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Seahag 08-28-2006 11:05 PM

Re: Spare Transponer Keys
Jeeze, sounds like you have a great dealership. Mine's like
a bunch of automatons...and they don't wash trucks, much
less smile. Maybe it's the town...

(Who actually _can_ be quite nice)

"Kate" <> wrote:
> Man...
> I just hate it when Billy Ray makes sense like that ...
> heh (he generally does)
> My personal approach to this, and I would really like to
> see you give it a try.
> Worst case scenario is they will say no.
> Go to the sales manager at your dealership. Sit down and
> look him in the eye, and tell him what's going on. Explain
> to him about your loyalty as a customer and that this is
> causing some pretty hard feelings and thatthough you have
> been a faithful customer to them, that this will likely
> cost them not only your business, but cause enough ill
> will that you will likely tell your friends, family and
> fellow Jeepers about how shabbily they have treated you
> over a KEY.
> Explain that you will provide both the key and a remote ,
> all you want them to do is program it for you and you want
> them to do it for free.
> See what he says. If he says No then ask to talk to the
> owner. Tell the owner how his sales manager seems to think
> that customers are disposable.
> If the owner is unavailable, get his name and write him a
> letter.
> In the last ten years I have had the good fortune to have
> dealerships that value my business. I don't buy a lot and
> sometimes I buy used. I'm a long damn ways from rich. W're
> just working middle class people living on a root beer
> budget. But, there have been times when I have had to look
> someone in the eye and call -------- on one of their
> policies over a $20 repair or a little part or something.
> Most recenty I went in to my dealership. As usual we
> laughed and talked and carried on with all the guys from
> the different departments.. Then I went and hugged the
> sales manager, asked how his new baby is and told him I
> was off to buy a spare tire cover.
> I went to the parts guy, who is a mouse. He has the
> personality of a dog that's been kicked once too many
> times. He would like to be friendly, but it seems that
> people here tend to be rough on parts guys and it's a damn
> shame. Parts guys are great!
> Well, I ordered my cover, WOW $68.00!!
> I went back to the sales maanger, he asked if I got it
> ordered and I told him "Yep! But WOW $68.00! - Oh well, I
> like it!"
> He jumped out of his chair and went to the parts
> department and asked the parts guy what the markup was on
> it, and the parts guy told him not much. He then told him
> to write it up on a new car sale. Then the sales manager
> decided to comp me the tire cover.. I was tickled as hell!
> Now, I know this is the long way to go to tell you that I
> have an amazing dealership, and I do. We have a deal. I
> don't beat them to death on a price, and they spoil me
> rotten when I go in.
> They have comped me things like new owner's manuals, a
> spare set of new floor mats (front and rear), an oil
> change with Mobile 1, car washes, programming a keys and
> remote, and doing everything they possibly can to make me
> alwas feel as if I were their most valued customer.
> You need to make YOUR dealership remember that YOU are
> their most valued customer. One of hundreds, but each
> customer they have makes a difference.
> Oh, one more thing. If you can't get them to do it for you
> ask the final person who says no, for the address of the
> Chrysler corporation's customer relations department.
> No one wants you to tell daddy on them.
> Stick up for yourself, and do it with a smile and a
> handshake.
> Kate
> Ohhhhh Six Rhoobie Kahn
> I'll just bet that he will be, or ACT surprised that you
> have had so much trouble over this.
> "D" <> wrote in message
> news:Hp0Ig.41639$
>> Billy Ray, you are absolutely right. This is the best way
>> around it that
>> I've found, and you helped lead me to it.
>> Damned if I give the dealer, who I purchased a lot of
>> parts from for my old
>> 93 GC from, over $90 for a key. Plain ridiculous imho.
>> Thank you all for your input.
>> And to Stupendous Man; your way is not too bad to think
>> about. If I was
>> truly independent, it would be a option.
>> Thanks again.
>> D
>> "billy ray" <> wrote in message
>> news:77f33$44f0816c$48311eaf$21751@FUSE.NET...
>>> I'm going to take a moment here to get preachy..
>>> The hassle and expense to get a replacement Transponder
>>> key consistes of a
>>> day at the dealership and $100 (They charge $50 for the
>>> key blank and $50
>>> for the programming.)
>>> If you lost your only key add a weekend after 6 pm tow
>>> charge (this is

>> when
>>> it is most likely to happen)
>>> Your option:
>>> Buy a key on eBay and get it cut at your corner
>>> locksmith. You can

>> program
>>> it yourself in less than 30 seconds
>>> My experience:
>>> I bought my '02 second hand and only recieved 1 key. I
>>> bought 2 on eBay

>> for
>>> $11.99 each (free shipping) and had them both cut by my
>>> local

>> (professional)
>>> locksmith and one of the keys programmed for $24.95. I
>>> programmed the
>>> second key.
>>> You can program your own replacements (up to 8 keys) at
>>> home as long as

>> you
>>> have 2 working keys in this case the cost is just for
>>> that of the key

>> blank
>>> and the charge for a locksmith to do the cutting.
>>> Think of it as a type on insurance you only pay for one
>>> time. You hope

>> you
>>> never need it but.........



Seahag 08-28-2006 11:05 PM

Re: Spare Transponer Keys
Jeeze, sounds like you have a great dealership. Mine's like
a bunch of automatons...and they don't wash trucks, much
less smile. Maybe it's the town...

(Who actually _can_ be quite nice)

"Kate" <> wrote:
> Man...
> I just hate it when Billy Ray makes sense like that ...
> heh (he generally does)
> My personal approach to this, and I would really like to
> see you give it a try.
> Worst case scenario is they will say no.
> Go to the sales manager at your dealership. Sit down and
> look him in the eye, and tell him what's going on. Explain
> to him about your loyalty as a customer and that this is
> causing some pretty hard feelings and thatthough you have
> been a faithful customer to them, that this will likely
> cost them not only your business, but cause enough ill
> will that you will likely tell your friends, family and
> fellow Jeepers about how shabbily they have treated you
> over a KEY.
> Explain that you will provide both the key and a remote ,
> all you want them to do is program it for you and you want
> them to do it for free.
> See what he says. If he says No then ask to talk to the
> owner. Tell the owner how his sales manager seems to think
> that customers are disposable.
> If the owner is unavailable, get his name and write him a
> letter.
> In the last ten years I have had the good fortune to have
> dealerships that value my business. I don't buy a lot and
> sometimes I buy used. I'm a long damn ways from rich. W're
> just working middle class people living on a root beer
> budget. But, there have been times when I have had to look
> someone in the eye and call -------- on one of their
> policies over a $20 repair or a little part or something.
> Most recenty I went in to my dealership. As usual we
> laughed and talked and carried on with all the guys from
> the different departments.. Then I went and hugged the
> sales manager, asked how his new baby is and told him I
> was off to buy a spare tire cover.
> I went to the parts guy, who is a mouse. He has the
> personality of a dog that's been kicked once too many
> times. He would like to be friendly, but it seems that
> people here tend to be rough on parts guys and it's a damn
> shame. Parts guys are great!
> Well, I ordered my cover, WOW $68.00!!
> I went back to the sales maanger, he asked if I got it
> ordered and I told him "Yep! But WOW $68.00! - Oh well, I
> like it!"
> He jumped out of his chair and went to the parts
> department and asked the parts guy what the markup was on
> it, and the parts guy told him not much. He then told him
> to write it up on a new car sale. Then the sales manager
> decided to comp me the tire cover.. I was tickled as hell!
> Now, I know this is the long way to go to tell you that I
> have an amazing dealership, and I do. We have a deal. I
> don't beat them to death on a price, and they spoil me
> rotten when I go in.
> They have comped me things like new owner's manuals, a
> spare set of new floor mats (front and rear), an oil
> change with Mobile 1, car washes, programming a keys and
> remote, and doing everything they possibly can to make me
> alwas feel as if I were their most valued customer.
> You need to make YOUR dealership remember that YOU are
> their most valued customer. One of hundreds, but each
> customer they have makes a difference.
> Oh, one more thing. If you can't get them to do it for you
> ask the final person who says no, for the address of the
> Chrysler corporation's customer relations department.
> No one wants you to tell daddy on them.
> Stick up for yourself, and do it with a smile and a
> handshake.
> Kate
> Ohhhhh Six Rhoobie Kahn
> I'll just bet that he will be, or ACT surprised that you
> have had so much trouble over this.
> "D" <> wrote in message
> news:Hp0Ig.41639$
>> Billy Ray, you are absolutely right. This is the best way
>> around it that
>> I've found, and you helped lead me to it.
>> Damned if I give the dealer, who I purchased a lot of
>> parts from for my old
>> 93 GC from, over $90 for a key. Plain ridiculous imho.
>> Thank you all for your input.
>> And to Stupendous Man; your way is not too bad to think
>> about. If I was
>> truly independent, it would be a option.
>> Thanks again.
>> D
>> "billy ray" <> wrote in message
>> news:77f33$44f0816c$48311eaf$21751@FUSE.NET...
>>> I'm going to take a moment here to get preachy..
>>> The hassle and expense to get a replacement Transponder
>>> key consistes of a
>>> day at the dealership and $100 (They charge $50 for the
>>> key blank and $50
>>> for the programming.)
>>> If you lost your only key add a weekend after 6 pm tow
>>> charge (this is

>> when
>>> it is most likely to happen)
>>> Your option:
>>> Buy a key on eBay and get it cut at your corner
>>> locksmith. You can

>> program
>>> it yourself in less than 30 seconds
>>> My experience:
>>> I bought my '02 second hand and only recieved 1 key. I
>>> bought 2 on eBay

>> for
>>> $11.99 each (free shipping) and had them both cut by my
>>> local

>> (professional)
>>> locksmith and one of the keys programmed for $24.95. I
>>> programmed the
>>> second key.
>>> You can program your own replacements (up to 8 keys) at
>>> home as long as

>> you
>>> have 2 working keys in this case the cost is just for
>>> that of the key

>> blank
>>> and the charge for a locksmith to do the cutting.
>>> Think of it as a type on insurance you only pay for one
>>> time. You hope

>> you
>>> never need it but.........



Seahag 08-28-2006 11:05 PM

Re: Spare Transponer Keys
Jeeze, sounds like you have a great dealership. Mine's like
a bunch of automatons...and they don't wash trucks, much
less smile. Maybe it's the town...

(Who actually _can_ be quite nice)

"Kate" <> wrote:
> Man...
> I just hate it when Billy Ray makes sense like that ...
> heh (he generally does)
> My personal approach to this, and I would really like to
> see you give it a try.
> Worst case scenario is they will say no.
> Go to the sales manager at your dealership. Sit down and
> look him in the eye, and tell him what's going on. Explain
> to him about your loyalty as a customer and that this is
> causing some pretty hard feelings and thatthough you have
> been a faithful customer to them, that this will likely
> cost them not only your business, but cause enough ill
> will that you will likely tell your friends, family and
> fellow Jeepers about how shabbily they have treated you
> over a KEY.
> Explain that you will provide both the key and a remote ,
> all you want them to do is program it for you and you want
> them to do it for free.
> See what he says. If he says No then ask to talk to the
> owner. Tell the owner how his sales manager seems to think
> that customers are disposable.
> If the owner is unavailable, get his name and write him a
> letter.
> In the last ten years I have had the good fortune to have
> dealerships that value my business. I don't buy a lot and
> sometimes I buy used. I'm a long damn ways from rich. W're
> just working middle class people living on a root beer
> budget. But, there have been times when I have had to look
> someone in the eye and call -------- on one of their
> policies over a $20 repair or a little part or something.
> Most recenty I went in to my dealership. As usual we
> laughed and talked and carried on with all the guys from
> the different departments.. Then I went and hugged the
> sales manager, asked how his new baby is and told him I
> was off to buy a spare tire cover.
> I went to the parts guy, who is a mouse. He has the
> personality of a dog that's been kicked once too many
> times. He would like to be friendly, but it seems that
> people here tend to be rough on parts guys and it's a damn
> shame. Parts guys are great!
> Well, I ordered my cover, WOW $68.00!!
> I went back to the sales maanger, he asked if I got it
> ordered and I told him "Yep! But WOW $68.00! - Oh well, I
> like it!"
> He jumped out of his chair and went to the parts
> department and asked the parts guy what the markup was on
> it, and the parts guy told him not much. He then told him
> to write it up on a new car sale. Then the sales manager
> decided to comp me the tire cover.. I was tickled as hell!
> Now, I know this is the long way to go to tell you that I
> have an amazing dealership, and I do. We have a deal. I
> don't beat them to death on a price, and they spoil me
> rotten when I go in.
> They have comped me things like new owner's manuals, a
> spare set of new floor mats (front and rear), an oil
> change with Mobile 1, car washes, programming a keys and
> remote, and doing everything they possibly can to make me
> alwas feel as if I were their most valued customer.
> You need to make YOUR dealership remember that YOU are
> their most valued customer. One of hundreds, but each
> customer they have makes a difference.
> Oh, one more thing. If you can't get them to do it for you
> ask the final person who says no, for the address of the
> Chrysler corporation's customer relations department.
> No one wants you to tell daddy on them.
> Stick up for yourself, and do it with a smile and a
> handshake.
> Kate
> Ohhhhh Six Rhoobie Kahn
> I'll just bet that he will be, or ACT surprised that you
> have had so much trouble over this.
> "D" <> wrote in message
> news:Hp0Ig.41639$
>> Billy Ray, you are absolutely right. This is the best way
>> around it that
>> I've found, and you helped lead me to it.
>> Damned if I give the dealer, who I purchased a lot of
>> parts from for my old
>> 93 GC from, over $90 for a key. Plain ridiculous imho.
>> Thank you all for your input.
>> And to Stupendous Man; your way is not too bad to think
>> about. If I was
>> truly independent, it would be a option.
>> Thanks again.
>> D
>> "billy ray" <> wrote in message
>> news:77f33$44f0816c$48311eaf$21751@FUSE.NET...
>>> I'm going to take a moment here to get preachy..
>>> The hassle and expense to get a replacement Transponder
>>> key consistes of a
>>> day at the dealership and $100 (They charge $50 for the
>>> key blank and $50
>>> for the programming.)
>>> If you lost your only key add a weekend after 6 pm tow
>>> charge (this is

>> when
>>> it is most likely to happen)
>>> Your option:
>>> Buy a key on eBay and get it cut at your corner
>>> locksmith. You can

>> program
>>> it yourself in less than 30 seconds
>>> My experience:
>>> I bought my '02 second hand and only recieved 1 key. I
>>> bought 2 on eBay

>> for
>>> $11.99 each (free shipping) and had them both cut by my
>>> local

>> (professional)
>>> locksmith and one of the keys programmed for $24.95. I
>>> programmed the
>>> second key.
>>> You can program your own replacements (up to 8 keys) at
>>> home as long as

>> you
>>> have 2 working keys in this case the cost is just for
>>> that of the key

>> blank
>>> and the charge for a locksmith to do the cutting.
>>> Think of it as a type on insurance you only pay for one
>>> time. You hope

>> you
>>> never need it but.........



Stupendous Man 08-29-2006 12:04 AM

Re: Spare Key Awakening

"Kate" <> wrote in message
> Over a KEY!?!
> "Stupendous Man" <> wrote in message
>> In some states you have 30 days or so to change your mind and take back
>> the vehicle.
>> I would.
>> --

Yeah, I figure if you sell someone a car for over 5G and you won't throw in
a second key, you are a punk

Stupendous Man,
Defender of Freedom, Advocate of Liberty

Stupendous Man 08-29-2006 12:04 AM

Re: Spare Key Awakening

"Kate" <> wrote in message
> Over a KEY!?!
> "Stupendous Man" <> wrote in message
>> In some states you have 30 days or so to change your mind and take back
>> the vehicle.
>> I would.
>> --

Yeah, I figure if you sell someone a car for over 5G and you won't throw in
a second key, you are a punk

Stupendous Man,
Defender of Freedom, Advocate of Liberty

Stupendous Man 08-29-2006 12:04 AM

Re: Spare Key Awakening

"Kate" <> wrote in message
> Over a KEY!?!
> "Stupendous Man" <> wrote in message
>> In some states you have 30 days or so to change your mind and take back
>> the vehicle.
>> I would.
>> --

Yeah, I figure if you sell someone a car for over 5G and you won't throw in
a second key, you are a punk

Stupendous Man,
Defender of Freedom, Advocate of Liberty

Stupendous Man 08-29-2006 12:04 AM

Re: Spare Key Awakening

"Kate" <> wrote in message
> Over a KEY!?!
> "Stupendous Man" <> wrote in message
>> In some states you have 30 days or so to change your mind and take back
>> the vehicle.
>> I would.
>> --

Yeah, I figure if you sell someone a car for over 5G and you won't throw in
a second key, you are a punk

Stupendous Man,
Defender of Freedom, Advocate of Liberty

Kate 08-29-2006 07:51 AM

Re: Spare Transponer Keys

"Seahag" <> wrote in message
> Jeeze, sounds like you have a great dealership. Mine's like a bunch of
> automatons...and they don't wash trucks, much less smile. Maybe it's the
> town...
> Seahag
> (Who actually _can_ be quite nice)

I really do.
Surprisingly too!
When we went there to buy the Liberty, the sales manager jokingly called me
a Yankee.
Mind you, I wasn't raised in the south, but my folks come from the south and
I looked him in the eye and explained to him that it wasn't funny. For just
a moment there we were nose to mose (ok, me on my tippys, it had to be a
riot!) and then we all laughed and we have gotten alont famusly ever since.

It's too bad that your group is such a bunch of sticks in the mud... c'mon
over! I'll share!


Kate 08-29-2006 07:51 AM

Re: Spare Transponer Keys

"Seahag" <> wrote in message
> Jeeze, sounds like you have a great dealership. Mine's like a bunch of
> automatons...and they don't wash trucks, much less smile. Maybe it's the
> town...
> Seahag
> (Who actually _can_ be quite nice)

I really do.
Surprisingly too!
When we went there to buy the Liberty, the sales manager jokingly called me
a Yankee.
Mind you, I wasn't raised in the south, but my folks come from the south and
I looked him in the eye and explained to him that it wasn't funny. For just
a moment there we were nose to mose (ok, me on my tippys, it had to be a
riot!) and then we all laughed and we have gotten alont famusly ever since.

It's too bad that your group is such a bunch of sticks in the mud... c'mon
over! I'll share!


Kate 08-29-2006 07:51 AM

Re: Spare Transponer Keys

"Seahag" <> wrote in message
> Jeeze, sounds like you have a great dealership. Mine's like a bunch of
> automatons...and they don't wash trucks, much less smile. Maybe it's the
> town...
> Seahag
> (Who actually _can_ be quite nice)

I really do.
Surprisingly too!
When we went there to buy the Liberty, the sales manager jokingly called me
a Yankee.
Mind you, I wasn't raised in the south, but my folks come from the south and
I looked him in the eye and explained to him that it wasn't funny. For just
a moment there we were nose to mose (ok, me on my tippys, it had to be a
riot!) and then we all laughed and we have gotten alont famusly ever since.

It's too bad that your group is such a bunch of sticks in the mud... c'mon
over! I'll share!


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