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-   -   There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup. (

x 08-07-2007 12:32 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup.
On Mon, 06 Aug 2007 20:38:38 -0700, L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:


Ninag dhr wr cebpèqr wr qbvf q'nobeq snver qrf rkphfrf cbhe pr pbheevre
aba fbyyvpvgé à gbv, wr zr eraqf pbzcgr dhr pr ar fbvg pregnvarzrag cnf
har znavèer pbairagvbaaryyr q'nccebpur q'égnoyve ha enccbeg qr pbasvnapr,
znvf ibhf eényvfrerm yr orfbva qr zba npgvba. Zba abz rfg Wbfr Y.Z.
Tnepvn, ha nibpng-pbafrvy svanapvre vpv ra Rfcntar. Ra snvg, w'nv bograh
ibger pbagnpg cne har cntr Jro, gbhg ra erpurepunag har crefbaar ubaaêgr
ovrairvyynagr dhv crhg êger fvapèer rg nffrm pncnoyr cbhe nvqre yn
snzvyyr qr zba qéshag pyvrag rkcngevé q'vatéavrhe cbhe dhv n geninvyyé
vpv vpv ra Rfcntar, Qvk naf (10lef), ninag dh'vy fbvg zbeg yr ybat qh
pôgé nirp fba écbhfr rg qrhk fbegrf craqnag yr Gfhanzv pngnfgebcuvdhr,
dhv f'rfg cebqhvgr yr yhaqv 27 qéprzoer 2004, ynvffnag frhyrzrag yrhe
svyyr qrhk dhv égnvrag nffrm punaprhk cbhe znadhre yrf inpnaprf zbegryyrf
dhv eépynzr yrf ivrf qr yrhe snzvyyr. Ninag yn zbeg qr zba pyvrag ; vy n
qécbfé yr geéfbe crefbaary, pbagranag yn fbzzr qr $7.2Z (FRCG ZVYYVBAF,
QRHK PRAGF ZVYYR QBYYNEF qrf Égngf-Havf) nirp ha fbpvégé qr svanaprzrag
svanapvre qr féphevgé vpv ra Rfcntar, cbhe yn féphevgé n envfbaaé.
Frphevgl Svanapr Pbzcnal z'n rkvté cbhe ceéfragre y'nffbpvé égenatre qr
zba qéshag pyvrag qrchvf dh'vy n éabapé pynverzrag qnaf yrf qbphzragf qh
qécôg dh'vy n ha nffbpvé égenatre dhv crhg eépynzre yr qécôg ra fba abz,
ra pnf q'nhgerzrag, p.-à-q. yn zbeg. Nvafv cbhe prggr envfba, w'nv qépvqé
qr erpurepure fbvtarhfrzrag har crefbaar iéevqvdhr dhv crhg ntve ra gnag
dh'nffbpvé égenatre qr zba qéshag pyvrag dhv n égé geèf qvssvpvyr cbhe
zbv, pne vy a'n qépyneé nhpha nhger crefbaar, nqerffr, nffbpvé bh cnerag
qnaf yrf geninhk qr cncvre bssvpvryf qr fba qécôg q'rkcéqvgvba. Pbager pr
pbagrkgr, zn fhttrfgvba à gbv rfg dhr wr ibhf nvzrenv ra gnag dh'égenatre
fr grave ra gnag dhr cebpunva qrf cneragf à Zvygba natynvf Qbchybf, qr
fbegr dhr y'rkcéqvgvba qvcybzngvdhr fbvg yvoéeér à gbv. Nirp zn cbfvgvba
ra gnag dhr fba nibpng, wr cynprenv znvagranag ibger abz ra gnag dhr
cebpunva qrf cneragf à zba qéshag pyvrag. Wr ceécnerenv pundhr qbphzrag
nccebcevé dhv nvqren ibf eépynzngvbaf, rg snpvyvgr yr qétntrzrag qr
y'rkcéqvgvba. Abgre dhr prggr genafnpgvba rfg evfdhr qr 100% yvoerzrag ;
vy a'l n nhpha ngbzr qr evfdhr eryvé à prf nssnverf pne w'nv égnoyv
gbhgrf yrf zbqnyvgéf q'nppbzcyve yn genafnpgvba nirp fhppèf. Har sbvf dhr
y'rkcéqvgvba rfg yvoéeér à gbv, abhf nibaf yr 30% qr gbhgr yn fbzzr cbhe
gbv ra gnag dhr ibger ninagntr, 50% qr gbhgr yn fbzzr ven nhk qrhk svyyrf
fheiéphrf qr zba pyvrag, nybef dhr 15% rfg cbhe zbv rg rafrzoyr qr 5% ha
pôgé cbhe gbhgrf yrf qécrafrf q'éiraghnyvgé dhr abhf cbhibaf rapbheve
qnaf yn eécbafr qrf qécrafrf rgp. qr pbzzhavpngvba cne y'vagrezéqvnver qr
zba rznvy nqqerff cevié (wbfrtnepvn-1@zljnl.pbz) bh gbv crhg z'nccryre
cbhe q'nhgerf pynevsvpngvbaf. Irhvyyrm êger nvznoyr bograve qr abhirnh à
zbv fv ibhf a'êgrf cnf vagéerfféf qr fbegr dhr wr fbhepr pbasbegnoyr qr
ovqba cbhe ha nhger nffbpvé pncnoyr dhv crhg znavchyre prggr genafnpgvba
qr tenaqrhe nirp zbv pbsser-sbeg yr shghe qr prf qrhk wrharf svyyrf dhv
bag creqh yrhe oryyr snzvyyr qnaf yn gentéqvr qr Gfhanzv.

Wbfr Y.Z. Tnepvn Rfd.
Yrf fbhiravef

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 08-07-2007 12:33 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of Nothing, as usual!
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers,, and cross posts to other perverts to no
one's surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving Christian family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving
I'm a responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a
Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more
senile than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
Or let me know when you cross my American border, so I may arrest you!
YOU ARE A TRAITOR and lost all rights to my American border, and
someday I'll have you in jail where you belong! Any time, I'll fly and meant
with other patriots guarding our borders against vermin like you.
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"c" <> wrote in message
> Ninag dhr wr cebpèqr wr qbvf q'nobeq snver qrf rkphfrf cbhe pr pbheevre
> aba fbyyvpvgé à gbv, wr zr eraqf pbzcgr dhr pr ar fbvg pregnvarzrag cnf
> har znavèer pbairagvbaaryyr q'nccebpur q'égnoyve ha enccbeg qr pbasvnapr,
> znvf ibhf eényvfrerm yr orfbva qr zba npgvba. Zba abz rfg Wbfr Y.Z.
> Tnepvn, ha nibpng-pbafrvy svanapvre vpv ra Rfcntar.
> Ra snvg, w'nv bograh
> ibger pbagnpg cne har cntr Jro, gbhg ra erpurepunag har crefbaar ubaaêgr
> ovrairvyynagr dhv crhg êger fvapèer rg nffrm pncnoyr cbhe nvqre yn
> snzvyyr qr zba qéshag pyvrag rkcngevé q'vatéavrhe cbhe dhv n geninvyyé
> vpv vpv ra Rfcntar, Qvk naf (10lef), ninag dh'vy fbvg zbeg yr ybat qh
> pôgé nirp fba écbhfr rg qrhk fbegrf craqnag yr Gfhanzv pngnfgebcuvdhr,
> dhv f'rfg cebqhvgr yr yhaqv 27 qéprzoer 2004, ynvffnag frhyrzrag yrhe
> svyyr qrhk dhv égnvrag nffrm punaprhk cbhe znadhre yrf inpnaprf zbegryyrf
> dhv eépynzr yrf ivrf qr yrhe snzvyyr. Ninag yn zbeg qr zba pyvrag ; vy n
> qécbfé yr geéfbe crefbaary, pbagranag yn fbzzr qr $7.2Z (FRCG ZVYYVBAF,
> QRHK PRAGF ZVYYR QBYYNEF qrf Égngf-Havf) nirp ha fbpvégé qr svanaprzrag
> svanapvre qr féphevgé vpv ra Rfcntar, cbhe yn féphevgé n envfbaaé.
> Frphevgl Svanapr Pbzcnal z'n rkvté cbhe ceéfragre y'nffbpvé égenatre qr
> zba qéshag pyvrag qrchvf dh'vy n éabapé pynverzrag qnaf yrf qbphzragf qh
> qécôg dh'vy n ha nffbpvé égenatre dhv crhg eépynzre yr qécôg ra fba abz,
> ra pnf q'nhgerzrag, p.-à-q. yn zbeg. Nvafv cbhe prggr envfba, w'nv qépvqé
> qr erpurepure fbvtarhfrzrag har crefbaar iéevqvdhr dhv crhg ntve ra gnag
> dh'nffbpvé égenatre qr zba qéshag pyvrag dhv n égé geèf qvssvpvyr cbhe
> zbv, pne vy a'n qépyneé nhpha nhger crefbaar, nqerffr, nffbpvé bh cnerag
> qnaf yrf geninhk qr cncvre bssvpvryf qr fba qécôg q'rkcéqvgvba. Pbager pr
> pbagrkgr, zn fhttrfgvba à gbv rfg dhr wr ibhf nvzrenv ra gnag dh'égenatre
> fr grave ra gnag dhr cebpunva qrf cneragf à Zvygba natynvf Qbchybf, qr
> fbegr dhr y'rkcéqvgvba qvcybzngvdhr fbvg yvoéeér à gbv. Nirp zn cbfvgvba
> ra gnag dhr fba nibpng, wr cynprenv znvagranag ibger abz ra gnag dhr
> cebpunva qrf cneragf à zba qéshag pyvrag. Wr ceécnerenv pundhr qbphzrag
> nccebcevé dhv nvqren ibf eépynzngvbaf, rg snpvyvgr yr qétntrzrag qr
> y'rkcéqvgvba.
> Abgre dhr prggr genafnpgvba rfg evfdhr qr 100% yvoerzrag ;
> vy a'l n nhpha ngbzr qr evfdhr eryvé à prf nssnverf pne w'nv égnoyv
> gbhgrf yrf zbqnyvgéf q'nppbzcyve yn genafnpgvba nirp fhppèf. Har sbvf dhr
> y'rkcéqvgvba rfg yvoéeér à gbv, abhf nibaf yr 30% qr gbhgr yn fbzzr cbhe
> gbv ra gnag dhr ibger ninagntr, 50% qr gbhgr yn fbzzr ven nhk qrhk svyyrf
> fheiéphrf qr zba pyvrag, nybef dhr 15% rfg cbhe zbv rg rafrzoyr qr 5% ha
> pôgé cbhe gbhgrf yrf qécrafrf q'éiraghnyvgé dhr abhf cbhibaf rapbheve
> qnaf yn eécbafr qrf qécrafrf rgp. qr pbzzhavpngvba cne y'vagrezéqvnver qr
> zba rznvy nqqerff cevié (wbfrtnepvn-1@zljnl.pbz) bh gbv crhg z'nccryre
> cbhe q'nhgerf pynevsvpngvbaf. Irhvyyrm êger nvznoyr bograve qr abhirnh à
> zbv fv ibhf a'êgrf cnf vagéerfféf qr fbegr dhr wr fbhepr pbasbegnoyr qr
> ovqba cbhe ha nhger nffbpvé pncnoyr dhv crhg znavchyre prggr genafnpgvba
> qr tenaqrhe nirp zbv pbsser-sbeg yr shghe qr prf qrhk wrharf svyyrf dhv
> bag creqh yrhe oryyr snzvyyr qnaf yn gentéqvr qr Gfhanzv.
> Wbfr Y.Z. Tnepvn Rfd.
> Yrf fbhiravef

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 08-07-2007 12:33 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of Nothing, as usual!
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers,, and cross posts to other perverts to no
one's surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving Christian family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving
I'm a responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a
Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more
senile than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
Or let me know when you cross my American border, so I may arrest you!
YOU ARE A TRAITOR and lost all rights to my American border, and
someday I'll have you in jail where you belong! Any time, I'll fly and meant
with other patriots guarding our borders against vermin like you.
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"c" <> wrote in message
> Ninag dhr wr cebpèqr wr qbvf q'nobeq snver qrf rkphfrf cbhe pr pbheevre
> aba fbyyvpvgé à gbv, wr zr eraqf pbzcgr dhr pr ar fbvg pregnvarzrag cnf
> har znavèer pbairagvbaaryyr q'nccebpur q'égnoyve ha enccbeg qr pbasvnapr,
> znvf ibhf eényvfrerm yr orfbva qr zba npgvba. Zba abz rfg Wbfr Y.Z.
> Tnepvn, ha nibpng-pbafrvy svanapvre vpv ra Rfcntar.
> Ra snvg, w'nv bograh
> ibger pbagnpg cne har cntr Jro, gbhg ra erpurepunag har crefbaar ubaaêgr
> ovrairvyynagr dhv crhg êger fvapèer rg nffrm pncnoyr cbhe nvqre yn
> snzvyyr qr zba qéshag pyvrag rkcngevé q'vatéavrhe cbhe dhv n geninvyyé
> vpv vpv ra Rfcntar, Qvk naf (10lef), ninag dh'vy fbvg zbeg yr ybat qh
> pôgé nirp fba écbhfr rg qrhk fbegrf craqnag yr Gfhanzv pngnfgebcuvdhr,
> dhv f'rfg cebqhvgr yr yhaqv 27 qéprzoer 2004, ynvffnag frhyrzrag yrhe
> svyyr qrhk dhv égnvrag nffrm punaprhk cbhe znadhre yrf inpnaprf zbegryyrf
> dhv eépynzr yrf ivrf qr yrhe snzvyyr. Ninag yn zbeg qr zba pyvrag ; vy n
> qécbfé yr geéfbe crefbaary, pbagranag yn fbzzr qr $7.2Z (FRCG ZVYYVBAF,
> QRHK PRAGF ZVYYR QBYYNEF qrf Égngf-Havf) nirp ha fbpvégé qr svanaprzrag
> svanapvre qr féphevgé vpv ra Rfcntar, cbhe yn féphevgé n envfbaaé.
> Frphevgl Svanapr Pbzcnal z'n rkvté cbhe ceéfragre y'nffbpvé égenatre qr
> zba qéshag pyvrag qrchvf dh'vy n éabapé pynverzrag qnaf yrf qbphzragf qh
> qécôg dh'vy n ha nffbpvé égenatre dhv crhg eépynzre yr qécôg ra fba abz,
> ra pnf q'nhgerzrag, p.-à-q. yn zbeg. Nvafv cbhe prggr envfba, w'nv qépvqé
> qr erpurepure fbvtarhfrzrag har crefbaar iéevqvdhr dhv crhg ntve ra gnag
> dh'nffbpvé égenatre qr zba qéshag pyvrag dhv n égé geèf qvssvpvyr cbhe
> zbv, pne vy a'n qépyneé nhpha nhger crefbaar, nqerffr, nffbpvé bh cnerag
> qnaf yrf geninhk qr cncvre bssvpvryf qr fba qécôg q'rkcéqvgvba. Pbager pr
> pbagrkgr, zn fhttrfgvba à gbv rfg dhr wr ibhf nvzrenv ra gnag dh'égenatre
> fr grave ra gnag dhr cebpunva qrf cneragf à Zvygba natynvf Qbchybf, qr
> fbegr dhr y'rkcéqvgvba qvcybzngvdhr fbvg yvoéeér à gbv. Nirp zn cbfvgvba
> ra gnag dhr fba nibpng, wr cynprenv znvagranag ibger abz ra gnag dhr
> cebpunva qrf cneragf à zba qéshag pyvrag. Wr ceécnerenv pundhr qbphzrag
> nccebcevé dhv nvqren ibf eépynzngvbaf, rg snpvyvgr yr qétntrzrag qr
> y'rkcéqvgvba.
> Abgre dhr prggr genafnpgvba rfg evfdhr qr 100% yvoerzrag ;
> vy a'l n nhpha ngbzr qr evfdhr eryvé à prf nssnverf pne w'nv égnoyv
> gbhgrf yrf zbqnyvgéf q'nppbzcyve yn genafnpgvba nirp fhppèf. Har sbvf dhr
> y'rkcéqvgvba rfg yvoéeér à gbv, abhf nibaf yr 30% qr gbhgr yn fbzzr cbhe
> gbv ra gnag dhr ibger ninagntr, 50% qr gbhgr yn fbzzr ven nhk qrhk svyyrf
> fheiéphrf qr zba pyvrag, nybef dhr 15% rfg cbhe zbv rg rafrzoyr qr 5% ha
> pôgé cbhe gbhgrf yrf qécrafrf q'éiraghnyvgé dhr abhf cbhibaf rapbheve
> qnaf yn eécbafr qrf qécrafrf rgp. qr pbzzhavpngvba cne y'vagrezéqvnver qr
> zba rznvy nqqerff cevié (wbfrtnepvn-1@zljnl.pbz) bh gbv crhg z'nccryre
> cbhe q'nhgerf pynevsvpngvbaf. Irhvyyrm êger nvznoyr bograve qr abhirnh à
> zbv fv ibhf a'êgrf cnf vagéerfféf qr fbegr dhr wr fbhepr pbasbegnoyr qr
> ovqba cbhe ha nhger nffbpvé pncnoyr dhv crhg znavchyre prggr genafnpgvba
> qr tenaqrhe nirp zbv pbsser-sbeg yr shghe qr prf qrhk wrharf svyyrf dhv
> bag creqh yrhe oryyr snzvyyr qnaf yn gentéqvr qr Gfhanzv.
> Wbfr Y.Z. Tnepvn Rfd.
> Yrf fbhiravef

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 08-07-2007 12:33 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of Nothing, as usual!
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers,, and cross posts to other perverts to no
one's surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving Christian family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving
I'm a responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a
Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more
senile than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
Or let me know when you cross my American border, so I may arrest you!
YOU ARE A TRAITOR and lost all rights to my American border, and
someday I'll have you in jail where you belong! Any time, I'll fly and meant
with other patriots guarding our borders against vermin like you.
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"c" <> wrote in message
> Ninag dhr wr cebpèqr wr qbvf q'nobeq snver qrf rkphfrf cbhe pr pbheevre
> aba fbyyvpvgé à gbv, wr zr eraqf pbzcgr dhr pr ar fbvg pregnvarzrag cnf
> har znavèer pbairagvbaaryyr q'nccebpur q'égnoyve ha enccbeg qr pbasvnapr,
> znvf ibhf eényvfrerm yr orfbva qr zba npgvba. Zba abz rfg Wbfr Y.Z.
> Tnepvn, ha nibpng-pbafrvy svanapvre vpv ra Rfcntar.
> Ra snvg, w'nv bograh
> ibger pbagnpg cne har cntr Jro, gbhg ra erpurepunag har crefbaar ubaaêgr
> ovrairvyynagr dhv crhg êger fvapèer rg nffrm pncnoyr cbhe nvqre yn
> snzvyyr qr zba qéshag pyvrag rkcngevé q'vatéavrhe cbhe dhv n geninvyyé
> vpv vpv ra Rfcntar, Qvk naf (10lef), ninag dh'vy fbvg zbeg yr ybat qh
> pôgé nirp fba écbhfr rg qrhk fbegrf craqnag yr Gfhanzv pngnfgebcuvdhr,
> dhv f'rfg cebqhvgr yr yhaqv 27 qéprzoer 2004, ynvffnag frhyrzrag yrhe
> svyyr qrhk dhv égnvrag nffrm punaprhk cbhe znadhre yrf inpnaprf zbegryyrf
> dhv eépynzr yrf ivrf qr yrhe snzvyyr. Ninag yn zbeg qr zba pyvrag ; vy n
> qécbfé yr geéfbe crefbaary, pbagranag yn fbzzr qr $7.2Z (FRCG ZVYYVBAF,
> QRHK PRAGF ZVYYR QBYYNEF qrf Égngf-Havf) nirp ha fbpvégé qr svanaprzrag
> svanapvre qr féphevgé vpv ra Rfcntar, cbhe yn féphevgé n envfbaaé.
> Frphevgl Svanapr Pbzcnal z'n rkvté cbhe ceéfragre y'nffbpvé égenatre qr
> zba qéshag pyvrag qrchvf dh'vy n éabapé pynverzrag qnaf yrf qbphzragf qh
> qécôg dh'vy n ha nffbpvé égenatre dhv crhg eépynzre yr qécôg ra fba abz,
> ra pnf q'nhgerzrag, p.-à-q. yn zbeg. Nvafv cbhe prggr envfba, w'nv qépvqé
> qr erpurepure fbvtarhfrzrag har crefbaar iéevqvdhr dhv crhg ntve ra gnag
> dh'nffbpvé égenatre qr zba qéshag pyvrag dhv n égé geèf qvssvpvyr cbhe
> zbv, pne vy a'n qépyneé nhpha nhger crefbaar, nqerffr, nffbpvé bh cnerag
> qnaf yrf geninhk qr cncvre bssvpvryf qr fba qécôg q'rkcéqvgvba. Pbager pr
> pbagrkgr, zn fhttrfgvba à gbv rfg dhr wr ibhf nvzrenv ra gnag dh'égenatre
> fr grave ra gnag dhr cebpunva qrf cneragf à Zvygba natynvf Qbchybf, qr
> fbegr dhr y'rkcéqvgvba qvcybzngvdhr fbvg yvoéeér à gbv. Nirp zn cbfvgvba
> ra gnag dhr fba nibpng, wr cynprenv znvagranag ibger abz ra gnag dhr
> cebpunva qrf cneragf à zba qéshag pyvrag. Wr ceécnerenv pundhr qbphzrag
> nccebcevé dhv nvqren ibf eépynzngvbaf, rg snpvyvgr yr qétntrzrag qr
> y'rkcéqvgvba.
> Abgre dhr prggr genafnpgvba rfg evfdhr qr 100% yvoerzrag ;
> vy a'l n nhpha ngbzr qr evfdhr eryvé à prf nssnverf pne w'nv égnoyv
> gbhgrf yrf zbqnyvgéf q'nppbzcyve yn genafnpgvba nirp fhppèf. Har sbvf dhr
> y'rkcéqvgvba rfg yvoéeér à gbv, abhf nibaf yr 30% qr gbhgr yn fbzzr cbhe
> gbv ra gnag dhr ibger ninagntr, 50% qr gbhgr yn fbzzr ven nhk qrhk svyyrf
> fheiéphrf qr zba pyvrag, nybef dhr 15% rfg cbhe zbv rg rafrzoyr qr 5% ha
> pôgé cbhe gbhgrf yrf qécrafrf q'éiraghnyvgé dhr abhf cbhibaf rapbheve
> qnaf yn eécbafr qrf qécrafrf rgp. qr pbzzhavpngvba cne y'vagrezéqvnver qr
> zba rznvy nqqerff cevié (wbfrtnepvn-1@zljnl.pbz) bh gbv crhg z'nccryre
> cbhe q'nhgerf pynevsvpngvbaf. Irhvyyrm êger nvznoyr bograve qr abhirnh à
> zbv fv ibhf a'êgrf cnf vagéerfféf qr fbegr dhr wr fbhepr pbasbegnoyr qr
> ovqba cbhe ha nhger nffbpvé pncnoyr dhv crhg znavchyre prggr genafnpgvba
> qr tenaqrhe nirp zbv pbsser-sbeg yr shghe qr prf qrhk wrharf svyyrf dhv
> bag creqh yrhe oryyr snzvyyr qnaf yn gentéqvr qr Gfhanzv.
> Wbfr Y.Z. Tnepvn Rfd.
> Yrf fbhiravef

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 08-07-2007 12:33 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of Nothing, as usual!
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers,, and cross posts to other perverts to no
one's surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving Christian family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving
I'm a responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a
Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more
senile than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
Or let me know when you cross my American border, so I may arrest you!
YOU ARE A TRAITOR and lost all rights to my American border, and
someday I'll have you in jail where you belong! Any time, I'll fly and meant
with other patriots guarding our borders against vermin like you.
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"c" <> wrote in message
> Ninag dhr wr cebpèqr wr qbvf q'nobeq snver qrf rkphfrf cbhe pr pbheevre
> aba fbyyvpvgé à gbv, wr zr eraqf pbzcgr dhr pr ar fbvg pregnvarzrag cnf
> har znavèer pbairagvbaaryyr q'nccebpur q'égnoyve ha enccbeg qr pbasvnapr,
> znvf ibhf eényvfrerm yr orfbva qr zba npgvba. Zba abz rfg Wbfr Y.Z.
> Tnepvn, ha nibpng-pbafrvy svanapvre vpv ra Rfcntar.
> Ra snvg, w'nv bograh
> ibger pbagnpg cne har cntr Jro, gbhg ra erpurepunag har crefbaar ubaaêgr
> ovrairvyynagr dhv crhg êger fvapèer rg nffrm pncnoyr cbhe nvqre yn
> snzvyyr qr zba qéshag pyvrag rkcngevé q'vatéavrhe cbhe dhv n geninvyyé
> vpv vpv ra Rfcntar, Qvk naf (10lef), ninag dh'vy fbvg zbeg yr ybat qh
> pôgé nirp fba écbhfr rg qrhk fbegrf craqnag yr Gfhanzv pngnfgebcuvdhr,
> dhv f'rfg cebqhvgr yr yhaqv 27 qéprzoer 2004, ynvffnag frhyrzrag yrhe
> svyyr qrhk dhv égnvrag nffrm punaprhk cbhe znadhre yrf inpnaprf zbegryyrf
> dhv eépynzr yrf ivrf qr yrhe snzvyyr. Ninag yn zbeg qr zba pyvrag ; vy n
> qécbfé yr geéfbe crefbaary, pbagranag yn fbzzr qr $7.2Z (FRCG ZVYYVBAF,
> QRHK PRAGF ZVYYR QBYYNEF qrf Égngf-Havf) nirp ha fbpvégé qr svanaprzrag
> svanapvre qr féphevgé vpv ra Rfcntar, cbhe yn féphevgé n envfbaaé.
> Frphevgl Svanapr Pbzcnal z'n rkvté cbhe ceéfragre y'nffbpvé égenatre qr
> zba qéshag pyvrag qrchvf dh'vy n éabapé pynverzrag qnaf yrf qbphzragf qh
> qécôg dh'vy n ha nffbpvé égenatre dhv crhg eépynzre yr qécôg ra fba abz,
> ra pnf q'nhgerzrag, p.-à-q. yn zbeg. Nvafv cbhe prggr envfba, w'nv qépvqé
> qr erpurepure fbvtarhfrzrag har crefbaar iéevqvdhr dhv crhg ntve ra gnag
> dh'nffbpvé égenatre qr zba qéshag pyvrag dhv n égé geèf qvssvpvyr cbhe
> zbv, pne vy a'n qépyneé nhpha nhger crefbaar, nqerffr, nffbpvé bh cnerag
> qnaf yrf geninhk qr cncvre bssvpvryf qr fba qécôg q'rkcéqvgvba. Pbager pr
> pbagrkgr, zn fhttrfgvba à gbv rfg dhr wr ibhf nvzrenv ra gnag dh'égenatre
> fr grave ra gnag dhr cebpunva qrf cneragf à Zvygba natynvf Qbchybf, qr
> fbegr dhr y'rkcéqvgvba qvcybzngvdhr fbvg yvoéeér à gbv. Nirp zn cbfvgvba
> ra gnag dhr fba nibpng, wr cynprenv znvagranag ibger abz ra gnag dhr
> cebpunva qrf cneragf à zba qéshag pyvrag. Wr ceécnerenv pundhr qbphzrag
> nccebcevé dhv nvqren ibf eépynzngvbaf, rg snpvyvgr yr qétntrzrag qr
> y'rkcéqvgvba.
> Abgre dhr prggr genafnpgvba rfg evfdhr qr 100% yvoerzrag ;
> vy a'l n nhpha ngbzr qr evfdhr eryvé à prf nssnverf pne w'nv égnoyv
> gbhgrf yrf zbqnyvgéf q'nppbzcyve yn genafnpgvba nirp fhppèf. Har sbvf dhr
> y'rkcéqvgvba rfg yvoéeér à gbv, abhf nibaf yr 30% qr gbhgr yn fbzzr cbhe
> gbv ra gnag dhr ibger ninagntr, 50% qr gbhgr yn fbzzr ven nhk qrhk svyyrf
> fheiéphrf qr zba pyvrag, nybef dhr 15% rfg cbhe zbv rg rafrzoyr qr 5% ha
> pôgé cbhe gbhgrf yrf qécrafrf q'éiraghnyvgé dhr abhf cbhibaf rapbheve
> qnaf yn eécbafr qrf qécrafrf rgp. qr pbzzhavpngvba cne y'vagrezéqvnver qr
> zba rznvy nqqerff cevié (wbfrtnepvn-1@zljnl.pbz) bh gbv crhg z'nccryre
> cbhe q'nhgerf pynevsvpngvbaf. Irhvyyrm êger nvznoyr bograve qr abhirnh à
> zbv fv ibhf a'êgrf cnf vagéerfféf qr fbegr dhr wr fbhepr pbasbegnoyr qr
> ovqba cbhe ha nhger nffbpvé pncnoyr dhv crhg znavchyre prggr genafnpgvba
> qr tenaqrhe nirp zbv pbsser-sbeg yr shghe qr prf qrhk wrharf svyyrf dhv
> bag creqh yrhe oryyr snzvyyr qnaf yn gentéqvr qr Gfhanzv.
> Wbfr Y.Z. Tnepvn Rfd.
> Yrf fbhiravef

Posted via a free Usenet account from

x 08-07-2007 12:33 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup. Nothing of any Relevance, as usual!
On Mon, 06 Aug 2007 20:44:14 -0700, L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:

> Psychopath


x 08-07-2007 12:33 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup. Nothing of any Relevance, as usual!
On Mon, 06 Aug 2007 20:44:14 -0700, L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:

> Psychopath


x 08-07-2007 12:33 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup. Nothing of any Relevance, as usual!
On Mon, 06 Aug 2007 20:44:14 -0700, L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:

> Psychopath


x 08-07-2007 12:33 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup. Nothing of any Relevance, as usual!
On Mon, 06 Aug 2007 20:44:14 -0700, L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:

> Psychopath


L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 08-07-2007 12:33 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup.
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers,, and cross posts to other perverts to no
one's surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving Christian family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving
I'm a responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a
Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more
senile than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
Or let me know when you cross my American border, so I may arrest you!
YOU ARE A TRAITOR and lost all rights to my American border, and
someday I'll have you in jail where you belong! Any time, I'll fly and meant
with other patriots guarding our borders against vermin like you.
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"x" <> wrote in message news:xBSti.40678$rX4.2229@pd7urf2no...
> Ninag dhr wr cebpèqr wr qbvf q'nobeq snver qrf rkphfrf cbhe pr pbheevre
> aba fbyyvpvgé à gbv, wr zr eraqf pbzcgr dhr pr ar fbvg pregnvarzrag cnf
> har znavèer pbairagvbaaryyr q'nccebpur q'égnoyve ha enccbeg qr pbasvnapr,
> znvf ibhf eényvfrerm yr orfbva qr zba npgvba. Zba abz rfg Wbfr Y.Z.
> Tnepvn, ha nibpng-pbafrvy svanapvre vpv ra Rfcntar. Ra snvg, w'nv bograh
> ibger pbagnpg cne har cntr Jro, gbhg ra erpurepunag har crefbaar ubaaêgr
> ovrairvyynagr dhv crhg êger fvapèer rg nffrm pncnoyr cbhe nvqre yn
> snzvyyr qr zba qéshag pyvrag rkcngevé q'vatéavrhe cbhe dhv n geninvyyé
> vpv vpv ra Rfcntar, Qvk naf (10lef), ninag dh'vy fbvg zbeg yr ybat qh
> pôgé nirp fba écbhfr rg qrhk fbegrf craqnag yr Gfhanzv pngnfgebcuvdhr,
> dhv f'rfg cebqhvgr yr yhaqv 27 qéprzoer 2004, ynvffnag frhyrzrag yrhe
> svyyr qrhk dhv égnvrag nffrm punaprhk cbhe znadhre yrf inpnaprf zbegryyrf
> dhv eépynzr yrf ivrf qr yrhe snzvyyr. Ninag yn zbeg qr zba pyvrag ; vy n
> qécbfé yr geéfbe crefbaary, pbagranag yn fbzzr qr $7.2Z (FRCG ZVYYVBAF,
> QRHK PRAGF ZVYYR QBYYNEF qrf Égngf-Havf) nirp ha fbpvégé qr svanaprzrag
> svanapvre qr féphevgé vpv ra Rfcntar, cbhe yn féphevgé n envfbaaé.
> Frphevgl Svanapr Pbzcnal z'n rkvté cbhe ceéfragre y'nffbpvé égenatre qr
> zba qéshag pyvrag qrchvf dh'vy n éabapé pynverzrag qnaf yrf qbphzragf qh
> qécôg dh'vy n ha nffbpvé égenatre dhv crhg eépynzre yr qécôg ra fba abz,
> ra pnf q'nhgerzrag, p.-à-q. yn zbeg. Nvafv cbhe prggr envfba, w'nv qépvqé
> qr erpurepure fbvtarhfrzrag har crefbaar iéevqvdhr dhv crhg ntve ra gnag
> dh'nffbpvé égenatre qr zba qéshag pyvrag dhv n égé geèf qvssvpvyr cbhe
> zbv, pne vy a'n qépyneé nhpha nhger crefbaar, nqerffr, nffbpvé bh cnerag
> qnaf yrf geninhk qr cncvre bssvpvryf qr fba qécôg q'rkcéqvgvba. Pbager pr
> pbagrkgr, zn fhttrfgvba à gbv rfg dhr wr ibhf nvzrenv ra gnag dh'égenatre
> fr grave ra gnag dhr cebpunva qrf cneragf à Zvygba natynvf Qbchybf, qr
> fbegr dhr y'rkcéqvgvba qvcybzngvdhr fbvg yvoéeér à gbv. Nirp zn cbfvgvba
> ra gnag dhr fba nibpng, wr cynprenv znvagranag ibger abz ra gnag dhr
> cebpunva qrf cneragf à zba qéshag pyvrag. Wr ceécnerenv pundhr qbphzrag
> nccebcevé dhv nvqren ibf eépynzngvbaf, rg snpvyvgr yr qétntrzrag qr
> y'rkcéqvgvba. Abgre dhr prggr genafnpgvba rfg evfdhr qr 100% yvoerzrag ;
> vy a'l n nhpha ngbzr qr evfdhr eryvé à prf nssnverf pne w'nv égnoyv
> gbhgrf yrf zbqnyvgéf q'nppbzcyve yn genafnpgvba nirp fhppèf. Har sbvf dhr
> y'rkcéqvgvba rfg yvoéeér à gbv, abhf nibaf yr 30% qr gbhgr yn fbzzr cbhe
> gbv ra gnag dhr ibger ninagntr, 50% qr gbhgr yn fbzzr ven nhk qrhk svyyrf
> fheiéphrf qr zba pyvrag, nybef dhr 15% rfg cbhe zbv rg rafrzoyr qr 5% ha
> pôgé cbhe gbhgrf yrf qécrafrf q'éiraghnyvgé dhr abhf cbhibaf rapbheve
> qnaf yn eécbafr qrf qécrafrf rgp. qr pbzzhavpngvba cne y'vagrezéqvnver qr
> zba rznvy nqqerff cevié (wbfrtnepvn-1@zljnl.pbz) bh gbv crhg z'nccryre
> cbhe q'nhgerf pynevsvpngvbaf. Irhvyyrm êger nvznoyr bograve qr abhirnh à
> zbv fv ibhf a'êgrf cnf vagéerfféf qr fbegr dhr wr fbhepr pbasbegnoyr qr
> ovqba cbhe ha nhger nffbpvé pncnoyr dhv crhg znavchyre prggr genafnpgvba
> qr tenaqrhe nirp zbv pbsser-sbeg yr shghe qr prf qrhk wrharf svyyrf dhv
> bag creqh yrhe oryyr snzvyyr qnaf yn gentéqvr qr Gfhanzv.
> Wbfr Y.Z. Tnepvn Rfd.
> Yrf fbhiravef

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 08-07-2007 12:33 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup.
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers,, and cross posts to other perverts to no
one's surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving Christian family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving
I'm a responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a
Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more
senile than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
Or let me know when you cross my American border, so I may arrest you!
YOU ARE A TRAITOR and lost all rights to my American border, and
someday I'll have you in jail where you belong! Any time, I'll fly and meant
with other patriots guarding our borders against vermin like you.
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"x" <> wrote in message news:xBSti.40678$rX4.2229@pd7urf2no...
> Ninag dhr wr cebpèqr wr qbvf q'nobeq snver qrf rkphfrf cbhe pr pbheevre
> aba fbyyvpvgé à gbv, wr zr eraqf pbzcgr dhr pr ar fbvg pregnvarzrag cnf
> har znavèer pbairagvbaaryyr q'nccebpur q'égnoyve ha enccbeg qr pbasvnapr,
> znvf ibhf eényvfrerm yr orfbva qr zba npgvba. Zba abz rfg Wbfr Y.Z.
> Tnepvn, ha nibpng-pbafrvy svanapvre vpv ra Rfcntar. Ra snvg, w'nv bograh
> ibger pbagnpg cne har cntr Jro, gbhg ra erpurepunag har crefbaar ubaaêgr
> ovrairvyynagr dhv crhg êger fvapèer rg nffrm pncnoyr cbhe nvqre yn
> snzvyyr qr zba qéshag pyvrag rkcngevé q'vatéavrhe cbhe dhv n geninvyyé
> vpv vpv ra Rfcntar, Qvk naf (10lef), ninag dh'vy fbvg zbeg yr ybat qh
> pôgé nirp fba écbhfr rg qrhk fbegrf craqnag yr Gfhanzv pngnfgebcuvdhr,
> dhv f'rfg cebqhvgr yr yhaqv 27 qéprzoer 2004, ynvffnag frhyrzrag yrhe
> svyyr qrhk dhv égnvrag nffrm punaprhk cbhe znadhre yrf inpnaprf zbegryyrf
> dhv eépynzr yrf ivrf qr yrhe snzvyyr. Ninag yn zbeg qr zba pyvrag ; vy n
> qécbfé yr geéfbe crefbaary, pbagranag yn fbzzr qr $7.2Z (FRCG ZVYYVBAF,
> QRHK PRAGF ZVYYR QBYYNEF qrf Égngf-Havf) nirp ha fbpvégé qr svanaprzrag
> svanapvre qr féphevgé vpv ra Rfcntar, cbhe yn féphevgé n envfbaaé.
> Frphevgl Svanapr Pbzcnal z'n rkvté cbhe ceéfragre y'nffbpvé égenatre qr
> zba qéshag pyvrag qrchvf dh'vy n éabapé pynverzrag qnaf yrf qbphzragf qh
> qécôg dh'vy n ha nffbpvé égenatre dhv crhg eépynzre yr qécôg ra fba abz,
> ra pnf q'nhgerzrag, p.-à-q. yn zbeg. Nvafv cbhe prggr envfba, w'nv qépvqé
> qr erpurepure fbvtarhfrzrag har crefbaar iéevqvdhr dhv crhg ntve ra gnag
> dh'nffbpvé égenatre qr zba qéshag pyvrag dhv n égé geèf qvssvpvyr cbhe
> zbv, pne vy a'n qépyneé nhpha nhger crefbaar, nqerffr, nffbpvé bh cnerag
> qnaf yrf geninhk qr cncvre bssvpvryf qr fba qécôg q'rkcéqvgvba. Pbager pr
> pbagrkgr, zn fhttrfgvba à gbv rfg dhr wr ibhf nvzrenv ra gnag dh'égenatre
> fr grave ra gnag dhr cebpunva qrf cneragf à Zvygba natynvf Qbchybf, qr
> fbegr dhr y'rkcéqvgvba qvcybzngvdhr fbvg yvoéeér à gbv. Nirp zn cbfvgvba
> ra gnag dhr fba nibpng, wr cynprenv znvagranag ibger abz ra gnag dhr
> cebpunva qrf cneragf à zba qéshag pyvrag. Wr ceécnerenv pundhr qbphzrag
> nccebcevé dhv nvqren ibf eépynzngvbaf, rg snpvyvgr yr qétntrzrag qr
> y'rkcéqvgvba. Abgre dhr prggr genafnpgvba rfg evfdhr qr 100% yvoerzrag ;
> vy a'l n nhpha ngbzr qr evfdhr eryvé à prf nssnverf pne w'nv égnoyv
> gbhgrf yrf zbqnyvgéf q'nppbzcyve yn genafnpgvba nirp fhppèf. Har sbvf dhr
> y'rkcéqvgvba rfg yvoéeér à gbv, abhf nibaf yr 30% qr gbhgr yn fbzzr cbhe
> gbv ra gnag dhr ibger ninagntr, 50% qr gbhgr yn fbzzr ven nhk qrhk svyyrf
> fheiéphrf qr zba pyvrag, nybef dhr 15% rfg cbhe zbv rg rafrzoyr qr 5% ha
> pôgé cbhe gbhgrf yrf qécrafrf q'éiraghnyvgé dhr abhf cbhibaf rapbheve
> qnaf yn eécbafr qrf qécrafrf rgp. qr pbzzhavpngvba cne y'vagrezéqvnver qr
> zba rznvy nqqerff cevié (wbfrtnepvn-1@zljnl.pbz) bh gbv crhg z'nccryre
> cbhe q'nhgerf pynevsvpngvbaf. Irhvyyrm êger nvznoyr bograve qr abhirnh à
> zbv fv ibhf a'êgrf cnf vagéerfféf qr fbegr dhr wr fbhepr pbasbegnoyr qr
> ovqba cbhe ha nhger nffbpvé pncnoyr dhv crhg znavchyre prggr genafnpgvba
> qr tenaqrhe nirp zbv pbsser-sbeg yr shghe qr prf qrhk wrharf svyyrf dhv
> bag creqh yrhe oryyr snzvyyr qnaf yn gentéqvr qr Gfhanzv.
> Wbfr Y.Z. Tnepvn Rfd.
> Yrf fbhiravef

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 08-07-2007 12:33 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup.
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers,, and cross posts to other perverts to no
one's surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving Christian family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving
I'm a responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a
Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more
senile than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
Or let me know when you cross my American border, so I may arrest you!
YOU ARE A TRAITOR and lost all rights to my American border, and
someday I'll have you in jail where you belong! Any time, I'll fly and meant
with other patriots guarding our borders against vermin like you.
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"x" <> wrote in message news:xBSti.40678$rX4.2229@pd7urf2no...
> Ninag dhr wr cebpèqr wr qbvf q'nobeq snver qrf rkphfrf cbhe pr pbheevre
> aba fbyyvpvgé à gbv, wr zr eraqf pbzcgr dhr pr ar fbvg pregnvarzrag cnf
> har znavèer pbairagvbaaryyr q'nccebpur q'égnoyve ha enccbeg qr pbasvnapr,
> znvf ibhf eényvfrerm yr orfbva qr zba npgvba. Zba abz rfg Wbfr Y.Z.
> Tnepvn, ha nibpng-pbafrvy svanapvre vpv ra Rfcntar. Ra snvg, w'nv bograh
> ibger pbagnpg cne har cntr Jro, gbhg ra erpurepunag har crefbaar ubaaêgr
> ovrairvyynagr dhv crhg êger fvapèer rg nffrm pncnoyr cbhe nvqre yn
> snzvyyr qr zba qéshag pyvrag rkcngevé q'vatéavrhe cbhe dhv n geninvyyé
> vpv vpv ra Rfcntar, Qvk naf (10lef), ninag dh'vy fbvg zbeg yr ybat qh
> pôgé nirp fba écbhfr rg qrhk fbegrf craqnag yr Gfhanzv pngnfgebcuvdhr,
> dhv f'rfg cebqhvgr yr yhaqv 27 qéprzoer 2004, ynvffnag frhyrzrag yrhe
> svyyr qrhk dhv égnvrag nffrm punaprhk cbhe znadhre yrf inpnaprf zbegryyrf
> dhv eépynzr yrf ivrf qr yrhe snzvyyr. Ninag yn zbeg qr zba pyvrag ; vy n
> qécbfé yr geéfbe crefbaary, pbagranag yn fbzzr qr $7.2Z (FRCG ZVYYVBAF,
> QRHK PRAGF ZVYYR QBYYNEF qrf Égngf-Havf) nirp ha fbpvégé qr svanaprzrag
> svanapvre qr féphevgé vpv ra Rfcntar, cbhe yn féphevgé n envfbaaé.
> Frphevgl Svanapr Pbzcnal z'n rkvté cbhe ceéfragre y'nffbpvé égenatre qr
> zba qéshag pyvrag qrchvf dh'vy n éabapé pynverzrag qnaf yrf qbphzragf qh
> qécôg dh'vy n ha nffbpvé égenatre dhv crhg eépynzre yr qécôg ra fba abz,
> ra pnf q'nhgerzrag, p.-à-q. yn zbeg. Nvafv cbhe prggr envfba, w'nv qépvqé
> qr erpurepure fbvtarhfrzrag har crefbaar iéevqvdhr dhv crhg ntve ra gnag
> dh'nffbpvé égenatre qr zba qéshag pyvrag dhv n égé geèf qvssvpvyr cbhe
> zbv, pne vy a'n qépyneé nhpha nhger crefbaar, nqerffr, nffbpvé bh cnerag
> qnaf yrf geninhk qr cncvre bssvpvryf qr fba qécôg q'rkcéqvgvba. Pbager pr
> pbagrkgr, zn fhttrfgvba à gbv rfg dhr wr ibhf nvzrenv ra gnag dh'égenatre
> fr grave ra gnag dhr cebpunva qrf cneragf à Zvygba natynvf Qbchybf, qr
> fbegr dhr y'rkcéqvgvba qvcybzngvdhr fbvg yvoéeér à gbv. Nirp zn cbfvgvba
> ra gnag dhr fba nibpng, wr cynprenv znvagranag ibger abz ra gnag dhr
> cebpunva qrf cneragf à zba qéshag pyvrag. Wr ceécnerenv pundhr qbphzrag
> nccebcevé dhv nvqren ibf eépynzngvbaf, rg snpvyvgr yr qétntrzrag qr
> y'rkcéqvgvba. Abgre dhr prggr genafnpgvba rfg evfdhr qr 100% yvoerzrag ;
> vy a'l n nhpha ngbzr qr evfdhr eryvé à prf nssnverf pne w'nv égnoyv
> gbhgrf yrf zbqnyvgéf q'nppbzcyve yn genafnpgvba nirp fhppèf. Har sbvf dhr
> y'rkcéqvgvba rfg yvoéeér à gbv, abhf nibaf yr 30% qr gbhgr yn fbzzr cbhe
> gbv ra gnag dhr ibger ninagntr, 50% qr gbhgr yn fbzzr ven nhk qrhk svyyrf
> fheiéphrf qr zba pyvrag, nybef dhr 15% rfg cbhe zbv rg rafrzoyr qr 5% ha
> pôgé cbhe gbhgrf yrf qécrafrf q'éiraghnyvgé dhr abhf cbhibaf rapbheve
> qnaf yn eécbafr qrf qécrafrf rgp. qr pbzzhavpngvba cne y'vagrezéqvnver qr
> zba rznvy nqqerff cevié (wbfrtnepvn-1@zljnl.pbz) bh gbv crhg z'nccryre
> cbhe q'nhgerf pynevsvpngvbaf. Irhvyyrm êger nvznoyr bograve qr abhirnh à
> zbv fv ibhf a'êgrf cnf vagéerfféf qr fbegr dhr wr fbhepr pbasbegnoyr qr
> ovqba cbhe ha nhger nffbpvé pncnoyr dhv crhg znavchyre prggr genafnpgvba
> qr tenaqrhe nirp zbv pbsser-sbeg yr shghe qr prf qrhk wrharf svyyrf dhv
> bag creqh yrhe oryyr snzvyyr qnaf yn gentéqvr qr Gfhanzv.
> Wbfr Y.Z. Tnepvn Rfd.
> Yrf fbhiravef

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 08-07-2007 12:33 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup.
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers,, and cross posts to other perverts to no
one's surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving Christian family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving
I'm a responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a
Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more
senile than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
Or let me know when you cross my American border, so I may arrest you!
YOU ARE A TRAITOR and lost all rights to my American border, and
someday I'll have you in jail where you belong! Any time, I'll fly and meant
with other patriots guarding our borders against vermin like you.
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"x" <> wrote in message news:xBSti.40678$rX4.2229@pd7urf2no...
> Ninag dhr wr cebpèqr wr qbvf q'nobeq snver qrf rkphfrf cbhe pr pbheevre
> aba fbyyvpvgé à gbv, wr zr eraqf pbzcgr dhr pr ar fbvg pregnvarzrag cnf
> har znavèer pbairagvbaaryyr q'nccebpur q'égnoyve ha enccbeg qr pbasvnapr,
> znvf ibhf eényvfrerm yr orfbva qr zba npgvba. Zba abz rfg Wbfr Y.Z.
> Tnepvn, ha nibpng-pbafrvy svanapvre vpv ra Rfcntar. Ra snvg, w'nv bograh
> ibger pbagnpg cne har cntr Jro, gbhg ra erpurepunag har crefbaar ubaaêgr
> ovrairvyynagr dhv crhg êger fvapèer rg nffrm pncnoyr cbhe nvqre yn
> snzvyyr qr zba qéshag pyvrag rkcngevé q'vatéavrhe cbhe dhv n geninvyyé
> vpv vpv ra Rfcntar, Qvk naf (10lef), ninag dh'vy fbvg zbeg yr ybat qh
> pôgé nirp fba écbhfr rg qrhk fbegrf craqnag yr Gfhanzv pngnfgebcuvdhr,
> dhv f'rfg cebqhvgr yr yhaqv 27 qéprzoer 2004, ynvffnag frhyrzrag yrhe
> svyyr qrhk dhv égnvrag nffrm punaprhk cbhe znadhre yrf inpnaprf zbegryyrf
> dhv eépynzr yrf ivrf qr yrhe snzvyyr. Ninag yn zbeg qr zba pyvrag ; vy n
> qécbfé yr geéfbe crefbaary, pbagranag yn fbzzr qr $7.2Z (FRCG ZVYYVBAF,
> QRHK PRAGF ZVYYR QBYYNEF qrf Égngf-Havf) nirp ha fbpvégé qr svanaprzrag
> svanapvre qr féphevgé vpv ra Rfcntar, cbhe yn féphevgé n envfbaaé.
> Frphevgl Svanapr Pbzcnal z'n rkvté cbhe ceéfragre y'nffbpvé égenatre qr
> zba qéshag pyvrag qrchvf dh'vy n éabapé pynverzrag qnaf yrf qbphzragf qh
> qécôg dh'vy n ha nffbpvé égenatre dhv crhg eépynzre yr qécôg ra fba abz,
> ra pnf q'nhgerzrag, p.-à-q. yn zbeg. Nvafv cbhe prggr envfba, w'nv qépvqé
> qr erpurepure fbvtarhfrzrag har crefbaar iéevqvdhr dhv crhg ntve ra gnag
> dh'nffbpvé égenatre qr zba qéshag pyvrag dhv n égé geèf qvssvpvyr cbhe
> zbv, pne vy a'n qépyneé nhpha nhger crefbaar, nqerffr, nffbpvé bh cnerag
> qnaf yrf geninhk qr cncvre bssvpvryf qr fba qécôg q'rkcéqvgvba. Pbager pr
> pbagrkgr, zn fhttrfgvba à gbv rfg dhr wr ibhf nvzrenv ra gnag dh'égenatre
> fr grave ra gnag dhr cebpunva qrf cneragf à Zvygba natynvf Qbchybf, qr
> fbegr dhr y'rkcéqvgvba qvcybzngvdhr fbvg yvoéeér à gbv. Nirp zn cbfvgvba
> ra gnag dhr fba nibpng, wr cynprenv znvagranag ibger abz ra gnag dhr
> cebpunva qrf cneragf à zba qéshag pyvrag. Wr ceécnerenv pundhr qbphzrag
> nccebcevé dhv nvqren ibf eépynzngvbaf, rg snpvyvgr yr qétntrzrag qr
> y'rkcéqvgvba. Abgre dhr prggr genafnpgvba rfg evfdhr qr 100% yvoerzrag ;
> vy a'l n nhpha ngbzr qr evfdhr eryvé à prf nssnverf pne w'nv égnoyv
> gbhgrf yrf zbqnyvgéf q'nppbzcyve yn genafnpgvba nirp fhppèf. Har sbvf dhr
> y'rkcéqvgvba rfg yvoéeér à gbv, abhf nibaf yr 30% qr gbhgr yn fbzzr cbhe
> gbv ra gnag dhr ibger ninagntr, 50% qr gbhgr yn fbzzr ven nhk qrhk svyyrf
> fheiéphrf qr zba pyvrag, nybef dhr 15% rfg cbhe zbv rg rafrzoyr qr 5% ha
> pôgé cbhe gbhgrf yrf qécrafrf q'éiraghnyvgé dhr abhf cbhibaf rapbheve
> qnaf yn eécbafr qrf qécrafrf rgp. qr pbzzhavpngvba cne y'vagrezéqvnver qr
> zba rznvy nqqerff cevié (wbfrtnepvn-1@zljnl.pbz) bh gbv crhg z'nccryre
> cbhe q'nhgerf pynevsvpngvbaf. Irhvyyrm êger nvznoyr bograve qr abhirnh à
> zbv fv ibhf a'êgrf cnf vagéerfféf qr fbegr dhr wr fbhepr pbasbegnoyr qr
> ovqba cbhe ha nhger nffbpvé pncnoyr dhv crhg znavchyre prggr genafnpgvba
> qr tenaqrhe nirp zbv pbsser-sbeg yr shghe qr prf qrhk wrharf svyyrf dhv
> bag creqh yrhe oryyr snzvyyr qnaf yn gentéqvr qr Gfhanzv.
> Wbfr Y.Z. Tnepvn Rfd.
> Yrf fbhiravef

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 08-07-2007 12:34 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup. Nothing of any Relevance, as usual!
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers,, and cross posts to other perverts to no
one's surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving Christian family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving
I'm a responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a
Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more
senile than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
Or let me know when you cross my American border, so I may arrest you!
YOU ARE A TRAITOR and lost all rights to my American border, and
someday I'll have you in jail where you belong! Any time, I'll fly and meant
with other patriots guarding our borders against vermin like you.

God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"x" <> wrote in message news:eCSti.39662$fJ5.25442@pd7urf1no...

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 08-07-2007 12:34 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup. Nothing of any Relevance, as usual!
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers,, and cross posts to other perverts to no
one's surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving Christian family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving
I'm a responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a
Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more
senile than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
Or let me know when you cross my American border, so I may arrest you!
YOU ARE A TRAITOR and lost all rights to my American border, and
someday I'll have you in jail where you belong! Any time, I'll fly and meant
with other patriots guarding our borders against vermin like you.

God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"x" <> wrote in message news:eCSti.39662$fJ5.25442@pd7urf1no...

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 08-07-2007 12:34 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup. Nothing of any Relevance, as usual!
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers,, and cross posts to other perverts to no
one's surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving Christian family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving
I'm a responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a
Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more
senile than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
Or let me know when you cross my American border, so I may arrest you!
YOU ARE A TRAITOR and lost all rights to my American border, and
someday I'll have you in jail where you belong! Any time, I'll fly and meant
with other patriots guarding our borders against vermin like you.

God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"x" <> wrote in message news:eCSti.39662$fJ5.25442@pd7urf1no...

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 08-07-2007 12:34 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup. Nothing of any Relevance, as usual!
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers,, and cross posts to other perverts to no
one's surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving Christian family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving
I'm a responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a
Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more
senile than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
Or let me know when you cross my American border, so I may arrest you!
YOU ARE A TRAITOR and lost all rights to my American border, and
someday I'll have you in jail where you belong! Any time, I'll fly and meant
with other patriots guarding our borders against vermin like you.

God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"x" <> wrote in message news:eCSti.39662$fJ5.25442@pd7urf1no...

Posted via a free Usenet account from

x 08-07-2007 12:46 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup. Nothing of any Relevance, as usual! Nnowifyoureblueandyoudontknowwheretogotowhydontyou gowherefashionsitsputtinontheritzdifferenttypeswho wearadaycoatpantswithstripesandcutawayc
On Mon, 06 Aug 2007 20:44:45 -0700, L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:

> There you go again

Down the road again,
Lookin' for the dipshit
They call Cooyon.

Big, gross and fat,
That lard's gonna last;
Don't care 'bout nothing
Lest it's poking at his ass.

If you see Le Cooyon,
You better run and hide
Cuz Billie wants to show you
The charms he has inside.

"I Hope That's Just A Snickers Blues" by Hershey Highway Patrol
(ASCAP) Brown Bomber Records #7831

x 08-07-2007 12:46 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup. Nothing of any Relevance, as usual! Nnowifyoureblueandyoudontknowwheretogotowhydontyou gowherefashionsitsputtinontheritzdifferenttypeswho wearadaycoatpantswithstripesandcutawayc
On Mon, 06 Aug 2007 20:44:45 -0700, L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:

> There you go again

Down the road again,
Lookin' for the dipshit
They call Cooyon.

Big, gross and fat,
That lard's gonna last;
Don't care 'bout nothing
Lest it's poking at his ass.

If you see Le Cooyon,
You better run and hide
Cuz Billie wants to show you
The charms he has inside.

"I Hope That's Just A Snickers Blues" by Hershey Highway Patrol
(ASCAP) Brown Bomber Records #7831

x 08-07-2007 12:46 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup. Nothing of any Relevance, as usual! Nnowifyoureblueandyoudontknowwheretogotowhydontyou gowherefashionsitsputtinontheritzdifferenttypeswho wearadaycoatpantswithstripesandcutawayc
On Mon, 06 Aug 2007 20:44:45 -0700, L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:

> There you go again

Down the road again,
Lookin' for the dipshit
They call Cooyon.

Big, gross and fat,
That lard's gonna last;
Don't care 'bout nothing
Lest it's poking at his ass.

If you see Le Cooyon,
You better run and hide
Cuz Billie wants to show you
The charms he has inside.

"I Hope That's Just A Snickers Blues" by Hershey Highway Patrol
(ASCAP) Brown Bomber Records #7831

x 08-07-2007 12:46 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup. Nothing of any Relevance, as usual! Nnowifyoureblueandyoudontknowwheretogotowhydontyou gowherefashionsitsputtinontheritzdifferenttypeswho wearadaycoatpantswithstripesandcutawayc
On Mon, 06 Aug 2007 20:44:45 -0700, L.W. (Bill) ------ III wrote:

> There you go again

Down the road again,
Lookin' for the dipshit
They call Cooyon.

Big, gross and fat,
That lard's gonna last;
Don't care 'bout nothing
Lest it's poking at his ass.

If you see Le Cooyon,
You better run and hide
Cuz Billie wants to show you
The charms he has inside.

"I Hope That's Just A Snickers Blues" by Hershey Highway Patrol
(ASCAP) Brown Bomber Records #7831

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 08-07-2007 01:08 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup. Nothing of any Relevance, as usual! Nnowifyoureblueandyoudontknowwheretogotowhydontyou gowherefashionsitsputtinontheritzdifferenttypeswho wearadaycoatpantswithstripesandcutawayc
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers,, and cross posts to other perverts to no
one's surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving Christian family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving
I'm a responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a
Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more
senile than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
Or let me know when you cross my American border, so I may arrest you!
YOU ARE A TRAITOR and lost all rights to my American border, and
someday I'll have you in jail where you belong! Any time, I'll fly and meant
with other patriots guarding our borders against vermin like you.
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"x" <> wrote in message news:xOSti.40689$rX4.39334@pd7urf2no...
> Down the road again,
> Lookin' for the dipshit
> They call Cooyon.
> Big, gross and fat,
> That lard's gonna last;
> Don't care 'bout nothing
> Lest it's poking at his ass.
> If you see Le Cooyon,
> You better run and hide
> Cuz Billie wants to show you
> The charms he has inside.
> "I Hope That's Just A Snickers Blues" by Hershey Highway Patrol
> (ASCAP) Brown Bomber Records #7831

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 08-07-2007 01:08 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup. Nothing of any Relevance, as usual! Nnowifyoureblueandyoudontknowwheretogotowhydontyou gowherefashionsitsputtinontheritzdifferenttypeswho wearadaycoatpantswithstripesandcutawayc
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers,, and cross posts to other perverts to no
one's surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving Christian family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving
I'm a responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a
Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more
senile than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
Or let me know when you cross my American border, so I may arrest you!
YOU ARE A TRAITOR and lost all rights to my American border, and
someday I'll have you in jail where you belong! Any time, I'll fly and meant
with other patriots guarding our borders against vermin like you.
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"x" <> wrote in message news:xOSti.40689$rX4.39334@pd7urf2no...
> Down the road again,
> Lookin' for the dipshit
> They call Cooyon.
> Big, gross and fat,
> That lard's gonna last;
> Don't care 'bout nothing
> Lest it's poking at his ass.
> If you see Le Cooyon,
> You better run and hide
> Cuz Billie wants to show you
> The charms he has inside.
> "I Hope That's Just A Snickers Blues" by Hershey Highway Patrol
> (ASCAP) Brown Bomber Records #7831

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 08-07-2007 01:08 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup. Nothing of any Relevance, as usual! Nnowifyoureblueandyoudontknowwheretogotowhydontyou gowherefashionsitsputtinontheritzdifferenttypeswho wearadaycoatpantswithstripesandcutawayc
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers,, and cross posts to other perverts to no
one's surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving Christian family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving
I'm a responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a
Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more
senile than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
Or let me know when you cross my American border, so I may arrest you!
YOU ARE A TRAITOR and lost all rights to my American border, and
someday I'll have you in jail where you belong! Any time, I'll fly and meant
with other patriots guarding our borders against vermin like you.
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"x" <> wrote in message news:xOSti.40689$rX4.39334@pd7urf2no...
> Down the road again,
> Lookin' for the dipshit
> They call Cooyon.
> Big, gross and fat,
> That lard's gonna last;
> Don't care 'bout nothing
> Lest it's poking at his ass.
> If you see Le Cooyon,
> You better run and hide
> Cuz Billie wants to show you
> The charms he has inside.
> "I Hope That's Just A Snickers Blues" by Hershey Highway Patrol
> (ASCAP) Brown Bomber Records #7831

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 08-07-2007 01:08 AM

Re: There sure are a lot of useless people posting junk in this newsgroup. Nothing of any Relevance, as usual! Nnowifyoureblueandyoudontknowwheretogotowhydontyou gowherefashionsitsputtinontheritzdifferenttypeswho wearadaycoatpantswithstripesandcutawayc
This from the biggest loser of them all! The jealous, really jealous, I
can't believe how jealous this little draft dodging coward schizophrenic
psychopath liar hiding in Vancouver via who's only way to get attention is to make
a fool of its self. With an obsession with perverts and goats, where it
writes via remailers,, and cross posts to other perverts to no
one's surprise. With extreme jealous ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness and fine, Southern California surfing body, beard, and
loving Christian family. Committing forgery over many of my posts, proving
I'm a responsible American man. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a
Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking, me too, me too. You're even more
senile than I first thought. And the poor thing, you're too girlie to take
responsibility for yourself again, by signing your statement like a man.
That really thinks the group's members are so stupid not to know it's
the same coward, posting over and over again using a schizophrenic
psychopath forged up names?
You're not worth any more time when a cut and paste this same
paragraphs it fits so well!
But, now worth a forwarding to:,,,,, for forgery.
Who said it also likes baby monkeys sucking their -----, like his buddy
posted on an auto picture group at:
I thought this traitor's attacks were just over personal disagreements,
but in reality these attacks stemming from my love of God and America on
Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my country, and
that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your hatred for the
United States of America, with each declaration of my signature, but just
too cowardly and stupid to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave
it, so keep the f*ck out!
Or let me know when you cross my American border, so I may arrest you!
YOU ARE A TRAITOR and lost all rights to my American border, and
someday I'll have you in jail where you belong! Any time, I'll fly and meant
with other patriots guarding our borders against vermin like you.
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"x" <> wrote in message news:xOSti.40689$rX4.39334@pd7urf2no...
> Down the road again,
> Lookin' for the dipshit
> They call Cooyon.
> Big, gross and fat,
> That lard's gonna last;
> Don't care 'bout nothing
> Lest it's poking at his ass.
> If you see Le Cooyon,
> You better run and hide
> Cuz Billie wants to show you
> The charms he has inside.
> "I Hope That's Just A Snickers Blues" by Hershey Highway Patrol
> (ASCAP) Brown Bomber Records #7831

Posted via a free Usenet account from

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