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24BitŪ 10-17-2007 01:18 AM

Re: General "Wimpy L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III"
On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 21:56:19 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> wrote:

Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
Norman Doidge
National Post
What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?

That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
"offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.

The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
-- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
treatments really psychotherapy?

Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
concern by definition.

But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.

Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.

The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.

I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
or "negative tapes" in her head.

Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
of mankind how to be remorseless.

But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
be practised.

So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
just say they are beyond therapy.

That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from

The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
unwillingness to make basic distinctions.

In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
"conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
>over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
>possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
>Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
>coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
>Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
>course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
>Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
>obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
>when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
>elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
>remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
>little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
>head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
>even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
>As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
>passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
>stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
>all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
>each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
>It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
>other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
>hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
>Forwarded to:,
>groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
>Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
>Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
> If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
>Sheriffs Department.
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
>man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
>I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
>contradicts it's self.
> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
> I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
>participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
>life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel:
> and
> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
>will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
> Sincerely,
> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
>before you hurt yourself or someone else.
> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
>the top of your groups! :-)
> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
>Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
>straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
>faggots like would think of.
> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
>"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> .
>> The lord that the Psychopath Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III worships:
>> Abaddon, Accuser of our brethren, Adversary, Angel of Light,
>> Antichrist, Angel of the bottomless pit, Antichrist, Apollyon,
>> Beelzebub, Belial, Crooked serpent, Devil, Enemy,Dragon,
>> Father of lies, God of this World, Leviathan, Liar, Lucifer,
>> Lying spirit, Murderer, Old serpent, Piercing serpent, Power of
>> darkness,Prince of the devils, Prince of the power of the air,
>> Roaring lion, Prince of this world, Ruler of this world, Satan,
>> Serpent, Swine,Son of the Morning, Spirit who now works in
>> the sons of disobedience, Tempter, Unclean spirit, Wicked one.


24BitŪ 10-17-2007 01:18 AM

Re: General "Wimpy L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III"
On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 21:56:19 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> wrote:

Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
Norman Doidge
National Post
What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?

That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
"offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.

The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
-- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
treatments really psychotherapy?

Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
concern by definition.

But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.

Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.

The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.

I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
or "negative tapes" in her head.

Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
of mankind how to be remorseless.

But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
be practised.

So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
just say they are beyond therapy.

That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from

The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
unwillingness to make basic distinctions.

In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
"conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
>over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
>possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
>Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
>coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
>Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
>course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
>Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
>obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
>when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
>elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
>remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
>little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
>head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
>even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
>As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
>passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
>stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
>all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
>each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
>It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
>other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
>hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
>Forwarded to:,
>groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
>Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
>Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
> If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
>Sheriffs Department.
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
>man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
>I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
>contradicts it's self.
> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
> I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
>participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
>life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel:
> and
> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
>will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
> Sincerely,
> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
>before you hurt yourself or someone else.
> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
>the top of your groups! :-)
> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
>Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
>straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
>faggots like would think of.
> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
>"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> .
>> The lord that the Psychopath Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III worships:
>> Abaddon, Accuser of our brethren, Adversary, Angel of Light,
>> Antichrist, Angel of the bottomless pit, Antichrist, Apollyon,
>> Beelzebub, Belial, Crooked serpent, Devil, Enemy,Dragon,
>> Father of lies, God of this World, Leviathan, Liar, Lucifer,
>> Lying spirit, Murderer, Old serpent, Piercing serpent, Power of
>> darkness,Prince of the devils, Prince of the power of the air,
>> Roaring lion, Prince of this world, Ruler of this world, Satan,
>> Serpent, Swine,Son of the Morning, Spirit who now works in
>> the sons of disobedience, Tempter, Unclean spirit, Wicked one.


24BitŪ 10-17-2007 01:18 AM

Re: General "Wimpy L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III"
On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 21:56:19 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> wrote:

Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
Norman Doidge
National Post
What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?

That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
"offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.

The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
-- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
treatments really psychotherapy?

Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
concern by definition.

But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.

Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.

The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.

I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
or "negative tapes" in her head.

Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
of mankind how to be remorseless.

But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
be practised.

So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
just say they are beyond therapy.

That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from

The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
unwillingness to make basic distinctions.

In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
"conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
>over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
>possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
>Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
>coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
>Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
>course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
>Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
>obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
>when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
>elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
>remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
>little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
>head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
>even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
>As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
>passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
>stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
>all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
>each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
>It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
>other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
>hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
>Forwarded to:,
>groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
>Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
>Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
> If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
>Sheriffs Department.
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
>man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
>I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
>contradicts it's self.
> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
> I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
>participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
>life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel:
> and
> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
>will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
> Sincerely,
> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
>before you hurt yourself or someone else.
> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
>the top of your groups! :-)
> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
>Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
>straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
>faggots like would think of.
> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
>"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> .
>> The lord that the Psychopath Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III worships:
>> Abaddon, Accuser of our brethren, Adversary, Angel of Light,
>> Antichrist, Angel of the bottomless pit, Antichrist, Apollyon,
>> Beelzebub, Belial, Crooked serpent, Devil, Enemy,Dragon,
>> Father of lies, God of this World, Leviathan, Liar, Lucifer,
>> Lying spirit, Murderer, Old serpent, Piercing serpent, Power of
>> darkness,Prince of the devils, Prince of the power of the air,
>> Roaring lion, Prince of this world, Ruler of this world, Satan,
>> Serpent, Swine,Son of the Morning, Spirit who now works in
>> the sons of disobedience, Tempter, Unclean spirit, Wicked one.


24BitŪ 10-17-2007 01:18 AM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 21:57:17 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> wrote:

Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
Norman Doidge
National Post
What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?

That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
"offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.

The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
-- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
treatments really psychotherapy?

Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
concern by definition.

But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.

Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.

The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.

I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
or "negative tapes" in her head.

Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
of mankind how to be remorseless.

But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
be practised.

So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
just say they are beyond therapy.

That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from

The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
unwillingness to make basic distinctions.

In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
"conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
>over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
>possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
>Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
>coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
>Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
>course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
>Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
>obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
>when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
>elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
>remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
>little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
>head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
>even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
>As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
>passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
>stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
>all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
>each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
>It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
>other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
>hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
>Forwarded to:,
>groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
>Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
>Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
> If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
>Sheriffs Department.
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
>man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
>I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
>contradicts it's self.
> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
> I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
>participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
>life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel:
> and
> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
>will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
> Sincerely,
> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
>before you hurt yourself or someone else.
> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
>the top of your groups! :-)
> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
>Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
>straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
>faggots like would think of.
> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
>"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> .
>> Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) is practically synonymous with
>> criminal behavior, but as with all distributions of a disease or
>> whatever in a population, it is probable that the majority of people
>> with this particular affliction are law-abiding. Aging,
>> overinvolvements, and/or relationships might hold sway over the
>> control (or lack of control) in these kind of people, and although
>> approaching the study of offenders from a relationship & personality
>> disorders point of view may or may not be productive, Dr. Drew is
>> probably an adequate source of information on such matters. Dr.
>> Drew's theory (and one with wide ramifications since he pretty much
>> defines an antisocial tendency as thinking about one's self first) is
>> that women with certain kinds of disorders, like borderline
>> personality disorders, tend to be attracted to and hook up with men
>> who manifest symptoms of psychopathic personality disorder (see
>> Lecture on BPD & OCD) and that such match-ups may or may not be
>> dysfunctional. On the other hand, the field of criminology tends to
>> treat APD as so synonymous, in fact, with criminal behavior that
>> practically all convicted criminals (65-75%) have it, with
>> criminologists often referring to it as a "wastebasket" category.
>> Antisocials come is all shapes and sizes, and psychologists consider
>> the juvenile version of it to be a juvenile conduct disorder. The main
>> characteristic of it is a complete and utter disregard for the rights
>> of others and the rules of society. They seldom show anxiety and don't
>> feel guilt. Although many people would hope that there's an effective
>> treatment, there's really no effective treatment for them other than
>> locking them up in a secure facility with such rigid rules that they
>> cannot talk their way out. A full list of APD traits would include:
>> "List of Antisocial Personality Disorder Traits"
>> Sense of entitlement; Unremorseful; Apathetic to others;
>> Unconscionable behavior; Blameful of others; Manipulative and conning;
>> Affectively cold; Disparate understanding; Socially irresponsible;
>> Disregardful of obligations; Nonconforming to norms; Irresponsible.
>> whereas the DSM-IV "clinical" features of Antisocial Personality
>> Disorder (with a person having at least three of these
>> characteristics) are:
>> "Clinical Symptoms for an Antisocial Personality Disorder
>> Diagnosis"
>> 1. Failure to conform to social norms;
>> 2. Deceitfulness, manipulativeness;
>> 3. Impulsivity, failure to plan ahead;
>> 4. Irritability, aggressiveness;
>> 5. Reckless disregard for the safety of self or others;
>> 6. Consistent irresponsibility;
>> 7. Lack of remorse after having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from
>> another person.
>> Sociopathy is chiefly characterized by something wrong with the
>> person's conscience. They either don't have one, it's full of holes
>> like Swiss cheese, or they are somehow able to completely neutralize
>> or negate any sense of conscience or future time perspective.
>> Sociopaths only care about fulfilling their own needs and desires -
>> selfishness and egocentricity to the extreme. Everything and everybody
>> else is mentally twisted around in their minds as objects to be used
>> in fulfilling their own needs and desires. They often believe they are
>> doing something good for society, or at least nothing that bad. The
>> term "sociopath" is frequently used by psychologists and sociologists
>> alike in referring to persons whose unsocialized character is due
>> primarily to parental failures (usually fatherlessness) rather than an
>> inherent feature of temperament. Lykken (1995), for example, clearly
>> distinguishes between the sociopath (who is socialized into becoming a
>> psychopath) and a "true" psychopath (who is born that way). However,
>> this may only describe the "common sociopath", as there are at least
>> four (4) different subtypes -- common, alienated, aggressive, and
>> dyssocial. Commons are characterized mostly by their lack of
>> conscience; the alienated by their inability to love or be loved;
>> aggressives by a consistent sadistic streak; and dyssocials by an
>> ability to abide by gang rules, as long as those rules are the wrong
>> rules. As Stout (2005) indicates, it only takes three of the following
>> to be defined as a sociopath, and some common sociopathic traits
>> include:
>> "List of Common Sociopathic Traits"
>> Egocentricity; Callousness; Impulsivity; Conscience defect;
>> Exaggerated sexuality; Excessive boasting; Risk taking; Inability to
>> resist temptation; Antagonistic, deprecating attitude toward the
>> opposite ---; Lack of interest in bonding with a mate.
>> Psychopathy is a concept subject to much debate, but is usually
>> defined as a constellation of affective, interpersonal, and behavioral
>> characteristics including egocentricity; impulsivity;
>> irresponsibility; shallow emotions; lack of empathy, guilt, or
>> remorse; pathological lying; manipulativeness; and the persistent
>> violation of social norms and expectations (Cleckley 1976; Hare 1993).
>> The crimes of psychopaths are usually stone-cold, remorseless killings
>> for no apparent reason. They cold-bloodedly take what they want and do
>> as they please without the slightest sense of guilt or regret. In many
>> ways, they are natural-born intraspecies predators who satisfy their
>> lust for power and control by charm, manipulation, intimidation, and
>> violence. While almost all societies would regard them as criminals
>> (the exception being frontier or warlike societies where they might
>> become heroes, patriots, or leaders), it's important to distinguish
>> their behavior from criminal behavior. As a common axiom goes in
>> defined mainly by behaviors (Factor 2 antisocial behaviors) and
>> doesn't tap the affective/interpersonal dimensions (Factor 1 core
>> psychopathic features, narcissism) of psychopathy. Further, criminals
>> and APDs tend to "age out" of crime; psychopaths do not, and are at
>> high risk of recidivism. Psychopaths love to intellectualize in
>> treatment with their half-baked understanding of rules. Like the Star
>> Trek character, Spock, their reasoning cannot handle any mix of
>> cognition and emotion. They are calculating predators who, when
>> trapped, will attempt escape, create a nuisance and danger to staff,
>> be a disruptive influence on other patients or inmates, and fake
>> symptoms to get transferred, bouncing back and forth between
>> institutions. The common features of psychopathic traits (the PCL-R
>> items) are:
>> "List of Common Psychopathic Traits"
>> Glib and superficial charm; Grandiose sense of self-worth; Need for
>> stimulation; Pathological lying; Conning and manipulativeness; Lack of
>> remorse or guilt; Shallow affect; Callousness and lack of empathy;
>> Parasitic lifestyle; Poor behavioral controls; Promiscuous sexual
>> behavior; Early behavior problems; Lack of realistic, long-term goals;
>> Impulsivity; Irresponsibility; Failure to accept responsibility for
>> own actions; Many short-term marital relationships; Juvenile
>> delinquency; Revocation of conditional release; Criminal versatility.
>> The diagnosis of APD has long been controversial. The criteria for
>> it seem to change with each and every new edition of the Diagnostic
>> and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-I 1968; DSM-II 1976;
>> DSM-III 1980; DSM-III-R 1987; DSM-IV 1994). The diagnosis was
>> substantially changed with DSM-III when the APA decided to distinguish
>> between child and adult characteristics, and essentially substituted
>> behavioral criteria (like truancy or law violations) for personality
>> criteria (like callousness and selfishness). In the DSM-III-R (R for
>> Revised), the focus was on violence and a list of violent acts
>> (fighting, cruelty to others, cruelty to animals). The current DSM-IV
>> approach essentially says that anything which is not sociopathy,
>> psychopathy or dyssocial personality disorder is antisocial
>> personality disorder, but there is considerable overlap. The
>> diagnostic possibilities are endless; there are at least 3 million
>> possible variations of symptoms on at least 62 different measurable
>> items.
>> Ongoing research is quite prolific into the factor or principal
>> components analysis of APD characteristics. Most forensic experts
>> believe there are 3-4 factors (groupings of symptoms). One factor
>> involves symptoms that cluster around what might be called a Lack of
>> Planning (promiscuous, irresponsible, impulsive traits and behavior).
>> Another factor clusters around the notion of Disregard for Others. A
>> third factor is clearly related to Adult Criminality. A fourth factor
>> is clearly related to Juvenile Delinquency. Impulsivity appears to be
>> a prototypical (core) feature, but it can take many forms. Definitions
>> of impulsivity are numerous -- a tendency to act without reflection;
>> dysfunctional information processing; a tendency for risk taking;
>> sensation seeking; and an inability to sustain attention. Rating
>> scales are easily available to measure these.
>> The incidence of APD is twice as high for inner-city residents
>> than in small towns or rural areas, and five times higher in males
>> than in females. It affects people in all social classes, but if
>> someone with APD is born into a family of wealth and privilege, they
>> will usually manage to eek out a successful business or political
>> career. Poorer people with APD tend to wind up in state prison
>> systems. Since African-Americans are seven times more likely to be
>> represented in state prison systems, it's tempting to speculate the
>> incidence of APD among African-Americans is high. However, there are
>> most likely other causes of crime among African-Americans (like
>> unemployment and racism). The fact is that most of the current prison
>> population, white or black, shares the APD diagnosis. All it takes is
>> a juvenile record, an adult offense career, aggressivity, impulsivity,
>> a checkered work history, and/or lack of demonstrable repentance.
>> These can be easily found in almost any prison inmate's dossier.
>> One of the things closely related to APD is the comorbidity of
>> alcoholism and narcotic addiction. Some of the criteria for a
>> substance abuse disorder are very similar: theft, hazardous behavior,
>> failure to fulfill role functions in home, school, and work. A strong
>> correlation exists between substance abuse and factor 2 (antisocial
>> behaviors) of the psychopathy construct. APDs with a drug addiction
>> have some serious substance abuse problems -- the kind that lead to
>> death by overdose or accident within five years. Are APD and narcotic
>> addiction part of the same disorder, does one lead to the other, or
>> are they are spuriously linked together? From what little research
>> there is, it appears that most of the time, APD precedes narcotic
>> addiction, although some of the time, addiction leads to APD
>> behaviors. People with such comorbid characteristics also usually have
>> undiagnosed other Axis I and Axis II disorders.
>> From the wild Irish slums of the 19th Century Eastern seaboard to
>> the riot-torn anomic neighborhoods of Los Angeles, our society has
>> always produced sociopaths who are quite often the products of
>> illegitimacy, broken homes, and a lack of any bonding with male or
>> societal authority. Some 70% of sociopaths come from fatherless homes.
>> Father absence produces many consequences similar to the symptoms of
>> sociopathy -- early, precocious sexuality; antagonistic, deprecating
>> attitude toward the opposite ---; lack of interest in bonding with a
>> durable, stable mate; aggressive acting-out; excessive boasting; and
>> risk-taking behavior. Some 30% of children today are born
>> out-of-wedlock, and another 30% live in divorced homes. These
>> conditions - a problem of unsocialization - produce sociopathy.
>> Furthermore, sociopaths tend to reproduce themselves, that is, they
>> produce more than own their share of illegitimate offspring
>> themselves.
>> So what is a sociopath? You won't find criteria in the DSM IV or
>> official psychiatric nomenclature, but the construct refers to the
>> largest subgroup of APDs. Most are males, but an increasing number are
>> female. They have otherwise normal temperaments (as opposed to
>> psychopaths who have abnormal temperaments). Some are aggressive,
>> fearless sensation seekers, and others are Machiavellian manipulators.
>> A Machiavellian is a personality type who is a cross between an
>> antisocial personality and a narcissist, and someone who also has an
>> extremely high sense of entitlement. The one thing that all
>> sociopaths have in common is that they are "too much" to handle for
>> their parents or anyone else. It's common to refer to them as
>> unsocialized, but the dyssocial sociopath does socialize to the mores
>> and values of a dyssocial outgroup, like a gang. Let's explore the
>> four (4) subtypes of sociopaths:
>> COMMON SOCIOPATHS are the largest subtype and have a weak or
>> unelaborated conscience. They are not ashamed by the same things as
>> you or I would be ashamed of. They are like feral children grown up,
>> taking pleasures and gratifying impulses at every opportunity or
>> temptation. They especially enjoy and take pride in bending or
>> breaking the rules. As teenagers, they are often runaways. As adults,
>> they are often geographically mobile, living in shelters, or taking
>> advantage of welfare systems. They are experienced shoplifters. They
>> have quite active --- lives. They are usually of average intelligence,
>> but don't do well in school and never seem to break out of low-paying
>> dead-end jobs. Nevertheless, they seem genuinely happy with their
>> lives, unburdened by any sense of negative self-worth or the fact that
>> they have not been a functional, contributing member of society.
>> ALIENATED SOCIOPATHS have never developed the ability to love,
>> empathize, or affiliate in real life with another person. They will
>> show more emotion toward their pet or a personal artifact than toward
>> a person. Or, they may hate animals and live out their emotional life
>> by watching TV (identification with soap opera characters is a common
>> pattern). Dating and marriage relationships will be very barren and
>> empty. They won't get along with the neighbors. They live in a shell.
>> They have a cold, callous attitude toward human suffering or any
>> social problem in the society they live in. They just don't care
>> because it's outside their range of empathy. Most will believe they
>> are justified in this because they feel they were cheated in some way
>> themselves by society, and a few will be more than happy to rant and
>> rave about it to anyone who listens. They are chronic complainers, and
>> underneath it all, they would like to see nothing better than all of
>> society destroyed.
>> AGGRESSIVE SOCIOPATHS derive strong, yet nonperverse gratification
>> from harming others. They like to hurt, frighten, tyrannize, bully,
>> and manipulate. They do it for a sense of power and control, and will
>> often only drop subtle hints about what they are up to. They polish
>> their aggressive, domineering manner in such a way to disguise any
>> intimidation others might feel. They seek out positions of power, such
>> as parent, teacher, bureaucrat, supervisor, or police officer. Their
>> style is one of passive aggression as they systematically go about
>> sabotaging the ideas of others to get their ideas in place. In their
>> spare time, they like to hunt or occasionally do sadistic things like
>> find stray dogs and cut them up. They are usually effective at getting
>> their way, and are especially vindictive if resisted or crossed. They
>> don't follow the social norm of reciprocity like others do.
>> DYSSOCIAL SOCIOPATHS identify and hold an allegiance with a
>> dyssocial, outcast, or predatory subculture. Any subculture will do,
>> as long as it runs counter to established authority. They are capable
>> of intense loyalty, and even a feeling of guilt and shame, within such
>> limited circles. They seem to continually fall upon bad luck and bad
>> companions, however. While they will constantly complain that none of
>> this is their fault, behind it all is a kind of self-defeating
>> mechanism in the poor choices they made themselves.
>> Psychopaths cannot be understood in terms of antisocial rearing or
>> development. They are simply morally depraved individuals who
>> represent the "monsters" in our society. They are unstoppable and
>> untreatable predators whose violence is planned, purposeful and
>> emotionless. The violence continues until it reaches a plateau at age
>> 50 or so, then tapers off. Their emotionlessness reflects a detached,
>> fearless, and possibly dissociated state, revealing a lower autonomic
>> nervous system and lack of anxiety. It's difficult to say what
>> motivates them - control and dominance possibly - since their life
>> history will usually show no bonds with others nor much rhyme to their
>> reason (other than the planning of violence). They tend to operate
>> with a grandiose demeanor, an attitude of entitlement, an insatiable
>> appetite, and a tendency toward sadism. Fearlessness is probably the
>> prototypical (core) characteristic (the low-fear hypothesis). It's
>> helpful to think of them as high-speed vehicles with ineffective
>> brakes. Certain organic (brain) disorders and hormonal imbalances
>> mimic the state of mind of a psychopath.
>> There are four (4) different subtypes of psychopaths. The oldest
>> distinction was made by Cleckley back in 1941 between primary and
>> secondary. However, we'll explore the other two subtypes first:
>> DISTEMPERED PSYCHOPATHS are the kind that seem to fly into a rage
>> or frenzy more easily and more often than other subtypes. Their frenzy
>> will resemble an epileptic fit. They are also usually men with
>> incredibly strong --- drives, capable of astonishing feats of sexual
>> energy, and seemingly obsessed by sexual urges during a large part of
>> their waking lives. Powerful cravings also seem to characterize them,
>> as in drug addiction, kleptomania, pedophilia, any illicit or illegal
>> indulgence. They like the endorphin "high" or "rush" off of excitement
>> and risk-taking. The serial-rapist-murderer known as the Boston
>> Strangler was such a psychopath.
>> CHARISMATIC PSYCHOPATHS are charming, attractive liars. They are
>> usually gifted at some talent or another, and they use it to their
>> advantage in manipulating others. They are usually fast-talkers, and
>> possess an almost demonic ability to persuade others out of everything
>> they own, even their lives. Leaders of religious sects or cults, for
>> example, might be psychopaths if they lead their followers to their
>> deaths. This subtype often comes to believe in their own fictions.
>> They are irresistible.
>> PRIMARY PSYCHOPATHS do not respond to punishment, apprehension,
>> stress, or disapproval. They seem to be able to inhibit their
>> antisocial impulses most of the time, not because of conscience, but
>> because it suits their purpose at the time. Words do not seem to have
>> the same meaning for them as they do for us. In fact, it's unclear if
>> they even grasp the meaning of their own words, a condition that
>> Cleckley called "semantic aphasia." They don't follow any life plan,
>> and it seems as if they are incapable of experiencing any genuine
>> emotion.
>> SECONDARY PSYCHOPATHS are risk-takers, but are also more likely to
>> be stress-reactive, worriers, and guilt-prone. They expose themselves
>> to more stress than the average person, but they are as vulnerable to
>> stress as the average person. They are daring, adventurous,
>> unconventional people who began playing by their own rules early in
>> life. They are strongly driven by a desire to escape or avoid pain,
>> but are unable to resist temptation. As their anxiety increases toward
>> some forbidden object, so does their attraction to it. They live their
>> lives by the lure of temptation.
>> Hare's PCL-R 20-item checklist is based on Cleckley's 16-item
>> checklist, and the following is a discussion of the concepts in the
>> PCL-R:
>> 1. GLIB and SUPERFICIAL CHARM -- the tendency to be smooth, engaging,
>> charming, slick, and verbally facile. Psychopathic charm is not in the
>> least shy, self-conscious, or afraid to say anything. A psychopath
>> never gets tongue-tied. They have freed themselves from the social
>> conventions about taking turns in talking, for example.
>> 2. GRANDIOSE SELF-WORTH -- a grossly inflated view of one's abilities
>> and self-worth, self-assured, opinionated, cocky, a braggart.
>> Psychopaths are arrogant people who believe they are superior human
>> beings.
>> for novel, thrilling, and exciting stimulation; taking chances and
>> doing things that are risky. Psychopaths often have a low
>> self-discipline in carrying tasks through to completion because they
>> get bored easily. They fail to work at the same job for any length of
>> time, for example, or to finish tasks that they consider dull or
>> routine.
>> 4. PATHOLOGICAL LYING -- can be moderate or high; in moderate form,
>> they will be shrewd, crafty, cunning, sly, and clever; in extreme
>> form, they will be deceptive, deceitful, underhanded, unscrupulous,
>> manipulative, and dishonest.
>> 5. CONNING AND MANIPULATIVENESS- the use of deceit and deception to
>> cheat, con, or defraud others for personal gain; distinguished from
>> Item #4 in the degree to which exploitation and callous ruthlessness
>> is present, as reflected in a lack of concern for the feelings and
>> suffering of one's victims.
>> 6. LACK OF REMORSE OR GUILT -- a lack of feelings or concern for the
>> losses, pain, and suffering of victims; a tendency to be unconcerned,
>> dispassionate, coldhearted, and unempathic. This item is usually
>> demonstrated by a disdain for one's victims.
>> 7. SHALLOW AFFECT -- emotional poverty or a limited range or depth of
>> feelings; interpersonal coldness in spite of signs of open
>> gregariousness.
>> 8. CALLOUSNESS and LACK OF EMPATHY -- a lack of feelings toward people
>> in general; cold, contemptuous, inconsiderate, and tactless.
>> 9. PARASITIC LIFESTYLE -- an intentional, manipulative, selfish, and
>> exploitative financial dependence on others as reflected in a lack of
>> motivation, low self-discipline, and inability to begin or complete
>> responsibilities.
>> 10. POOR BEHAVIORAL CONTROLS -- expressions of irritability,
>> annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse;
>> inadequate control of anger and temper; acting hastily.
>> 11. PROMISCUOUS SEXUAL BEHAVIOR -- a variety of brief, superficial
>> relations, numerous affairs, and an indiscriminate selection of sexual
>> partners; the maintenance of several relationships at the same time; a
>> history of attempts to sexually coerce others into sexual activity or
>> taking great pride at discussing sexual exploits or conquests.
>> 12. EARLY BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS -- a variety of behaviors prior to age 13,
>> including lying, theft, cheating, vandalism, bullying, sexual
>> activity, fire-setting, glue-sniffing, alcohol use, and running away
>> from home.
>> 13. LACK OF REALISTIC, LONG-TERM GOALS -- an inability or persistent
>> failure to develop and execute long-term plans and goals; a nomadic
>> existence, aimless, lacking direction in life.
>> 14. IMPULSIVITY -- the occurrence of behaviors that are unpremeditated
>> and lack reflection or planning; inability to resist temptation,
>> frustrations, and urges; a lack of deliberation without considering
>> the consequences; foolhardy, rash, unpredictable, erratic, and
>> reckless.
>> 15. IRRESPONSIBILITY -- repeated failure to fulfill or honor
>> obligations and commitments; such as not paying bills, defaulting on
>> loans, performing sloppy work, being absent or late to work, failing
>> to honor contractual agreements.
>> accept responsibility for one's actions reflected in low
>> conscientiousness, an absence of dutifulness, antagonistic
>> manipulation, denial of responsibility, and an effort to manipulate
>> others through this denial.
>> 17. MANY SHORT-TERM MARITAL RELATIONSHIPS -- a lack of commitment to a
>> long-term relationship reflected in inconsistent, undependable, and
>> unreliable commitments in life, including marital.
>> 18. JUVENILE DELINQUENCY -- behavior problems between the ages of
>> 13-18; mostly behaviors that are crimes or clearly involve aspects of
>> antagonism, exploitation, aggression, manipulation, or a callous,
>> ruthless tough-mindedness.
>> 19. REVOCATION OF CONDITION RELEASE -- a revocation of probation or
>> other conditional release due to technical violations, such as
>> carelessness, low deliberation, or failing to appear.
>> 20. CRIMINAL VERSATILITY -- a diversity of types of criminal offenses,
>> regardless if the person has been arrested or convicted for them;
>> taking great pride at getting away with crimes.


24BitŪ 10-17-2007 01:18 AM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 21:57:17 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> wrote:

Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
Norman Doidge
National Post
What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?

That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
"offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.

The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
-- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
treatments really psychotherapy?

Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
concern by definition.

But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.

Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.

The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.

I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
or "negative tapes" in her head.

Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
of mankind how to be remorseless.

But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
be practised.

So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
just say they are beyond therapy.

That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from

The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
unwillingness to make basic distinctions.

In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
"conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
>over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
>possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
>Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
>coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
>Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
>course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
>Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
>obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
>when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
>elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
>remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
>little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
>head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
>even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
>As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
>passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
>stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
>all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
>each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
>It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
>other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
>hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
>Forwarded to:,
>groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
>Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
>Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
> If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
>Sheriffs Department.
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
>man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
>I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
>contradicts it's self.
> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
> I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
>participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
>life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel:
> and
> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
>will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
> Sincerely,
> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
>before you hurt yourself or someone else.
> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
>the top of your groups! :-)
> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
>Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
>straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
>faggots like would think of.
> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
>"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> .
>> Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) is practically synonymous with
>> criminal behavior, but as with all distributions of a disease or
>> whatever in a population, it is probable that the majority of people
>> with this particular affliction are law-abiding. Aging,
>> overinvolvements, and/or relationships might hold sway over the
>> control (or lack of control) in these kind of people, and although
>> approaching the study of offenders from a relationship & personality
>> disorders point of view may or may not be productive, Dr. Drew is
>> probably an adequate source of information on such matters. Dr.
>> Drew's theory (and one with wide ramifications since he pretty much
>> defines an antisocial tendency as thinking about one's self first) is
>> that women with certain kinds of disorders, like borderline
>> personality disorders, tend to be attracted to and hook up with men
>> who manifest symptoms of psychopathic personality disorder (see
>> Lecture on BPD & OCD) and that such match-ups may or may not be
>> dysfunctional. On the other hand, the field of criminology tends to
>> treat APD as so synonymous, in fact, with criminal behavior that
>> practically all convicted criminals (65-75%) have it, with
>> criminologists often referring to it as a "wastebasket" category.
>> Antisocials come is all shapes and sizes, and psychologists consider
>> the juvenile version of it to be a juvenile conduct disorder. The main
>> characteristic of it is a complete and utter disregard for the rights
>> of others and the rules of society. They seldom show anxiety and don't
>> feel guilt. Although many people would hope that there's an effective
>> treatment, there's really no effective treatment for them other than
>> locking them up in a secure facility with such rigid rules that they
>> cannot talk their way out. A full list of APD traits would include:
>> "List of Antisocial Personality Disorder Traits"
>> Sense of entitlement; Unremorseful; Apathetic to others;
>> Unconscionable behavior; Blameful of others; Manipulative and conning;
>> Affectively cold; Disparate understanding; Socially irresponsible;
>> Disregardful of obligations; Nonconforming to norms; Irresponsible.
>> whereas the DSM-IV "clinical" features of Antisocial Personality
>> Disorder (with a person having at least three of these
>> characteristics) are:
>> "Clinical Symptoms for an Antisocial Personality Disorder
>> Diagnosis"
>> 1. Failure to conform to social norms;
>> 2. Deceitfulness, manipulativeness;
>> 3. Impulsivity, failure to plan ahead;
>> 4. Irritability, aggressiveness;
>> 5. Reckless disregard for the safety of self or others;
>> 6. Consistent irresponsibility;
>> 7. Lack of remorse after having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from
>> another person.
>> Sociopathy is chiefly characterized by something wrong with the
>> person's conscience. They either don't have one, it's full of holes
>> like Swiss cheese, or they are somehow able to completely neutralize
>> or negate any sense of conscience or future time perspective.
>> Sociopaths only care about fulfilling their own needs and desires -
>> selfishness and egocentricity to the extreme. Everything and everybody
>> else is mentally twisted around in their minds as objects to be used
>> in fulfilling their own needs and desires. They often believe they are
>> doing something good for society, or at least nothing that bad. The
>> term "sociopath" is frequently used by psychologists and sociologists
>> alike in referring to persons whose unsocialized character is due
>> primarily to parental failures (usually fatherlessness) rather than an
>> inherent feature of temperament. Lykken (1995), for example, clearly
>> distinguishes between the sociopath (who is socialized into becoming a
>> psychopath) and a "true" psychopath (who is born that way). However,
>> this may only describe the "common sociopath", as there are at least
>> four (4) different subtypes -- common, alienated, aggressive, and
>> dyssocial. Commons are characterized mostly by their lack of
>> conscience; the alienated by their inability to love or be loved;
>> aggressives by a consistent sadistic streak; and dyssocials by an
>> ability to abide by gang rules, as long as those rules are the wrong
>> rules. As Stout (2005) indicates, it only takes three of the following
>> to be defined as a sociopath, and some common sociopathic traits
>> include:
>> "List of Common Sociopathic Traits"
>> Egocentricity; Callousness; Impulsivity; Conscience defect;
>> Exaggerated sexuality; Excessive boasting; Risk taking; Inability to
>> resist temptation; Antagonistic, deprecating attitude toward the
>> opposite ---; Lack of interest in bonding with a mate.
>> Psychopathy is a concept subject to much debate, but is usually
>> defined as a constellation of affective, interpersonal, and behavioral
>> characteristics including egocentricity; impulsivity;
>> irresponsibility; shallow emotions; lack of empathy, guilt, or
>> remorse; pathological lying; manipulativeness; and the persistent
>> violation of social norms and expectations (Cleckley 1976; Hare 1993).
>> The crimes of psychopaths are usually stone-cold, remorseless killings
>> for no apparent reason. They cold-bloodedly take what they want and do
>> as they please without the slightest sense of guilt or regret. In many
>> ways, they are natural-born intraspecies predators who satisfy their
>> lust for power and control by charm, manipulation, intimidation, and
>> violence. While almost all societies would regard them as criminals
>> (the exception being frontier or warlike societies where they might
>> become heroes, patriots, or leaders), it's important to distinguish
>> their behavior from criminal behavior. As a common axiom goes in
>> defined mainly by behaviors (Factor 2 antisocial behaviors) and
>> doesn't tap the affective/interpersonal dimensions (Factor 1 core
>> psychopathic features, narcissism) of psychopathy. Further, criminals
>> and APDs tend to "age out" of crime; psychopaths do not, and are at
>> high risk of recidivism. Psychopaths love to intellectualize in
>> treatment with their half-baked understanding of rules. Like the Star
>> Trek character, Spock, their reasoning cannot handle any mix of
>> cognition and emotion. They are calculating predators who, when
>> trapped, will attempt escape, create a nuisance and danger to staff,
>> be a disruptive influence on other patients or inmates, and fake
>> symptoms to get transferred, bouncing back and forth between
>> institutions. The common features of psychopathic traits (the PCL-R
>> items) are:
>> "List of Common Psychopathic Traits"
>> Glib and superficial charm; Grandiose sense of self-worth; Need for
>> stimulation; Pathological lying; Conning and manipulativeness; Lack of
>> remorse or guilt; Shallow affect; Callousness and lack of empathy;
>> Parasitic lifestyle; Poor behavioral controls; Promiscuous sexual
>> behavior; Early behavior problems; Lack of realistic, long-term goals;
>> Impulsivity; Irresponsibility; Failure to accept responsibility for
>> own actions; Many short-term marital relationships; Juvenile
>> delinquency; Revocation of conditional release; Criminal versatility.
>> The diagnosis of APD has long been controversial. The criteria for
>> it seem to change with each and every new edition of the Diagnostic
>> and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-I 1968; DSM-II 1976;
>> DSM-III 1980; DSM-III-R 1987; DSM-IV 1994). The diagnosis was
>> substantially changed with DSM-III when the APA decided to distinguish
>> between child and adult characteristics, and essentially substituted
>> behavioral criteria (like truancy or law violations) for personality
>> criteria (like callousness and selfishness). In the DSM-III-R (R for
>> Revised), the focus was on violence and a list of violent acts
>> (fighting, cruelty to others, cruelty to animals). The current DSM-IV
>> approach essentially says that anything which is not sociopathy,
>> psychopathy or dyssocial personality disorder is antisocial
>> personality disorder, but there is considerable overlap. The
>> diagnostic possibilities are endless; there are at least 3 million
>> possible variations of symptoms on at least 62 different measurable
>> items.
>> Ongoing research is quite prolific into the factor or principal
>> components analysis of APD characteristics. Most forensic experts
>> believe there are 3-4 factors (groupings of symptoms). One factor
>> involves symptoms that cluster around what might be called a Lack of
>> Planning (promiscuous, irresponsible, impulsive traits and behavior).
>> Another factor clusters around the notion of Disregard for Others. A
>> third factor is clearly related to Adult Criminality. A fourth factor
>> is clearly related to Juvenile Delinquency. Impulsivity appears to be
>> a prototypical (core) feature, but it can take many forms. Definitions
>> of impulsivity are numerous -- a tendency to act without reflection;
>> dysfunctional information processing; a tendency for risk taking;
>> sensation seeking; and an inability to sustain attention. Rating
>> scales are easily available to measure these.
>> The incidence of APD is twice as high for inner-city residents
>> than in small towns or rural areas, and five times higher in males
>> than in females. It affects people in all social classes, but if
>> someone with APD is born into a family of wealth and privilege, they
>> will usually manage to eek out a successful business or political
>> career. Poorer people with APD tend to wind up in state prison
>> systems. Since African-Americans are seven times more likely to be
>> represented in state prison systems, it's tempting to speculate the
>> incidence of APD among African-Americans is high. However, there are
>> most likely other causes of crime among African-Americans (like
>> unemployment and racism). The fact is that most of the current prison
>> population, white or black, shares the APD diagnosis. All it takes is
>> a juvenile record, an adult offense career, aggressivity, impulsivity,
>> a checkered work history, and/or lack of demonstrable repentance.
>> These can be easily found in almost any prison inmate's dossier.
>> One of the things closely related to APD is the comorbidity of
>> alcoholism and narcotic addiction. Some of the criteria for a
>> substance abuse disorder are very similar: theft, hazardous behavior,
>> failure to fulfill role functions in home, school, and work. A strong
>> correlation exists between substance abuse and factor 2 (antisocial
>> behaviors) of the psychopathy construct. APDs with a drug addiction
>> have some serious substance abuse problems -- the kind that lead to
>> death by overdose or accident within five years. Are APD and narcotic
>> addiction part of the same disorder, does one lead to the other, or
>> are they are spuriously linked together? From what little research
>> there is, it appears that most of the time, APD precedes narcotic
>> addiction, although some of the time, addiction leads to APD
>> behaviors. People with such comorbid characteristics also usually have
>> undiagnosed other Axis I and Axis II disorders.
>> From the wild Irish slums of the 19th Century Eastern seaboard to
>> the riot-torn anomic neighborhoods of Los Angeles, our society has
>> always produced sociopaths who are quite often the products of
>> illegitimacy, broken homes, and a lack of any bonding with male or
>> societal authority. Some 70% of sociopaths come from fatherless homes.
>> Father absence produces many consequences similar to the symptoms of
>> sociopathy -- early, precocious sexuality; antagonistic, deprecating
>> attitude toward the opposite ---; lack of interest in bonding with a
>> durable, stable mate; aggressive acting-out; excessive boasting; and
>> risk-taking behavior. Some 30% of children today are born
>> out-of-wedlock, and another 30% live in divorced homes. These
>> conditions - a problem of unsocialization - produce sociopathy.
>> Furthermore, sociopaths tend to reproduce themselves, that is, they
>> produce more than own their share of illegitimate offspring
>> themselves.
>> So what is a sociopath? You won't find criteria in the DSM IV or
>> official psychiatric nomenclature, but the construct refers to the
>> largest subgroup of APDs. Most are males, but an increasing number are
>> female. They have otherwise normal temperaments (as opposed to
>> psychopaths who have abnormal temperaments). Some are aggressive,
>> fearless sensation seekers, and others are Machiavellian manipulators.
>> A Machiavellian is a personality type who is a cross between an
>> antisocial personality and a narcissist, and someone who also has an
>> extremely high sense of entitlement. The one thing that all
>> sociopaths have in common is that they are "too much" to handle for
>> their parents or anyone else. It's common to refer to them as
>> unsocialized, but the dyssocial sociopath does socialize to the mores
>> and values of a dyssocial outgroup, like a gang. Let's explore the
>> four (4) subtypes of sociopaths:
>> COMMON SOCIOPATHS are the largest subtype and have a weak or
>> unelaborated conscience. They are not ashamed by the same things as
>> you or I would be ashamed of. They are like feral children grown up,
>> taking pleasures and gratifying impulses at every opportunity or
>> temptation. They especially enjoy and take pride in bending or
>> breaking the rules. As teenagers, they are often runaways. As adults,
>> they are often geographically mobile, living in shelters, or taking
>> advantage of welfare systems. They are experienced shoplifters. They
>> have quite active --- lives. They are usually of average intelligence,
>> but don't do well in school and never seem to break out of low-paying
>> dead-end jobs. Nevertheless, they seem genuinely happy with their
>> lives, unburdened by any sense of negative self-worth or the fact that
>> they have not been a functional, contributing member of society.
>> ALIENATED SOCIOPATHS have never developed the ability to love,
>> empathize, or affiliate in real life with another person. They will
>> show more emotion toward their pet or a personal artifact than toward
>> a person. Or, they may hate animals and live out their emotional life
>> by watching TV (identification with soap opera characters is a common
>> pattern). Dating and marriage relationships will be very barren and
>> empty. They won't get along with the neighbors. They live in a shell.
>> They have a cold, callous attitude toward human suffering or any
>> social problem in the society they live in. They just don't care
>> because it's outside their range of empathy. Most will believe they
>> are justified in this because they feel they were cheated in some way
>> themselves by society, and a few will be more than happy to rant and
>> rave about it to anyone who listens. They are chronic complainers, and
>> underneath it all, they would like to see nothing better than all of
>> society destroyed.
>> AGGRESSIVE SOCIOPATHS derive strong, yet nonperverse gratification
>> from harming others. They like to hurt, frighten, tyrannize, bully,
>> and manipulate. They do it for a sense of power and control, and will
>> often only drop subtle hints about what they are up to. They polish
>> their aggressive, domineering manner in such a way to disguise any
>> intimidation others might feel. They seek out positions of power, such
>> as parent, teacher, bureaucrat, supervisor, or police officer. Their
>> style is one of passive aggression as they systematically go about
>> sabotaging the ideas of others to get their ideas in place. In their
>> spare time, they like to hunt or occasionally do sadistic things like
>> find stray dogs and cut them up. They are usually effective at getting
>> their way, and are especially vindictive if resisted or crossed. They
>> don't follow the social norm of reciprocity like others do.
>> DYSSOCIAL SOCIOPATHS identify and hold an allegiance with a
>> dyssocial, outcast, or predatory subculture. Any subculture will do,
>> as long as it runs counter to established authority. They are capable
>> of intense loyalty, and even a feeling of guilt and shame, within such
>> limited circles. They seem to continually fall upon bad luck and bad
>> companions, however. While they will constantly complain that none of
>> this is their fault, behind it all is a kind of self-defeating
>> mechanism in the poor choices they made themselves.
>> Psychopaths cannot be understood in terms of antisocial rearing or
>> development. They are simply morally depraved individuals who
>> represent the "monsters" in our society. They are unstoppable and
>> untreatable predators whose violence is planned, purposeful and
>> emotionless. The violence continues until it reaches a plateau at age
>> 50 or so, then tapers off. Their emotionlessness reflects a detached,
>> fearless, and possibly dissociated state, revealing a lower autonomic
>> nervous system and lack of anxiety. It's difficult to say what
>> motivates them - control and dominance possibly - since their life
>> history will usually show no bonds with others nor much rhyme to their
>> reason (other than the planning of violence). They tend to operate
>> with a grandiose demeanor, an attitude of entitlement, an insatiable
>> appetite, and a tendency toward sadism. Fearlessness is probably the
>> prototypical (core) characteristic (the low-fear hypothesis). It's
>> helpful to think of them as high-speed vehicles with ineffective
>> brakes. Certain organic (brain) disorders and hormonal imbalances
>> mimic the state of mind of a psychopath.
>> There are four (4) different subtypes of psychopaths. The oldest
>> distinction was made by Cleckley back in 1941 between primary and
>> secondary. However, we'll explore the other two subtypes first:
>> DISTEMPERED PSYCHOPATHS are the kind that seem to fly into a rage
>> or frenzy more easily and more often than other subtypes. Their frenzy
>> will resemble an epileptic fit. They are also usually men with
>> incredibly strong --- drives, capable of astonishing feats of sexual
>> energy, and seemingly obsessed by sexual urges during a large part of
>> their waking lives. Powerful cravings also seem to characterize them,
>> as in drug addiction, kleptomania, pedophilia, any illicit or illegal
>> indulgence. They like the endorphin "high" or "rush" off of excitement
>> and risk-taking. The serial-rapist-murderer known as the Boston
>> Strangler was such a psychopath.
>> CHARISMATIC PSYCHOPATHS are charming, attractive liars. They are
>> usually gifted at some talent or another, and they use it to their
>> advantage in manipulating others. They are usually fast-talkers, and
>> possess an almost demonic ability to persuade others out of everything
>> they own, even their lives. Leaders of religious sects or cults, for
>> example, might be psychopaths if they lead their followers to their
>> deaths. This subtype often comes to believe in their own fictions.
>> They are irresistible.
>> PRIMARY PSYCHOPATHS do not respond to punishment, apprehension,
>> stress, or disapproval. They seem to be able to inhibit their
>> antisocial impulses most of the time, not because of conscience, but
>> because it suits their purpose at the time. Words do not seem to have
>> the same meaning for them as they do for us. In fact, it's unclear if
>> they even grasp the meaning of their own words, a condition that
>> Cleckley called "semantic aphasia." They don't follow any life plan,
>> and it seems as if they are incapable of experiencing any genuine
>> emotion.
>> SECONDARY PSYCHOPATHS are risk-takers, but are also more likely to
>> be stress-reactive, worriers, and guilt-prone. They expose themselves
>> to more stress than the average person, but they are as vulnerable to
>> stress as the average person. They are daring, adventurous,
>> unconventional people who began playing by their own rules early in
>> life. They are strongly driven by a desire to escape or avoid pain,
>> but are unable to resist temptation. As their anxiety increases toward
>> some forbidden object, so does their attraction to it. They live their
>> lives by the lure of temptation.
>> Hare's PCL-R 20-item checklist is based on Cleckley's 16-item
>> checklist, and the following is a discussion of the concepts in the
>> PCL-R:
>> 1. GLIB and SUPERFICIAL CHARM -- the tendency to be smooth, engaging,
>> charming, slick, and verbally facile. Psychopathic charm is not in the
>> least shy, self-conscious, or afraid to say anything. A psychopath
>> never gets tongue-tied. They have freed themselves from the social
>> conventions about taking turns in talking, for example.
>> 2. GRANDIOSE SELF-WORTH -- a grossly inflated view of one's abilities
>> and self-worth, self-assured, opinionated, cocky, a braggart.
>> Psychopaths are arrogant people who believe they are superior human
>> beings.
>> for novel, thrilling, and exciting stimulation; taking chances and
>> doing things that are risky. Psychopaths often have a low
>> self-discipline in carrying tasks through to completion because they
>> get bored easily. They fail to work at the same job for any length of
>> time, for example, or to finish tasks that they consider dull or
>> routine.
>> 4. PATHOLOGICAL LYING -- can be moderate or high; in moderate form,
>> they will be shrewd, crafty, cunning, sly, and clever; in extreme
>> form, they will be deceptive, deceitful, underhanded, unscrupulous,
>> manipulative, and dishonest.
>> 5. CONNING AND MANIPULATIVENESS- the use of deceit and deception to
>> cheat, con, or defraud others for personal gain; distinguished from
>> Item #4 in the degree to which exploitation and callous ruthlessness
>> is present, as reflected in a lack of concern for the feelings and
>> suffering of one's victims.
>> 6. LACK OF REMORSE OR GUILT -- a lack of feelings or concern for the
>> losses, pain, and suffering of victims; a tendency to be unconcerned,
>> dispassionate, coldhearted, and unempathic. This item is usually
>> demonstrated by a disdain for one's victims.
>> 7. SHALLOW AFFECT -- emotional poverty or a limited range or depth of
>> feelings; interpersonal coldness in spite of signs of open
>> gregariousness.
>> 8. CALLOUSNESS and LACK OF EMPATHY -- a lack of feelings toward people
>> in general; cold, contemptuous, inconsiderate, and tactless.
>> 9. PARASITIC LIFESTYLE -- an intentional, manipulative, selfish, and
>> exploitative financial dependence on others as reflected in a lack of
>> motivation, low self-discipline, and inability to begin or complete
>> responsibilities.
>> 10. POOR BEHAVIORAL CONTROLS -- expressions of irritability,
>> annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse;
>> inadequate control of anger and temper; acting hastily.
>> 11. PROMISCUOUS SEXUAL BEHAVIOR -- a variety of brief, superficial
>> relations, numerous affairs, and an indiscriminate selection of sexual
>> partners; the maintenance of several relationships at the same time; a
>> history of attempts to sexually coerce others into sexual activity or
>> taking great pride at discussing sexual exploits or conquests.
>> 12. EARLY BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS -- a variety of behaviors prior to age 13,
>> including lying, theft, cheating, vandalism, bullying, sexual
>> activity, fire-setting, glue-sniffing, alcohol use, and running away
>> from home.
>> 13. LACK OF REALISTIC, LONG-TERM GOALS -- an inability or persistent
>> failure to develop and execute long-term plans and goals; a nomadic
>> existence, aimless, lacking direction in life.
>> 14. IMPULSIVITY -- the occurrence of behaviors that are unpremeditated
>> and lack reflection or planning; inability to resist temptation,
>> frustrations, and urges; a lack of deliberation without considering
>> the consequences; foolhardy, rash, unpredictable, erratic, and
>> reckless.
>> 15. IRRESPONSIBILITY -- repeated failure to fulfill or honor
>> obligations and commitments; such as not paying bills, defaulting on
>> loans, performing sloppy work, being absent or late to work, failing
>> to honor contractual agreements.
>> accept responsibility for one's actions reflected in low
>> conscientiousness, an absence of dutifulness, antagonistic
>> manipulation, denial of responsibility, and an effort to manipulate
>> others through this denial.
>> 17. MANY SHORT-TERM MARITAL RELATIONSHIPS -- a lack of commitment to a
>> long-term relationship reflected in inconsistent, undependable, and
>> unreliable commitments in life, including marital.
>> 18. JUVENILE DELINQUENCY -- behavior problems between the ages of
>> 13-18; mostly behaviors that are crimes or clearly involve aspects of
>> antagonism, exploitation, aggression, manipulation, or a callous,
>> ruthless tough-mindedness.
>> 19. REVOCATION OF CONDITION RELEASE -- a revocation of probation or
>> other conditional release due to technical violations, such as
>> carelessness, low deliberation, or failing to appear.
>> 20. CRIMINAL VERSATILITY -- a diversity of types of criminal offenses,
>> regardless if the person has been arrested or convicted for them;
>> taking great pride at getting away with crimes.


24BitŪ 10-17-2007 01:18 AM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 21:57:17 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> wrote:

Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
Norman Doidge
National Post
What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?

That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
"offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.

The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
-- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
treatments really psychotherapy?

Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
concern by definition.

But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.

Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.

The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.

I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
or "negative tapes" in her head.

Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
of mankind how to be remorseless.

But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
be practised.

So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
just say they are beyond therapy.

That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from

The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
unwillingness to make basic distinctions.

In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
"conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
>over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
>possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
>Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
>coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
>Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
>course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
>Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
>obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
>when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
>elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
>remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
>little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
>head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
>even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
>As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
>passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
>stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
>all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
>each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
>It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
>other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
>hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
>Forwarded to:,
>groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
>Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
>Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
> If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
>Sheriffs Department.
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
>man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
>I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
>contradicts it's self.
> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
> I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
>participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
>life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel:
> and
> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
>will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
> Sincerely,
> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
>before you hurt yourself or someone else.
> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
>the top of your groups! :-)
> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
>Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
>straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
>faggots like would think of.
> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
>"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> .
>> Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) is practically synonymous with
>> criminal behavior, but as with all distributions of a disease or
>> whatever in a population, it is probable that the majority of people
>> with this particular affliction are law-abiding. Aging,
>> overinvolvements, and/or relationships might hold sway over the
>> control (or lack of control) in these kind of people, and although
>> approaching the study of offenders from a relationship & personality
>> disorders point of view may or may not be productive, Dr. Drew is
>> probably an adequate source of information on such matters. Dr.
>> Drew's theory (and one with wide ramifications since he pretty much
>> defines an antisocial tendency as thinking about one's self first) is
>> that women with certain kinds of disorders, like borderline
>> personality disorders, tend to be attracted to and hook up with men
>> who manifest symptoms of psychopathic personality disorder (see
>> Lecture on BPD & OCD) and that such match-ups may or may not be
>> dysfunctional. On the other hand, the field of criminology tends to
>> treat APD as so synonymous, in fact, with criminal behavior that
>> practically all convicted criminals (65-75%) have it, with
>> criminologists often referring to it as a "wastebasket" category.
>> Antisocials come is all shapes and sizes, and psychologists consider
>> the juvenile version of it to be a juvenile conduct disorder. The main
>> characteristic of it is a complete and utter disregard for the rights
>> of others and the rules of society. They seldom show anxiety and don't
>> feel guilt. Although many people would hope that there's an effective
>> treatment, there's really no effective treatment for them other than
>> locking them up in a secure facility with such rigid rules that they
>> cannot talk their way out. A full list of APD traits would include:
>> "List of Antisocial Personality Disorder Traits"
>> Sense of entitlement; Unremorseful; Apathetic to others;
>> Unconscionable behavior; Blameful of others; Manipulative and conning;
>> Affectively cold; Disparate understanding; Socially irresponsible;
>> Disregardful of obligations; Nonconforming to norms; Irresponsible.
>> whereas the DSM-IV "clinical" features of Antisocial Personality
>> Disorder (with a person having at least three of these
>> characteristics) are:
>> "Clinical Symptoms for an Antisocial Personality Disorder
>> Diagnosis"
>> 1. Failure to conform to social norms;
>> 2. Deceitfulness, manipulativeness;
>> 3. Impulsivity, failure to plan ahead;
>> 4. Irritability, aggressiveness;
>> 5. Reckless disregard for the safety of self or others;
>> 6. Consistent irresponsibility;
>> 7. Lack of remorse after having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from
>> another person.
>> Sociopathy is chiefly characterized by something wrong with the
>> person's conscience. They either don't have one, it's full of holes
>> like Swiss cheese, or they are somehow able to completely neutralize
>> or negate any sense of conscience or future time perspective.
>> Sociopaths only care about fulfilling their own needs and desires -
>> selfishness and egocentricity to the extreme. Everything and everybody
>> else is mentally twisted around in their minds as objects to be used
>> in fulfilling their own needs and desires. They often believe they are
>> doing something good for society, or at least nothing that bad. The
>> term "sociopath" is frequently used by psychologists and sociologists
>> alike in referring to persons whose unsocialized character is due
>> primarily to parental failures (usually fatherlessness) rather than an
>> inherent feature of temperament. Lykken (1995), for example, clearly
>> distinguishes between the sociopath (who is socialized into becoming a
>> psychopath) and a "true" psychopath (who is born that way). However,
>> this may only describe the "common sociopath", as there are at least
>> four (4) different subtypes -- common, alienated, aggressive, and
>> dyssocial. Commons are characterized mostly by their lack of
>> conscience; the alienated by their inability to love or be loved;
>> aggressives by a consistent sadistic streak; and dyssocials by an
>> ability to abide by gang rules, as long as those rules are the wrong
>> rules. As Stout (2005) indicates, it only takes three of the following
>> to be defined as a sociopath, and some common sociopathic traits
>> include:
>> "List of Common Sociopathic Traits"
>> Egocentricity; Callousness; Impulsivity; Conscience defect;
>> Exaggerated sexuality; Excessive boasting; Risk taking; Inability to
>> resist temptation; Antagonistic, deprecating attitude toward the
>> opposite ---; Lack of interest in bonding with a mate.
>> Psychopathy is a concept subject to much debate, but is usually
>> defined as a constellation of affective, interpersonal, and behavioral
>> characteristics including egocentricity; impulsivity;
>> irresponsibility; shallow emotions; lack of empathy, guilt, or
>> remorse; pathological lying; manipulativeness; and the persistent
>> violation of social norms and expectations (Cleckley 1976; Hare 1993).
>> The crimes of psychopaths are usually stone-cold, remorseless killings
>> for no apparent reason. They cold-bloodedly take what they want and do
>> as they please without the slightest sense of guilt or regret. In many
>> ways, they are natural-born intraspecies predators who satisfy their
>> lust for power and control by charm, manipulation, intimidation, and
>> violence. While almost all societies would regard them as criminals
>> (the exception being frontier or warlike societies where they might
>> become heroes, patriots, or leaders), it's important to distinguish
>> their behavior from criminal behavior. As a common axiom goes in
>> defined mainly by behaviors (Factor 2 antisocial behaviors) and
>> doesn't tap the affective/interpersonal dimensions (Factor 1 core
>> psychopathic features, narcissism) of psychopathy. Further, criminals
>> and APDs tend to "age out" of crime; psychopaths do not, and are at
>> high risk of recidivism. Psychopaths love to intellectualize in
>> treatment with their half-baked understanding of rules. Like the Star
>> Trek character, Spock, their reasoning cannot handle any mix of
>> cognition and emotion. They are calculating predators who, when
>> trapped, will attempt escape, create a nuisance and danger to staff,
>> be a disruptive influence on other patients or inmates, and fake
>> symptoms to get transferred, bouncing back and forth between
>> institutions. The common features of psychopathic traits (the PCL-R
>> items) are:
>> "List of Common Psychopathic Traits"
>> Glib and superficial charm; Grandiose sense of self-worth; Need for
>> stimulation; Pathological lying; Conning and manipulativeness; Lack of
>> remorse or guilt; Shallow affect; Callousness and lack of empathy;
>> Parasitic lifestyle; Poor behavioral controls; Promiscuous sexual
>> behavior; Early behavior problems; Lack of realistic, long-term goals;
>> Impulsivity; Irresponsibility; Failure to accept responsibility for
>> own actions; Many short-term marital relationships; Juvenile
>> delinquency; Revocation of conditional release; Criminal versatility.
>> The diagnosis of APD has long been controversial. The criteria for
>> it seem to change with each and every new edition of the Diagnostic
>> and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-I 1968; DSM-II 1976;
>> DSM-III 1980; DSM-III-R 1987; DSM-IV 1994). The diagnosis was
>> substantially changed with DSM-III when the APA decided to distinguish
>> between child and adult characteristics, and essentially substituted
>> behavioral criteria (like truancy or law violations) for personality
>> criteria (like callousness and selfishness). In the DSM-III-R (R for
>> Revised), the focus was on violence and a list of violent acts
>> (fighting, cruelty to others, cruelty to animals). The current DSM-IV
>> approach essentially says that anything which is not sociopathy,
>> psychopathy or dyssocial personality disorder is antisocial
>> personality disorder, but there is considerable overlap. The
>> diagnostic possibilities are endless; there are at least 3 million
>> possible variations of symptoms on at least 62 different measurable
>> items.
>> Ongoing research is quite prolific into the factor or principal
>> components analysis of APD characteristics. Most forensic experts
>> believe there are 3-4 factors (groupings of symptoms). One factor
>> involves symptoms that cluster around what might be called a Lack of
>> Planning (promiscuous, irresponsible, impulsive traits and behavior).
>> Another factor clusters around the notion of Disregard for Others. A
>> third factor is clearly related to Adult Criminality. A fourth factor
>> is clearly related to Juvenile Delinquency. Impulsivity appears to be
>> a prototypical (core) feature, but it can take many forms. Definitions
>> of impulsivity are numerous -- a tendency to act without reflection;
>> dysfunctional information processing; a tendency for risk taking;
>> sensation seeking; and an inability to sustain attention. Rating
>> scales are easily available to measure these.
>> The incidence of APD is twice as high for inner-city residents
>> than in small towns or rural areas, and five times higher in males
>> than in females. It affects people in all social classes, but if
>> someone with APD is born into a family of wealth and privilege, they
>> will usually manage to eek out a successful business or political
>> career. Poorer people with APD tend to wind up in state prison
>> systems. Since African-Americans are seven times more likely to be
>> represented in state prison systems, it's tempting to speculate the
>> incidence of APD among African-Americans is high. However, there are
>> most likely other causes of crime among African-Americans (like
>> unemployment and racism). The fact is that most of the current prison
>> population, white or black, shares the APD diagnosis. All it takes is
>> a juvenile record, an adult offense career, aggressivity, impulsivity,
>> a checkered work history, and/or lack of demonstrable repentance.
>> These can be easily found in almost any prison inmate's dossier.
>> One of the things closely related to APD is the comorbidity of
>> alcoholism and narcotic addiction. Some of the criteria for a
>> substance abuse disorder are very similar: theft, hazardous behavior,
>> failure to fulfill role functions in home, school, and work. A strong
>> correlation exists between substance abuse and factor 2 (antisocial
>> behaviors) of the psychopathy construct. APDs with a drug addiction
>> have some serious substance abuse problems -- the kind that lead to
>> death by overdose or accident within five years. Are APD and narcotic
>> addiction part of the same disorder, does one lead to the other, or
>> are they are spuriously linked together? From what little research
>> there is, it appears that most of the time, APD precedes narcotic
>> addiction, although some of the time, addiction leads to APD
>> behaviors. People with such comorbid characteristics also usually have
>> undiagnosed other Axis I and Axis II disorders.
>> From the wild Irish slums of the 19th Century Eastern seaboard to
>> the riot-torn anomic neighborhoods of Los Angeles, our society has
>> always produced sociopaths who are quite often the products of
>> illegitimacy, broken homes, and a lack of any bonding with male or
>> societal authority. Some 70% of sociopaths come from fatherless homes.
>> Father absence produces many consequences similar to the symptoms of
>> sociopathy -- early, precocious sexuality; antagonistic, deprecating
>> attitude toward the opposite ---; lack of interest in bonding with a
>> durable, stable mate; aggressive acting-out; excessive boasting; and
>> risk-taking behavior. Some 30% of children today are born
>> out-of-wedlock, and another 30% live in divorced homes. These
>> conditions - a problem of unsocialization - produce sociopathy.
>> Furthermore, sociopaths tend to reproduce themselves, that is, they
>> produce more than own their share of illegitimate offspring
>> themselves.
>> So what is a sociopath? You won't find criteria in the DSM IV or
>> official psychiatric nomenclature, but the construct refers to the
>> largest subgroup of APDs. Most are males, but an increasing number are
>> female. They have otherwise normal temperaments (as opposed to
>> psychopaths who have abnormal temperaments). Some are aggressive,
>> fearless sensation seekers, and others are Machiavellian manipulators.
>> A Machiavellian is a personality type who is a cross between an
>> antisocial personality and a narcissist, and someone who also has an
>> extremely high sense of entitlement. The one thing that all
>> sociopaths have in common is that they are "too much" to handle for
>> their parents or anyone else. It's common to refer to them as
>> unsocialized, but the dyssocial sociopath does socialize to the mores
>> and values of a dyssocial outgroup, like a gang. Let's explore the
>> four (4) subtypes of sociopaths:
>> COMMON SOCIOPATHS are the largest subtype and have a weak or
>> unelaborated conscience. They are not ashamed by the same things as
>> you or I would be ashamed of. They are like feral children grown up,
>> taking pleasures and gratifying impulses at every opportunity or
>> temptation. They especially enjoy and take pride in bending or
>> breaking the rules. As teenagers, they are often runaways. As adults,
>> they are often geographically mobile, living in shelters, or taking
>> advantage of welfare systems. They are experienced shoplifters. They
>> have quite active --- lives. They are usually of average intelligence,
>> but don't do well in school and never seem to break out of low-paying
>> dead-end jobs. Nevertheless, they seem genuinely happy with their
>> lives, unburdened by any sense of negative self-worth or the fact that
>> they have not been a functional, contributing member of society.
>> ALIENATED SOCIOPATHS have never developed the ability to love,
>> empathize, or affiliate in real life with another person. They will
>> show more emotion toward their pet or a personal artifact than toward
>> a person. Or, they may hate animals and live out their emotional life
>> by watching TV (identification with soap opera characters is a common
>> pattern). Dating and marriage relationships will be very barren and
>> empty. They won't get along with the neighbors. They live in a shell.
>> They have a cold, callous attitude toward human suffering or any
>> social problem in the society they live in. They just don't care
>> because it's outside their range of empathy. Most will believe they
>> are justified in this because they feel they were cheated in some way
>> themselves by society, and a few will be more than happy to rant and
>> rave about it to anyone who listens. They are chronic complainers, and
>> underneath it all, they would like to see nothing better than all of
>> society destroyed.
>> AGGRESSIVE SOCIOPATHS derive strong, yet nonperverse gratification
>> from harming others. They like to hurt, frighten, tyrannize, bully,
>> and manipulate. They do it for a sense of power and control, and will
>> often only drop subtle hints about what they are up to. They polish
>> their aggressive, domineering manner in such a way to disguise any
>> intimidation others might feel. They seek out positions of power, such
>> as parent, teacher, bureaucrat, supervisor, or police officer. Their
>> style is one of passive aggression as they systematically go about
>> sabotaging the ideas of others to get their ideas in place. In their
>> spare time, they like to hunt or occasionally do sadistic things like
>> find stray dogs and cut them up. They are usually effective at getting
>> their way, and are especially vindictive if resisted or crossed. They
>> don't follow the social norm of reciprocity like others do.
>> DYSSOCIAL SOCIOPATHS identify and hold an allegiance with a
>> dyssocial, outcast, or predatory subculture. Any subculture will do,
>> as long as it runs counter to established authority. They are capable
>> of intense loyalty, and even a feeling of guilt and shame, within such
>> limited circles. They seem to continually fall upon bad luck and bad
>> companions, however. While they will constantly complain that none of
>> this is their fault, behind it all is a kind of self-defeating
>> mechanism in the poor choices they made themselves.
>> Psychopaths cannot be understood in terms of antisocial rearing or
>> development. They are simply morally depraved individuals who
>> represent the "monsters" in our society. They are unstoppable and
>> untreatable predators whose violence is planned, purposeful and
>> emotionless. The violence continues until it reaches a plateau at age
>> 50 or so, then tapers off. Their emotionlessness reflects a detached,
>> fearless, and possibly dissociated state, revealing a lower autonomic
>> nervous system and lack of anxiety. It's difficult to say what
>> motivates them - control and dominance possibly - since their life
>> history will usually show no bonds with others nor much rhyme to their
>> reason (other than the planning of violence). They tend to operate
>> with a grandiose demeanor, an attitude of entitlement, an insatiable
>> appetite, and a tendency toward sadism. Fearlessness is probably the
>> prototypical (core) characteristic (the low-fear hypothesis). It's
>> helpful to think of them as high-speed vehicles with ineffective
>> brakes. Certain organic (brain) disorders and hormonal imbalances
>> mimic the state of mind of a psychopath.
>> There are four (4) different subtypes of psychopaths. The oldest
>> distinction was made by Cleckley back in 1941 between primary and
>> secondary. However, we'll explore the other two subtypes first:
>> DISTEMPERED PSYCHOPATHS are the kind that seem to fly into a rage
>> or frenzy more easily and more often than other subtypes. Their frenzy
>> will resemble an epileptic fit. They are also usually men with
>> incredibly strong --- drives, capable of astonishing feats of sexual
>> energy, and seemingly obsessed by sexual urges during a large part of
>> their waking lives. Powerful cravings also seem to characterize them,
>> as in drug addiction, kleptomania, pedophilia, any illicit or illegal
>> indulgence. They like the endorphin "high" or "rush" off of excitement
>> and risk-taking. The serial-rapist-murderer known as the Boston
>> Strangler was such a psychopath.
>> CHARISMATIC PSYCHOPATHS are charming, attractive liars. They are
>> usually gifted at some talent or another, and they use it to their
>> advantage in manipulating others. They are usually fast-talkers, and
>> possess an almost demonic ability to persuade others out of everything
>> they own, even their lives. Leaders of religious sects or cults, for
>> example, might be psychopaths if they lead their followers to their
>> deaths. This subtype often comes to believe in their own fictions.
>> They are irresistible.
>> PRIMARY PSYCHOPATHS do not respond to punishment, apprehension,
>> stress, or disapproval. They seem to be able to inhibit their
>> antisocial impulses most of the time, not because of conscience, but
>> because it suits their purpose at the time. Words do not seem to have
>> the same meaning for them as they do for us. In fact, it's unclear if
>> they even grasp the meaning of their own words, a condition that
>> Cleckley called "semantic aphasia." They don't follow any life plan,
>> and it seems as if they are incapable of experiencing any genuine
>> emotion.
>> SECONDARY PSYCHOPATHS are risk-takers, but are also more likely to
>> be stress-reactive, worriers, and guilt-prone. They expose themselves
>> to more stress than the average person, but they are as vulnerable to
>> stress as the average person. They are daring, adventurous,
>> unconventional people who began playing by their own rules early in
>> life. They are strongly driven by a desire to escape or avoid pain,
>> but are unable to resist temptation. As their anxiety increases toward
>> some forbidden object, so does their attraction to it. They live their
>> lives by the lure of temptation.
>> Hare's PCL-R 20-item checklist is based on Cleckley's 16-item
>> checklist, and the following is a discussion of the concepts in the
>> PCL-R:
>> 1. GLIB and SUPERFICIAL CHARM -- the tendency to be smooth, engaging,
>> charming, slick, and verbally facile. Psychopathic charm is not in the
>> least shy, self-conscious, or afraid to say anything. A psychopath
>> never gets tongue-tied. They have freed themselves from the social
>> conventions about taking turns in talking, for example.
>> 2. GRANDIOSE SELF-WORTH -- a grossly inflated view of one's abilities
>> and self-worth, self-assured, opinionated, cocky, a braggart.
>> Psychopaths are arrogant people who believe they are superior human
>> beings.
>> for novel, thrilling, and exciting stimulation; taking chances and
>> doing things that are risky. Psychopaths often have a low
>> self-discipline in carrying tasks through to completion because they
>> get bored easily. They fail to work at the same job for any length of
>> time, for example, or to finish tasks that they consider dull or
>> routine.
>> 4. PATHOLOGICAL LYING -- can be moderate or high; in moderate form,
>> they will be shrewd, crafty, cunning, sly, and clever; in extreme
>> form, they will be deceptive, deceitful, underhanded, unscrupulous,
>> manipulative, and dishonest.
>> 5. CONNING AND MANIPULATIVENESS- the use of deceit and deception to
>> cheat, con, or defraud others for personal gain; distinguished from
>> Item #4 in the degree to which exploitation and callous ruthlessness
>> is present, as reflected in a lack of concern for the feelings and
>> suffering of one's victims.
>> 6. LACK OF REMORSE OR GUILT -- a lack of feelings or concern for the
>> losses, pain, and suffering of victims; a tendency to be unconcerned,
>> dispassionate, coldhearted, and unempathic. This item is usually
>> demonstrated by a disdain for one's victims.
>> 7. SHALLOW AFFECT -- emotional poverty or a limited range or depth of
>> feelings; interpersonal coldness in spite of signs of open
>> gregariousness.
>> 8. CALLOUSNESS and LACK OF EMPATHY -- a lack of feelings toward people
>> in general; cold, contemptuous, inconsiderate, and tactless.
>> 9. PARASITIC LIFESTYLE -- an intentional, manipulative, selfish, and
>> exploitative financial dependence on others as reflected in a lack of
>> motivation, low self-discipline, and inability to begin or complete
>> responsibilities.
>> 10. POOR BEHAVIORAL CONTROLS -- expressions of irritability,
>> annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse;
>> inadequate control of anger and temper; acting hastily.
>> 11. PROMISCUOUS SEXUAL BEHAVIOR -- a variety of brief, superficial
>> relations, numerous affairs, and an indiscriminate selection of sexual
>> partners; the maintenance of several relationships at the same time; a
>> history of attempts to sexually coerce others into sexual activity or
>> taking great pride at discussing sexual exploits or conquests.
>> 12. EARLY BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS -- a variety of behaviors prior to age 13,
>> including lying, theft, cheating, vandalism, bullying, sexual
>> activity, fire-setting, glue-sniffing, alcohol use, and running away
>> from home.
>> 13. LACK OF REALISTIC, LONG-TERM GOALS -- an inability or persistent
>> failure to develop and execute long-term plans and goals; a nomadic
>> existence, aimless, lacking direction in life.
>> 14. IMPULSIVITY -- the occurrence of behaviors that are unpremeditated
>> and lack reflection or planning; inability to resist temptation,
>> frustrations, and urges; a lack of deliberation without considering
>> the consequences; foolhardy, rash, unpredictable, erratic, and
>> reckless.
>> 15. IRRESPONSIBILITY -- repeated failure to fulfill or honor
>> obligations and commitments; such as not paying bills, defaulting on
>> loans, performing sloppy work, being absent or late to work, failing
>> to honor contractual agreements.
>> accept responsibility for one's actions reflected in low
>> conscientiousness, an absence of dutifulness, antagonistic
>> manipulation, denial of responsibility, and an effort to manipulate
>> others through this denial.
>> 17. MANY SHORT-TERM MARITAL RELATIONSHIPS -- a lack of commitment to a
>> long-term relationship reflected in inconsistent, undependable, and
>> unreliable commitments in life, including marital.
>> 18. JUVENILE DELINQUENCY -- behavior problems between the ages of
>> 13-18; mostly behaviors that are crimes or clearly involve aspects of
>> antagonism, exploitation, aggression, manipulation, or a callous,
>> ruthless tough-mindedness.
>> 19. REVOCATION OF CONDITION RELEASE -- a revocation of probation or
>> other conditional release due to technical violations, such as
>> carelessness, low deliberation, or failing to appear.
>> 20. CRIMINAL VERSATILITY -- a diversity of types of criminal offenses,
>> regardless if the person has been arrested or convicted for them;
>> taking great pride at getting away with crimes.


L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 01:31 AM

Re: General "Wimpy L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III"
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
> Norman Doidge
> National Post
> What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
> every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?
> That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
> illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
> offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
> Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
> All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
> "offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
> found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
> behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
> likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
> Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.
> The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
> -- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
> than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
> in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
> our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
> appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
> since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
> treatments really psychotherapy?
> Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
> self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
> Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
> because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
> psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
> concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
> which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
> concern by definition.
> But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
> on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
> co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
> new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
> psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
> moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
> Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
> that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.
> Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
> clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
> Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
> something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
> prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
> Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
> community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
> psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.
> The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
> To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
> miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
> short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
> eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.
> I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
> boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
> other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
> a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
> self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
> raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
> or "negative tapes" in her head.
> Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
> ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
> backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
> consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
> of mankind how to be remorseless.
> But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
> of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
> sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
> force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
> with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
> prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
> carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
> choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
> be practised.
> So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
> 1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
> crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
> just say they are beyond therapy.
> That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
> psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
> low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
> intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
> evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from
> treatment.
> The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
> mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
> forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
> unwillingness to make basic distinctions.
> In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
> hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
> person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
> we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
> soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
> always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
> control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
> is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
> bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
> virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
> "conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
> that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
> physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
> shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
> functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
> notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
> into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
> by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 01:31 AM

Re: General "Wimpy L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III"
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
> Norman Doidge
> National Post
> What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
> every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?
> That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
> illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
> offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
> Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
> All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
> "offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
> found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
> behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
> likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
> Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.
> The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
> -- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
> than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
> in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
> our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
> appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
> since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
> treatments really psychotherapy?
> Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
> self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
> Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
> because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
> psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
> concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
> which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
> concern by definition.
> But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
> on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
> co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
> new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
> psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
> moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
> Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
> that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.
> Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
> clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
> Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
> something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
> prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
> Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
> community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
> psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.
> The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
> To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
> miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
> short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
> eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.
> I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
> boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
> other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
> a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
> self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
> raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
> or "negative tapes" in her head.
> Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
> ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
> backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
> consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
> of mankind how to be remorseless.
> But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
> of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
> sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
> force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
> with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
> prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
> carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
> choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
> be practised.
> So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
> 1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
> crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
> just say they are beyond therapy.
> That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
> psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
> low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
> intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
> evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from
> treatment.
> The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
> mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
> forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
> unwillingness to make basic distinctions.
> In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
> hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
> person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
> we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
> soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
> always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
> control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
> is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
> bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
> virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
> "conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
> that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
> physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
> shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
> functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
> notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
> into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
> by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 01:31 AM

Re: General "Wimpy L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III"
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
> Norman Doidge
> National Post
> What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
> every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?
> That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
> illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
> offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
> Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
> All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
> "offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
> found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
> behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
> likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
> Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.
> The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
> -- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
> than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
> in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
> our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
> appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
> since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
> treatments really psychotherapy?
> Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
> self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
> Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
> because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
> psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
> concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
> which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
> concern by definition.
> But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
> on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
> co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
> new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
> psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
> moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
> Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
> that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.
> Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
> clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
> Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
> something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
> prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
> Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
> community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
> psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.
> The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
> To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
> miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
> short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
> eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.
> I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
> boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
> other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
> a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
> self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
> raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
> or "negative tapes" in her head.
> Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
> ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
> backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
> consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
> of mankind how to be remorseless.
> But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
> of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
> sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
> force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
> with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
> prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
> carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
> choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
> be practised.
> So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
> 1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
> crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
> just say they are beyond therapy.
> That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
> psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
> low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
> intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
> evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from
> treatment.
> The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
> mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
> forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
> unwillingness to make basic distinctions.
> In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
> hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
> person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
> we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
> soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
> always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
> control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
> is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
> bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
> virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
> "conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
> that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
> physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
> shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
> functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
> notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
> into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
> by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 01:32 AM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
> Norman Doidge
> National Post
> What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
> every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?
> That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
> illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
> offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
> Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
> All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
> "offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
> found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
> behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
> likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
> Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.
> The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
> -- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
> than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
> in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
> our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
> appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
> since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
> treatments really psychotherapy?
> Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
> self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
> Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
> because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
> psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
> concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
> which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
> concern by definition.
> But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
> on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
> co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
> new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
> psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
> moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
> Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
> that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.
> Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
> clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
> Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
> something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
> prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
> Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
> community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
> psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.
> The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
> To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
> miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
> short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
> eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.
> I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
> boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
> other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
> a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
> self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
> raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
> or "negative tapes" in her head.
> Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
> ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
> backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
> consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
> of mankind how to be remorseless.
> But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
> of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
> sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
> force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
> with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
> prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
> carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
> choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
> be practised.
> So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
> 1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
> crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
> just say they are beyond therapy.
> That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
> psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
> low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
> intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
> evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from
> treatment.
> The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
> mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
> forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
> unwillingness to make basic distinctions.
> In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
> hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
> person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
> we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
> soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
> always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
> control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
> is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
> bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
> virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
> "conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
> that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
> physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
> shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
> functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
> notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
> into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
> by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 01:32 AM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
> Norman Doidge
> National Post
> What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
> every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?
> That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
> illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
> offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
> Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
> All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
> "offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
> found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
> behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
> likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
> Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.
> The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
> -- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
> than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
> in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
> our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
> appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
> since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
> treatments really psychotherapy?
> Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
> self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
> Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
> because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
> psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
> concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
> which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
> concern by definition.
> But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
> on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
> co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
> new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
> psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
> moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
> Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
> that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.
> Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
> clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
> Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
> something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
> prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
> Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
> community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
> psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.
> The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
> To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
> miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
> short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
> eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.
> I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
> boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
> other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
> a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
> self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
> raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
> or "negative tapes" in her head.
> Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
> ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
> backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
> consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
> of mankind how to be remorseless.
> But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
> of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
> sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
> force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
> with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
> prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
> carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
> choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
> be practised.
> So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
> 1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
> crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
> just say they are beyond therapy.
> That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
> psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
> low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
> intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
> evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from
> treatment.
> The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
> mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
> forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
> unwillingness to make basic distinctions.
> In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
> hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
> person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
> we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
> soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
> always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
> control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
> is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
> bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
> virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
> "conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
> that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
> physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
> shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
> functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
> notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
> into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
> by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 01:32 AM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> Beyond therapy: Some evil can't be cured
> Norman Doidge
> National Post
> What, other than our wish that it be otherwise, makes us think that
> every human vice is treatable by some form of psychotherapy?
> That this wish is not just naive, but, at times, harmful is
> illustrated by a recent Canadian study on group treatment for 238 ---
> offenders (rapists, incest offenders) from Warkworth penitentiary in
> Ontario. These prisoners included some well-documented psychopaths.
> All were taught to "empathize" with victims, and understand their
> "offence cycle" as part of treatment. After their release, it was
> found that those who had scored highest in terms of "good treatment
> behaviour" and who had the highest "empathy" scores were the more
> likely to reoffend on release into the community. Hannibal Lecter
> Charm School teaches good manners, but not morals.
> The important study by Seto and Barbaree replicated -- unintentionally
> -- a 1992 Canadian study that found treated psychopaths reoffend more
> than psychopaths who are not treated. A larger study, just completed
> in Britain, shows the same. It may be that all psychopaths learn, in
> our new ersatz empathy institutes, is how to manipulate better by
> appearing more caring. But should we be surprised at the duplicity,
> since such treatments are generally mandated? And are such mandated
> treatments really psychotherapy?
> Just because a self-described "patient" is in a room with a
> self-described "therapist" doesn't mean psychotherapy is going on.
> Freud argued psychopaths are untreatable in psychotherapy precisely
> because having a conscience is a prerequisite for being able to use
> psychotherapy. It is the conscience, and the related capacity for
> concern for others, that drives the serious scrutiny of one's motives,
> which underlie one's behaviour. Yet psychopaths lack conscience and
> concern by definition.
> But these new psychopath-friendly treatments focus only superficially
> on motives or matters of good faith by tracking attendance and overt
> co-operativeness. Mostly they focus on impulse control and teaching
> new behaviours and mindsets. Past naive, they hope that because a
> psychopath can appear remorseful, or change his behaviour at any given
> moment, his overall mindset or deeper intentions will follow suit.
> Three cheers for us: We have invented treatments based on theories
> that are less complex than the impoverished minds of psychopaths.
> Psychotherapy doesn't just require a good theory and an astute
> clinician. It also requires a patient. The word patient comes from
> Latin, and means "to suffer." A patient, by definition, is bothered by
> something. Yet most treatments of prisoners originate not from the
> prisoner's suffering, but are mandated by the justice system.
> Corrections Canada knows many psychopaths will be released into the
> community eventually, so it attempts to change them, even though any
> psychotherapy for adults that has to be mandated is suspect.
> The "treatment" reported on in the Canadian study lasted 300 sessions.
> To their credit, the treaters didn't believe they could work their
> miracles overnight. Yet, more and more, mandated treatments are
> short-term: eight to 10 sessions. Most people can't quit smoking in
> eight to 10 sessions, never mind do a Karla Homolka make over.
> I refer here to the same Karla Homolka who expressed concern for her
> boyfriend's happiness by helping him kill her sister and a number of
> other young girls, and who is reported recently to have benefited from
> a self-esteem course in prison. Such courses, which presume
> self-esteem can be taught, generally involve telling a person she can
> raise her esteem in her own eyes by interrupting their self-reproaches
> or "negative tapes" in her head.
> Applying these self-esteem techniques to psychopaths requires an
> ability to get everything about the psychotherapeutic enterprise
> backwards. Psychopaths don't need lessons in clearing their
> consciences; if anything, it is they who ought to be teaching the rest
> of mankind how to be remorseless.
> But mushy-gushy therapy is not just confined to therapists. It is part
> of a dangerous denial of the nature of psychopathy and evil that is
> sweeping through our correctional services. A recent federal task
> force on security, released on Nov. 2, advised getting rid of guards
> with guns, unseemly razor-wire fences and intimidating towers around
> prisons (National Post, Dec. 15). It even advised that inmates should
> carry the keys to their own cells so they could make "responsible
> choices." "Restorative justice" based on "a culture of respect" would
> be practised.
> So here is a respectful way of framing things. Psychopaths constitute
> 1% of the population, but are so talented they conduct 50% of all
> crimes. Since it might be hurtful to say they are incurable, let's
> just say they are beyond therapy.
> That much said, surprising as it sounds, not all --- offenders are
> psychopaths; some, who have been involved in incest, apparently have
> low rates of reoffending. Some may benefit, at times, from long-term
> intensive interventions and monitoring. But there is no empirical
> evidence that --- offenders who are psychopaths benefit from
> treatment.
> The federal report is a miscarriage of justice, and a miscarriage of
> mercy. It is based on a distortion of religious notions of
> forgiveness, political notions of equality, a scientific zeal and an
> unwillingness to make basic distinctions.
> In ancient times, Aristotle made those distinctions, and developed a
> hierarchy of virtue and vice. At the top of the ladder is the virtuous
> person, who only aims toward good things; he is not "conflicted," as
> we would say, because there is no war between virtue and vice in his
> soul. Next, comes the continent person, who behaves well, but is
> always a bit tense because he is struggling, albeit successfully, to
> control his vices. Then comes the incontinent person, who knows what
> is right, but who frequently slips up, failing in his struggle. At the
> bottom of the hierarchy is the brute -- our psychopath. Like the
> virtuous person, he, too, is not at war with himself, is not
> "conflicted." Unlike the virtuous person, it is vice, and not virtue,
> that rules. Aristotle thought there was something different in the
> physical makeup of such people. Indeed, recent brain scan evidence
> shows some psychopaths do have altered brain structure and
> functioning. Our mistake (based on mindless extrapolations of our
> notion of political equality) is to collapse all these distinctions
> into the continent or incontinent categories. Indeed, we are as irked
> by notions of the virtuous as we are of the vicious.

Cujo DeSockpuppet 10-17-2007 04:37 AM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
Some Guy <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in news:GDfRi.80$1_2.2

> L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:
> [snip]
>> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
>> faggots like would think of.

> Uh, Bill, you talk about homosexuality a LOT more than Cujo talks about
> goats. By your logic, that means you think about gay --- a lot. One
> would think you were in the Village People instead of the Army...

You'd think the senile ---- would be glad to have some attention deflected
from his laughably failed attempts to keep everyone else from stinking up
the groups. I haven't seen a bigger failure since Pantyhead Ed.

PS: congrats for actually getting a coherent sentence out of the fool.

Cujo DeSockpuppet 10-17-2007 04:37 AM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
Some Guy <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in news:GDfRi.80$1_2.2

> L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:
> [snip]
>> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
>> faggots like would think of.

> Uh, Bill, you talk about homosexuality a LOT more than Cujo talks about
> goats. By your logic, that means you think about gay --- a lot. One
> would think you were in the Village People instead of the Army...

You'd think the senile ---- would be glad to have some attention deflected
from his laughably failed attempts to keep everyone else from stinking up
the groups. I haven't seen a bigger failure since Pantyhead Ed.

PS: congrats for actually getting a coherent sentence out of the fool.

Cujo DeSockpuppet 10-17-2007 04:37 AM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
Some Guy <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in news:GDfRi.80$1_2.2

> L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:
> [snip]
>> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
>> faggots like would think of.

> Uh, Bill, you talk about homosexuality a LOT more than Cujo talks about
> goats. By your logic, that means you think about gay --- a lot. One
> would think you were in the Village People instead of the Army...

You'd think the senile ---- would be glad to have some attention deflected
from his laughably failed attempts to keep everyone else from stinking up
the groups. I haven't seen a bigger failure since Pantyhead Ed.

PS: congrats for actually getting a coherent sentence out of the fool.

Flying Fuck 10-17-2007 10:52 AM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
Cujo DeSockpuppet wrote:

> Some Guy <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in
> news:GDfRi.80$1_2.2 @newsfe12.phx:
>> L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
>>> faggots like would think of.

>> Uh, Bill, you talk about homosexuality a LOT more than Cujo talks about
>> goats. By your logic, that means you think about gay --- a lot. One
>> would think you were in the Village People instead of the Army...

> You'd think the senile ---- would be glad to have some attention deflected
> from his laughably failed attempts to keep everyone else from stinking up
> the groups. I haven't seen a bigger failure since Pantyhead Ed.
> PS: congrats for actually getting a coherent sentence out of the fool.

it's just too bad for cujo that thinking about gay --- is not as fukked up
as thinking about goat ---.

//` `\\\
;; ;;'.__.===== ==========,
|| . <- || __ )
;: your ;;.' '======= ========'
\\ penus ///

"The fact that you're being increasing annoying..." - QuackfArt

Flying Fuck 10-17-2007 10:52 AM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
Cujo DeSockpuppet wrote:

> Some Guy <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in
> news:GDfRi.80$1_2.2 @newsfe12.phx:
>> L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
>>> faggots like would think of.

>> Uh, Bill, you talk about homosexuality a LOT more than Cujo talks about
>> goats. By your logic, that means you think about gay --- a lot. One
>> would think you were in the Village People instead of the Army...

> You'd think the senile ---- would be glad to have some attention deflected
> from his laughably failed attempts to keep everyone else from stinking up
> the groups. I haven't seen a bigger failure since Pantyhead Ed.
> PS: congrats for actually getting a coherent sentence out of the fool.

it's just too bad for cujo that thinking about gay --- is not as fukked up
as thinking about goat ---.

//` `\\\
;; ;;'.__.===== ==========,
|| . <- || __ )
;: your ;;.' '======= ========'
\\ penus ///

"The fact that you're being increasing annoying..." - QuackfArt

Flying Fuck 10-17-2007 10:52 AM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
Cujo DeSockpuppet wrote:

> Some Guy <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in
> news:GDfRi.80$1_2.2 @newsfe12.phx:
>> L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
>>> faggots like would think of.

>> Uh, Bill, you talk about homosexuality a LOT more than Cujo talks about
>> goats. By your logic, that means you think about gay --- a lot. One
>> would think you were in the Village People instead of the Army...

> You'd think the senile ---- would be glad to have some attention deflected
> from his laughably failed attempts to keep everyone else from stinking up
> the groups. I haven't seen a bigger failure since Pantyhead Ed.
> PS: congrats for actually getting a coherent sentence out of the fool.

it's just too bad for cujo that thinking about gay --- is not as fukked up
as thinking about goat ---.

//` `\\\
;; ;;'.__.===== ==========,
|| . <- || __ )
;: your ;;.' '======= ========'
\\ penus ///

"The fact that you're being increasing annoying..." - QuackfArt

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 07:06 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Cujo DeSockpuppet" <> wrote in message
> You'd think the senile ---- would be glad to have some attention deflected
> from his laughably failed attempts to keep everyone else from stinking up
> the groups. I haven't seen a bigger failure since Pantyhead Ed.
> PS: congrats for actually getting a coherent sentence out of the fool.

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 07:06 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Cujo DeSockpuppet" <> wrote in message
> You'd think the senile ---- would be glad to have some attention deflected
> from his laughably failed attempts to keep everyone else from stinking up
> the groups. I haven't seen a bigger failure since Pantyhead Ed.
> PS: congrats for actually getting a coherent sentence out of the fool.

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 07:06 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Cujo DeSockpuppet" <> wrote in message
> You'd think the senile ---- would be glad to have some attention deflected
> from his laughably failed attempts to keep everyone else from stinking up
> the groups. I haven't seen a bigger failure since Pantyhead Ed.
> PS: congrats for actually getting a coherent sentence out of the fool.

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 08:12 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Cujo DeSockpuppet" <> wrote in message
> You'd think the senile ---- would be glad to have some attention deflected
> from his laughably failed attempts to keep everyone else from stinking up
> the groups. I haven't seen a bigger failure since Pantyhead Ed.
> PS: congrats for actually getting a coherent sentence out of the fool.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 08:12 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Cujo DeSockpuppet" <> wrote in message
> You'd think the senile ---- would be glad to have some attention deflected
> from his laughably failed attempts to keep everyone else from stinking up
> the groups. I haven't seen a bigger failure since Pantyhead Ed.
> PS: congrats for actually getting a coherent sentence out of the fool.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-17-2007 08:12 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella.
Where'd you find that babbling?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Cujo DeSockpuppet" <> wrote in message
> You'd think the senile ---- would be glad to have some attention deflected
> from his laughably failed attempts to keep everyone else from stinking up
> the groups. I haven't seen a bigger failure since Pantyhead Ed.
> PS: congrats for actually getting a coherent sentence out of the fool.

Some Guy 10-20-2007 07:33 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annoncesclassees gratuites
L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:


> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> ------, girlie.

Poor Bill. He thinks it's normal to hate women, but he doesn't really
how abnormal he really is for doing so.

> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> "Some Guy" <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in message
> news:GDfRi.80$1_2.2@newsfe12.phx...
>> Uh, Bill, you talk about homosexuality a LOT more than Cujo talks about
>> goats. By your logic, that means you think about gay --- a lot. One
>> would think you were in the Village People instead of the Army...


Some Guy 10-20-2007 07:33 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annoncesclassees gratuites
L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:


> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> ------, girlie.

Poor Bill. He thinks it's normal to hate women, but he doesn't really
how abnormal he really is for doing so.

> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> "Some Guy" <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in message
> news:GDfRi.80$1_2.2@newsfe12.phx...
>> Uh, Bill, you talk about homosexuality a LOT more than Cujo talks about
>> goats. By your logic, that means you think about gay --- a lot. One
>> would think you were in the Village People instead of the Army...


Some Guy 10-20-2007 07:33 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annoncesclassees gratuites
L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:


> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> ------, girlie.

Poor Bill. He thinks it's normal to hate women, but he doesn't really
how abnormal he really is for doing so.

> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> "Some Guy" <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in message
> news:GDfRi.80$1_2.2@newsfe12.phx...
>> Uh, Bill, you talk about homosexuality a LOT more than Cujo talks about
>> goats. By your logic, that means you think about gay --- a lot. One
>> would think you were in the Village People instead of the Army...


Some Guy 10-20-2007 08:04 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annoncesclassees gratuites
Cujo DeSockpuppet wrote:
> Some Guy <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in news:GDfRi.80$1_2.2
> @newsfe12.phx:
>> L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
>>> faggots like would think of.

>> Uh, Bill, you talk about homosexuality a LOT more than Cujo talks about
>> goats. By your logic, that means you think about gay --- a lot. One
>> would think you were in the Village People instead of the Army...

> You'd think the senile ---- would be glad to have some attention deflected
> from his laughably failed attempts to keep everyone else from stinking up
> the groups. I haven't seen a bigger failure since Pantyhead Ed.

The only thing he seems to have succeeded at doing is getting himself
spanked off of Teranews, which is pretty hard to do. I don't think he's
real proud of that.

> PS: congrats for actually getting a coherent sentence out of the fool.

Monkeys, typewriters, Shakespeare--you know the drill. Expect the next
coherent sentence from Bill shortly before the heat death of the Universe.

Some Guy 10-20-2007 08:04 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annoncesclassees gratuites
Cujo DeSockpuppet wrote:
> Some Guy <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in news:GDfRi.80$1_2.2
> @newsfe12.phx:
>> L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
>>> faggots like would think of.

>> Uh, Bill, you talk about homosexuality a LOT more than Cujo talks about
>> goats. By your logic, that means you think about gay --- a lot. One
>> would think you were in the Village People instead of the Army...

> You'd think the senile ---- would be glad to have some attention deflected
> from his laughably failed attempts to keep everyone else from stinking up
> the groups. I haven't seen a bigger failure since Pantyhead Ed.

The only thing he seems to have succeeded at doing is getting himself
spanked off of Teranews, which is pretty hard to do. I don't think he's
real proud of that.

> PS: congrats for actually getting a coherent sentence out of the fool.

Monkeys, typewriters, Shakespeare--you know the drill. Expect the next
coherent sentence from Bill shortly before the heat death of the Universe.

Some Guy 10-20-2007 08:04 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annoncesclassees gratuites
Cujo DeSockpuppet wrote:
> Some Guy <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in news:GDfRi.80$1_2.2
> @newsfe12.phx:
>> L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
>>> faggots like would think of.

>> Uh, Bill, you talk about homosexuality a LOT more than Cujo talks about
>> goats. By your logic, that means you think about gay --- a lot. One
>> would think you were in the Village People instead of the Army...

> You'd think the senile ---- would be glad to have some attention deflected
> from his laughably failed attempts to keep everyone else from stinking up
> the groups. I haven't seen a bigger failure since Pantyhead Ed.

The only thing he seems to have succeeded at doing is getting himself
spanked off of Teranews, which is pretty hard to do. I don't think he's
real proud of that.

> PS: congrats for actually getting a coherent sentence out of the fool.

Monkeys, typewriters, Shakespeare--you know the drill. Expect the next
coherent sentence from Bill shortly before the heat death of the Universe.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-20-2007 09:41 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites

God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Some Guy" <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in message
> L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:
> [snip]
> > That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> > ------, girlie.

> Poor Bill. He thinks it's normal to hate women, but he doesn't really
> how abnormal he really is for doing so.
> > God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> > mailto:--------------------
> >
> >
> > "Some Guy" <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in message
> > news:GDfRi.80$1_2.2@newsfe12.phx...
> >> Uh, Bill, you talk about homosexuality a LOT more than Cujo talks about
> >> goats. By your logic, that means you think about gay --- a lot. One
> >> would think you were in the Village People instead of the Army...
> >>

> >
> >

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-20-2007 09:41 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites

God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Some Guy" <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in message
> L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:
> [snip]
> > That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> > ------, girlie.

> Poor Bill. He thinks it's normal to hate women, but he doesn't really
> how abnormal he really is for doing so.
> > God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> > mailto:--------------------
> >
> >
> > "Some Guy" <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in message
> > news:GDfRi.80$1_2.2@newsfe12.phx...
> >> Uh, Bill, you talk about homosexuality a LOT more than Cujo talks about
> >> goats. By your logic, that means you think about gay --- a lot. One
> >> would think you were in the Village People instead of the Army...
> >>

> >
> >

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-20-2007 09:41 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites

God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Some Guy" <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in message
> L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:
> [snip]
> > That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> > ------, girlie.

> Poor Bill. He thinks it's normal to hate women, but he doesn't really
> how abnormal he really is for doing so.
> > God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> > mailto:--------------------
> >
> >
> > "Some Guy" <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in message
> > news:GDfRi.80$1_2.2@newsfe12.phx...
> >> Uh, Bill, you talk about homosexuality a LOT more than Cujo talks about
> >> goats. By your logic, that means you think about gay --- a lot. One
> >> would think you were in the Village People instead of the Army...
> >>

> >
> >

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-20-2007 09:45 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
There you go again, the little jealous coward. Who's only way to get
attention is to make a fool of it's self, using foul language, like it did
back in elementary school yard, switch I bet you still don't know what they
mean! But, too afraid to use it's name and address, and take on
responsibility like a grown up. Totally worthless! Crawl back in your hole,
like the rest of you low life queer, losers!
Nope, I don't think like you, I love women, if it wasn't for them
faggots like you wouldn't exist.
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Some Guy" <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in message
> Poor Bill. He thinks it's normal to hate women, but he doesn't really
> how abnormal he really is for doing so.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-20-2007 09:45 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
There you go again, the little jealous coward. Who's only way to get
attention is to make a fool of it's self, using foul language, like it did
back in elementary school yard, switch I bet you still don't know what they
mean! But, too afraid to use it's name and address, and take on
responsibility like a grown up. Totally worthless! Crawl back in your hole,
like the rest of you low life queer, losers!
Nope, I don't think like you, I love women, if it wasn't for them
faggots like you wouldn't exist.
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Some Guy" <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in message
> Poor Bill. He thinks it's normal to hate women, but he doesn't really
> how abnormal he really is for doing so.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-20-2007 09:45 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
There you go again, the little jealous coward. Who's only way to get
attention is to make a fool of it's self, using foul language, like it did
back in elementary school yard, switch I bet you still don't know what they
mean! But, too afraid to use it's name and address, and take on
responsibility like a grown up. Totally worthless! Crawl back in your hole,
like the rest of you low life queer, losers!
Nope, I don't think like you, I love women, if it wasn't for them
faggots like you wouldn't exist.
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Some Guy" <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in message
> Poor Bill. He thinks it's normal to hate women, but he doesn't really
> how abnormal he really is for doing so.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-20-2007 09:47 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
There you go again, the little jealous coward. Who's only way to get
attention is to make a fool of it's self, using foul language, like it did
back in elementary school yard, switch I bet you still don't know what they
mean! But, too afraid to use it's name and address, and take on
responsibility like a grown up. Totally worthless! Crawl back in your hole,
like the rest of you low life queer, losers!
And please critic the rest of my posts, you make me laugh the way a
girlie, ------ writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Some Guy" <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in message
> The only thing he seems to have succeeded at doing is getting himself
> spanked off of Teranews, which is pretty hard to do. I don't think he's
> real proud of that.
> Monkeys, typewriters, Shakespeare--you know the drill. Expect the next
> coherent sentence from Bill shortly before the heat death of the Universe.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-20-2007 09:47 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
There you go again, the little jealous coward. Who's only way to get
attention is to make a fool of it's self, using foul language, like it did
back in elementary school yard, switch I bet you still don't know what they
mean! But, too afraid to use it's name and address, and take on
responsibility like a grown up. Totally worthless! Crawl back in your hole,
like the rest of you low life queer, losers!
And please critic the rest of my posts, you make me laugh the way a
girlie, ------ writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Some Guy" <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in message
> The only thing he seems to have succeeded at doing is getting himself
> spanked off of Teranews, which is pretty hard to do. I don't think he's
> real proud of that.
> Monkeys, typewriters, Shakespeare--you know the drill. Expect the next
> coherent sentence from Bill shortly before the heat death of the Universe.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-20-2007 09:47 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
There you go again, the little jealous coward. Who's only way to get
attention is to make a fool of it's self, using foul language, like it did
back in elementary school yard, switch I bet you still don't know what they
mean! But, too afraid to use it's name and address, and take on
responsibility like a grown up. Totally worthless! Crawl back in your hole,
like the rest of you low life queer, losers!
And please critic the rest of my posts, you make me laugh the way a
girlie, ------ writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Some Guy" <noemailformethanks@anyplace.invalid> wrote in message
> The only thing he seems to have succeeded at doing is getting himself
> spanked off of Teranews, which is pretty hard to do. I don't think he's
> real proud of that.
> Monkeys, typewriters, Shakespeare--you know the drill. Expect the next
> coherent sentence from Bill shortly before the heat death of the Universe.

=?iso-8859-1?q?Pink_Freud=A9=AE?= 10-20-2007 10:19 PM

Re: - Free Classified Ads - Les petites annonces classees gratuites
On Sat, 20 Oct 2007 18:45:04 -0700, L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:

> I love women, if it wasn't for them
> faggots like you wouldn't exist.

And you'd have nothing to lust after.

Everyone already knows you're figuratively impotent.

Are you just physically impotent with women?

Good ol' B-LO, Billie with the LOW testosterone levels.

Thath weally thweet.

gris gris, Cooyon!

Men hate those to whom they have to lie.

-Victor Hugo, poet, novelist, and
dramatist (1802-1885)

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