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Paul Calman 07-20-2004 04:30 AM

Re: Source for cargo netting?
Motorcycle shops sell small bungee nets. They are quite useful in my
Jeepster too.

> > So, what's the worst thing you have run over or nearly run over?

I jumped a dead deer one night, that will wake you up. A guy in front of me
lost a kitchen stove but I was far enough back to avoid it, and i was almost
hit by a 4x8 sheet of plywood on a city freeway. I am always noticing small
stuff on the road, since my life depends on it. Shoes, tools, nails,
firewood, clothing, auto parts, porcupines, produce. A lot of produce is
hauled in open tubs in the Valley, garlic, oranges, lemons all smell great,
but tomatoes and pomegranates are messy. A few weeks ago on 5 from Hanford
into LA I saw busted watermelon about every 2 miles. I'd hate to follow that
truck on a bike!
Paul Calman, Hathaway Pines, California

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