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Leo Lee 10-27-2003 02:14 AM

Re: FAT-ASS American can't drive little Honda!!!!!!!
"Gerald G. McGeorge" <> wrote in message news:<>...
> No Leo, it's because us fat ass Americans NO WANT TO DRIVE ---- box,
> death-trap Honda!!!

Get out of my parking space, fat-ass!

> (Hey, canna you speaky asa bad asa you WRITEY?)
> Hey, Leo, you assa hole, we likey being big anda fat, causa we cana kicka
> you skinny little ass ana your shitty little country any time we want to.
> (Isa you stinky little country fulla skinny ass idiots likey you?!)

yeah yeah you did great job being a white trash scum. We know your
ugly shitty whitetrash anger and hate built inside of your culture
which is your cultural experience which in turn bled a racism, child
abuse, diverce, --- violent. Remember Me have no ass to kick. Let me
have your big FAT-ASS
so I can kick your butt like a soccer kick. That should be a nice

oh geezzz... FAT-ASS english is worst than mine!

> "Leo Lee" <> wrote in message
> om...
> > "TJim" <> wrote in message

> news:<>...
> > > Jeez! No wonder no one here likes you. You're rude and obnoxious. If

> you
> > > would try once to be constructive, I bet it would make a world of
> > > difference.
> > >
> > > Instead of declaring all Americans are fat pigs... Oh never mind. Get

> the
> > > hell out and stay out. You're hopeless.

> >
> >
> > Jim, I can't apology if you are not belong to fat category. I have
> > to say that the Americans are the most fat-ass pig on earth. I mean
> > honestly
> > this is not a joke. Is not american people eat like a pig? Their
> > eating
> > food is hugh that I can't believe. This is beyond color line. Both
> > white
> > and black are fat or over-weighted or obese. Just look at the black
> > women
> > and white women in shopping mall. I can't believe how chunky these
> > people are.
> > Look at their pig size ass. You are not going to such fat ass black in
> > Africa. That's why American need a big car. They can't drive little
> > Honda. They need a big fat car making bigger every year so that they
> > can move
> > their fat ass or they will die dragging heavy ass in street. No wonder
> > why
> > Americans are making big car. I mean one day they have to sell a bus.
> >
> >
> > This is not a joke. This is a serous problem of this nation is facing.
> > This is not only about driving fat car but is about the health issue.

Leo Lee 10-27-2003 02:14 AM

Re: FAT-ASS American can't drive little Honda!!!!!!!
"Gerald G. McGeorge" <> wrote in message news:<>...
> No Leo, it's because us fat ass Americans NO WANT TO DRIVE ---- box,
> death-trap Honda!!!

Get out of my parking space, fat-ass!

> (Hey, canna you speaky asa bad asa you WRITEY?)
> Hey, Leo, you assa hole, we likey being big anda fat, causa we cana kicka
> you skinny little ass ana your shitty little country any time we want to.
> (Isa you stinky little country fulla skinny ass idiots likey you?!)

yeah yeah you did great job being a white trash scum. We know your
ugly shitty whitetrash anger and hate built inside of your culture
which is your cultural experience which in turn bled a racism, child
abuse, diverce, --- violent. Remember Me have no ass to kick. Let me
have your big FAT-ASS
so I can kick your butt like a soccer kick. That should be a nice

oh geezzz... FAT-ASS english is worst than mine!

> "Leo Lee" <> wrote in message
> om...
> > "TJim" <> wrote in message

> news:<>...
> > > Jeez! No wonder no one here likes you. You're rude and obnoxious. If

> you
> > > would try once to be constructive, I bet it would make a world of
> > > difference.
> > >
> > > Instead of declaring all Americans are fat pigs... Oh never mind. Get

> the
> > > hell out and stay out. You're hopeless.

> >
> >
> > Jim, I can't apology if you are not belong to fat category. I have
> > to say that the Americans are the most fat-ass pig on earth. I mean
> > honestly
> > this is not a joke. Is not american people eat like a pig? Their
> > eating
> > food is hugh that I can't believe. This is beyond color line. Both
> > white
> > and black are fat or over-weighted or obese. Just look at the black
> > women
> > and white women in shopping mall. I can't believe how chunky these
> > people are.
> > Look at their pig size ass. You are not going to such fat ass black in
> > Africa. That's why American need a big car. They can't drive little
> > Honda. They need a big fat car making bigger every year so that they
> > can move
> > their fat ass or they will die dragging heavy ass in street. No wonder
> > why
> > Americans are making big car. I mean one day they have to sell a bus.
> >
> >
> > This is not a joke. This is a serous problem of this nation is facing.
> > This is not only about driving fat car but is about the health issue.

Leo Lee 10-27-2003 02:31 AM

Re: Jimmie, Did you set the Fire on your hair???
"Dave Milne" <> wrote in message news:<1LNmb.1883$>...
> Ok, if you are a Mongol, you would know that Inner Mongolia is still part of
> China, and Outer Mongolia was "liberated" from China with the help of
> Russia. Which brings us nicely back to the slaughtering of native Americans
> which you were harping on about - because Gengis Khan unlike any other
> emperor preferred to destroy rather than subordinate.

You trying to teach me history and geography? You got the wrong guy.
Get some fat-ass people who know nothing about geography.

> Unfortunately for you, by calling me an idiot fat-ass American that doesn't
> know anything about geography, you have shown you don't know where Scotland
> is .. it's a country that is part of the UK, about 6000 miles from
> California. Since you are getting personal about my physical appearance of
> which you know nothing, I assume you won't be offended if I ask if you are a
> chopstick ? It's a term a Thai girlfriend of mine used for a girl that is
> flat both sides.

I don't like to trolling with a scotish who does not have a country.
Right? You have the culture that is not part of UK but don't have
the soverigtny right. Use chopstick not to be fat.

> Dave Milne, Scotland
> '99 TJ 4.0 Sahara
> "Leo Lee" <> wrote in message
> om...
> : "Dave Milne" <> wrote in message
> news:<hlrmb.913$>...
> : > With such stunning contempt for other people, you would make a great
> Chinese
> : > leader.
> : >
> :
> : Dave and Jimmie the perfect twin aparted from the birth. Dave, can
> : you differenciate mongolian from Chinese? How much do you know about
> : geography?
> : Oh no no not another ignorant idiot fat-ass American citizen!

Leo Lee 10-27-2003 02:31 AM

Re: Jimmie, Did you set the Fire on your hair???
"Dave Milne" <> wrote in message news:<1LNmb.1883$>...
> Ok, if you are a Mongol, you would know that Inner Mongolia is still part of
> China, and Outer Mongolia was "liberated" from China with the help of
> Russia. Which brings us nicely back to the slaughtering of native Americans
> which you were harping on about - because Gengis Khan unlike any other
> emperor preferred to destroy rather than subordinate.

You trying to teach me history and geography? You got the wrong guy.
Get some fat-ass people who know nothing about geography.

> Unfortunately for you, by calling me an idiot fat-ass American that doesn't
> know anything about geography, you have shown you don't know where Scotland
> is .. it's a country that is part of the UK, about 6000 miles from
> California. Since you are getting personal about my physical appearance of
> which you know nothing, I assume you won't be offended if I ask if you are a
> chopstick ? It's a term a Thai girlfriend of mine used for a girl that is
> flat both sides.

I don't like to trolling with a scotish who does not have a country.
Right? You have the culture that is not part of UK but don't have
the soverigtny right. Use chopstick not to be fat.

> Dave Milne, Scotland
> '99 TJ 4.0 Sahara
> "Leo Lee" <> wrote in message
> om...
> : "Dave Milne" <> wrote in message
> news:<hlrmb.913$>...
> : > With such stunning contempt for other people, you would make a great
> Chinese
> : > leader.
> : >
> :
> : Dave and Jimmie the perfect twin aparted from the birth. Dave, can
> : you differenciate mongolian from Chinese? How much do you know about
> : geography?
> : Oh no no not another ignorant idiot fat-ass American citizen!

Leo Lee 10-27-2003 02:31 AM

Re: Jimmie, Did you set the Fire on your hair???
"Dave Milne" <> wrote in message news:<1LNmb.1883$>...
> Ok, if you are a Mongol, you would know that Inner Mongolia is still part of
> China, and Outer Mongolia was "liberated" from China with the help of
> Russia. Which brings us nicely back to the slaughtering of native Americans
> which you were harping on about - because Gengis Khan unlike any other
> emperor preferred to destroy rather than subordinate.

You trying to teach me history and geography? You got the wrong guy.
Get some fat-ass people who know nothing about geography.

> Unfortunately for you, by calling me an idiot fat-ass American that doesn't
> know anything about geography, you have shown you don't know where Scotland
> is .. it's a country that is part of the UK, about 6000 miles from
> California. Since you are getting personal about my physical appearance of
> which you know nothing, I assume you won't be offended if I ask if you are a
> chopstick ? It's a term a Thai girlfriend of mine used for a girl that is
> flat both sides.

I don't like to trolling with a scotish who does not have a country.
Right? You have the culture that is not part of UK but don't have
the soverigtny right. Use chopstick not to be fat.

> Dave Milne, Scotland
> '99 TJ 4.0 Sahara
> "Leo Lee" <> wrote in message
> om...
> : "Dave Milne" <> wrote in message
> news:<hlrmb.913$>...
> : > With such stunning contempt for other people, you would make a great
> Chinese
> : > leader.
> : >
> :
> : Dave and Jimmie the perfect twin aparted from the birth. Dave, can
> : you differenciate mongolian from Chinese? How much do you know about
> : geography?
> : Oh no no not another ignorant idiot fat-ass American citizen!

Leo Lee 10-27-2003 03:02 AM

Re: FAT-ASS American can't drive little Honda!!!!!!!
Scooby Don't <> wrote in message news:<>. ..
> On 25 Oct 2003 23:25:58 -0700, (Leo Lee) wrote:
> > You must enjoying your trolling with points. I have said that this
> >is beyond
> > color line and I said that even Asian are getting fat in America.
> >Clearly
> > the point is so easy see why Americans are so fat. It is their
> >lifestyle so lazy and eating like pigs and no exercise. This is why
> >Americans needs a
> >big and fat model every years. I mean look at these big fat SUV and
> >hummer.
> >This is the problem when these big fat SUV or hummer invaded my
> >parking space.
> >Sometimes they took the double parking space that I have had to find
> >another space.

> First tactic of a troll is to accuse everyone else of beinga troll. I
> noticed you have dropped your fake accent.

How can you fat-ass know my fake accent? I'm writing here I'm not
How can you know my accent? You are making ------- stereotype so much
tell the history of this racist society. YOu can't escape from the
american so much has been part of your ugly history where so many have
killed and died for it...unfortuatelly the ------- just can't

Stop put the stuff in your mouth...put some stuff in your head not in
stomach so you can learn. GEt the ugly racism out of your mind that
your hole life.


> You never said beyond the color line. You specifically said White and
> Black. Amazing how Google preserves your pointless words for all
> eternity.
> Again I'll ask you so what? Why do you care if Americans are fat or
> not? Are you the fat patrol?? Do you plan on going out there and
> giving fat people tickets?
> What is this obsession you have with fat Americans?

It is politically incorrect to say white and black are fattest
people in the world. It is true both race are fat because they eat
same stuff. Maybe being
FAT-ASS white and FAT-ASS black symbolizes the unity of the American
conflict between black and white race. Look at the media, the media is
sending the message that black belong to mainstream America. Cornell
West knows
this is the trick of white society making black the most materialistic
nihilistic people ever. What Cornell WEst said is black cares nothing
but materialism and care nothing beyond. I did said Asians in AMerican
are fat but
i didn't say the same to Native American. So you lost your argument. I
lie you lie. How do you know if I care about fat americans? You should
go ask
European. They know Americans are fat. They know why Americans are
Ask them. YOu get the answer from them.

> >> No they were just being racist which was the real problem, also they
> >> were trolling.
> >> Trolls tell you all about your problems with no valid solutions.

> >
> > you are lying. Sure you have right to be fat according so call
> >American
> > freedom or whatever but the people around the world is laughing at
> >this. The problem of fat America is more than being just fat, it's
> >about
> >their health issue. The fat surely is endangering their life.

> I am not llying and I challenge you mr. lame ass troll to show me
> where I am lying. Oh but wait... you can't.
> People are fat for many reasons, not all Americans are fat. It sounds
> as tho you have a clinical obsession with fat people. maybe your
> mother was flat chested when she tried to breast feed you?
> You don't care one whit about American health. You have yet to provide
> anything other than criticism. Prove me wrong, where are you being
> helpful?
> You were making racist comments, now you have switched tactics but to
> no avail. You are a troll and obviously a very poor one at that.
> Hopefully someone will run you over with their Hummer and then you
> won't have to worry about it any more.

What is the racist comments? To comment American black and white the
most fat people driving hummer is the racsim? The Hummer drivers pays
too much
gas and pay too much insurance not really a happy camper. They will
get cancer, diabete or heart heart and other fat-related disease.
They have no time to run over me. They will run over you in the same
shopping mall. Don't get close to Hummer. They are mad angry hell
driver. They think they are cowboy about to kill somebody. Probably

Leo Lee 10-27-2003 03:02 AM

Re: FAT-ASS American can't drive little Honda!!!!!!!
Scooby Don't <> wrote in message news:<>. ..
> On 25 Oct 2003 23:25:58 -0700, (Leo Lee) wrote:
> > You must enjoying your trolling with points. I have said that this
> >is beyond
> > color line and I said that even Asian are getting fat in America.
> >Clearly
> > the point is so easy see why Americans are so fat. It is their
> >lifestyle so lazy and eating like pigs and no exercise. This is why
> >Americans needs a
> >big and fat model every years. I mean look at these big fat SUV and
> >hummer.
> >This is the problem when these big fat SUV or hummer invaded my
> >parking space.
> >Sometimes they took the double parking space that I have had to find
> >another space.

> First tactic of a troll is to accuse everyone else of beinga troll. I
> noticed you have dropped your fake accent.

How can you fat-ass know my fake accent? I'm writing here I'm not
How can you know my accent? You are making ------- stereotype so much
tell the history of this racist society. YOu can't escape from the
american so much has been part of your ugly history where so many have
killed and died for it...unfortuatelly the ------- just can't

Stop put the stuff in your mouth...put some stuff in your head not in
stomach so you can learn. GEt the ugly racism out of your mind that
your hole life.


> You never said beyond the color line. You specifically said White and
> Black. Amazing how Google preserves your pointless words for all
> eternity.
> Again I'll ask you so what? Why do you care if Americans are fat or
> not? Are you the fat patrol?? Do you plan on going out there and
> giving fat people tickets?
> What is this obsession you have with fat Americans?

It is politically incorrect to say white and black are fattest
people in the world. It is true both race are fat because they eat
same stuff. Maybe being
FAT-ASS white and FAT-ASS black symbolizes the unity of the American
conflict between black and white race. Look at the media, the media is
sending the message that black belong to mainstream America. Cornell
West knows
this is the trick of white society making black the most materialistic
nihilistic people ever. What Cornell WEst said is black cares nothing
but materialism and care nothing beyond. I did said Asians in AMerican
are fat but
i didn't say the same to Native American. So you lost your argument. I
lie you lie. How do you know if I care about fat americans? You should
go ask
European. They know Americans are fat. They know why Americans are
Ask them. YOu get the answer from them.

> >> No they were just being racist which was the real problem, also they
> >> were trolling.
> >> Trolls tell you all about your problems with no valid solutions.

> >
> > you are lying. Sure you have right to be fat according so call
> >American
> > freedom or whatever but the people around the world is laughing at
> >this. The problem of fat America is more than being just fat, it's
> >about
> >their health issue. The fat surely is endangering their life.

> I am not llying and I challenge you mr. lame ass troll to show me
> where I am lying. Oh but wait... you can't.
> People are fat for many reasons, not all Americans are fat. It sounds
> as tho you have a clinical obsession with fat people. maybe your
> mother was flat chested when she tried to breast feed you?
> You don't care one whit about American health. You have yet to provide
> anything other than criticism. Prove me wrong, where are you being
> helpful?
> You were making racist comments, now you have switched tactics but to
> no avail. You are a troll and obviously a very poor one at that.
> Hopefully someone will run you over with their Hummer and then you
> won't have to worry about it any more.

What is the racist comments? To comment American black and white the
most fat people driving hummer is the racsim? The Hummer drivers pays
too much
gas and pay too much insurance not really a happy camper. They will
get cancer, diabete or heart heart and other fat-related disease.
They have no time to run over me. They will run over you in the same
shopping mall. Don't get close to Hummer. They are mad angry hell
driver. They think they are cowboy about to kill somebody. Probably

Leo Lee 10-27-2003 03:02 AM

Re: FAT-ASS American can't drive little Honda!!!!!!!
Scooby Don't <> wrote in message news:<>. ..
> On 25 Oct 2003 23:25:58 -0700, (Leo Lee) wrote:
> > You must enjoying your trolling with points. I have said that this
> >is beyond
> > color line and I said that even Asian are getting fat in America.
> >Clearly
> > the point is so easy see why Americans are so fat. It is their
> >lifestyle so lazy and eating like pigs and no exercise. This is why
> >Americans needs a
> >big and fat model every years. I mean look at these big fat SUV and
> >hummer.
> >This is the problem when these big fat SUV or hummer invaded my
> >parking space.
> >Sometimes they took the double parking space that I have had to find
> >another space.

> First tactic of a troll is to accuse everyone else of beinga troll. I
> noticed you have dropped your fake accent.

How can you fat-ass know my fake accent? I'm writing here I'm not
How can you know my accent? You are making ------- stereotype so much
tell the history of this racist society. YOu can't escape from the
american so much has been part of your ugly history where so many have
killed and died for it...unfortuatelly the ------- just can't

Stop put the stuff in your mouth...put some stuff in your head not in
stomach so you can learn. GEt the ugly racism out of your mind that
your hole life.


> You never said beyond the color line. You specifically said White and
> Black. Amazing how Google preserves your pointless words for all
> eternity.
> Again I'll ask you so what? Why do you care if Americans are fat or
> not? Are you the fat patrol?? Do you plan on going out there and
> giving fat people tickets?
> What is this obsession you have with fat Americans?

It is politically incorrect to say white and black are fattest
people in the world. It is true both race are fat because they eat
same stuff. Maybe being
FAT-ASS white and FAT-ASS black symbolizes the unity of the American
conflict between black and white race. Look at the media, the media is
sending the message that black belong to mainstream America. Cornell
West knows
this is the trick of white society making black the most materialistic
nihilistic people ever. What Cornell WEst said is black cares nothing
but materialism and care nothing beyond. I did said Asians in AMerican
are fat but
i didn't say the same to Native American. So you lost your argument. I
lie you lie. How do you know if I care about fat americans? You should
go ask
European. They know Americans are fat. They know why Americans are
Ask them. YOu get the answer from them.

> >> No they were just being racist which was the real problem, also they
> >> were trolling.
> >> Trolls tell you all about your problems with no valid solutions.

> >
> > you are lying. Sure you have right to be fat according so call
> >American
> > freedom or whatever but the people around the world is laughing at
> >this. The problem of fat America is more than being just fat, it's
> >about
> >their health issue. The fat surely is endangering their life.

> I am not llying and I challenge you mr. lame ass troll to show me
> where I am lying. Oh but wait... you can't.
> People are fat for many reasons, not all Americans are fat. It sounds
> as tho you have a clinical obsession with fat people. maybe your
> mother was flat chested when she tried to breast feed you?
> You don't care one whit about American health. You have yet to provide
> anything other than criticism. Prove me wrong, where are you being
> helpful?
> You were making racist comments, now you have switched tactics but to
> no avail. You are a troll and obviously a very poor one at that.
> Hopefully someone will run you over with their Hummer and then you
> won't have to worry about it any more.

What is the racist comments? To comment American black and white the
most fat people driving hummer is the racsim? The Hummer drivers pays
too much
gas and pay too much insurance not really a happy camper. They will
get cancer, diabete or heart heart and other fat-related disease.
They have no time to run over me. They will run over you in the same
shopping mall. Don't get close to Hummer. They are mad angry hell
driver. They think they are cowboy about to kill somebody. Probably

Dave Milne 10-27-2003 03:43 AM

Re: Jimmie, Did you set the Fire on your hair???

Dave Milne, Scotland
'99 TJ 4.0 Sahara

"Leo Lee" <> wrote in message om...
: "Dave Milne" <> wrote in message
: > Ok, if you are a Mongol, you would know that Inner Mongolia is still
part of
: > China, and Outer Mongolia was "liberated" from China with the help of
: > Russia. Which brings us nicely back to the slaughtering of native
: > which you were harping on about - because Gengis Khan unlike any other
: > emperor preferred to destroy rather than subordinate.
: >
: You trying to teach me history and geography? You got the wrong guy.
: Get some fat-ass people who know nothing about geography.

I notice you didn't contradict me anything factual I said, Leo !!

: > Unfortunately for you, by calling me an idiot fat-ass American that
: > know anything about geography, you have shown you don't know where
: > is .. it's a country that is part of the UK, about 6000 miles from
: > California. Since you are getting personal about my physical appearance
: > which you know nothing, I assume you won't be offended if I ask if you
are a
: > chopstick ? It's a term a Thai girlfriend of mine used for a girl that
: > flat both sides.
: >
: I don't like to trolling with a scotish who does not have a country.
: Right? You have the culture that is not part of UK but don't have
: the soverigtny right. Use chopstick not to be fat.

Ok, you admit you are a troll - conversation over ! Reply all you like !

Dave Milne 10-27-2003 03:43 AM

Re: Jimmie, Did you set the Fire on your hair???

Dave Milne, Scotland
'99 TJ 4.0 Sahara

"Leo Lee" <> wrote in message om...
: "Dave Milne" <> wrote in message
: > Ok, if you are a Mongol, you would know that Inner Mongolia is still
part of
: > China, and Outer Mongolia was "liberated" from China with the help of
: > Russia. Which brings us nicely back to the slaughtering of native
: > which you were harping on about - because Gengis Khan unlike any other
: > emperor preferred to destroy rather than subordinate.
: >
: You trying to teach me history and geography? You got the wrong guy.
: Get some fat-ass people who know nothing about geography.

I notice you didn't contradict me anything factual I said, Leo !!

: > Unfortunately for you, by calling me an idiot fat-ass American that
: > know anything about geography, you have shown you don't know where
: > is .. it's a country that is part of the UK, about 6000 miles from
: > California. Since you are getting personal about my physical appearance
: > which you know nothing, I assume you won't be offended if I ask if you
are a
: > chopstick ? It's a term a Thai girlfriend of mine used for a girl that
: > flat both sides.
: >
: I don't like to trolling with a scotish who does not have a country.
: Right? You have the culture that is not part of UK but don't have
: the soverigtny right. Use chopstick not to be fat.

Ok, you admit you are a troll - conversation over ! Reply all you like !

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