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24BitŪ 08-03-2007 03:34 PM

Re: What tools do I need to replace a U-joint?
On Wed, 1 Aug 2007 21:46:41 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> wrote:

You say your parents taught you everything you know, did they teach
you how to give a Goat a BJ, bet your mother was great with that.

>!!nntpserver.c om!!news
>!wns13feed!!attbi_s21.P OSTED!53ab2750!not-for-mail
>From: 24BitŪ <>
>Subject: Re: What tools do I need to replace a U-joint?
>Organization: Who R U
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <1185666673.287814.47030@d55g2000hsg.googlegroups. com>
>X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 4.2/32.1118
>X-No-Archive: yes
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
>Lines: 62
>NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 04:14:24 GMT
>Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 04:14:24 GMT
>"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> .
>> On Wed, 1 Aug 2007 19:44:44 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
>> <> wrote:
>> Seriously speaking, all this below refers to queer ------ fantasies
>> and jealous senile babbling of a Kalyfornia Fruit loop who is in love
>> with the accomplishments of Al-Quaeda!
>> > There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
>> >over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
>> >possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
>> >Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
>> >coward from Navarre, Florida, that of course, doesn't have a DD214, it

>> >to have served our country for that. Who's only way to get attention is

>> >make a fool of its self, with its goat obsession/fetish, where it writes

>> >remailers, to no one's surprise. Like when the other kids laughed at its
>> >attempt to use foul language in elementary school play grounds, but its

>> >gibberish. Too senile to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of
>> >Florida. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with

>> >senseless barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid

>> >use your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would,
>> >totally worthless!
>> > Posted pornography at:

>> >As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
>> > But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>> >, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
>> > for forgery.
>> > I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
>> >passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
>> >stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been

>> >all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
>> >each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a

>> >It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
>> > Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus

>> >other accusations would be thrown out of court.
>> > When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
>> >man??????????
>> > I show my respect for my parents by being responsible, in using my

>> >they swore to God on my birth certificate. I have no doubt you're a

>> No one swore to god about your name on a county birth certificate,
>> that's just wishful thinking, you're trying to pump up your over
>> inflated ego. Nice try LOOOSER!
>> >mailto:--------------------
>> >
>> >
>> >"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
>> > .
>> >>
>> >> Excuse me, but you don't have parents, you have suspects.


>> Psychopaths have a narcissistic and grossly inflated view of their
>> self-worth and importance, a truly astounding egocentricity and sense
>> of entitlement, and see themselves as the center of the universe,
>> as superior beings who are justified in living according to their
>> own rules."It's not that I don't follow the law.""I follow my own
>> laws. I never violate my own rules.""Looking out for number one."
>> Stephen A. Diamond

Recipe for a Psychopath:

Emotional & Interpersonal
Glib & Superficial
Egocentric & Grandiose
Lack of Remorse or Guilt
Lack of Empathy
Deceitful & Manipulative
Shallow Emotions
Social Deviance
Poor Behavior Controls
Need for Excitement
Lack of Responsibility
Early Behavior Problems
Adult Antisocial Behavior

This is your life,

L.W. "Cooyon Billy" Goatman------- III

24BitŪ 08-03-2007 03:34 PM

Re: What tools do I need to replace a U-joint?
On Thu, 2 Aug 2007 15:03:30 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> wrote:

The serial bully displays behaviour congruent with many of the
diagnostic criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Characterised by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity and
self-importance, need for admiration, and lack of empathy, people with
narcissistic personality disorder overestimate their abilities and
inflate their accomplishments, often appearing boastful and
pretentious, whilst correspondingly underestimating and devaluing the
achievements and accomplishments of others.

Often the narcissist will fraudulently claim to have qualifications or
experience or affiliations or associations which they don't have or
aren't entitled to. Belief in superiority, inflating their self-esteem
to match that of senior or important people with whom they associate
or identify, insisting on having the "top" professionals or being
affiliated with the "best" institutions, but criticising the same
people who disappoint them are also common features of narcissistic
personality disorder.

Narcissists react angrily to criticism and when rejected, the
narcissist will often denounce the profession which has rejected them
(usually for lack of competence or misdeed) but simultaneously and
paradoxically represent themselves as belonging to the profession they
are vilifying.

Fragile self-esteem, a need for constant attention and admiration,
fishing for compliments (often with great charm), an expectation of
superior entitlement, expecting others to defer to them, and a lack of
sensitivity especially when others do not react in the expected
manner, are also hallmarks of the disorder. Greed, expecting to
receive before and above the needs of others, overworking those around
them, and forming romantic (sic) or sexual relationships for the
purpose of advancing their purpose or career, abusing special
privileges and squandering extra resources also feature.

People with narcissistic personality disorder also have difficulty
recognizing the needs and feelings of others, and are dismissive,
contemptuous and impatient when others share or discuss their concerns
or problems. They are also oblivious to the hurtfulness of their
behaviour or remarks, show an emotional coldness and a lack of
reciprocal interest, exhibit envy (especially when others are accorded
recognition), have an arrogant, disdainful and patronizing attitude,
and are quick to blame and criticise others when their needs and
expectations are not met.

The DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder

A. A pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, lack of
empathy, as indicated by at least five of:

1. a grandiose sense of self-importance
2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power,
brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
3. believes that he or she is "special" and can only be understood by,
or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or
4. requires excessive admiration
5. has a sense of entitlement, ie unreasonable expectations of
especially favourable treatment or automatic compliance with his or
her expectations
6. is interpersonally exploitative, ie takes advantage of others to
achieve his or her own ends
7. lacks empathy and is unwilling to recognize or identify with the
feelings and needs of others
8. is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of
him or her
9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviours or attitudes

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
>over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
>possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
>Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
>coward from Navarre, Florida, that of course, doesn't have a DD214, it had
>to have served our country for that. Who's only way to get attention is to
>make a fool of its self, with its goat obsession/fetish, where it writes via
>remailers, to no one's surprise. Like when the other kids laughed at its
>attempt to use foul language in elementary school play grounds, but its just
>gibberish. Too senile to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of
>Florida. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its
>senseless barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to
>use your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would,
>totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
>As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
>passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
>stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
>all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
>each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
>It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
>other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
>hundred eight out from a Capricorn.
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
>"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> .
>><snip queer ------ fantasies over my tanned surfer body, and the jealous

>senile babbling over my accomplishments and conquests>


Psychopaths have a narcissistic and grossly inflated view of their
self-worth and importance, a truly astounding egocentricity and sense
of entitlement, and see themselves as the center of the universe,
as superior beings who are justified in living according to their
own rules."It's not that I don't follow the law.""I follow my own
laws. I never violate my own rules.""Looking out for number one."

Stephen A. Diamond

24BitŪ 08-03-2007 03:34 PM

Re: What tools do I need to replace a U-joint?
On Thu, 2 Aug 2007 15:03:30 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> wrote:

The serial bully displays behaviour congruent with many of the
diagnostic criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Characterised by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity and
self-importance, need for admiration, and lack of empathy, people with
narcissistic personality disorder overestimate their abilities and
inflate their accomplishments, often appearing boastful and
pretentious, whilst correspondingly underestimating and devaluing the
achievements and accomplishments of others.

Often the narcissist will fraudulently claim to have qualifications or
experience or affiliations or associations which they don't have or
aren't entitled to. Belief in superiority, inflating their self-esteem
to match that of senior or important people with whom they associate
or identify, insisting on having the "top" professionals or being
affiliated with the "best" institutions, but criticising the same
people who disappoint them are also common features of narcissistic
personality disorder.

Narcissists react angrily to criticism and when rejected, the
narcissist will often denounce the profession which has rejected them
(usually for lack of competence or misdeed) but simultaneously and
paradoxically represent themselves as belonging to the profession they
are vilifying.

Fragile self-esteem, a need for constant attention and admiration,
fishing for compliments (often with great charm), an expectation of
superior entitlement, expecting others to defer to them, and a lack of
sensitivity especially when others do not react in the expected
manner, are also hallmarks of the disorder. Greed, expecting to
receive before and above the needs of others, overworking those around
them, and forming romantic (sic) or sexual relationships for the
purpose of advancing their purpose or career, abusing special
privileges and squandering extra resources also feature.

People with narcissistic personality disorder also have difficulty
recognizing the needs and feelings of others, and are dismissive,
contemptuous and impatient when others share or discuss their concerns
or problems. They are also oblivious to the hurtfulness of their
behaviour or remarks, show an emotional coldness and a lack of
reciprocal interest, exhibit envy (especially when others are accorded
recognition), have an arrogant, disdainful and patronizing attitude,
and are quick to blame and criticise others when their needs and
expectations are not met.

The DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder

A. A pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, lack of
empathy, as indicated by at least five of:

1. a grandiose sense of self-importance
2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power,
brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
3. believes that he or she is "special" and can only be understood by,
or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or
4. requires excessive admiration
5. has a sense of entitlement, ie unreasonable expectations of
especially favourable treatment or automatic compliance with his or
her expectations
6. is interpersonally exploitative, ie takes advantage of others to
achieve his or her own ends
7. lacks empathy and is unwilling to recognize or identify with the
feelings and needs of others
8. is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of
him or her
9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviours or attitudes

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
>over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
>possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
>Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
>coward from Navarre, Florida, that of course, doesn't have a DD214, it had
>to have served our country for that. Who's only way to get attention is to
>make a fool of its self, with its goat obsession/fetish, where it writes via
>remailers, to no one's surprise. Like when the other kids laughed at its
>attempt to use foul language in elementary school play grounds, but its just
>gibberish. Too senile to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of
>Florida. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its
>senseless barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to
>use your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would,
>totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
>As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
>passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
>stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
>all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
>each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
>It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
>other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
>hundred eight out from a Capricorn.
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
>"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> .
>><snip queer ------ fantasies over my tanned surfer body, and the jealous

>senile babbling over my accomplishments and conquests>


Psychopaths have a narcissistic and grossly inflated view of their
self-worth and importance, a truly astounding egocentricity and sense
of entitlement, and see themselves as the center of the universe,
as superior beings who are justified in living according to their
own rules."It's not that I don't follow the law.""I follow my own
laws. I never violate my own rules.""Looking out for number one."

Stephen A. Diamond

24BitŪ 08-03-2007 03:34 PM

Re: What tools do I need to replace a U-joint?
On Thu, 2 Aug 2007 15:03:30 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> wrote:

The serial bully displays behaviour congruent with many of the
diagnostic criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Characterised by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity and
self-importance, need for admiration, and lack of empathy, people with
narcissistic personality disorder overestimate their abilities and
inflate their accomplishments, often appearing boastful and
pretentious, whilst correspondingly underestimating and devaluing the
achievements and accomplishments of others.

Often the narcissist will fraudulently claim to have qualifications or
experience or affiliations or associations which they don't have or
aren't entitled to. Belief in superiority, inflating their self-esteem
to match that of senior or important people with whom they associate
or identify, insisting on having the "top" professionals or being
affiliated with the "best" institutions, but criticising the same
people who disappoint them are also common features of narcissistic
personality disorder.

Narcissists react angrily to criticism and when rejected, the
narcissist will often denounce the profession which has rejected them
(usually for lack of competence or misdeed) but simultaneously and
paradoxically represent themselves as belonging to the profession they
are vilifying.

Fragile self-esteem, a need for constant attention and admiration,
fishing for compliments (often with great charm), an expectation of
superior entitlement, expecting others to defer to them, and a lack of
sensitivity especially when others do not react in the expected
manner, are also hallmarks of the disorder. Greed, expecting to
receive before and above the needs of others, overworking those around
them, and forming romantic (sic) or sexual relationships for the
purpose of advancing their purpose or career, abusing special
privileges and squandering extra resources also feature.

People with narcissistic personality disorder also have difficulty
recognizing the needs and feelings of others, and are dismissive,
contemptuous and impatient when others share or discuss their concerns
or problems. They are also oblivious to the hurtfulness of their
behaviour or remarks, show an emotional coldness and a lack of
reciprocal interest, exhibit envy (especially when others are accorded
recognition), have an arrogant, disdainful and patronizing attitude,
and are quick to blame and criticise others when their needs and
expectations are not met.

The DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder

A. A pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, lack of
empathy, as indicated by at least five of:

1. a grandiose sense of self-importance
2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power,
brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
3. believes that he or she is "special" and can only be understood by,
or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or
4. requires excessive admiration
5. has a sense of entitlement, ie unreasonable expectations of
especially favourable treatment or automatic compliance with his or
her expectations
6. is interpersonally exploitative, ie takes advantage of others to
achieve his or her own ends
7. lacks empathy and is unwilling to recognize or identify with the
feelings and needs of others
8. is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of
him or her
9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviours or attitudes

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
>over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
>possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
>Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
>coward from Navarre, Florida, that of course, doesn't have a DD214, it had
>to have served our country for that. Who's only way to get attention is to
>make a fool of its self, with its goat obsession/fetish, where it writes via
>remailers, to no one's surprise. Like when the other kids laughed at its
>attempt to use foul language in elementary school play grounds, but its just
>gibberish. Too senile to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of
>Florida. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its
>senseless barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to
>use your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would,
>totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
>As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
>passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
>stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
>all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
>each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
>It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
>other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
>hundred eight out from a Capricorn.
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
>"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> .
>><snip queer ------ fantasies over my tanned surfer body, and the jealous

>senile babbling over my accomplishments and conquests>


Psychopaths have a narcissistic and grossly inflated view of their
self-worth and importance, a truly astounding egocentricity and sense
of entitlement, and see themselves as the center of the universe,
as superior beings who are justified in living according to their
own rules."It's not that I don't follow the law.""I follow my own
laws. I never violate my own rules.""Looking out for number one."

Stephen A. Diamond

24BitŪ 08-03-2007 03:34 PM

Re: What tools do I need to replace a U-joint?
On Thu, 2 Aug 2007 15:03:30 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> wrote:

The serial bully displays behaviour congruent with many of the
diagnostic criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Characterised by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity and
self-importance, need for admiration, and lack of empathy, people with
narcissistic personality disorder overestimate their abilities and
inflate their accomplishments, often appearing boastful and
pretentious, whilst correspondingly underestimating and devaluing the
achievements and accomplishments of others.

Often the narcissist will fraudulently claim to have qualifications or
experience or affiliations or associations which they don't have or
aren't entitled to. Belief in superiority, inflating their self-esteem
to match that of senior or important people with whom they associate
or identify, insisting on having the "top" professionals or being
affiliated with the "best" institutions, but criticising the same
people who disappoint them are also common features of narcissistic
personality disorder.

Narcissists react angrily to criticism and when rejected, the
narcissist will often denounce the profession which has rejected them
(usually for lack of competence or misdeed) but simultaneously and
paradoxically represent themselves as belonging to the profession they
are vilifying.

Fragile self-esteem, a need for constant attention and admiration,
fishing for compliments (often with great charm), an expectation of
superior entitlement, expecting others to defer to them, and a lack of
sensitivity especially when others do not react in the expected
manner, are also hallmarks of the disorder. Greed, expecting to
receive before and above the needs of others, overworking those around
them, and forming romantic (sic) or sexual relationships for the
purpose of advancing their purpose or career, abusing special
privileges and squandering extra resources also feature.

People with narcissistic personality disorder also have difficulty
recognizing the needs and feelings of others, and are dismissive,
contemptuous and impatient when others share or discuss their concerns
or problems. They are also oblivious to the hurtfulness of their
behaviour or remarks, show an emotional coldness and a lack of
reciprocal interest, exhibit envy (especially when others are accorded
recognition), have an arrogant, disdainful and patronizing attitude,
and are quick to blame and criticise others when their needs and
expectations are not met.

The DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder

A. A pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, lack of
empathy, as indicated by at least five of:

1. a grandiose sense of self-importance
2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power,
brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
3. believes that he or she is "special" and can only be understood by,
or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or
4. requires excessive admiration
5. has a sense of entitlement, ie unreasonable expectations of
especially favourable treatment or automatic compliance with his or
her expectations
6. is interpersonally exploitative, ie takes advantage of others to
achieve his or her own ends
7. lacks empathy and is unwilling to recognize or identify with the
feelings and needs of others
8. is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of
him or her
9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviours or attitudes

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
>over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
>possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
>Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
>coward from Navarre, Florida, that of course, doesn't have a DD214, it had
>to have served our country for that. Who's only way to get attention is to
>make a fool of its self, with its goat obsession/fetish, where it writes via
>remailers, to no one's surprise. Like when the other kids laughed at its
>attempt to use foul language in elementary school play grounds, but its just
>gibberish. Too senile to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of
>Florida. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its
>senseless barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to
>use your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would,
>totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
>As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
>passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
>stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
>all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
>each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
>It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
>other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
>hundred eight out from a Capricorn.
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
>"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> .
>><snip queer ------ fantasies over my tanned surfer body, and the jealous

>senile babbling over my accomplishments and conquests>


Psychopaths have a narcissistic and grossly inflated view of their
self-worth and importance, a truly astounding egocentricity and sense
of entitlement, and see themselves as the center of the universe,
as superior beings who are justified in living according to their
own rules."It's not that I don't follow the law.""I follow my own
laws. I never violate my own rules.""Looking out for number one."

Stephen A. Diamond

24BitŪ 08-03-2007 03:34 PM

Re: What tools do I need to replace a U-joint?
On Thu, 2 Aug 2007 21:26:58 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> wrote:





This introduction to "alien reaction machines" in human form describes
individuals with Anti-Social Personality Disorder (APD), Sociopaths,
and Psychopaths.

(In referring to these entities below, I use "that" instead of "who"
to reinforce the distinction between machine-like reactions and normal
human behavior.)

There is considerable overlap of symptoms as medical researchers have
refined the classifications. One of the links below provides detailed
distinctions among these definitions. It also includes an extensive
bibliography. In this essay, next, however, the older, generic term
"psychopath" is used.

A psychopath is a person who appears normal on the surface, until
he/she performs some outrageous criminal act. At that point it has
been customary to label the behavior as temporary "insanity", but that
is a legal term, not a medical one. The prison psychiatric hospital
environment greatly reduces the options for the new patient to make
the kind of independent decisions that caused the original trouble in
open society. In this controlled environment he/she appears normal,
shows no overt signs of psychosis, passes all probing tests with
flying colors, and is discharged as "cured". On the street again, more
crimes are committed, and the cycle repeats. Thus, these individuals
fall through the cracks between law and medicine.

Most people, including judges and juries, are still unable to make the
distinction that not all prison inmates are psychopaths and not all
antisocial individuals are convicted criminals. The links below can be
confusing unless one is aware that the label "psychopathic
personality" was the original descriptive term for today's aggressive
"antisocial personality". The new euphemism is an obfuscation of an
unpleasant truth about people we are forced to deal with on a daily
basis. It is difficult for all of us, especially when associating with
disruptive school children, whose unearned "self esteem" must be
protected at all costs. In the literature one can expect to see both
the new and the old terms, without much distinction between them.

Western industrial civilization has developed a complex set of rules
of behavior for its citizens. These rules have evolved from the need
for cooperative organization in order to produce the goods and
services actually needed by society for minimum survival as a group,
and also to produce the intangible benefits that make that survival
tolerable for the individual. It makes most sense to reserve the
greatest rewards to those individuals who produce the most goods and
services of the highest quality. Most people understand they need
specialized training for any role above some minimum level, and they
must compete for that training, and later compete on the job itself.
They understand that the need for group survival dictates the rules of
the game, and they must not disrupt the group process by
uncooperative, dishonest, unethical, or violent behavior, or flagrant
violation of the rules.

Psychopaths believe they are "entitled" to the lifestyle benefits of
Western Civilization that most people only hope for as a potential
reward for outstanding job performance, organizational loyalty, and
smooth cooperation with other members of a team. Psychopaths can't or
won't work at the high performance level that might logically provide
upscale benefits. At a lower level where they might be more qualified,
they feel that any menial, boring, dirty, or disgusting WORK is
"beneath" them. Thus, whether at a high level or low level, any
meaningful, honest "work" is a dirty word to a psychopath.

With extraordinary assistance from motivated parents, some more
intelligent, but still antisocial people can and do gravitate to
higher-paid management, politics, or the professions, where power and
prestige can be significant ego enhancers. However, they are always
"close to the edge" emotionally, and are likely to abuse ---, drugs,
and alcohol. Also, they may tend to "seek out" excuses to deliberately
over-indulge, in order to remove temporarily the stifling "mask of
sanity" that never quite fits. Then, when "under the influence" they
are more likely to exhibit aggressive, violent, and/or bizarre
behavior in inappropriate public places. This odd behavior is the key
classic sign of acute dysfunction. Some reference books provide
fascinating case histories describing typical incidents.

When one realizes that the antisocial syndrome is pervasive in today's
society, what protection is available to the average adult citizen?
How can one know the alien body snatcher before any actual overt
criminal act? There are two simple test tools available to any
perceptive, educated adult: The tools are contrived casual
conversation and unobtrusive observation. With these tools one can
make a simple first screening test to possibly rule out psychopathic
personality in public officials or others:

The psychopath is a dangerously clever "alien reaction machine" that
has practiced giving all the correct answers. However, much of that
verbal practice will have taken place in institutions or in
dysfunctional families in lower-class neighborhoods. When those same
answers are given in upscale surroundings, they come out as contrived

Another clue is that the alien machine will not take responsibility,
but will tend to "blame others" for misfortunes with drugs, sexual
partners, bosses, co- workers, authorities, or whatever. Also, the
full-blown psychopath is NEVER altruistic or ethical (except by
accident), but may be shrewd enough to pretend altruism as sham
behavior (to attract votes). By accepting a psychopath's statements at
face value, without cross- checking public records or other sources, a
careless or inattentive interviewer can fail to pick up on the
frequent lies. For example, to trip up corrupt politicians or
self-described "experts", sometimes it is only necessary to compare
two different answers to the same or similar questions repeated on two
or more different occasions, without involving external sources at
all. Any pattern of lies will stand out as outside the norm of ethical
conduct. By itself, this discrepancy is insufficient to classify the
individual as antisocial, but it is an indication that other tests
should be made.
* * * * *

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
>over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
>possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
>Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
>coward from Navarre, Florida, that of course, doesn't have a DD214, it had
>to have served our country for that. Who's only way to get attention is to
>make a fool of its self, with its goat obsession/fetish, where it writes via
>remailers, to no one's surprise. Like when the other kids laughed at its
>attempt to use foul language in elementary school play grounds, but its just
>gibberish. Too senile to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of
>Florida. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its
>senseless barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to
>use your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would,
>totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
>As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
>passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
>stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
>all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
>each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
>It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
>other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
>hundred eighty out from a Capricorn.
> Makes me a man capable of knowing the worthlessness of you, and your
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
>"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> .
>> That really makes you a somebody doesn't it Fag Boy!
>> You just don't get it, do ya!


Psychopaths have a narcissistic and grossly inflated view of their
self-worth and importance, a truly astounding egocentricity and sense
of entitlement, and see themselves as the center of the universe,
as superior beings who are justified in living according to their
own rules."It's not that I don't follow the law.""I follow my own
laws. I never violate my own rules.""Looking out for number one."

Stephen A. Diamond

24BitŪ 08-03-2007 03:34 PM

Re: What tools do I need to replace a U-joint?
On Thu, 2 Aug 2007 21:26:58 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> wrote:





This introduction to "alien reaction machines" in human form describes
individuals with Anti-Social Personality Disorder (APD), Sociopaths,
and Psychopaths.

(In referring to these entities below, I use "that" instead of "who"
to reinforce the distinction between machine-like reactions and normal
human behavior.)

There is considerable overlap of symptoms as medical researchers have
refined the classifications. One of the links below provides detailed
distinctions among these definitions. It also includes an extensive
bibliography. In this essay, next, however, the older, generic term
"psychopath" is used.

A psychopath is a person who appears normal on the surface, until
he/she performs some outrageous criminal act. At that point it has
been customary to label the behavior as temporary "insanity", but that
is a legal term, not a medical one. The prison psychiatric hospital
environment greatly reduces the options for the new patient to make
the kind of independent decisions that caused the original trouble in
open society. In this controlled environment he/she appears normal,
shows no overt signs of psychosis, passes all probing tests with
flying colors, and is discharged as "cured". On the street again, more
crimes are committed, and the cycle repeats. Thus, these individuals
fall through the cracks between law and medicine.

Most people, including judges and juries, are still unable to make the
distinction that not all prison inmates are psychopaths and not all
antisocial individuals are convicted criminals. The links below can be
confusing unless one is aware that the label "psychopathic
personality" was the original descriptive term for today's aggressive
"antisocial personality". The new euphemism is an obfuscation of an
unpleasant truth about people we are forced to deal with on a daily
basis. It is difficult for all of us, especially when associating with
disruptive school children, whose unearned "self esteem" must be
protected at all costs. In the literature one can expect to see both
the new and the old terms, without much distinction between them.

Western industrial civilization has developed a complex set of rules
of behavior for its citizens. These rules have evolved from the need
for cooperative organization in order to produce the goods and
services actually needed by society for minimum survival as a group,
and also to produce the intangible benefits that make that survival
tolerable for the individual. It makes most sense to reserve the
greatest rewards to those individuals who produce the most goods and
services of the highest quality. Most people understand they need
specialized training for any role above some minimum level, and they
must compete for that training, and later compete on the job itself.
They understand that the need for group survival dictates the rules of
the game, and they must not disrupt the group process by
uncooperative, dishonest, unethical, or violent behavior, or flagrant
violation of the rules.

Psychopaths believe they are "entitled" to the lifestyle benefits of
Western Civilization that most people only hope for as a potential
reward for outstanding job performance, organizational loyalty, and
smooth cooperation with other members of a team. Psychopaths can't or
won't work at the high performance level that might logically provide
upscale benefits. At a lower level where they might be more qualified,
they feel that any menial, boring, dirty, or disgusting WORK is
"beneath" them. Thus, whether at a high level or low level, any
meaningful, honest "work" is a dirty word to a psychopath.

With extraordinary assistance from motivated parents, some more
intelligent, but still antisocial people can and do gravitate to
higher-paid management, politics, or the professions, where power and
prestige can be significant ego enhancers. However, they are always
"close to the edge" emotionally, and are likely to abuse ---, drugs,
and alcohol. Also, they may tend to "seek out" excuses to deliberately
over-indulge, in order to remove temporarily the stifling "mask of
sanity" that never quite fits. Then, when "under the influence" they
are more likely to exhibit aggressive, violent, and/or bizarre
behavior in inappropriate public places. This odd behavior is the key
classic sign of acute dysfunction. Some reference books provide
fascinating case histories describing typical incidents.

When one realizes that the antisocial syndrome is pervasive in today's
society, what protection is available to the average adult citizen?
How can one know the alien body snatcher before any actual overt
criminal act? There are two simple test tools available to any
perceptive, educated adult: The tools are contrived casual
conversation and unobtrusive observation. With these tools one can
make a simple first screening test to possibly rule out psychopathic
personality in public officials or others:

The psychopath is a dangerously clever "alien reaction machine" that
has practiced giving all the correct answers. However, much of that
verbal practice will have taken place in institutions or in
dysfunctional families in lower-class neighborhoods. When those same
answers are given in upscale surroundings, they come out as contrived

Another clue is that the alien machine will not take responsibility,
but will tend to "blame others" for misfortunes with drugs, sexual
partners, bosses, co- workers, authorities, or whatever. Also, the
full-blown psychopath is NEVER altruistic or ethical (except by
accident), but may be shrewd enough to pretend altruism as sham
behavior (to attract votes). By accepting a psychopath's statements at
face value, without cross- checking public records or other sources, a
careless or inattentive interviewer can fail to pick up on the
frequent lies. For example, to trip up corrupt politicians or
self-described "experts", sometimes it is only necessary to compare
two different answers to the same or similar questions repeated on two
or more different occasions, without involving external sources at
all. Any pattern of lies will stand out as outside the norm of ethical
conduct. By itself, this discrepancy is insufficient to classify the
individual as antisocial, but it is an indication that other tests
should be made.
* * * * *

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
>over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
>possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
>Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
>coward from Navarre, Florida, that of course, doesn't have a DD214, it had
>to have served our country for that. Who's only way to get attention is to
>make a fool of its self, with its goat obsession/fetish, where it writes via
>remailers, to no one's surprise. Like when the other kids laughed at its
>attempt to use foul language in elementary school play grounds, but its just
>gibberish. Too senile to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of
>Florida. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its
>senseless barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to
>use your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would,
>totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
>As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
>passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
>stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
>all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
>each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
>It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
>other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
>hundred eighty out from a Capricorn.
> Makes me a man capable of knowing the worthlessness of you, and your
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
>"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> .
>> That really makes you a somebody doesn't it Fag Boy!
>> You just don't get it, do ya!


Psychopaths have a narcissistic and grossly inflated view of their
self-worth and importance, a truly astounding egocentricity and sense
of entitlement, and see themselves as the center of the universe,
as superior beings who are justified in living according to their
own rules."It's not that I don't follow the law.""I follow my own
laws. I never violate my own rules.""Looking out for number one."

Stephen A. Diamond

24BitŪ 08-03-2007 03:34 PM

Re: What tools do I need to replace a U-joint?
On Thu, 2 Aug 2007 21:26:58 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> wrote:





This introduction to "alien reaction machines" in human form describes
individuals with Anti-Social Personality Disorder (APD), Sociopaths,
and Psychopaths.

(In referring to these entities below, I use "that" instead of "who"
to reinforce the distinction between machine-like reactions and normal
human behavior.)

There is considerable overlap of symptoms as medical researchers have
refined the classifications. One of the links below provides detailed
distinctions among these definitions. It also includes an extensive
bibliography. In this essay, next, however, the older, generic term
"psychopath" is used.

A psychopath is a person who appears normal on the surface, until
he/she performs some outrageous criminal act. At that point it has
been customary to label the behavior as temporary "insanity", but that
is a legal term, not a medical one. The prison psychiatric hospital
environment greatly reduces the options for the new patient to make
the kind of independent decisions that caused the original trouble in
open society. In this controlled environment he/she appears normal,
shows no overt signs of psychosis, passes all probing tests with
flying colors, and is discharged as "cured". On the street again, more
crimes are committed, and the cycle repeats. Thus, these individuals
fall through the cracks between law and medicine.

Most people, including judges and juries, are still unable to make the
distinction that not all prison inmates are psychopaths and not all
antisocial individuals are convicted criminals. The links below can be
confusing unless one is aware that the label "psychopathic
personality" was the original descriptive term for today's aggressive
"antisocial personality". The new euphemism is an obfuscation of an
unpleasant truth about people we are forced to deal with on a daily
basis. It is difficult for all of us, especially when associating with
disruptive school children, whose unearned "self esteem" must be
protected at all costs. In the literature one can expect to see both
the new and the old terms, without much distinction between them.

Western industrial civilization has developed a complex set of rules
of behavior for its citizens. These rules have evolved from the need
for cooperative organization in order to produce the goods and
services actually needed by society for minimum survival as a group,
and also to produce the intangible benefits that make that survival
tolerable for the individual. It makes most sense to reserve the
greatest rewards to those individuals who produce the most goods and
services of the highest quality. Most people understand they need
specialized training for any role above some minimum level, and they
must compete for that training, and later compete on the job itself.
They understand that the need for group survival dictates the rules of
the game, and they must not disrupt the group process by
uncooperative, dishonest, unethical, or violent behavior, or flagrant
violation of the rules.

Psychopaths believe they are "entitled" to the lifestyle benefits of
Western Civilization that most people only hope for as a potential
reward for outstanding job performance, organizational loyalty, and
smooth cooperation with other members of a team. Psychopaths can't or
won't work at the high performance level that might logically provide
upscale benefits. At a lower level where they might be more qualified,
they feel that any menial, boring, dirty, or disgusting WORK is
"beneath" them. Thus, whether at a high level or low level, any
meaningful, honest "work" is a dirty word to a psychopath.

With extraordinary assistance from motivated parents, some more
intelligent, but still antisocial people can and do gravitate to
higher-paid management, politics, or the professions, where power and
prestige can be significant ego enhancers. However, they are always
"close to the edge" emotionally, and are likely to abuse ---, drugs,
and alcohol. Also, they may tend to "seek out" excuses to deliberately
over-indulge, in order to remove temporarily the stifling "mask of
sanity" that never quite fits. Then, when "under the influence" they
are more likely to exhibit aggressive, violent, and/or bizarre
behavior in inappropriate public places. This odd behavior is the key
classic sign of acute dysfunction. Some reference books provide
fascinating case histories describing typical incidents.

When one realizes that the antisocial syndrome is pervasive in today's
society, what protection is available to the average adult citizen?
How can one know the alien body snatcher before any actual overt
criminal act? There are two simple test tools available to any
perceptive, educated adult: The tools are contrived casual
conversation and unobtrusive observation. With these tools one can
make a simple first screening test to possibly rule out psychopathic
personality in public officials or others:

The psychopath is a dangerously clever "alien reaction machine" that
has practiced giving all the correct answers. However, much of that
verbal practice will have taken place in institutions or in
dysfunctional families in lower-class neighborhoods. When those same
answers are given in upscale surroundings, they come out as contrived

Another clue is that the alien machine will not take responsibility,
but will tend to "blame others" for misfortunes with drugs, sexual
partners, bosses, co- workers, authorities, or whatever. Also, the
full-blown psychopath is NEVER altruistic or ethical (except by
accident), but may be shrewd enough to pretend altruism as sham
behavior (to attract votes). By accepting a psychopath's statements at
face value, without cross- checking public records or other sources, a
careless or inattentive interviewer can fail to pick up on the
frequent lies. For example, to trip up corrupt politicians or
self-described "experts", sometimes it is only necessary to compare
two different answers to the same or similar questions repeated on two
or more different occasions, without involving external sources at
all. Any pattern of lies will stand out as outside the norm of ethical
conduct. By itself, this discrepancy is insufficient to classify the
individual as antisocial, but it is an indication that other tests
should be made.
* * * * *

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
>over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
>possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
>Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
>coward from Navarre, Florida, that of course, doesn't have a DD214, it had
>to have served our country for that. Who's only way to get attention is to
>make a fool of its self, with its goat obsession/fetish, where it writes via
>remailers, to no one's surprise. Like when the other kids laughed at its
>attempt to use foul language in elementary school play grounds, but its just
>gibberish. Too senile to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of
>Florida. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its
>senseless barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to
>use your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would,
>totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
>As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
>passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
>stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
>all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
>each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
>It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
>other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
>hundred eighty out from a Capricorn.
> Makes me a man capable of knowing the worthlessness of you, and your
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
>"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> .
>> That really makes you a somebody doesn't it Fag Boy!
>> You just don't get it, do ya!


Psychopaths have a narcissistic and grossly inflated view of their
self-worth and importance, a truly astounding egocentricity and sense
of entitlement, and see themselves as the center of the universe,
as superior beings who are justified in living according to their
own rules."It's not that I don't follow the law.""I follow my own
laws. I never violate my own rules.""Looking out for number one."

Stephen A. Diamond

24BitŪ 08-03-2007 03:34 PM

Re: What tools do I need to replace a U-joint?
On Thu, 2 Aug 2007 21:26:58 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> wrote:





This introduction to "alien reaction machines" in human form describes
individuals with Anti-Social Personality Disorder (APD), Sociopaths,
and Psychopaths.

(In referring to these entities below, I use "that" instead of "who"
to reinforce the distinction between machine-like reactions and normal
human behavior.)

There is considerable overlap of symptoms as medical researchers have
refined the classifications. One of the links below provides detailed
distinctions among these definitions. It also includes an extensive
bibliography. In this essay, next, however, the older, generic term
"psychopath" is used.

A psychopath is a person who appears normal on the surface, until
he/she performs some outrageous criminal act. At that point it has
been customary to label the behavior as temporary "insanity", but that
is a legal term, not a medical one. The prison psychiatric hospital
environment greatly reduces the options for the new patient to make
the kind of independent decisions that caused the original trouble in
open society. In this controlled environment he/she appears normal,
shows no overt signs of psychosis, passes all probing tests with
flying colors, and is discharged as "cured". On the street again, more
crimes are committed, and the cycle repeats. Thus, these individuals
fall through the cracks between law and medicine.

Most people, including judges and juries, are still unable to make the
distinction that not all prison inmates are psychopaths and not all
antisocial individuals are convicted criminals. The links below can be
confusing unless one is aware that the label "psychopathic
personality" was the original descriptive term for today's aggressive
"antisocial personality". The new euphemism is an obfuscation of an
unpleasant truth about people we are forced to deal with on a daily
basis. It is difficult for all of us, especially when associating with
disruptive school children, whose unearned "self esteem" must be
protected at all costs. In the literature one can expect to see both
the new and the old terms, without much distinction between them.

Western industrial civilization has developed a complex set of rules
of behavior for its citizens. These rules have evolved from the need
for cooperative organization in order to produce the goods and
services actually needed by society for minimum survival as a group,
and also to produce the intangible benefits that make that survival
tolerable for the individual. It makes most sense to reserve the
greatest rewards to those individuals who produce the most goods and
services of the highest quality. Most people understand they need
specialized training for any role above some minimum level, and they
must compete for that training, and later compete on the job itself.
They understand that the need for group survival dictates the rules of
the game, and they must not disrupt the group process by
uncooperative, dishonest, unethical, or violent behavior, or flagrant
violation of the rules.

Psychopaths believe they are "entitled" to the lifestyle benefits of
Western Civilization that most people only hope for as a potential
reward for outstanding job performance, organizational loyalty, and
smooth cooperation with other members of a team. Psychopaths can't or
won't work at the high performance level that might logically provide
upscale benefits. At a lower level where they might be more qualified,
they feel that any menial, boring, dirty, or disgusting WORK is
"beneath" them. Thus, whether at a high level or low level, any
meaningful, honest "work" is a dirty word to a psychopath.

With extraordinary assistance from motivated parents, some more
intelligent, but still antisocial people can and do gravitate to
higher-paid management, politics, or the professions, where power and
prestige can be significant ego enhancers. However, they are always
"close to the edge" emotionally, and are likely to abuse ---, drugs,
and alcohol. Also, they may tend to "seek out" excuses to deliberately
over-indulge, in order to remove temporarily the stifling "mask of
sanity" that never quite fits. Then, when "under the influence" they
are more likely to exhibit aggressive, violent, and/or bizarre
behavior in inappropriate public places. This odd behavior is the key
classic sign of acute dysfunction. Some reference books provide
fascinating case histories describing typical incidents.

When one realizes that the antisocial syndrome is pervasive in today's
society, what protection is available to the average adult citizen?
How can one know the alien body snatcher before any actual overt
criminal act? There are two simple test tools available to any
perceptive, educated adult: The tools are contrived casual
conversation and unobtrusive observation. With these tools one can
make a simple first screening test to possibly rule out psychopathic
personality in public officials or others:

The psychopath is a dangerously clever "alien reaction machine" that
has practiced giving all the correct answers. However, much of that
verbal practice will have taken place in institutions or in
dysfunctional families in lower-class neighborhoods. When those same
answers are given in upscale surroundings, they come out as contrived

Another clue is that the alien machine will not take responsibility,
but will tend to "blame others" for misfortunes with drugs, sexual
partners, bosses, co- workers, authorities, or whatever. Also, the
full-blown psychopath is NEVER altruistic or ethical (except by
accident), but may be shrewd enough to pretend altruism as sham
behavior (to attract votes). By accepting a psychopath's statements at
face value, without cross- checking public records or other sources, a
careless or inattentive interviewer can fail to pick up on the
frequent lies. For example, to trip up corrupt politicians or
self-described "experts", sometimes it is only necessary to compare
two different answers to the same or similar questions repeated on two
or more different occasions, without involving external sources at
all. Any pattern of lies will stand out as outside the norm of ethical
conduct. By itself, this discrepancy is insufficient to classify the
individual as antisocial, but it is an indication that other tests
should be made.
* * * * *

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
>over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
>possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
>Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
>coward from Navarre, Florida, that of course, doesn't have a DD214, it had
>to have served our country for that. Who's only way to get attention is to
>make a fool of its self, with its goat obsession/fetish, where it writes via
>remailers, to no one's surprise. Like when the other kids laughed at its
>attempt to use foul language in elementary school play grounds, but its just
>gibberish. Too senile to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of
>Florida. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its
>senseless barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to
>use your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would,
>totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
>As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
>passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
>stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
>all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
>each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
>It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
>other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
>hundred eighty out from a Capricorn.
> Makes me a man capable of knowing the worthlessness of you, and your
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
>"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> .
>> That really makes you a somebody doesn't it Fag Boy!
>> You just don't get it, do ya!


Psychopaths have a narcissistic and grossly inflated view of their
self-worth and importance, a truly astounding egocentricity and sense
of entitlement, and see themselves as the center of the universe,
as superior beings who are justified in living according to their
own rules."It's not that I don't follow the law.""I follow my own
laws. I never violate my own rules.""Looking out for number one."

Stephen A. Diamond

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 08-03-2007 04:34 PM

Re: What tools do I need to replace a U-joint?
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers,, and cross posts to other perverts to no
one's surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving Christian family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving
I'm a responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a
Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more
senile than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Pink Freud" <> wrote in message
> On Thu, 02 Aug 2007 21:26:58 -0700, L.W. (I'm Psycho!) ------ III wrote:
> > People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
> > hundred eighty out from a Capricorn.

> <bzzzzzzzzt!>
> Wrong again, Lard Butt.
> I'll post that trait list again if ya want, but you wouldn't like it any
> better than the first time around.
> Lugheser.

Posted via a free Usenet account from

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