrote:

> Except we're a dimension away from using gravity. So lets use the
> the resources we have, until we gain that technology. Like if we had no
> petroleum tomorrow, wouldn't that speed up that process? Besides oil is
> a renewable resource, it just takes a little longer.
> God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> Earle Horton wrote:
> >
> > Bill,
> >
> > I am not sure which problem this is intended to solve. For me, the problem
> > is to assure a continued supply of petroleum and petroleum products, until
> > some whiz kid figures out how to make pure 2,2,4-trimethylpentane, out of
> > sh*t. If we want to do that, it is necessary to preserve what petroleum we
> > have, for a while at least. Opening up the tap isn't going to accomplish
> > that.
> >
> > I thought that conservatives, were supposed to "conserve" stuff. I may be
> > confused.
> >
> > Earle

tim bur 08-13-2005 08:43 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
but were is the dinosaurs now????

"L.W.(ßill) ------ III" wrote:

> Except we're a dimension away from using gravity. So lets use the
> the resources we have, until we gain that technology. Like if we had no
> petroleum tomorrow, wouldn't that speed up that process? Besides oil is
> a renewable resource, it just takes a little longer.
> God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> Earle Horton wrote:
> >
> > Bill,
> >
> > I am not sure which problem this is intended to solve. For me, the problem
> > is to assure a continued supply of petroleum and petroleum products, until
> > some whiz kid figures out how to make pure 2,2,4-trimethylpentane, out of
> > sh*t. If we want to do that, it is necessary to preserve what petroleum we
> > have, for a while at least. Opening up the tap isn't going to accomplish
> > that.
> >
> > I thought that conservatives, were supposed to "conserve" stuff. I may be
> > confused.
> >
> > Earle

Snow 08-13-2005 10:45 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
What airlines have their fuel subsidized????
and what airline is running their ramp equipment on jet fuel??


"Bret Ludwig" <> wrote in message
> The ANWR will slake our -----like lust for oil-for about five years.
> At the cost of turning the whole area into a massive pile of wreckage
> not worth backhauling out.
> If I could buy Jet A for what the airlines get it for-it is still
> subsidized-I sure as hell would run a car or truck on it. Any diesel
> engine will burn Jet A, all the ramp equipment is and does. Last price
> I heard air carriers pay was around $2.10/gal. Civilian FBOs will
> charge up to $3 a gallon but some sell it for only a few cents over
> cost-look at ads in Trade-A-Plane.Jet and diesel fuel are about the
> same price, wholesale, before road or air taxes are added. If we get
> Euro II diesel regs-and we are stupid not to, trucks and buses will run
> a lot cleaner-they WILL be the same-it'll be cheaper just to make JP-8,
> which is what all military diesel and turbine engines burn.
> "George W. Bush is a traitor, an idiot, and a moron and I think the
> Arabs should punish us for electing the silly son of a bitch by driving
> Saudi oil high enough to crash the stock market."-A sign I saw on a
> farmer's barn off I-80 out West. Don't remember the mile marker, but I
> wish I had a picture.

Snow 08-13-2005 10:45 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
What airlines have their fuel subsidized????
and what airline is running their ramp equipment on jet fuel??


"Bret Ludwig" <> wrote in message
> The ANWR will slake our -----like lust for oil-for about five years.
> At the cost of turning the whole area into a massive pile of wreckage
> not worth backhauling out.
> If I could buy Jet A for what the airlines get it for-it is still
> subsidized-I sure as hell would run a car or truck on it. Any diesel
> engine will burn Jet A, all the ramp equipment is and does. Last price
> I heard air carriers pay was around $2.10/gal. Civilian FBOs will
> charge up to $3 a gallon but some sell it for only a few cents over
> cost-look at ads in Trade-A-Plane.Jet and diesel fuel are about the
> same price, wholesale, before road or air taxes are added. If we get
> Euro II diesel regs-and we are stupid not to, trucks and buses will run
> a lot cleaner-they WILL be the same-it'll be cheaper just to make JP-8,
> which is what all military diesel and turbine engines burn.
> "George W. Bush is a traitor, an idiot, and a moron and I think the
> Arabs should punish us for electing the silly son of a bitch by driving
> Saudi oil high enough to crash the stock market."-A sign I saw on a
> farmer's barn off I-80 out West. Don't remember the mile marker, but I
> wish I had a picture.

Snow 08-13-2005 10:45 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
What airlines have their fuel subsidized????
and what airline is running their ramp equipment on jet fuel??


"Bret Ludwig" <> wrote in message
> The ANWR will slake our -----like lust for oil-for about five years.
> At the cost of turning the whole area into a massive pile of wreckage
> not worth backhauling out.
> If I could buy Jet A for what the airlines get it for-it is still
> subsidized-I sure as hell would run a car or truck on it. Any diesel
> engine will burn Jet A, all the ramp equipment is and does. Last price
> I heard air carriers pay was around $2.10/gal. Civilian FBOs will
> charge up to $3 a gallon but some sell it for only a few cents over
> cost-look at ads in Trade-A-Plane.Jet and diesel fuel are about the
> same price, wholesale, before road or air taxes are added. If we get
> Euro II diesel regs-and we are stupid not to, trucks and buses will run
> a lot cleaner-they WILL be the same-it'll be cheaper just to make JP-8,
> which is what all military diesel and turbine engines burn.
> "George W. Bush is a traitor, an idiot, and a moron and I think the
> Arabs should punish us for electing the silly son of a bitch by driving
> Saudi oil high enough to crash the stock market."-A sign I saw on a
> farmer's barn off I-80 out West. Don't remember the mile marker, but I
> wish I had a picture.

Snow 08-13-2005 10:45 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
What airlines have their fuel subsidized????
and what airline is running their ramp equipment on jet fuel??


"Bret Ludwig" <> wrote in message
> The ANWR will slake our -----like lust for oil-for about five years.
> At the cost of turning the whole area into a massive pile of wreckage
> not worth backhauling out.
> If I could buy Jet A for what the airlines get it for-it is still
> subsidized-I sure as hell would run a car or truck on it. Any diesel
> engine will burn Jet A, all the ramp equipment is and does. Last price
> I heard air carriers pay was around $2.10/gal. Civilian FBOs will
> charge up to $3 a gallon but some sell it for only a few cents over
> cost-look at ads in Trade-A-Plane.Jet and diesel fuel are about the
> same price, wholesale, before road or air taxes are added. If we get
> Euro II diesel regs-and we are stupid not to, trucks and buses will run
> a lot cleaner-they WILL be the same-it'll be cheaper just to make JP-8,
> which is what all military diesel and turbine engines burn.
> "George W. Bush is a traitor, an idiot, and a moron and I think the
> Arabs should punish us for electing the silly son of a bitch by driving
> Saudi oil high enough to crash the stock market."-A sign I saw on a
> farmer's barn off I-80 out West. Don't remember the mile marker, but I
> wish I had a picture.

Earle Horton 08-13-2005 10:56 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?

Look at what you're saying. They're all over. Bill may be ful of crap but
at least he can spel and use gramer, and this is a writen comunicashuns
medium. so far, it looks to me as if Bill wins, you looz in the
credibilility departmint. we has a serious problum in america, and it dusnt
rilly hav much to do with petrolium


"tim bur" <> wrote in message
> but were is the dinosaurs now????
> "L.W.(ßill) ------ III" wrote:
> > Except we're a dimension away from using gravity. So lets use the
> > the resources we have, until we gain that technology. Like if we had no
> > petroleum tomorrow, wouldn't that speed up that process? Besides oil is
> > a renewable resource, it just takes a little longer.
> > God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O
> > mailto:--------------------
> >
> > Earle Horton wrote:
> > >
> > > Bill,
> > >
> > > I am not sure which problem this is intended to solve. For me, the

> > > is to assure a continued supply of petroleum and petroleum products,

> > > some whiz kid figures out how to make pure 2,2,4-trimethylpentane, out

> > > sh*t. If we want to do that, it is necessary to preserve what

petroleum we
> > > have, for a while at least. Opening up the tap isn't going to

> > > that.
> > >
> > > I thought that conservatives, were supposed to "conserve" stuff. I

may be
> > > confused.
> > >
> > > Earle


Earle Horton 08-13-2005 10:56 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?

Look at what you're saying. They're all over. Bill may be ful of crap but
at least he can spel and use gramer, and this is a writen comunicashuns
medium. so far, it looks to me as if Bill wins, you looz in the
credibilility departmint. we has a serious problum in america, and it dusnt
rilly hav much to do with petrolium


"tim bur" <> wrote in message
> but were is the dinosaurs now????
> "L.W.(ßill) ------ III" wrote:
> > Except we're a dimension away from using gravity. So lets use the
> > the resources we have, until we gain that technology. Like if we had no
> > petroleum tomorrow, wouldn't that speed up that process? Besides oil is
> > a renewable resource, it just takes a little longer.
> > God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O
> > mailto:--------------------
> >
> > Earle Horton wrote:
> > >
> > > Bill,
> > >
> > > I am not sure which problem this is intended to solve. For me, the

> > > is to assure a continued supply of petroleum and petroleum products,

> > > some whiz kid figures out how to make pure 2,2,4-trimethylpentane, out

> > > sh*t. If we want to do that, it is necessary to preserve what

petroleum we
> > > have, for a while at least. Opening up the tap isn't going to

> > > that.
> > >
> > > I thought that conservatives, were supposed to "conserve" stuff. I

may be
> > > confused.
> > >
> > > Earle


Earle Horton 08-13-2005 10:56 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?

Look at what you're saying. They're all over. Bill may be ful of crap but
at least he can spel and use gramer, and this is a writen comunicashuns
medium. so far, it looks to me as if Bill wins, you looz in the
credibilility departmint. we has a serious problum in america, and it dusnt
rilly hav much to do with petrolium


"tim bur" <> wrote in message
> but were is the dinosaurs now????
> "L.W.(ßill) ------ III" wrote:
> > Except we're a dimension away from using gravity. So lets use the
> > the resources we have, until we gain that technology. Like if we had no
> > petroleum tomorrow, wouldn't that speed up that process? Besides oil is
> > a renewable resource, it just takes a little longer.
> > God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O
> > mailto:--------------------
> >
> > Earle Horton wrote:
> > >
> > > Bill,
> > >
> > > I am not sure which problem this is intended to solve. For me, the

> > > is to assure a continued supply of petroleum and petroleum products,

> > > some whiz kid figures out how to make pure 2,2,4-trimethylpentane, out

> > > sh*t. If we want to do that, it is necessary to preserve what

petroleum we
> > > have, for a while at least. Opening up the tap isn't going to

> > > that.
> > >
> > > I thought that conservatives, were supposed to "conserve" stuff. I

may be
> > > confused.
> > >
> > > Earle


Earle Horton 08-13-2005 10:56 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?

Look at what you're saying. They're all over. Bill may be ful of crap but
at least he can spel and use gramer, and this is a writen comunicashuns
medium. so far, it looks to me as if Bill wins, you looz in the
credibilility departmint. we has a serious problum in america, and it dusnt
rilly hav much to do with petrolium


"tim bur" <> wrote in message
> but were is the dinosaurs now????
> "L.W.(ßill) ------ III" wrote:
> > Except we're a dimension away from using gravity. So lets use the
> > the resources we have, until we gain that technology. Like if we had no
> > petroleum tomorrow, wouldn't that speed up that process? Besides oil is
> > a renewable resource, it just takes a little longer.
> > God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O
> > mailto:--------------------
> >
> > Earle Horton wrote:
> > >
> > > Bill,
> > >
> > > I am not sure which problem this is intended to solve. For me, the

> > > is to assure a continued supply of petroleum and petroleum products,

> > > some whiz kid figures out how to make pure 2,2,4-trimethylpentane, out

> > > sh*t. If we want to do that, it is necessary to preserve what

petroleum we
> > > have, for a while at least. Opening up the tap isn't going to

> > > that.
> > >
> > > I thought that conservatives, were supposed to "conserve" stuff. I

may be
> > > confused.
> > >
> > > Earle


Ruel Smith 08-13-2005 11:06 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
> That is the stupidest comment I have ever read! What is it with you
> bleeding heart liberals, all you can do is whine. You're just dead
> weight!

Yeah, dead weight that feels sorry for everyone else and blames this country
for all the world's problems. They love self-inflicted punisment...

If you want to blame someone for the current state of oil, blame the
consumers in this country. Since everyone sees fit to buy foreign made
goods, thinking there are no repercussions, more and more goods are now made
in China, allowing them to be more prosperous and afford gasoline driven
transportation, causing a dramatic rise in damand and higher oil prices as a
result due to their huge population.

Here's the solution: buy American built products. The US is 1/3 the entire
world market for consumer goods. We are roughly equivlent to the entire
European Trade Union in size. We're the largest single-country market for
consumer goods. Yet, more and more we buy foreign made products. If we no
longer bought foreign made products, there would be less of it produced
there, and those countries would be less prosperous, decreasing their buying
power and the number of oil burning transportation units in use. When there
is a demand for more domestically built product, there will both be more
jobs in this country and a larger supply of jobs vs. a rather static demand
for them means more pay. More pay means you can easily afford the gasoline,
and with less demand around the world, assuming constant OPEC production,
that means lower prices for it.

And, let me point out that not all Ford, GM, or DC cars are built in the US.
You have to be a concious consumer.

I'm not for putting up barriers to trade. If we still had the trade barriers
that existed in the late '70's, we'd still be driving the same poorly built
vehicles with yesterday's tech and built-in factory defects. Competition
improves the breed. I just advocate that you buy American by choice.

Ruel Smith 08-13-2005 11:06 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
> That is the stupidest comment I have ever read! What is it with you
> bleeding heart liberals, all you can do is whine. You're just dead
> weight!

Yeah, dead weight that feels sorry for everyone else and blames this country
for all the world's problems. They love self-inflicted punisment...

If you want to blame someone for the current state of oil, blame the
consumers in this country. Since everyone sees fit to buy foreign made
goods, thinking there are no repercussions, more and more goods are now made
in China, allowing them to be more prosperous and afford gasoline driven
transportation, causing a dramatic rise in damand and higher oil prices as a
result due to their huge population.

Here's the solution: buy American built products. The US is 1/3 the entire
world market for consumer goods. We are roughly equivlent to the entire
European Trade Union in size. We're the largest single-country market for
consumer goods. Yet, more and more we buy foreign made products. If we no
longer bought foreign made products, there would be less of it produced
there, and those countries would be less prosperous, decreasing their buying
power and the number of oil burning transportation units in use. When there
is a demand for more domestically built product, there will both be more
jobs in this country and a larger supply of jobs vs. a rather static demand
for them means more pay. More pay means you can easily afford the gasoline,
and with less demand around the world, assuming constant OPEC production,
that means lower prices for it.

And, let me point out that not all Ford, GM, or DC cars are built in the US.
You have to be a concious consumer.

I'm not for putting up barriers to trade. If we still had the trade barriers
that existed in the late '70's, we'd still be driving the same poorly built
vehicles with yesterday's tech and built-in factory defects. Competition
improves the breed. I just advocate that you buy American by choice.

Ruel Smith 08-13-2005 11:06 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
> That is the stupidest comment I have ever read! What is it with you
> bleeding heart liberals, all you can do is whine. You're just dead
> weight!

Yeah, dead weight that feels sorry for everyone else and blames this country
for all the world's problems. They love self-inflicted punisment...

If you want to blame someone for the current state of oil, blame the
consumers in this country. Since everyone sees fit to buy foreign made
goods, thinking there are no repercussions, more and more goods are now made
in China, allowing them to be more prosperous and afford gasoline driven
transportation, causing a dramatic rise in damand and higher oil prices as a
result due to their huge population.

Here's the solution: buy American built products. The US is 1/3 the entire
world market for consumer goods. We are roughly equivlent to the entire
European Trade Union in size. We're the largest single-country market for
consumer goods. Yet, more and more we buy foreign made products. If we no
longer bought foreign made products, there would be less of it produced
there, and those countries would be less prosperous, decreasing their buying
power and the number of oil burning transportation units in use. When there
is a demand for more domestically built product, there will both be more
jobs in this country and a larger supply of jobs vs. a rather static demand
for them means more pay. More pay means you can easily afford the gasoline,
and with less demand around the world, assuming constant OPEC production,
that means lower prices for it.

And, let me point out that not all Ford, GM, or DC cars are built in the US.
You have to be a concious consumer.

I'm not for putting up barriers to trade. If we still had the trade barriers
that existed in the late '70's, we'd still be driving the same poorly built
vehicles with yesterday's tech and built-in factory defects. Competition
improves the breed. I just advocate that you buy American by choice.

Ruel Smith 08-13-2005 11:06 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
> That is the stupidest comment I have ever read! What is it with you
> bleeding heart liberals, all you can do is whine. You're just dead
> weight!

Yeah, dead weight that feels sorry for everyone else and blames this country
for all the world's problems. They love self-inflicted punisment...

If you want to blame someone for the current state of oil, blame the
consumers in this country. Since everyone sees fit to buy foreign made
goods, thinking there are no repercussions, more and more goods are now made
in China, allowing them to be more prosperous and afford gasoline driven
transportation, causing a dramatic rise in damand and higher oil prices as a
result due to their huge population.

Here's the solution: buy American built products. The US is 1/3 the entire
world market for consumer goods. We are roughly equivlent to the entire
European Trade Union in size. We're the largest single-country market for
consumer goods. Yet, more and more we buy foreign made products. If we no
longer bought foreign made products, there would be less of it produced
there, and those countries would be less prosperous, decreasing their buying
power and the number of oil burning transportation units in use. When there
is a demand for more domestically built product, there will both be more
jobs in this country and a larger supply of jobs vs. a rather static demand
for them means more pay. More pay means you can easily afford the gasoline,
and with less demand around the world, assuming constant OPEC production,
that means lower prices for it.

And, let me point out that not all Ford, GM, or DC cars are built in the US.
You have to be a concious consumer.

I'm not for putting up barriers to trade. If we still had the trade barriers
that existed in the late '70's, we'd still be driving the same poorly built
vehicles with yesterday's tech and built-in factory defects. Competition
improves the breed. I just advocate that you buy American by choice.

Ruel Smith 08-13-2005 11:09 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
> I thought that conservatives, were supposed to "conserve" stuff. I may be
> confused.

No, they just think that you shouldn't fix stuff that isn't broken. Liberals
seem to invision some Utopia, thinking that making policy changes to strive
for such a society won't have any negative effects. However, with just about
every change, there is both positve and negative effects. Their supposed
visionary thinking just screws the world up.

Ruel Smith 08-13-2005 11:09 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
> I thought that conservatives, were supposed to "conserve" stuff. I may be
> confused.

No, they just think that you shouldn't fix stuff that isn't broken. Liberals
seem to invision some Utopia, thinking that making policy changes to strive
for such a society won't have any negative effects. However, with just about
every change, there is both positve and negative effects. Their supposed
visionary thinking just screws the world up.

Ruel Smith 08-13-2005 11:09 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
> I thought that conservatives, were supposed to "conserve" stuff. I may be
> confused.

No, they just think that you shouldn't fix stuff that isn't broken. Liberals
seem to invision some Utopia, thinking that making policy changes to strive
for such a society won't have any negative effects. However, with just about
every change, there is both positve and negative effects. Their supposed
visionary thinking just screws the world up.

Ruel Smith 08-13-2005 11:09 AM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
> I thought that conservatives, were supposed to "conserve" stuff. I may be
> confused.

No, they just think that you shouldn't fix stuff that isn't broken. Liberals
seem to invision some Utopia, thinking that making policy changes to strive
for such a society won't have any negative effects. However, with just about
every change, there is both positve and negative effects. Their supposed
visionary thinking just screws the world up.

DougW 08-13-2005 12:54 PM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
Ruel Smith did pass the time by typing:
>> I thought that conservatives, were supposed to "conserve" stuff. I may be
>> confused.

> No, they just think that you shouldn't fix stuff that isn't broken. Liberals
> seem to invision some Utopia, thinking that making policy changes to strive
> for such a society won't have any negative effects. However, with just about
> every change, there is both positve and negative effects. Their supposed
> visionary thinking just screws the world up.

"Con-gress, the opposite of Pro-gress."
"Anyone who says crime doesn't pay never met a politician."

You don't vote for the best person, you vote for the least dangerous.


DougW 08-13-2005 12:54 PM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
Ruel Smith did pass the time by typing:
>> I thought that conservatives, were supposed to "conserve" stuff. I may be
>> confused.

> No, they just think that you shouldn't fix stuff that isn't broken. Liberals
> seem to invision some Utopia, thinking that making policy changes to strive
> for such a society won't have any negative effects. However, with just about
> every change, there is both positve and negative effects. Their supposed
> visionary thinking just screws the world up.

"Con-gress, the opposite of Pro-gress."
"Anyone who says crime doesn't pay never met a politician."

You don't vote for the best person, you vote for the least dangerous.


DougW 08-13-2005 12:54 PM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
Ruel Smith did pass the time by typing:
>> I thought that conservatives, were supposed to "conserve" stuff. I may be
>> confused.

> No, they just think that you shouldn't fix stuff that isn't broken. Liberals
> seem to invision some Utopia, thinking that making policy changes to strive
> for such a society won't have any negative effects. However, with just about
> every change, there is both positve and negative effects. Their supposed
> visionary thinking just screws the world up.

"Con-gress, the opposite of Pro-gress."
"Anyone who says crime doesn't pay never met a politician."

You don't vote for the best person, you vote for the least dangerous.


DougW 08-13-2005 12:54 PM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
Ruel Smith did pass the time by typing:
>> I thought that conservatives, were supposed to "conserve" stuff. I may be
>> confused.

> No, they just think that you shouldn't fix stuff that isn't broken. Liberals
> seem to invision some Utopia, thinking that making policy changes to strive
> for such a society won't have any negative effects. However, with just about
> every change, there is both positve and negative effects. Their supposed
> visionary thinking just screws the world up.

"Con-gress, the opposite of Pro-gress."
"Anyone who says crime doesn't pay never met a politician."

You don't vote for the best person, you vote for the least dangerous.


Earle Horton 08-13-2005 01:44 PM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
Good point, but lots of stuff is broken, with people saying it isn't.

I think you're wrong about liberals. They don't think, that policy changes
won't have any negative effects. They just don't give a damn. I have
learned to be suspicious of liberals too, especially when they want to play
with my money.


"Ruel Smith" <> wrote in message
> > I thought that conservatives, were supposed to "conserve" stuff. I may

> > confused.

> No, they just think that you shouldn't fix stuff that isn't broken.

> seem to invision some Utopia, thinking that making policy changes to

> for such a society won't have any negative effects. However, with just

> every change, there is both positve and negative effects. Their supposed
> visionary thinking just screws the world up.

Earle Horton 08-13-2005 01:44 PM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
Good point, but lots of stuff is broken, with people saying it isn't.

I think you're wrong about liberals. They don't think, that policy changes
won't have any negative effects. They just don't give a damn. I have
learned to be suspicious of liberals too, especially when they want to play
with my money.


"Ruel Smith" <> wrote in message
> > I thought that conservatives, were supposed to "conserve" stuff. I may

> > confused.

> No, they just think that you shouldn't fix stuff that isn't broken.

> seem to invision some Utopia, thinking that making policy changes to

> for such a society won't have any negative effects. However, with just

> every change, there is both positve and negative effects. Their supposed
> visionary thinking just screws the world up.

Earle Horton 08-13-2005 01:44 PM

Re: Oil prices got you down?
Good point, but lots of stuff is broken, with people saying it isn't.

I think you're wrong about liberals. They don't think, that policy changes
won't have any negative effects. They just don't give a damn. I have
learned to be suspicious of liberals too, especially when they want to play
with my money.


"Ruel Smith" <> wrote in message
> > I thought that conservatives, were supposed to "conserve" stuff. I may

> > confused.

> No, they just think that you shouldn't fix stuff that isn't broken.

> seem to invision some Utopia, thinking that making policy changes to

> for such a society won't have any negative effects. However, with just

> every change, there is both positve and negative effects. Their supposed
> visionary thinking just screws the world up.

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