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Shirley U. Jeste 07-12-2007 02:05 PM

Re: My comment about AOL e-mail

> If I wanted to read a book, I'd join some girlie group like Ophra.
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------

Then do it; you desperately need some education.

Meanwhile, this will do, it's at a 4th grade level, not too far beyond
your ability:

No. 2 in the Hardy Boys series

"Where do we go from here?" he called out to the others. The two remaining
motorcycles came to a stop and the drivers mopped their brows while the
two other boys dismounted, glad of the chance to stretch their legs. One
of the cyclists, a boy of fifteen, fair, with light, curly hair, was Joe
Hardy, a brother of Frank's, and the other lad was Chet Morton, a chum of
the Hardy boys. The other youths were Jerry Gilroy and "Biff" Hooper,
typical, healthy American lads of high school age. "You're the leader,"
said Joe to his brother. "We'11 follow you." "I'd rather have it settled.
We've started out without any particular place to go. There's not much fun
just riding around the countryside." "I don't much care where we go, as
long as we keep on going," said Jerry. "We get a breeze as long as we're
traveling, but the mra-nte we stop I begin to sweat." Chet Morton gazed
along the shore road. "I'll tell you what we can do," he said suddenly. "
Let's go and visit the haunted house." "Polucca's place?"
•The Haunted House 3
"Sure. We've never been out therw." "I've passed it," Frank said. "But I
didn't go very close to the place, I'll tell you." Jerry Gilroy, who was a
newcomer to Bayport, looked puzzled. "Where is Polucca's place?"
"You can see it from here. Look," said Chet, taking him by the arm and
bringing him over to the side of the road. "See where the shore road dips,
away out near the end of Barmet Bay. Do you see that cliff?" "Yes.
There's a stone house at the top." "Well, that's Polucca's place."
"Who is Polucca?"
"Who was Polucca, you mean," interjected Frank. "He used to live there.
But he was murdered." "And that's why the place is supposed to be
haunted?" "Reason enough, isn't it?" said Biff Hooper. "I don't believe in
ghosts, but I'll tell the world there are some funny stories going around
about that house ever since Polucca was killed." "He must have been a
strange fellow, anyway," commented Jerry, "to build a house in such a
place as that." Indeed, the Polucca place had been built on an unusual
site. High above the waters of the bay it stood, built close to the edge
of a rocky 4 The House on the Cliff
and inhospitable cliff. It was some distance back from the road, and there
was no other house within miles. The boys had traveled a little more than
three miles since leaving Bayport, and the Polucca place was at least five
miles away. It could hardly have been seen, had it not been for its
prominent position on top of the cliff, silhouetted clearly against the
sky. "He was a strange fellow," Frank observed. "No one knew very much
about him. He didn't welcome visitors. In fact, he always kept a couple of
vicious dogs around the place, so nobody cared to hang around there if
they weren't invited." "He was a miser," came from Joe Hart/. "He may have
been. At least that was the theory. Everybody said Polucca had a lot of
money, but after his death there wasn't a nickel found in the house."
"Felix Polucca always said he wouldn't trust the banks," put in Biff
Hooper. "But if he had any money I don't know where he made it, for he
didn't work at anything and he mighty seldom came into the city." "Perhaps
he inherited it," Jerry suggested. "Maybe. He must have had money at some
time, to build that house. It's a great, rambling stone place that must
have cost thousands." 'The Haunted House 5
"Is anybody living there now?"*
The others shook their heads. "No one has lived there since the murder and
I don't think any one ever will," said Frank Hardy. "The house is too far
out of the way, for one thing, and then-the stories that have been going
around-" "Well, I won't say I believe any place is haunted, but the
Polucca place is certainly strange. There have been queer lights seen
there at night. On stormy nights, particularly. And once a motorist had a
breakdown near there, so he went up to the house for help. He didn't know
anything about the history of the place. He got the scare of his life!"
"What happened?"
"He decided when he went into the front yard that the place was deserted,
and he was just going to turn away when he saw an old man standing at one
of the upper windows, looking at him. He called out, and the old man went
away, and although the motorist hunted all through the house he didn't
find any trace of the old chap. So he left that place as quickly as he
could." "I don't blame him," remarked Jerry. "But the house sounds
interesting. I'm game to visit it." "So am I!" declared the others.
'' Lead on!" laughed Chet. " It '11 be a brave 6 llie House
on the Cliff
ghost that will tackle the whole five of us." Jerry clambered on behind
Chet, and Biff mounted Joe's motorcycle. The machines roared, and the
little cavalcade started on its way down the shore road toward the house
on the cliff. Instead of being an aimless trip, the outing had now assumed
all the aspects of an adventure. With the exception of Jerry, the boys had
all passed by the Polucca place at one time or another, but none had ever
ventured off the main road to explore the deserted place. The lane leading
into the Polucca grounds, never kept in good repair even during the
owner's lifetime, was now almost indiscernible and was overgrown with
weeds and bushes. The house itself was hidden from the roadway by trees.

[to be continued...]

Shirley U. Jeste 07-12-2007 02:05 PM

Re: My comment about AOL e-mail

> If I wanted to read a book, I'd join some girlie group like Ophra.
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------

Then do it; you desperately need some education.

Meanwhile, this will do, it's at a 4th grade level, not too far beyond
your ability:

No. 2 in the Hardy Boys series

"Where do we go from here?" he called out to the others. The two remaining
motorcycles came to a stop and the drivers mopped their brows while the
two other boys dismounted, glad of the chance to stretch their legs. One
of the cyclists, a boy of fifteen, fair, with light, curly hair, was Joe
Hardy, a brother of Frank's, and the other lad was Chet Morton, a chum of
the Hardy boys. The other youths were Jerry Gilroy and "Biff" Hooper,
typical, healthy American lads of high school age. "You're the leader,"
said Joe to his brother. "We'11 follow you." "I'd rather have it settled.
We've started out without any particular place to go. There's not much fun
just riding around the countryside." "I don't much care where we go, as
long as we keep on going," said Jerry. "We get a breeze as long as we're
traveling, but the mra-nte we stop I begin to sweat." Chet Morton gazed
along the shore road. "I'll tell you what we can do," he said suddenly. "
Let's go and visit the haunted house." "Polucca's place?"
•The Haunted House 3
"Sure. We've never been out therw." "I've passed it," Frank said. "But I
didn't go very close to the place, I'll tell you." Jerry Gilroy, who was a
newcomer to Bayport, looked puzzled. "Where is Polucca's place?"
"You can see it from here. Look," said Chet, taking him by the arm and
bringing him over to the side of the road. "See where the shore road dips,
away out near the end of Barmet Bay. Do you see that cliff?" "Yes.
There's a stone house at the top." "Well, that's Polucca's place."
"Who is Polucca?"
"Who was Polucca, you mean," interjected Frank. "He used to live there.
But he was murdered." "And that's why the place is supposed to be
haunted?" "Reason enough, isn't it?" said Biff Hooper. "I don't believe in
ghosts, but I'll tell the world there are some funny stories going around
about that house ever since Polucca was killed." "He must have been a
strange fellow, anyway," commented Jerry, "to build a house in such a
place as that." Indeed, the Polucca place had been built on an unusual
site. High above the waters of the bay it stood, built close to the edge
of a rocky 4 The House on the Cliff
and inhospitable cliff. It was some distance back from the road, and there
was no other house within miles. The boys had traveled a little more than
three miles since leaving Bayport, and the Polucca place was at least five
miles away. It could hardly have been seen, had it not been for its
prominent position on top of the cliff, silhouetted clearly against the
sky. "He was a strange fellow," Frank observed. "No one knew very much
about him. He didn't welcome visitors. In fact, he always kept a couple of
vicious dogs around the place, so nobody cared to hang around there if
they weren't invited." "He was a miser," came from Joe Hart/. "He may have
been. At least that was the theory. Everybody said Polucca had a lot of
money, but after his death there wasn't a nickel found in the house."
"Felix Polucca always said he wouldn't trust the banks," put in Biff
Hooper. "But if he had any money I don't know where he made it, for he
didn't work at anything and he mighty seldom came into the city." "Perhaps
he inherited it," Jerry suggested. "Maybe. He must have had money at some
time, to build that house. It's a great, rambling stone place that must
have cost thousands." 'The Haunted House 5
"Is anybody living there now?"*
The others shook their heads. "No one has lived there since the murder and
I don't think any one ever will," said Frank Hardy. "The house is too far
out of the way, for one thing, and then-the stories that have been going
around-" "Well, I won't say I believe any place is haunted, but the
Polucca place is certainly strange. There have been queer lights seen
there at night. On stormy nights, particularly. And once a motorist had a
breakdown near there, so he went up to the house for help. He didn't know
anything about the history of the place. He got the scare of his life!"
"What happened?"
"He decided when he went into the front yard that the place was deserted,
and he was just going to turn away when he saw an old man standing at one
of the upper windows, looking at him. He called out, and the old man went
away, and although the motorist hunted all through the house he didn't
find any trace of the old chap. So he left that place as quickly as he
could." "I don't blame him," remarked Jerry. "But the house sounds
interesting. I'm game to visit it." "So am I!" declared the others.
'' Lead on!" laughed Chet. " It '11 be a brave 6 llie House
on the Cliff
ghost that will tackle the whole five of us." Jerry clambered on behind
Chet, and Biff mounted Joe's motorcycle. The machines roared, and the
little cavalcade started on its way down the shore road toward the house
on the cliff. Instead of being an aimless trip, the outing had now assumed
all the aspects of an adventure. With the exception of Jerry, the boys had
all passed by the Polucca place at one time or another, but none had ever
ventured off the main road to explore the deserted place. The lane leading
into the Polucca grounds, never kept in good repair even during the
owner's lifetime, was now almost indiscernible and was overgrown with
weeds and bushes. The house itself was hidden from the roadway by trees.

[to be continued...]

Shirley U. Jeste 07-12-2007 02:05 PM

Re: My comment about AOL e-mail

> If I wanted to read a book, I'd join some girlie group like Ophra.
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------

Then do it; you desperately need some education.

Meanwhile, this will do, it's at a 4th grade level, not too far beyond
your ability:

No. 2 in the Hardy Boys series

"Where do we go from here?" he called out to the others. The two remaining
motorcycles came to a stop and the drivers mopped their brows while the
two other boys dismounted, glad of the chance to stretch their legs. One
of the cyclists, a boy of fifteen, fair, with light, curly hair, was Joe
Hardy, a brother of Frank's, and the other lad was Chet Morton, a chum of
the Hardy boys. The other youths were Jerry Gilroy and "Biff" Hooper,
typical, healthy American lads of high school age. "You're the leader,"
said Joe to his brother. "We'11 follow you." "I'd rather have it settled.
We've started out without any particular place to go. There's not much fun
just riding around the countryside." "I don't much care where we go, as
long as we keep on going," said Jerry. "We get a breeze as long as we're
traveling, but the mra-nte we stop I begin to sweat." Chet Morton gazed
along the shore road. "I'll tell you what we can do," he said suddenly. "
Let's go and visit the haunted house." "Polucca's place?"
•The Haunted House 3
"Sure. We've never been out therw." "I've passed it," Frank said. "But I
didn't go very close to the place, I'll tell you." Jerry Gilroy, who was a
newcomer to Bayport, looked puzzled. "Where is Polucca's place?"
"You can see it from here. Look," said Chet, taking him by the arm and
bringing him over to the side of the road. "See where the shore road dips,
away out near the end of Barmet Bay. Do you see that cliff?" "Yes.
There's a stone house at the top." "Well, that's Polucca's place."
"Who is Polucca?"
"Who was Polucca, you mean," interjected Frank. "He used to live there.
But he was murdered." "And that's why the place is supposed to be
haunted?" "Reason enough, isn't it?" said Biff Hooper. "I don't believe in
ghosts, but I'll tell the world there are some funny stories going around
about that house ever since Polucca was killed." "He must have been a
strange fellow, anyway," commented Jerry, "to build a house in such a
place as that." Indeed, the Polucca place had been built on an unusual
site. High above the waters of the bay it stood, built close to the edge
of a rocky 4 The House on the Cliff
and inhospitable cliff. It was some distance back from the road, and there
was no other house within miles. The boys had traveled a little more than
three miles since leaving Bayport, and the Polucca place was at least five
miles away. It could hardly have been seen, had it not been for its
prominent position on top of the cliff, silhouetted clearly against the
sky. "He was a strange fellow," Frank observed. "No one knew very much
about him. He didn't welcome visitors. In fact, he always kept a couple of
vicious dogs around the place, so nobody cared to hang around there if
they weren't invited." "He was a miser," came from Joe Hart/. "He may have
been. At least that was the theory. Everybody said Polucca had a lot of
money, but after his death there wasn't a nickel found in the house."
"Felix Polucca always said he wouldn't trust the banks," put in Biff
Hooper. "But if he had any money I don't know where he made it, for he
didn't work at anything and he mighty seldom came into the city." "Perhaps
he inherited it," Jerry suggested. "Maybe. He must have had money at some
time, to build that house. It's a great, rambling stone place that must
have cost thousands." 'The Haunted House 5
"Is anybody living there now?"*
The others shook their heads. "No one has lived there since the murder and
I don't think any one ever will," said Frank Hardy. "The house is too far
out of the way, for one thing, and then-the stories that have been going
around-" "Well, I won't say I believe any place is haunted, but the
Polucca place is certainly strange. There have been queer lights seen
there at night. On stormy nights, particularly. And once a motorist had a
breakdown near there, so he went up to the house for help. He didn't know
anything about the history of the place. He got the scare of his life!"
"What happened?"
"He decided when he went into the front yard that the place was deserted,
and he was just going to turn away when he saw an old man standing at one
of the upper windows, looking at him. He called out, and the old man went
away, and although the motorist hunted all through the house he didn't
find any trace of the old chap. So he left that place as quickly as he
could." "I don't blame him," remarked Jerry. "But the house sounds
interesting. I'm game to visit it." "So am I!" declared the others.
'' Lead on!" laughed Chet. " It '11 be a brave 6 llie House
on the Cliff
ghost that will tackle the whole five of us." Jerry clambered on behind
Chet, and Biff mounted Joe's motorcycle. The machines roared, and the
little cavalcade started on its way down the shore road toward the house
on the cliff. Instead of being an aimless trip, the outing had now assumed
all the aspects of an adventure. With the exception of Jerry, the boys had
all passed by the Polucca place at one time or another, but none had ever
ventured off the main road to explore the deserted place. The lane leading
into the Polucca grounds, never kept in good repair even during the
owner's lifetime, was now almost indiscernible and was overgrown with
weeds and bushes. The house itself was hidden from the roadway by trees.

[to be continued...]

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 07-12-2007 06:27 PM

Re: My comment about AOL e-mail
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers, and cross posts to other perverts to no one's
surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving I'm a
responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican
Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more senile
than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Shirley U. Jeste" <dontcallmeshirley@anytime.bud> wrote in message
>< snip off topic stuff a welfare recipient would read, rather than do.>

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 07-12-2007 06:27 PM

Re: My comment about AOL e-mail
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers, and cross posts to other perverts to no one's
surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving I'm a
responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican
Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more senile
than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Shirley U. Jeste" <dontcallmeshirley@anytime.bud> wrote in message
>< snip off topic stuff a welfare recipient would read, rather than do.>

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 07-12-2007 06:27 PM

Re: My comment about AOL e-mail
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers, and cross posts to other perverts to no one's
surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving I'm a
responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican
Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more senile
than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Shirley U. Jeste" <dontcallmeshirley@anytime.bud> wrote in message
>< snip off topic stuff a welfare recipient would read, rather than do.>

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 07-12-2007 06:27 PM

Re: My comment about AOL e-mail
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers, and cross posts to other perverts to no one's
surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving I'm a
responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican
Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more senile
than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Shirley U. Jeste" <dontcallmeshirley@anytime.bud> wrote in message
>< snip off topic stuff a welfare recipient would read, rather than do.>

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 07-12-2007 06:30 PM

Re: My comment about AOL e-mail
That what the liberal bottom feeder scumbags go after, the successful
companies, with deep pockets.
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Steve Landis" <sdotlandisatcomcastdotnet> wrote in message
> It's getting easier... AOL to pay $3M, reform cancel policies
> Steve

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 07-12-2007 06:30 PM

Re: My comment about AOL e-mail
That what the liberal bottom feeder scumbags go after, the successful
companies, with deep pockets.
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Steve Landis" <sdotlandisatcomcastdotnet> wrote in message
> It's getting easier... AOL to pay $3M, reform cancel policies
> Steve

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 07-12-2007 06:30 PM

Re: My comment about AOL e-mail
That what the liberal bottom feeder scumbags go after, the successful
companies, with deep pockets.
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Steve Landis" <sdotlandisatcomcastdotnet> wrote in message
> It's getting easier... AOL to pay $3M, reform cancel policies
> Steve

Posted via a free Usenet account from

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