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-   -   Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead. (

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 06:20 PM

Re: NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
You're like the other irresponsible people, too afraid of their own
shadow to use their name and address. And we're supposed to take the opinion
of a an anonymous coward? Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool
of it's self, using foul language, like it did back in elementary school
yard, switch I bet you still don't know what they mean! Crawl back in your
hole, like the rest of you low life, losers!
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"The One True Roger" <> wrote in message
> Goat----er has balls?
> --

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 06:20 PM

Re: NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
You're like the other irresponsible people, too afraid of their own
shadow to use their name and address. And we're supposed to take the opinion
of a an anonymous coward? Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool
of it's self, using foul language, like it did back in elementary school
yard, switch I bet you still don't know what they mean! Crawl back in your
hole, like the rest of you low life, losers!
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"The One True Roger" <> wrote in message
> Goat----er has balls?
> --

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 06:23 PM

Re: NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella and COX.
What are you babbling about?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Cujo DeSockpuppet" <> wrote in message
> Leave his chin out of it.
> --

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 06:23 PM

Re: NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella and COX.
What are you babbling about?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Cujo DeSockpuppet" <> wrote in message
> Leave his chin out of it.
> --

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 06:23 PM

Re: NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella and COX.
What are you babbling about?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Cujo DeSockpuppet" <> wrote in message
> Leave his chin out of it.
> --

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 06:30 PM

Re: "Archie Leach" NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
soon the world of servers.
What are you babbling about?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> Thanks alot Archie Leach, you and your boys blow in after 7 months of
> this -------- and think you can handle the Psychopath, he just doesn't
> give a ----, so I continue on with the "repetitive crap".
> My crap proves without a doubt, he is a Psychopath, with Narcissistic
> Personality Disorder, you have proved nothing, so back off hero, if
> you don't mind.
> I'm not quitting so maybe you and your boys and girls should use your
> kill file.
> 24BitŪ

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 06:30 PM

Re: "Archie Leach" NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
soon the world of servers.
What are you babbling about?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> Thanks alot Archie Leach, you and your boys blow in after 7 months of
> this -------- and think you can handle the Psychopath, he just doesn't
> give a ----, so I continue on with the "repetitive crap".
> My crap proves without a doubt, he is a Psychopath, with Narcissistic
> Personality Disorder, you have proved nothing, so back off hero, if
> you don't mind.
> I'm not quitting so maybe you and your boys and girls should use your
> kill file.
> 24BitŪ

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 06:30 PM

Re: "Archie Leach" NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
soon the world of servers.
What are you babbling about?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> Thanks alot Archie Leach, you and your boys blow in after 7 months of
> this -------- and think you can handle the Psychopath, he just doesn't
> give a ----, so I continue on with the "repetitive crap".
> My crap proves without a doubt, he is a Psychopath, with Narcissistic
> Personality Disorder, you have proved nothing, so back off hero, if
> you don't mind.
> I'm not quitting so maybe you and your boys and girls should use your
> kill file.
> 24BitŪ

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 06:31 PM

Re: NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
soon the world of servers.
What are you babbling about?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> Well you just keep sucking his ----, and you'll get along just fine.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 06:31 PM

Re: NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
soon the world of servers.
What are you babbling about?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> Well you just keep sucking his ----, and you'll get along just fine.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 06:31 PM

Re: NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
soon the world of servers.
What are you babbling about?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24BitŪ" <> wrote in message
> Well you just keep sucking his ----, and you'll get along just fine.

Archie Leach 10-18-2007 07:42 PM

Re: "Archie Leach" NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
24BitŪ<> wrote:

>On Thu, 18 Oct 2007 14:42:06 -0500, Archie Leach <archie@antispam.ham>
>>"Jeff Strickland" <> wrote:
>>>The sad thing is, you guys are bigger dumb ----s than Bill ever was.

>>Well, thanks for that insight, Jeff.
>>I mean, except for the repetitive crap of 24BitŪ, you're totally
>>_wrong_, but thanks anyway.

>Thanks alot Archie Leach, you and your boys blow in after 7 months of
>this -------- and think you can handle the Psychopath, he just doesn't
>give a ----, so I continue on with the "repetitive crap".
>My crap proves without a doubt, he is a Psychopath, with Narcissistic
>Personality Disorder, you have proved nothing, so back off hero, if
>you don't mind.
>I'm not quitting so maybe you and your boys and girls should use your
>kill file.

And if you're taking the supposed battle against He Who Maltreats
Goats that seriously, then you're about as lame as L-Duhhhhb himself.

Archie Leach 10-18-2007 07:42 PM

Re: "Archie Leach" NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
24BitŪ<> wrote:

>On Thu, 18 Oct 2007 14:42:06 -0500, Archie Leach <archie@antispam.ham>
>>"Jeff Strickland" <> wrote:
>>>The sad thing is, you guys are bigger dumb ----s than Bill ever was.

>>Well, thanks for that insight, Jeff.
>>I mean, except for the repetitive crap of 24BitŪ, you're totally
>>_wrong_, but thanks anyway.

>Thanks alot Archie Leach, you and your boys blow in after 7 months of
>this -------- and think you can handle the Psychopath, he just doesn't
>give a ----, so I continue on with the "repetitive crap".
>My crap proves without a doubt, he is a Psychopath, with Narcissistic
>Personality Disorder, you have proved nothing, so back off hero, if
>you don't mind.
>I'm not quitting so maybe you and your boys and girls should use your
>kill file.

And if you're taking the supposed battle against He Who Maltreats
Goats that seriously, then you're about as lame as L-Duhhhhb himself.

Archie Leach 10-18-2007 07:42 PM

Re: "Archie Leach" NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
24BitŪ<> wrote:

>On Thu, 18 Oct 2007 14:42:06 -0500, Archie Leach <archie@antispam.ham>
>>"Jeff Strickland" <> wrote:
>>>The sad thing is, you guys are bigger dumb ----s than Bill ever was.

>>Well, thanks for that insight, Jeff.
>>I mean, except for the repetitive crap of 24BitŪ, you're totally
>>_wrong_, but thanks anyway.

>Thanks alot Archie Leach, you and your boys blow in after 7 months of
>this -------- and think you can handle the Psychopath, he just doesn't
>give a ----, so I continue on with the "repetitive crap".
>My crap proves without a doubt, he is a Psychopath, with Narcissistic
>Personality Disorder, you have proved nothing, so back off hero, if
>you don't mind.
>I'm not quitting so maybe you and your boys and girls should use your
>kill file.

And if you're taking the supposed battle against He Who Maltreats
Goats that seriously, then you're about as lame as L-Duhhhhb himself.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 08:21 PM

Re: "Archie Leach" NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.

How old are you? You write like a child who's only way to get attention
is to make a fool of its self using foul language, like it did back in
elementary school yard. But, too afraid to use it's name and address, and
take on responsibility like a grown up. With an obsession with perverts and
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Archie Leach" <archie@antispam.ham> wrote in message
> And if you're taking the supposed battle against He Who Maltreats
> Goats that seriously, then you're about as lame as L-Duhhhhb himself.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 08:21 PM

Re: "Archie Leach" NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.

How old are you? You write like a child who's only way to get attention
is to make a fool of its self using foul language, like it did back in
elementary school yard. But, too afraid to use it's name and address, and
take on responsibility like a grown up. With an obsession with perverts and
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Archie Leach" <archie@antispam.ham> wrote in message
> And if you're taking the supposed battle against He Who Maltreats
> Goats that seriously, then you're about as lame as L-Duhhhhb himself.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 08:21 PM

Re: "Archie Leach" NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.

How old are you? You write like a child who's only way to get attention
is to make a fool of its self using foul language, like it did back in
elementary school yard. But, too afraid to use it's name and address, and
take on responsibility like a grown up. With an obsession with perverts and
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Archie Leach" <archie@antispam.ham> wrote in message
> And if you're taking the supposed battle against He Who Maltreats
> Goats that seriously, then you're about as lame as L-Duhhhhb himself.

Cujo DeSockpuppet 10-18-2007 08:33 PM

Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
"L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III" <> wrote in

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY
> over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my
> documents, possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern
> California surfer body, Christian family, and name. What a jealous
> little draft dodging senile coward from AT&T WorldNet
> Services ATT, Mediacom Communications Corp
> MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of course, doesn't
> have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that. Who's only
> way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
> obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise.
> Like when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language
> in elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile
> to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind
> me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless
> barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use
> your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would,
> totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
> As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
> passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
> stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been
> doing all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of
> America, with each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly
> to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck
> out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these
> plus your
> other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become
> a
> man??????????
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are
> a
> hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
> Forwarded to:,
> groups so they may to see what an
> a**hole you really are!!!!! Is this what your Psychologist wrote about
> you? They don't fit any Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as
> you
> suggest!!!!!
> If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San
> Diego
> Sheriffs Department.
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over
> any
> man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every
> place I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you
> have said contradicts it's self.
> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------
> coward. I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from
> these groups I
> participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote
> my life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square
> Wheel:
> and 24bit:
> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp.
> I will keep your name in confidence, kindly email --------------------
> or
> Sincerely,
> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the
> hospital
> before you hurt yourself or someone else.
> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you
> at
> the top of your groups! :-)
> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and
> my
> Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for
> that, coward.
> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be
> jealous of.
> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
> straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that
> only
> faggots like would think of.
> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a
> schizophrenic
> ------.
> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX,
> and
> soon the world of servers.
> What are you babbling about?????

How do you reply to me then, dumb----?

> "Cujo DeSockpuppet" <> wrote in message
> news:ff75ju$jmd$
>> I'm not sure what award Goat----er has earned for this sad act since
>> I

> have
>> no idea what this freak hasn't won.
>> FNVW? Help!
>> --


Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls
in dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
COOSN-266-06-01895 - Supreme Holy Overlord of alt.----nozzles
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award & July 2005 Hammer of Thor.
Winning Trainer - Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle - Dec. 2005
"You're not that stupid. I'm a Savant's idiot kook, to get down to
your level of kook adoration......" - Twonky, adding to his legend.

Cujo DeSockpuppet 10-18-2007 08:33 PM

Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
"L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III" <> wrote in

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY
> over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my
> documents, possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern
> California surfer body, Christian family, and name. What a jealous
> little draft dodging senile coward from AT&T WorldNet
> Services ATT, Mediacom Communications Corp
> MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of course, doesn't
> have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that. Who's only
> way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
> obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise.
> Like when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language
> in elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile
> to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind
> me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless
> barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use
> your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would,
> totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
> As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
> passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
> stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been
> doing all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of
> America, with each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly
> to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck
> out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these
> plus your
> other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become
> a
> man??????????
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are
> a
> hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
> Forwarded to:,
> groups so they may to see what an
> a**hole you really are!!!!! Is this what your Psychologist wrote about
> you? They don't fit any Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as
> you
> suggest!!!!!
> If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San
> Diego
> Sheriffs Department.
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over
> any
> man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every
> place I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you
> have said contradicts it's self.
> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------
> coward. I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from
> these groups I
> participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote
> my life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square
> Wheel:
> and 24bit:
> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp.
> I will keep your name in confidence, kindly email --------------------
> or
> Sincerely,
> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the
> hospital
> before you hurt yourself or someone else.
> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you
> at
> the top of your groups! :-)
> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and
> my
> Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for
> that, coward.
> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be
> jealous of.
> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
> straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that
> only
> faggots like would think of.
> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a
> schizophrenic
> ------.
> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX,
> and
> soon the world of servers.
> What are you babbling about?????

How do you reply to me then, dumb----?

> "Cujo DeSockpuppet" <> wrote in message
> news:ff75ju$jmd$
>> I'm not sure what award Goat----er has earned for this sad act since
>> I

> have
>> no idea what this freak hasn't won.
>> FNVW? Help!
>> --


Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls
in dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
COOSN-266-06-01895 - Supreme Holy Overlord of alt.----nozzles
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award & July 2005 Hammer of Thor.
Winning Trainer - Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle - Dec. 2005
"You're not that stupid. I'm a Savant's idiot kook, to get down to
your level of kook adoration......" - Twonky, adding to his legend.

Cujo DeSockpuppet 10-18-2007 08:33 PM

Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
"L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III" <> wrote in

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY
> over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my
> documents, possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern
> California surfer body, Christian family, and name. What a jealous
> little draft dodging senile coward from AT&T WorldNet
> Services ATT, Mediacom Communications Corp
> MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of course, doesn't
> have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that. Who's only
> way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
> obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise.
> Like when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language
> in elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile
> to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind
> me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless
> barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use
> your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would,
> totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
> As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
> passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
> stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been
> doing all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of
> America, with each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly
> to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck
> out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these
> plus your
> other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become
> a
> man??????????
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are
> a
> hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
> Forwarded to:,
> groups so they may to see what an
> a**hole you really are!!!!! Is this what your Psychologist wrote about
> you? They don't fit any Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as
> you
> suggest!!!!!
> If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San
> Diego
> Sheriffs Department.
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over
> any
> man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every
> place I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you
> have said contradicts it's self.
> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------
> coward. I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from
> these groups I
> participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote
> my life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square
> Wheel:
> and 24bit:
> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp.
> I will keep your name in confidence, kindly email --------------------
> or
> Sincerely,
> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the
> hospital
> before you hurt yourself or someone else.
> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you
> at
> the top of your groups! :-)
> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and
> my
> Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for
> that, coward.
> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be
> jealous of.
> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
> straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that
> only
> faggots like would think of.
> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a
> schizophrenic
> ------.
> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX,
> and
> soon the world of servers.
> What are you babbling about?????

How do you reply to me then, dumb----?

> "Cujo DeSockpuppet" <> wrote in message
> news:ff75ju$jmd$
>> I'm not sure what award Goat----er has earned for this sad act since
>> I

> have
>> no idea what this freak hasn't won.
>> FNVW? Help!
>> --


Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls
in dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
COOSN-266-06-01895 - Supreme Holy Overlord of alt.----nozzles
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award & July 2005 Hammer of Thor.
Winning Trainer - Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle - Dec. 2005
"You're not that stupid. I'm a Savant's idiot kook, to get down to
your level of kook adoration......" - Twonky, adding to his legend.

Cujo DeSockpuppet 10-18-2007 08:36 PM

Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
"L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III" <> wrote in

> Forwarded to:,,
> And CC: to your a**holes at: and
> via: with a switch
> from the return address line, just make sure any sane people there may
> see you for what you are, loser.

Poor goat----er.

> Path:
> .net!!not-for-mail
> From: Gary L. Burnore <>
> Newsgroups:
> .kook s
> Subject: Re: L.W.\(Bill\) ------ III is a spamming ----KKhead.
> Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 19:50:49 -0400
> Organization: DataBasix - Continuing to kick USENet ass.
> Lines: 18
> Message-ID: <ff8rgp$j58$>
> References: <ff6eo0$18m$>
> <ff6h9g$60n$>
> <ff6hkt$6p5$>
> <ff6j0g$48v$>
> <>
> <ff6mpu$fc3$>
> <>
> <ff8pbn$gk2$>
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> X-Trace: 1192751449 19624
> (18 Oct 2007 23:50:49 GMT)
> X-Complaints-To:
> NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 23:50:49 +0000 (UTC)
> Keywords: Eat ---- Die
> X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 4.2/32.1117
> X-No-Archive: Yes
> X-No: Yes
> X-Yes: No
> Xref:
> alt.usenet.kooks:1785996

Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls
in dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
COOSN-266-06-01895 - Supreme Holy Overlord of alt.----nozzles
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award & July 2005 Hammer of Thor.
Winning Trainer - Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle - Dec. 2005
"Right and wrong are subjective value judgments. Remove them from your
thinking." -Ed Wollmann, using the ethics of convenience.

Cujo DeSockpuppet 10-18-2007 08:36 PM

Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
"L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III" <> wrote in

> Forwarded to:,,
> And CC: to your a**holes at: and
> via: with a switch
> from the return address line, just make sure any sane people there may
> see you for what you are, loser.

Poor goat----er.

> Path:
> .net!!not-for-mail
> From: Gary L. Burnore <>
> Newsgroups:
> .kook s
> Subject: Re: L.W.\(Bill\) ------ III is a spamming ----KKhead.
> Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 19:50:49 -0400
> Organization: DataBasix - Continuing to kick USENet ass.
> Lines: 18
> Message-ID: <ff8rgp$j58$>
> References: <ff6eo0$18m$>
> <ff6h9g$60n$>
> <ff6hkt$6p5$>
> <ff6j0g$48v$>
> <>
> <ff6mpu$fc3$>
> <>
> <ff8pbn$gk2$>
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> X-Trace: 1192751449 19624
> (18 Oct 2007 23:50:49 GMT)
> X-Complaints-To:
> NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 23:50:49 +0000 (UTC)
> Keywords: Eat ---- Die
> X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 4.2/32.1117
> X-No-Archive: Yes
> X-No: Yes
> X-Yes: No
> Xref:
> alt.usenet.kooks:1785996

Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls
in dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
COOSN-266-06-01895 - Supreme Holy Overlord of alt.----nozzles
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award & July 2005 Hammer of Thor.
Winning Trainer - Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle - Dec. 2005
"Right and wrong are subjective value judgments. Remove them from your
thinking." -Ed Wollmann, using the ethics of convenience.

Cujo DeSockpuppet 10-18-2007 08:36 PM

Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
"L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III" <> wrote in

> Forwarded to:,,
> And CC: to your a**holes at: and
> via: with a switch
> from the return address line, just make sure any sane people there may
> see you for what you are, loser.

Poor goat----er.

> Path:
> .net!!not-for-mail
> From: Gary L. Burnore <>
> Newsgroups:
> .kook s
> Subject: Re: L.W.\(Bill\) ------ III is a spamming ----KKhead.
> Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 19:50:49 -0400
> Organization: DataBasix - Continuing to kick USENet ass.
> Lines: 18
> Message-ID: <ff8rgp$j58$>
> References: <ff6eo0$18m$>
> <ff6h9g$60n$>
> <ff6hkt$6p5$>
> <ff6j0g$48v$>
> <>
> <ff6mpu$fc3$>
> <>
> <ff8pbn$gk2$>
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> X-Trace: 1192751449 19624
> (18 Oct 2007 23:50:49 GMT)
> X-Complaints-To:
> NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 23:50:49 +0000 (UTC)
> Keywords: Eat ---- Die
> X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 4.2/32.1117
> X-No-Archive: Yes
> X-No: Yes
> X-Yes: No
> Xref:
> alt.usenet.kooks:1785996

Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls
in dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
COOSN-266-06-01895 - Supreme Holy Overlord of alt.----nozzles
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award & July 2005 Hammer of Thor.
Winning Trainer - Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle - Dec. 2005
"Right and wrong are subjective value judgments. Remove them from your
thinking." -Ed Wollmann, using the ethics of convenience.

Gary L. Burnore 10-18-2007 08:38 PM

Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
On Fri, 19 Oct 2007 00:33:39 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
<> wrote:

>"L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III" <> wrote in
>> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY
>> over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my
>> documents, possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern
>> California surfer body, Christian family, and name. What a jealous
>> little draft dodging senile coward from AT&T WorldNet
>> Services ATT, Mediacom Communications Corp
>> MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of course, doesn't
>> have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that. Who's only
>> way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
>> obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise.
>> Like when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language
>> in elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile
>> to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind
>> me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless
>> barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use
>> your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would,
>> totally worthless!
>> Posted pornography at:
>> As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
>> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:
>>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
>> for forgery.
>> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
>> passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
>> stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been
>> doing all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of
>> America, with each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly
>> to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck
>> out!
>> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these
>> plus your
>> other accusations would be thrown out of court.
>> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become
>> a
>> man??????????
>> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are
>> a
>> hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
>> Forwarded to:,
>> groups so they may to see what an
>> a**hole you really are!!!!! Is this what your Psychologist wrote about
>> you? They don't fit any Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
>> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as
>> you
>> suggest!!!!!
>> If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San
>> Diego
>> Sheriffs Department.
>> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over
>> any
>> man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every
>> place I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you
>> have said contradicts it's self.
>> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------
>> coward. I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from
>> these groups I
>> participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote
>> my life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
>> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square
>> Wheel:
>> and 24bit:
>> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp.
>> I will keep your name in confidence, kindly email --------------------
>> or
>> Sincerely,
>> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
>> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the
>> hospital
>> before you hurt yourself or someone else.
>> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you
>> at
>> the top of your groups! :-)
>> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and
>> my
>> Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for
>> that, coward.
>> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be
>> jealous of.
>> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
>> straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
>> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
>> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that
>> only
>> faggots like would think of.
>> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a
>> schizophrenic
>> ------.
>> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX,
>> and
>> soon the world of servers.
>> What are you babbling about?????

>How do you reply to me then, dumb----?

He forgets. He claims cox has DataBasix blocked too.
gburnore at DataBasix dot Com
How you look depends on where you go.
Gary L. Burnore | ÝÛģšÝģÞģšÝģģÝÛšÝģÞģšÝģÝģÞģšÝģÝÝÛģ
| ÝÛģšÝģÞģšÝģģÝÛšÝģÞģšÝģÝģÞģšÝģÝÝÛģ
Official .sig, Accept no substitutes. | ÝÛģšÝģÞģšÝģģÝÛšÝģÞģšÝģÝģÞģšÝģÝÝÛģ
| ÝÛ 0 1 7 2 3 / ÝģÞ 3 7 4 9 3 0 Ûģ
Black Helicopter Repair Services, Ltd.| Official Proof of Purchase
================================================== =========================

Gary L. Burnore 10-18-2007 08:38 PM

Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
On Fri, 19 Oct 2007 00:33:39 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
<> wrote:

>"L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III" <> wrote in
>> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY
>> over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my
>> documents, possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern
>> California surfer body, Christian family, and name. What a jealous
>> little draft dodging senile coward from AT&T WorldNet
>> Services ATT, Mediacom Communications Corp
>> MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of course, doesn't
>> have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that. Who's only
>> way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
>> obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise.
>> Like when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language
>> in elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile
>> to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind
>> me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless
>> barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use
>> your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would,
>> totally worthless!
>> Posted pornography at:
>> As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
>> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:
>>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
>> for forgery.
>> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
>> passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
>> stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been
>> doing all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of
>> America, with each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly
>> to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck
>> out!
>> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these
>> plus your
>> other accusations would be thrown out of court.
>> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become
>> a
>> man??????????
>> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are
>> a
>> hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
>> Forwarded to:,
>> groups so they may to see what an
>> a**hole you really are!!!!! Is this what your Psychologist wrote about
>> you? They don't fit any Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
>> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as
>> you
>> suggest!!!!!
>> If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San
>> Diego
>> Sheriffs Department.
>> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over
>> any
>> man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every
>> place I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you
>> have said contradicts it's self.
>> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------
>> coward. I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from
>> these groups I
>> participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote
>> my life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
>> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square
>> Wheel:
>> and 24bit:
>> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp.
>> I will keep your name in confidence, kindly email --------------------
>> or
>> Sincerely,
>> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
>> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the
>> hospital
>> before you hurt yourself or someone else.
>> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you
>> at
>> the top of your groups! :-)
>> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and
>> my
>> Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for
>> that, coward.
>> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be
>> jealous of.
>> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
>> straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
>> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
>> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that
>> only
>> faggots like would think of.
>> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a
>> schizophrenic
>> ------.
>> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX,
>> and
>> soon the world of servers.
>> What are you babbling about?????

>How do you reply to me then, dumb----?

He forgets. He claims cox has DataBasix blocked too.
gburnore at DataBasix dot Com
How you look depends on where you go.
Gary L. Burnore | ÝÛģšÝģÞģšÝģģÝÛšÝģÞģšÝģÝģÞģšÝģÝÝÛģ
| ÝÛģšÝģÞģšÝģģÝÛšÝģÞģšÝģÝģÞģšÝģÝÝÛģ
Official .sig, Accept no substitutes. | ÝÛģšÝģÞģšÝģģÝÛšÝģÞģšÝģÝģÞģšÝģÝÝÛģ
| ÝÛ 0 1 7 2 3 / ÝģÞ 3 7 4 9 3 0 Ûģ
Black Helicopter Repair Services, Ltd.| Official Proof of Purchase
================================================== =========================

Gary L. Burnore 10-18-2007 08:38 PM

Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
On Fri, 19 Oct 2007 00:33:39 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
<> wrote:

>"L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III" <> wrote in
>> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY
>> over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my
>> documents, possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern
>> California surfer body, Christian family, and name. What a jealous
>> little draft dodging senile coward from AT&T WorldNet
>> Services ATT, Mediacom Communications Corp
>> MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of course, doesn't
>> have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that. Who's only
>> way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
>> obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise.
>> Like when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language
>> in elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile
>> to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind
>> me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless
>> barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use
>> your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would,
>> totally worthless!
>> Posted pornography at:
>> As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
>> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:
>>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
>> for forgery.
>> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
>> passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
>> stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been
>> doing all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of
>> America, with each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly
>> to be a ---------. It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck
>> out!
>> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these
>> plus your
>> other accusations would be thrown out of court.
>> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become
>> a
>> man??????????
>> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are
>> a
>> hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
>> Forwarded to:,
>> groups so they may to see what an
>> a**hole you really are!!!!! Is this what your Psychologist wrote about
>> you? They don't fit any Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
>> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as
>> you
>> suggest!!!!!
>> If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San
>> Diego
>> Sheriffs Department.
>> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over
>> any
>> man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every
>> place I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you
>> have said contradicts it's self.
>> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------
>> coward. I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from
>> these groups I
>> participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote
>> my life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
>> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square
>> Wheel:
>> and 24bit:
>> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp.
>> I will keep your name in confidence, kindly email --------------------
>> or
>> Sincerely,
>> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
>> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the
>> hospital
>> before you hurt yourself or someone else.
>> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you
>> at
>> the top of your groups! :-)
>> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and
>> my
>> Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for
>> that, coward.
>> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be
>> jealous of.
>> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
>> straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
>> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
>> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that
>> only
>> faggots like would think of.
>> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a
>> schizophrenic
>> ------.
>> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX,
>> and
>> soon the world of servers.
>> What are you babbling about?????

>How do you reply to me then, dumb----?

He forgets. He claims cox has DataBasix blocked too.
gburnore at DataBasix dot Com
How you look depends on where you go.
Gary L. Burnore | ÝÛģšÝģÞģšÝģģÝÛšÝģÞģšÝģÝģÞģšÝģÝÝÛģ
| ÝÛģšÝģÞģšÝģģÝÛšÝģÞģšÝģÝģÞģšÝģÝÝÛģ
Official .sig, Accept no substitutes. | ÝÛģšÝģÞģšÝģģÝÛšÝģÞģšÝģÝģÞģšÝģÝÝÛģ
| ÝÛ 0 1 7 2 3 / ÝģÞ 3 7 4 9 3 0 Ûģ
Black Helicopter Repair Services, Ltd.| Official Proof of Purchase
================================================== =========================

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 08:55 PM

Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
soon the world of servers.
What are you babbling about?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Cujo DeSockpuppet" <> wrote in message
> How do you reply to me then, dumb----?.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 08:55 PM

Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
soon the world of servers.
What are you babbling about?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Cujo DeSockpuppet" <> wrote in message
> How do you reply to me then, dumb----?.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 08:55 PM

Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that.
Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat
obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like
when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in
elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to
remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a
little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking it's rabid
head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name, address, or
even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
other accusations would be thrown out of court.
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
Forwarded to:,
groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
If you think I'm a Psycho, then report me to my friends at the San Diego
Sheriffs Department.
I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
contradicts it's self.
You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel: and
24bit: AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
the top of your groups! :-)
The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
faggots like would think of.
That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
soon the world of servers.
What are you babbling about?????
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Cujo DeSockpuppet" <> wrote in message
> How do you reply to me then, dumb----?.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 08:59 PM

Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
Yup, sure have, just like reminding them of you perverts, though.
Oh, and thanks little jealous pervert, for the ammunition to send
abuse at COX, Motzarella, and Teranews block you and other low lifes that
use databasix. :-) You've given me reason to devote my energies to
persuading Real News Servers to block everyone from databasix, I know I've
cost them millions in commercial revenues. :-)
Forwarded to:,,
And CC: to your a**holes at: and
via: with a switch from the return address line,
just make sure any sane people there may see you for what you are, loser.
From: Gary L. Burnore <>
Newsgroups:, .autos,alt.binaries.automo,alt.usenet.kooks,alt.----nozzles
Subject: Re: L.W.\(Bill\) ------ III is a spamming ----KKhead.
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 20:38:56 -0400
Organization: DataBasix - Continuing to kick USENet ass.
Lines: 118
Message-ID: <ff8ub0$ov2$>
References: <ff6eo0$18m$>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Trace: 1192754336 25570 (19 Oct 2007 00:38:56 GMT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 00:38:56 +0000 (UTC)
Keywords: Eat ---- Die
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 4.2/32.1117
X-No-Archive: Yes
X-No: Yes
X-Yes: No
alt.usenet.kooks:331898 alt.----nozzles:40604

God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Gary L. Burnore" <> wrote in message
> He forgets. He claims cox has DataBasix blocked too.
> --
> gburnore at DataBasix dot Com

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 08:59 PM

Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
Yup, sure have, just like reminding them of you perverts, though.
Oh, and thanks little jealous pervert, for the ammunition to send
abuse at COX, Motzarella, and Teranews block you and other low lifes that
use databasix. :-) You've given me reason to devote my energies to
persuading Real News Servers to block everyone from databasix, I know I've
cost them millions in commercial revenues. :-)
Forwarded to:,,
And CC: to your a**holes at: and
via: with a switch from the return address line,
just make sure any sane people there may see you for what you are, loser.
From: Gary L. Burnore <>
Newsgroups:, .autos,alt.binaries.automo,alt.usenet.kooks,alt.----nozzles
Subject: Re: L.W.\(Bill\) ------ III is a spamming ----KKhead.
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 20:38:56 -0400
Organization: DataBasix - Continuing to kick USENet ass.
Lines: 118
Message-ID: <ff8ub0$ov2$>
References: <ff6eo0$18m$>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Trace: 1192754336 25570 (19 Oct 2007 00:38:56 GMT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 00:38:56 +0000 (UTC)
Keywords: Eat ---- Die
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 4.2/32.1117
X-No-Archive: Yes
X-No: Yes
X-Yes: No
alt.usenet.kooks:331898 alt.----nozzles:40604

God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Gary L. Burnore" <> wrote in message
> He forgets. He claims cox has DataBasix blocked too.
> --
> gburnore at DataBasix dot Com

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 08:59 PM

Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
Yup, sure have, just like reminding them of you perverts, though.
Oh, and thanks little jealous pervert, for the ammunition to send
abuse at COX, Motzarella, and Teranews block you and other low lifes that
use databasix. :-) You've given me reason to devote my energies to
persuading Real News Servers to block everyone from databasix, I know I've
cost them millions in commercial revenues. :-)
Forwarded to:,,
And CC: to your a**holes at: and
via: with a switch from the return address line,
just make sure any sane people there may see you for what you are, loser.
From: Gary L. Burnore <>
Newsgroups:, .autos,alt.binaries.automo,alt.usenet.kooks,alt.----nozzles
Subject: Re: L.W.\(Bill\) ------ III is a spamming ----KKhead.
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 20:38:56 -0400
Organization: DataBasix - Continuing to kick USENet ass.
Lines: 118
Message-ID: <ff8ub0$ov2$>
References: <ff6eo0$18m$>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Trace: 1192754336 25570 (19 Oct 2007 00:38:56 GMT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 00:38:56 +0000 (UTC)
Keywords: Eat ---- Die
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 4.2/32.1117
X-No-Archive: Yes
X-No: Yes
X-Yes: No
alt.usenet.kooks:331898 alt.----nozzles:40604

God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Gary L. Burnore" <> wrote in message
> He forgets. He claims cox has DataBasix blocked too.
> --
> gburnore at DataBasix dot Com

Archie Leach 10-18-2007 09:01 PM

Re: "Archie Leach" NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
"L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III" <> wrote:

>take on responsibility like a grown up, with an obsession with perverts and

Well, you're right. Considering that you're a grown up with a huge
obsession with perverts and goats, I don't want to have anything to do
with what you call "responsibility", Billy.

Archie Leach 10-18-2007 09:01 PM

Re: "Archie Leach" NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
"L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III" <> wrote:

>take on responsibility like a grown up, with an obsession with perverts and

Well, you're right. Considering that you're a grown up with a huge
obsession with perverts and goats, I don't want to have anything to do
with what you call "responsibility", Billy.

Archie Leach 10-18-2007 09:01 PM

Re: "Archie Leach" NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
"L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III" <> wrote:

>take on responsibility like a grown up, with an obsession with perverts and

Well, you're right. Considering that you're a grown up with a huge
obsession with perverts and goats, I don't want to have anything to do
with what you call "responsibility", Billy.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 09:06 PM

Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
Oh, and thanks little jealous pervert, for the ammunition to send
abuse at COX, Motzarella, and Teranews block you and other low lifes that
use databasix. :-) You've given me reason to devote my energies to
persuading Real News Servers to block everyone from databasix, I know I've
cost them millions in commercial revenues. :-)
Forwarded to:,,
And CC: to your a**holes at: and
via: with a switch from the return address line,
just make sure any sane people there may see you for what you are, loser.
From: Cujo DeSockpuppet <>
Newsgroups:, .autos,alt.binaries.automo,alt.usenet.kooks,alt.----nozzles
Subject: Re: L.W.\(Bill\) ------ III is a spamming ----KKhead.
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 00:36:35 +0000 (UTC)
Organization: DataBasix - Give us a chance to ridicule you and your stupid
Lines: 61
Message-ID: <ff8u6j$o6q$>
References: <ff6eo0$18m$>
X-Trace: 1192754195 24794 (19 Oct 2007 00:36:35 GMT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 00:36:35 +0000 (UTC)
User-Agent: Xnews/2006.03.14
&Hx[=t9@wzIA0_L>X**AFq.,!3=wfJM7oR'u?w"n!sunvyq@CO\x8D Wd0w5!&#
X-Owner-Of-Herc: Cujo
X-----head-01: Russell B. Waters, AKA Rusty Khunt
alt.usenet.kooks:331896 alt.----nozzles:40603

Yes, but you queers just can't help, but reply to every one of my posts
in jealousy, starting a tit for tat which I will inevitably win, as God is
on my side!!!!!!!!!! As in: "The never ending battle for truth, justice, and
the American way." ...
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Cujo DeSockpuppet" <> wrote in message
> Poor goat----er.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 09:06 PM

Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
Oh, and thanks little jealous pervert, for the ammunition to send
abuse at COX, Motzarella, and Teranews block you and other low lifes that
use databasix. :-) You've given me reason to devote my energies to
persuading Real News Servers to block everyone from databasix, I know I've
cost them millions in commercial revenues. :-)
Forwarded to:,,
And CC: to your a**holes at: and
via: with a switch from the return address line,
just make sure any sane people there may see you for what you are, loser.
From: Cujo DeSockpuppet <>
Newsgroups:, .autos,alt.binaries.automo,alt.usenet.kooks,alt.----nozzles
Subject: Re: L.W.\(Bill\) ------ III is a spamming ----KKhead.
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 00:36:35 +0000 (UTC)
Organization: DataBasix - Give us a chance to ridicule you and your stupid
Lines: 61
Message-ID: <ff8u6j$o6q$>
References: <ff6eo0$18m$>
X-Trace: 1192754195 24794 (19 Oct 2007 00:36:35 GMT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 00:36:35 +0000 (UTC)
User-Agent: Xnews/2006.03.14
&Hx[=t9@wzIA0_L>X**AFq.,!3=wfJM7oR'u?w"n!sunvyq@CO\x8D Wd0w5!&#
X-Owner-Of-Herc: Cujo
X-----head-01: Russell B. Waters, AKA Rusty Khunt
alt.usenet.kooks:331896 alt.----nozzles:40603

Yes, but you queers just can't help, but reply to every one of my posts
in jealousy, starting a tit for tat which I will inevitably win, as God is
on my side!!!!!!!!!! As in: "The never ending battle for truth, justice, and
the American way." ...
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Cujo DeSockpuppet" <> wrote in message
> Poor goat----er.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 09:06 PM

Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
Oh, and thanks little jealous pervert, for the ammunition to send
abuse at COX, Motzarella, and Teranews block you and other low lifes that
use databasix. :-) You've given me reason to devote my energies to
persuading Real News Servers to block everyone from databasix, I know I've
cost them millions in commercial revenues. :-)
Forwarded to:,,
And CC: to your a**holes at: and
via: with a switch from the return address line,
just make sure any sane people there may see you for what you are, loser.
From: Cujo DeSockpuppet <>
Newsgroups:, .autos,alt.binaries.automo,alt.usenet.kooks,alt.----nozzles
Subject: Re: L.W.\(Bill\) ------ III is a spamming ----KKhead.
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 00:36:35 +0000 (UTC)
Organization: DataBasix - Give us a chance to ridicule you and your stupid
Lines: 61
Message-ID: <ff8u6j$o6q$>
References: <ff6eo0$18m$>
X-Trace: 1192754195 24794 (19 Oct 2007 00:36:35 GMT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 00:36:35 +0000 (UTC)
User-Agent: Xnews/2006.03.14
&Hx[=t9@wzIA0_L>X**AFq.,!3=wfJM7oR'u?w"n!sunvyq@CO\x8D Wd0w5!&#
X-Owner-Of-Herc: Cujo
X-----head-01: Russell B. Waters, AKA Rusty Khunt
alt.usenet.kooks:331896 alt.----nozzles:40603

Yes, but you queers just can't help, but reply to every one of my posts
in jealousy, starting a tit for tat which I will inevitably win, as God is
on my side!!!!!!!!!! As in: "The never ending battle for truth, justice, and
the American way." ...
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Cujo DeSockpuppet" <> wrote in message
> Poor goat----er.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 09:14 PM

Re: "Archie Leach" NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
I will not tire, I will not falter, and I will NOT FAIL!
Oh, and thanks little jealous pervert, for the ammunition to send
abuse at COX, Motzarella, and Teranews block you and other low lifes. :-)
You've given me reason to devote my energies to persuading Real News Servers
to block you and other perverts.
Forwarded to:,,
From: Archie Leach <archie@antispam.ham>
Subject: Re: "Archie Leach" NOMINATION: Bill ------ for the Pickett and
Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) ------ III is a spamming
Message-ID: <>
References: <ff6eo0$18m$>
<> <jQNRi.8264$et1.3761@trnddc02>
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 2.0/32.652
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 12
X-Trace: 1192755703 ST000 (Thu, 18
Oct 2007 21:01:43 EDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 21:01:43 EDT
Organization: SBC
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 01:01:43 GMT

God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Archie Leach" <archie@antispam.ham> wrote in message
> Well, you're right. Considering that you're a grown up with a huge
> obsession with perverts and goats, I don't want to have anything to do
> with what you call "responsibility", Billy.

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 10-18-2007 09:14 PM

Re: "Archie Leach" NOMINATION: Bill Hughes for the Pickett and Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III is a spamming fucKKKhead.
I will not tire, I will not falter, and I will NOT FAIL!
Oh, and thanks little jealous pervert, for the ammunition to send
abuse at COX, Motzarella, and Teranews block you and other low lifes. :-)
You've given me reason to devote my energies to persuading Real News Servers
to block you and other perverts.
Forwarded to:,,
From: Archie Leach <archie@antispam.ham>
Subject: Re: "Archie Leach" NOMINATION: Bill ------ for the Pickett and
Special Ops Cody awards (was Re: L.W.\(Bill\) ------ III is a spamming
Message-ID: <>
References: <ff6eo0$18m$>
<> <jQNRi.8264$et1.3761@trnddc02>
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Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 01:01:43 GMT

God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Archie Leach" <archie@antispam.ham> wrote in message
> Well, you're right. Considering that you're a grown up with a huge
> obsession with perverts and goats, I don't want to have anything to do
> with what you call "responsibility", Billy.

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