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24BitŪ 07-06-2007 04:34 AM

Re: WHOA is this JEEP group or troll<>zone
On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 22:26:57 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> Amazingly Replied without Prejudice below:

:> Every notice how these little trolls that want to bait me are too afraid
:>to use your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would. YOU
:>ARE A COWARD! Crawl back in your hole, like the rest of you low life,
:> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
:>"T. Greening" <> wrote in message
:>> Them take over? You are the one that has taken over with all your inane
:>> babbling and totally ridiculous levels of useless posts. If you want to
:>> report these people then feel free, but why you feel the need to
:>> saturate the group with copies of all of it is beyond me.
:>> The group we deserve would be the one that doesn't include you. Without
:>> you all the rest would go away. You sir are a pompous self absorbed,
:>> self important buffoon who apparently has nothing in life better to do
:>> than to screw up this group, and I'd hazard just about any other group
:>> that has the misfortune to have you as a regular.

24BitŪ 07-06-2007 04:34 AM

Re: WHOA is this JEEP group or troll<>zone
On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 22:26:57 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> Amazingly Replied without Prejudice below:

:> Every notice how these little trolls that want to bait me are too afraid
:>to use your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would. YOU
:>ARE A COWARD! Crawl back in your hole, like the rest of you low life,
:> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
:>"T. Greening" <> wrote in message
:>> Them take over? You are the one that has taken over with all your inane
:>> babbling and totally ridiculous levels of useless posts. If you want to
:>> report these people then feel free, but why you feel the need to
:>> saturate the group with copies of all of it is beyond me.
:>> The group we deserve would be the one that doesn't include you. Without
:>> you all the rest would go away. You sir are a pompous self absorbed,
:>> self important buffoon who apparently has nothing in life better to do
:>> than to screw up this group, and I'd hazard just about any other group
:>> that has the misfortune to have you as a regular.

24BitŪ 07-06-2007 04:34 AM

Re: WHOA is this JEEP group or troll<>zone
On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 22:26:57 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> Amazingly Replied without Prejudice below:

:> Every notice how these little trolls that want to bait me are too afraid
:>to use your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would. YOU
:>ARE A COWARD! Crawl back in your hole, like the rest of you low life,
:> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
:>"T. Greening" <> wrote in message
:>> Them take over? You are the one that has taken over with all your inane
:>> babbling and totally ridiculous levels of useless posts. If you want to
:>> report these people then feel free, but why you feel the need to
:>> saturate the group with copies of all of it is beyond me.
:>> The group we deserve would be the one that doesn't include you. Without
:>> you all the rest would go away. You sir are a pompous self absorbed,
:>> self important buffoon who apparently has nothing in life better to do
:>> than to screw up this group, and I'd hazard just about any other group
:>> that has the misfortune to have you as a regular.

24BitŪ 07-06-2007 04:34 AM

Re: WHOA is this JEEP group or troll<>zone
On Fri, 06 Jul 2007 01:02:45 -0500, d <> Amazingly
Replied without Prejudice below:

:>On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 22:22:49 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
:><> wrote:
:>> Another one, big time jealousy over my knowledge, possessions,
:>>successes, manliness and super Southern California surfing body. Who's only
:>>way to get attention is to make a fool of it's self. You remind me of a
:>>little rat dog, like a Mexican Chihuahua barking it's senseless rabid head
:>>off, me too, me too. With its goat obsession/fetish with other queers and
:>>------ of this group. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
:>>responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
:>> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
:>>"d" <> wrote in message
:>> ...
:>>> We would Billy, but your fat ass is blocking the door!
:>OK, let's look at your reply....." knowledge"..You know how to google,
:>beyond that, I'm not impressed. " possessions".. I have no idea what
:>you have, nor do I care. You could say you owned anything and I
:>wouldn't know for sure. "manliness" What you consider "manly", most
:>people consider stupidity by posting too much personal info over the
:>internet. "super S. Calif. surfing body" at 300+lbs, maybe surfing
:>body if you're a sperm whale. Finally! You spelled chihuahua
:>correctly. When have I mentioned anything about a goat? Too girlie??
:>In 1969, right after I turned 18, I ENLISTED in the Navy. In 1973,
:>while on inactive reserves, I ENLISTED in the Army. Both of these were
:>done when we were heavily involved in Viet Nam. And you??? Oh, that's
:>right, they had to drag you kicking and screaming from momma's tit
:>during peacetime. If you can remember back a few months ago, I proved
:>to you that the e-mail address listed here, was indeed, a legitimate
:>address, and you could have seen my profile from that. Now go away,
:>-----, you are definately NOT man material.

24BitŪ 07-06-2007 04:34 AM

Re: WHOA is this JEEP group or troll<>zone
On Fri, 06 Jul 2007 02:01:11 -0500, d <> Amazingly
Replied without Prejudice below:

:>On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 23:11:48 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
:><> wrote:
:>> Anyone using a Hotmail address is a coward by definition. Now lets see
:>>your possessions, loser!
:>> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
:>>"d" <> wrote in message
:>> ...
:>>> OK, let's look at your reply....." knowledge"..You know how to google,
:>>> beyond that, I'm not impressed. " possessions".. I have no idea what
:>>> you have, nor do I care. You could say you owned anything and I
:>>> wouldn't know for sure. "manliness" What you consider "manly", most
:>>> people consider stupidity by posting too much personal info over the
:>>> internet. "super S. Calif. surfing body" at 300+lbs, maybe surfing
:>>> body if you're a sperm whale. Finally! You spelled chihuahua
:>>> correctly. When have I mentioned anything about a goat? Too girlie??
:>>> In 1969, right after I turned 18, I ENLISTED in the Navy. In 1973,
:>>> while on inactive reserves, I ENLISTED in the Army. Both of these were
:>>> done when we were heavily involved in Viet Nam. And you??? Oh, that's
:>>> right, they had to drag you kicking and screaming from momma's tit
:>>> during peacetime. If you can remember back a few months ago, I proved
:>>> to you that the e-mail address listed here, was indeed, a legitimate
:>>> address, and you could have seen my profile from that. Now go away,
:>>> -----, you are definately NOT man material.
:>Now what is so bad about having a hotmail address? It's not as bad as
:>having an AOL address, that's where a lot of people go while they're
:>still a novice on the internet. I also have a yahoo address, and one
:>from my ISP. Come see me, I'll show you what a coward I am.The first
:>jump I made from a plane (Navy) was free fall, no static lines for us.
:>Seventeen years as a volunteer firefighter, follow me into a burning
:>building, if you've got the balls for it.

24BitŪ 07-06-2007 04:34 AM

Re: WHOA is this JEEP group or troll<>zone
On Fri, 06 Jul 2007 02:01:11 -0500, d <> Amazingly
Replied without Prejudice below:

:>On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 23:11:48 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
:><> wrote:
:>> Anyone using a Hotmail address is a coward by definition. Now lets see
:>>your possessions, loser!
:>> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
:>>"d" <> wrote in message
:>> ...
:>>> OK, let's look at your reply....." knowledge"..You know how to google,
:>>> beyond that, I'm not impressed. " possessions".. I have no idea what
:>>> you have, nor do I care. You could say you owned anything and I
:>>> wouldn't know for sure. "manliness" What you consider "manly", most
:>>> people consider stupidity by posting too much personal info over the
:>>> internet. "super S. Calif. surfing body" at 300+lbs, maybe surfing
:>>> body if you're a sperm whale. Finally! You spelled chihuahua
:>>> correctly. When have I mentioned anything about a goat? Too girlie??
:>>> In 1969, right after I turned 18, I ENLISTED in the Navy. In 1973,
:>>> while on inactive reserves, I ENLISTED in the Army. Both of these were
:>>> done when we were heavily involved in Viet Nam. And you??? Oh, that's
:>>> right, they had to drag you kicking and screaming from momma's tit
:>>> during peacetime. If you can remember back a few months ago, I proved
:>>> to you that the e-mail address listed here, was indeed, a legitimate
:>>> address, and you could have seen my profile from that. Now go away,
:>>> -----, you are definately NOT man material.
:>Now what is so bad about having a hotmail address? It's not as bad as
:>having an AOL address, that's where a lot of people go while they're
:>still a novice on the internet. I also have a yahoo address, and one
:>from my ISP. Come see me, I'll show you what a coward I am.The first
:>jump I made from a plane (Navy) was free fall, no static lines for us.
:>Seventeen years as a volunteer firefighter, follow me into a burning
:>building, if you've got the balls for it.

24BitŪ 07-06-2007 04:34 AM

Re: WHOA is this JEEP group or troll<>zone
On Fri, 06 Jul 2007 02:01:11 -0500, d <> Amazingly
Replied without Prejudice below:

:>On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 23:11:48 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
:><> wrote:
:>> Anyone using a Hotmail address is a coward by definition. Now lets see
:>>your possessions, loser!
:>> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
:>>"d" <> wrote in message
:>> ...
:>>> OK, let's look at your reply....." knowledge"..You know how to google,
:>>> beyond that, I'm not impressed. " possessions".. I have no idea what
:>>> you have, nor do I care. You could say you owned anything and I
:>>> wouldn't know for sure. "manliness" What you consider "manly", most
:>>> people consider stupidity by posting too much personal info over the
:>>> internet. "super S. Calif. surfing body" at 300+lbs, maybe surfing
:>>> body if you're a sperm whale. Finally! You spelled chihuahua
:>>> correctly. When have I mentioned anything about a goat? Too girlie??
:>>> In 1969, right after I turned 18, I ENLISTED in the Navy. In 1973,
:>>> while on inactive reserves, I ENLISTED in the Army. Both of these were
:>>> done when we were heavily involved in Viet Nam. And you??? Oh, that's
:>>> right, they had to drag you kicking and screaming from momma's tit
:>>> during peacetime. If you can remember back a few months ago, I proved
:>>> to you that the e-mail address listed here, was indeed, a legitimate
:>>> address, and you could have seen my profile from that. Now go away,
:>>> -----, you are definately NOT man material.
:>Now what is so bad about having a hotmail address? It's not as bad as
:>having an AOL address, that's where a lot of people go while they're
:>still a novice on the internet. I also have a yahoo address, and one
:>from my ISP. Come see me, I'll show you what a coward I am.The first
:>jump I made from a plane (Navy) was free fall, no static lines for us.
:>Seventeen years as a volunteer firefighter, follow me into a burning
:>building, if you've got the balls for it.

24BitŪ 07-06-2007 04:34 AM

Re: WHOA is this JEEP group or troll<>zone
On Fri, 06 Jul 2007 02:01:11 -0500, d <> Amazingly
Replied without Prejudice below:

:>On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 23:11:48 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
:><> wrote:
:>> Anyone using a Hotmail address is a coward by definition. Now lets see
:>>your possessions, loser!
:>> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
:>>"d" <> wrote in message
:>> ...
:>>> OK, let's look at your reply....." knowledge"..You know how to google,
:>>> beyond that, I'm not impressed. " possessions".. I have no idea what
:>>> you have, nor do I care. You could say you owned anything and I
:>>> wouldn't know for sure. "manliness" What you consider "manly", most
:>>> people consider stupidity by posting too much personal info over the
:>>> internet. "super S. Calif. surfing body" at 300+lbs, maybe surfing
:>>> body if you're a sperm whale. Finally! You spelled chihuahua
:>>> correctly. When have I mentioned anything about a goat? Too girlie??
:>>> In 1969, right after I turned 18, I ENLISTED in the Navy. In 1973,
:>>> while on inactive reserves, I ENLISTED in the Army. Both of these were
:>>> done when we were heavily involved in Viet Nam. And you??? Oh, that's
:>>> right, they had to drag you kicking and screaming from momma's tit
:>>> during peacetime. If you can remember back a few months ago, I proved
:>>> to you that the e-mail address listed here, was indeed, a legitimate
:>>> address, and you could have seen my profile from that. Now go away,
:>>> -----, you are definately NOT man material.
:>Now what is so bad about having a hotmail address? It's not as bad as
:>having an AOL address, that's where a lot of people go while they're
:>still a novice on the internet. I also have a yahoo address, and one
:>from my ISP. Come see me, I'll show you what a coward I am.The first
:>jump I made from a plane (Navy) was free fall, no static lines for us.
:>Seventeen years as a volunteer firefighter, follow me into a burning
:>building, if you've got the balls for it.

24BitŪ 07-06-2007 04:34 AM

Re: WHOA is this JEEP group or troll<>zone
On Fri, 06 Jul 2007 01:02:45 -0500, d <> Amazingly
Replied without Prejudice below:

:>On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 22:22:49 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
:><> wrote:
:>> Another one, big time jealousy over my knowledge, possessions,
:>>successes, manliness and super Southern California surfing body. Who's only
:>>way to get attention is to make a fool of it's self. You remind me of a
:>>little rat dog, like a Mexican Chihuahua barking it's senseless rabid head
:>>off, me too, me too. With its goat obsession/fetish with other queers and
:>>------ of this group. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
:>>responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
:>> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
:>>"d" <> wrote in message
:>> ...
:>>> We would Billy, but your fat ass is blocking the door!
:>OK, let's look at your reply....." knowledge"..You know how to google,
:>beyond that, I'm not impressed. " possessions".. I have no idea what
:>you have, nor do I care. You could say you owned anything and I
:>wouldn't know for sure. "manliness" What you consider "manly", most
:>people consider stupidity by posting too much personal info over the
:>internet. "super S. Calif. surfing body" at 300+lbs, maybe surfing
:>body if you're a sperm whale. Finally! You spelled chihuahua
:>correctly. When have I mentioned anything about a goat? Too girlie??
:>In 1969, right after I turned 18, I ENLISTED in the Navy. In 1973,
:>while on inactive reserves, I ENLISTED in the Army. Both of these were
:>done when we were heavily involved in Viet Nam. And you??? Oh, that's
:>right, they had to drag you kicking and screaming from momma's tit
:>during peacetime. If you can remember back a few months ago, I proved
:>to you that the e-mail address listed here, was indeed, a legitimate
:>address, and you could have seen my profile from that. Now go away,
:>-----, you are definately NOT man material.

24BitŪ 07-06-2007 04:34 AM

Re: WHOA is this JEEP group or troll<>zone
On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 23:11:48 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> Amazingly Replied without Prejudice below:

:> Anyone using a Hotmail address is a coward by definition. Now lets see
:>your possessions, loser!
:> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
:>"d" <> wrote in message
:> ..
:>> OK, let's look at your reply....." knowledge"..You know how to google,
:>> beyond that, I'm not impressed. " possessions".. I have no idea what
:>> you have, nor do I care. You could say you owned anything and I
:>> wouldn't know for sure. "manliness" What you consider "manly", most
:>> people consider stupidity by posting too much personal info over the
:>> internet. "super S. Calif. surfing body" at 300+lbs, maybe surfing
:>> body if you're a sperm whale. Finally! You spelled chihuahua
:>> correctly. When have I mentioned anything about a goat? Too girlie??
:>> In 1969, right after I turned 18, I ENLISTED in the Navy. In 1973,
:>> while on inactive reserves, I ENLISTED in the Army. Both of these were
:>> done when we were heavily involved in Viet Nam. And you??? Oh, that's
:>> right, they had to drag you kicking and screaming from momma's tit
:>> during peacetime. If you can remember back a few months ago, I proved
:>> to you that the e-mail address listed here, was indeed, a legitimate
:>> address, and you could have seen my profile from that. Now go away,
:>> -----, you are definately NOT man material.

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