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Xomicron 04-18-2004 01:26 AM

Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
In a past interview posted at, 1st lady wannabe, Theresa Heinz
Kerry, said she regretted marrying an American, and was ashamed of her
choice of husbands, both of them. She plays the "I'm just a poor girl from
Africa," routine, and further goes on to badmouth "wealthy America,"
acting like she had married a ditch digger, and not one of the wealthiest
men in the world: the late Senator Heinz.

On another note, according to the Wall Street Journal, to clarify the
pronunciation of Mrs. Heinz Kerry's name, which has been the source of
some confusion, Americans usually pronounce "Teresa" teh-REE-seh, but she
favors the more European-sounding teh-RAY-zeh. In case you have trouble
with this, just remember that her husband wants teh-RAY-zeh your taxes.

L.W.(=?iso-8859-1?Q?=DFill?=) Hughes III 04-18-2004 02:37 AM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
Forwarded to:

Path:!! !!!!!!cable-bsr1-0779.grnco.NET!not-for-mail
Xomicron <>
alt.spacebastards, alt.atheism,
alt.politics.homosexuality, alt.internet.p2p, alt.abortion
Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
18 Apr 2004 05:26:30 GMT
NNTP-Posting-Host: (
X-Trace: 1082265990 5346193 I

Xref: alt.spacebastards:16865
alt.atheism:3207601 comp.sys.mac.advocacy:884432
alt.politics.homosexuality:514026 alt.internet.p2p:24888
Sun, 18 Apr 2004 01:26:30 EDT (

L.W.(=?iso-8859-1?Q?=DFill?=) Hughes III 04-18-2004 02:37 AM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
Forwarded to:

Path:!! !!!!!!cable-bsr1-0779.grnco.NET!not-for-mail
Xomicron <>
alt.spacebastards, alt.atheism,
alt.politics.homosexuality, alt.internet.p2p, alt.abortion
Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
18 Apr 2004 05:26:30 GMT
NNTP-Posting-Host: (
X-Trace: 1082265990 5346193 I

Xref: alt.spacebastards:16865
alt.atheism:3207601 comp.sys.mac.advocacy:884432
alt.politics.homosexuality:514026 alt.internet.p2p:24888
Sun, 18 Apr 2004 01:26:30 EDT (

L.W.(=?iso-8859-1?Q?=DFill?=) Hughes III 04-18-2004 02:37 AM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
Forwarded to:

Path:!! !!!!!!cable-bsr1-0779.grnco.NET!not-for-mail
Xomicron <>
alt.spacebastards, alt.atheism,
alt.politics.homosexuality, alt.internet.p2p, alt.abortion
Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
18 Apr 2004 05:26:30 GMT
NNTP-Posting-Host: (
X-Trace: 1082265990 5346193 I

Xref: alt.spacebastards:16865
alt.atheism:3207601 comp.sys.mac.advocacy:884432
alt.politics.homosexuality:514026 alt.internet.p2p:24888
Sun, 18 Apr 2004 01:26:30 EDT (

L.W.(=?iso-8859-1?Q?=DFill?=) Hughes III 04-18-2004 02:37 AM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
Forwarded to:

Path:!! !!!!!!cable-bsr1-0779.grnco.NET!not-for-mail
Xomicron <>
alt.spacebastards, alt.atheism,
alt.politics.homosexuality, alt.internet.p2p, alt.abortion
Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
18 Apr 2004 05:26:30 GMT
NNTP-Posting-Host: (
X-Trace: 1082265990 5346193 I

Xref: alt.spacebastards:16865
alt.atheism:3207601 comp.sys.mac.advocacy:884432
alt.politics.homosexuality:514026 alt.internet.p2p:24888
Sun, 18 Apr 2004 01:26:30 EDT (

Ray Fischer 04-18-2004 01:02 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
Xomicron <> wrote:
>In a past interview posted at, 1st lady wannabe, Theresa Heinz
>Kerry, said she regretted marrying an American, and was ashamed of her

The usual smear.

Ray Fischer

Ray Fischer 04-18-2004 01:02 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
Xomicron <> wrote:
>In a past interview posted at, 1st lady wannabe, Theresa Heinz
>Kerry, said she regretted marrying an American, and was ashamed of her

The usual smear.

Ray Fischer

Ray Fischer 04-18-2004 01:02 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
Xomicron <> wrote:
>In a past interview posted at, 1st lady wannabe, Theresa Heinz
>Kerry, said she regretted marrying an American, and was ashamed of her

The usual smear.

Ray Fischer

Ray Fischer 04-18-2004 01:02 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
Xomicron <> wrote:
>In a past interview posted at, 1st lady wannabe, Theresa Heinz
>Kerry, said she regretted marrying an American, and was ashamed of her

The usual smear.

Ray Fischer

Lord Gazwad of Grantham 04-18-2004 01:11 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
Ray Fischer wrote:
| The usual smear.

That's to check for cancer not retards, you retard.


Freelance scientist and people tester.

Lord Gazwad of Grantham 04-18-2004 01:11 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
Ray Fischer wrote:
| The usual smear.

That's to check for cancer not retards, you retard.


Freelance scientist and people tester.

Lord Gazwad of Grantham 04-18-2004 01:11 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
Ray Fischer wrote:
| The usual smear.

That's to check for cancer not retards, you retard.


Freelance scientist and people tester.

Lord Gazwad of Grantham 04-18-2004 01:11 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
Ray Fischer wrote:
| The usual smear.

That's to check for cancer not retards, you retard.


Freelance scientist and people tester.

pennysworth 04-18-2004 02:16 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
It's rather like a ministry this ministering lies to the unwarry? I'll bet you anything you like
that the newsmax story is -------- and that you're full of ----, too.

As for taxes, are you taking home more money nowadays? Is your income up nowadays? Are you paying
more locally because the Gov has lowered reimbursements? Are your roads pottier and your schools
worse because locals can't afford the off-setting increases in property taxes? Is your sales tax up?
Is your care registration fees up because states must raise them to offset reductions in
reembursements? Are you looking forward to paying for this foolish adventure in Iraq?

Are you looking forward to sacrificing your sons and daughters for a fantasy? Are you looking
forward to footing the bill so that Bush-Cheney buddies in the Texas energy industry can make a

Did you enjoy being lied to about WMD? Do you enjoy being a pariah around the world? A laughing

Are you employed? Is it a real job, with healthcare and benefits, or do you flip hamburgers?

Are you rich? Now, if you're rich, I can sign off here because if you're rich you think you are all
that matters and no other problem touches you. You don't have to worry about schools or jobs or
earfning a living or healthcare or bloodletting (because you can keep your kids out of the war).

But if you're not, how could you possibly support this renegade President and administration?

04 05:26:30 GMT, Xomicron <> wrote:

>In a past interview posted at, 1st lady wannabe, Theresa Heinz
>Kerry, said she regretted marrying an American, and was ashamed of her
>choice of husbands, both of them. She plays the "I'm just a poor girl from
>Africa," routine, and further goes on to badmouth "wealthy America,"
>acting like she had married a ditch digger, and not one of the wealthiest
>men in the world: the late Senator Heinz.
>On another note, according to the Wall Street Journal, to clarify the
>pronunciation of Mrs. Heinz Kerry's name, which has been the source of
>some confusion, Americans usually pronounce "Teresa" teh-REE-seh, but she
>favors the more European-sounding teh-RAY-zeh. In case you have trouble
>with this, just remember that her husband wants teh-RAY-zeh your taxes.

pennysworth 04-18-2004 02:16 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
It's rather like a ministry this ministering lies to the unwarry? I'll bet you anything you like
that the newsmax story is -------- and that you're full of ----, too.

As for taxes, are you taking home more money nowadays? Is your income up nowadays? Are you paying
more locally because the Gov has lowered reimbursements? Are your roads pottier and your schools
worse because locals can't afford the off-setting increases in property taxes? Is your sales tax up?
Is your care registration fees up because states must raise them to offset reductions in
reembursements? Are you looking forward to paying for this foolish adventure in Iraq?

Are you looking forward to sacrificing your sons and daughters for a fantasy? Are you looking
forward to footing the bill so that Bush-Cheney buddies in the Texas energy industry can make a

Did you enjoy being lied to about WMD? Do you enjoy being a pariah around the world? A laughing

Are you employed? Is it a real job, with healthcare and benefits, or do you flip hamburgers?

Are you rich? Now, if you're rich, I can sign off here because if you're rich you think you are all
that matters and no other problem touches you. You don't have to worry about schools or jobs or
earfning a living or healthcare or bloodletting (because you can keep your kids out of the war).

But if you're not, how could you possibly support this renegade President and administration?

04 05:26:30 GMT, Xomicron <> wrote:

>In a past interview posted at, 1st lady wannabe, Theresa Heinz
>Kerry, said she regretted marrying an American, and was ashamed of her
>choice of husbands, both of them. She plays the "I'm just a poor girl from
>Africa," routine, and further goes on to badmouth "wealthy America,"
>acting like she had married a ditch digger, and not one of the wealthiest
>men in the world: the late Senator Heinz.
>On another note, according to the Wall Street Journal, to clarify the
>pronunciation of Mrs. Heinz Kerry's name, which has been the source of
>some confusion, Americans usually pronounce "Teresa" teh-REE-seh, but she
>favors the more European-sounding teh-RAY-zeh. In case you have trouble
>with this, just remember that her husband wants teh-RAY-zeh your taxes.

pennysworth 04-18-2004 02:16 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
It's rather like a ministry this ministering lies to the unwarry? I'll bet you anything you like
that the newsmax story is -------- and that you're full of ----, too.

As for taxes, are you taking home more money nowadays? Is your income up nowadays? Are you paying
more locally because the Gov has lowered reimbursements? Are your roads pottier and your schools
worse because locals can't afford the off-setting increases in property taxes? Is your sales tax up?
Is your care registration fees up because states must raise them to offset reductions in
reembursements? Are you looking forward to paying for this foolish adventure in Iraq?

Are you looking forward to sacrificing your sons and daughters for a fantasy? Are you looking
forward to footing the bill so that Bush-Cheney buddies in the Texas energy industry can make a

Did you enjoy being lied to about WMD? Do you enjoy being a pariah around the world? A laughing

Are you employed? Is it a real job, with healthcare and benefits, or do you flip hamburgers?

Are you rich? Now, if you're rich, I can sign off here because if you're rich you think you are all
that matters and no other problem touches you. You don't have to worry about schools or jobs or
earfning a living or healthcare or bloodletting (because you can keep your kids out of the war).

But if you're not, how could you possibly support this renegade President and administration?

04 05:26:30 GMT, Xomicron <> wrote:

>In a past interview posted at, 1st lady wannabe, Theresa Heinz
>Kerry, said she regretted marrying an American, and was ashamed of her
>choice of husbands, both of them. She plays the "I'm just a poor girl from
>Africa," routine, and further goes on to badmouth "wealthy America,"
>acting like she had married a ditch digger, and not one of the wealthiest
>men in the world: the late Senator Heinz.
>On another note, according to the Wall Street Journal, to clarify the
>pronunciation of Mrs. Heinz Kerry's name, which has been the source of
>some confusion, Americans usually pronounce "Teresa" teh-REE-seh, but she
>favors the more European-sounding teh-RAY-zeh. In case you have trouble
>with this, just remember that her husband wants teh-RAY-zeh your taxes.

pennysworth 04-18-2004 02:16 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
It's rather like a ministry this ministering lies to the unwarry? I'll bet you anything you like
that the newsmax story is -------- and that you're full of ----, too.

As for taxes, are you taking home more money nowadays? Is your income up nowadays? Are you paying
more locally because the Gov has lowered reimbursements? Are your roads pottier and your schools
worse because locals can't afford the off-setting increases in property taxes? Is your sales tax up?
Is your care registration fees up because states must raise them to offset reductions in
reembursements? Are you looking forward to paying for this foolish adventure in Iraq?

Are you looking forward to sacrificing your sons and daughters for a fantasy? Are you looking
forward to footing the bill so that Bush-Cheney buddies in the Texas energy industry can make a

Did you enjoy being lied to about WMD? Do you enjoy being a pariah around the world? A laughing

Are you employed? Is it a real job, with healthcare and benefits, or do you flip hamburgers?

Are you rich? Now, if you're rich, I can sign off here because if you're rich you think you are all
that matters and no other problem touches you. You don't have to worry about schools or jobs or
earfning a living or healthcare or bloodletting (because you can keep your kids out of the war).

But if you're not, how could you possibly support this renegade President and administration?

04 05:26:30 GMT, Xomicron <> wrote:

>In a past interview posted at, 1st lady wannabe, Theresa Heinz
>Kerry, said she regretted marrying an American, and was ashamed of her
>choice of husbands, both of them. She plays the "I'm just a poor girl from
>Africa," routine, and further goes on to badmouth "wealthy America,"
>acting like she had married a ditch digger, and not one of the wealthiest
>men in the world: the late Senator Heinz.
>On another note, according to the Wall Street Journal, to clarify the
>pronunciation of Mrs. Heinz Kerry's name, which has been the source of
>some confusion, Americans usually pronounce "Teresa" teh-REE-seh, but she
>favors the more European-sounding teh-RAY-zeh. In case you have trouble
>with this, just remember that her husband wants teh-RAY-zeh your taxes.

GreyCloud 04-18-2004 04:54 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
pennysworth wrote:
> It's rather like a ministry this ministering lies to the unwarry?
> I'll bet you anything you like that the newsmax story is -------- and
> that you're full of ----, too.
> As for taxes, are you taking home more money nowadays? Is your income
> up nowadays? Are you paying more locally because the Gov has lowered
> reimbursements? Are your roads pottier and your schools worse because
> locals can't afford the off-setting increases in property taxes? Is
> your sales tax up? Is your care registration fees up because states
> must raise them to offset reductions in reembursements? Are you
> looking forward to paying for this foolish adventure in Iraq?
> Are you looking forward to sacrificing your sons and daughters for a
> fantasy? Are you looking forward to footing the bill so that
> Bush-Cheney buddies in the Texas energy industry can make a killing?
> Did you enjoy being lied to about WMD? Do you enjoy being a pariah
> around the world? A laughing stock?
> Are you employed? Is it a real job, with healthcare and benefits, or
> do you flip hamburgers?
> Are you rich? Now, if you're rich, I can sign off here because if
> you're rich you think you are all that matters and no other problem
> touches you. You don't have to worry about schools or jobs or
> earfning a living or healthcare or bloodletting (because you can keep
> your kids out of the war).
> But if you're not, how could you possibly support this renegade
> President and administration?

You are totally clueless as to what is going on inside the gov. It won't
make one wit of difference which party is in office. You can try to feel
warm and fuzzy with the democrats, but the outcome will be the same. Don't
delude yourself. What seems ain't necessarily so.

GreyCloud 04-18-2004 04:54 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
pennysworth wrote:
> It's rather like a ministry this ministering lies to the unwarry?
> I'll bet you anything you like that the newsmax story is -------- and
> that you're full of ----, too.
> As for taxes, are you taking home more money nowadays? Is your income
> up nowadays? Are you paying more locally because the Gov has lowered
> reimbursements? Are your roads pottier and your schools worse because
> locals can't afford the off-setting increases in property taxes? Is
> your sales tax up? Is your care registration fees up because states
> must raise them to offset reductions in reembursements? Are you
> looking forward to paying for this foolish adventure in Iraq?
> Are you looking forward to sacrificing your sons and daughters for a
> fantasy? Are you looking forward to footing the bill so that
> Bush-Cheney buddies in the Texas energy industry can make a killing?
> Did you enjoy being lied to about WMD? Do you enjoy being a pariah
> around the world? A laughing stock?
> Are you employed? Is it a real job, with healthcare and benefits, or
> do you flip hamburgers?
> Are you rich? Now, if you're rich, I can sign off here because if
> you're rich you think you are all that matters and no other problem
> touches you. You don't have to worry about schools or jobs or
> earfning a living or healthcare or bloodletting (because you can keep
> your kids out of the war).
> But if you're not, how could you possibly support this renegade
> President and administration?

You are totally clueless as to what is going on inside the gov. It won't
make one wit of difference which party is in office. You can try to feel
warm and fuzzy with the democrats, but the outcome will be the same. Don't
delude yourself. What seems ain't necessarily so.

GreyCloud 04-18-2004 04:54 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
pennysworth wrote:
> It's rather like a ministry this ministering lies to the unwarry?
> I'll bet you anything you like that the newsmax story is -------- and
> that you're full of ----, too.
> As for taxes, are you taking home more money nowadays? Is your income
> up nowadays? Are you paying more locally because the Gov has lowered
> reimbursements? Are your roads pottier and your schools worse because
> locals can't afford the off-setting increases in property taxes? Is
> your sales tax up? Is your care registration fees up because states
> must raise them to offset reductions in reembursements? Are you
> looking forward to paying for this foolish adventure in Iraq?
> Are you looking forward to sacrificing your sons and daughters for a
> fantasy? Are you looking forward to footing the bill so that
> Bush-Cheney buddies in the Texas energy industry can make a killing?
> Did you enjoy being lied to about WMD? Do you enjoy being a pariah
> around the world? A laughing stock?
> Are you employed? Is it a real job, with healthcare and benefits, or
> do you flip hamburgers?
> Are you rich? Now, if you're rich, I can sign off here because if
> you're rich you think you are all that matters and no other problem
> touches you. You don't have to worry about schools or jobs or
> earfning a living or healthcare or bloodletting (because you can keep
> your kids out of the war).
> But if you're not, how could you possibly support this renegade
> President and administration?

You are totally clueless as to what is going on inside the gov. It won't
make one wit of difference which party is in office. You can try to feel
warm and fuzzy with the democrats, but the outcome will be the same. Don't
delude yourself. What seems ain't necessarily so.

GreyCloud 04-18-2004 04:54 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
pennysworth wrote:
> It's rather like a ministry this ministering lies to the unwarry?
> I'll bet you anything you like that the newsmax story is -------- and
> that you're full of ----, too.
> As for taxes, are you taking home more money nowadays? Is your income
> up nowadays? Are you paying more locally because the Gov has lowered
> reimbursements? Are your roads pottier and your schools worse because
> locals can't afford the off-setting increases in property taxes? Is
> your sales tax up? Is your care registration fees up because states
> must raise them to offset reductions in reembursements? Are you
> looking forward to paying for this foolish adventure in Iraq?
> Are you looking forward to sacrificing your sons and daughters for a
> fantasy? Are you looking forward to footing the bill so that
> Bush-Cheney buddies in the Texas energy industry can make a killing?
> Did you enjoy being lied to about WMD? Do you enjoy being a pariah
> around the world? A laughing stock?
> Are you employed? Is it a real job, with healthcare and benefits, or
> do you flip hamburgers?
> Are you rich? Now, if you're rich, I can sign off here because if
> you're rich you think you are all that matters and no other problem
> touches you. You don't have to worry about schools or jobs or
> earfning a living or healthcare or bloodletting (because you can keep
> your kids out of the war).
> But if you're not, how could you possibly support this renegade
> President and administration?

You are totally clueless as to what is going on inside the gov. It won't
make one wit of difference which party is in office. You can try to feel
warm and fuzzy with the democrats, but the outcome will be the same. Don't
delude yourself. What seems ain't necessarily so.

Brian 04-18-2004 06:22 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
I just want to second what someone else said; my server is killing the
spam, but Bill's posts are coming through. Since there's so much of the
spam, maybe it would be better to not copy the group on the abuse
notices. I think we all know that Bill is diligent in policing the group
for off-topic, out-of-charter garbage. Which I, for one, appreciate.


Brian Heller

It is easier to tame wild beasts
than to conquer the human mind.

Brian 04-18-2004 06:22 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
I just want to second what someone else said; my server is killing the
spam, but Bill's posts are coming through. Since there's so much of the
spam, maybe it would be better to not copy the group on the abuse
notices. I think we all know that Bill is diligent in policing the group
for off-topic, out-of-charter garbage. Which I, for one, appreciate.


Brian Heller

It is easier to tame wild beasts
than to conquer the human mind.

Brian 04-18-2004 06:22 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
I just want to second what someone else said; my server is killing the
spam, but Bill's posts are coming through. Since there's so much of the
spam, maybe it would be better to not copy the group on the abuse
notices. I think we all know that Bill is diligent in policing the group
for off-topic, out-of-charter garbage. Which I, for one, appreciate.


Brian Heller

It is easier to tame wild beasts
than to conquer the human mind.

Brian 04-18-2004 06:22 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
I just want to second what someone else said; my server is killing the
spam, but Bill's posts are coming through. Since there's so much of the
spam, maybe it would be better to not copy the group on the abuse
notices. I think we all know that Bill is diligent in policing the group
for off-topic, out-of-charter garbage. Which I, for one, appreciate.


Brian Heller

It is easier to tame wild beasts
than to conquer the human mind.

L.W.(=?iso-8859-1?Q?=DFill?=) Hughes III 04-18-2004 06:27 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
The post is not copied for you to read, only the header to prove to
the poster I know what I'm doing and will have his ISP shortly on my
God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O

Brian wrote:
> I just want to second what someone else said; my server is killing the
> spam, but Bill's posts are coming through. Since there's so much of the
> spam, maybe it would be better to not copy the group on the abuse
> notices. I think we all know that Bill is diligent in policing the group
> for off-topic, out-of-charter garbage. Which I, for one, appreciate.
> B
> --
> Brian Heller
> It is easier to tame wild beasts
> than to conquer the human mind.

L.W.(=?iso-8859-1?Q?=DFill?=) Hughes III 04-18-2004 06:27 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
The post is not copied for you to read, only the header to prove to
the poster I know what I'm doing and will have his ISP shortly on my
God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O

Brian wrote:
> I just want to second what someone else said; my server is killing the
> spam, but Bill's posts are coming through. Since there's so much of the
> spam, maybe it would be better to not copy the group on the abuse
> notices. I think we all know that Bill is diligent in policing the group
> for off-topic, out-of-charter garbage. Which I, for one, appreciate.
> B
> --
> Brian Heller
> It is easier to tame wild beasts
> than to conquer the human mind.

L.W.(=?iso-8859-1?Q?=DFill?=) Hughes III 04-18-2004 06:27 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
The post is not copied for you to read, only the header to prove to
the poster I know what I'm doing and will have his ISP shortly on my
God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O

Brian wrote:
> I just want to second what someone else said; my server is killing the
> spam, but Bill's posts are coming through. Since there's so much of the
> spam, maybe it would be better to not copy the group on the abuse
> notices. I think we all know that Bill is diligent in policing the group
> for off-topic, out-of-charter garbage. Which I, for one, appreciate.
> B
> --
> Brian Heller
> It is easier to tame wild beasts
> than to conquer the human mind.

L.W.(=?iso-8859-1?Q?=DFill?=) Hughes III 04-18-2004 06:27 PM

Re: Theresa Heinz is ashamed she married an American
The post is not copied for you to read, only the header to prove to
the poster I know what I'm doing and will have his ISP shortly on my
God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O

Brian wrote:
> I just want to second what someone else said; my server is killing the
> spam, but Bill's posts are coming through. Since there's so much of the
> spam, maybe it would be better to not copy the group on the abuse
> notices. I think we all know that Bill is diligent in policing the group
> for off-topic, out-of-charter garbage. Which I, for one, appreciate.
> B
> --
> Brian Heller
> It is easier to tame wild beasts
> than to conquer the human mind.

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