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Earle Horton 04-21-2006 12:11 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
Are you sure these were wolves? From what I have read, and had
confirmed by forest rangers and wildlife biologists, eating the guts first
is what dogs do. Domestic dogs, and wolves, though they are closely related
and can even breed together, have distinctively different behavior patterns,
which identifies which species you are dealing with. That is, if you are
not so overcome by rage at the federal government and bleeding heart liberal
wackos, that you can't think straight any more.

I am a little surprised that you don't attack Nate for being a "criminal"
now. As you know, the democratic form of government is indeed a "popularity
contest", not about "doing what you know is right". Anyone who strikes out
on his own, defying laws written by our process, which is essentially one of
consensus, is a criminal by your definition.

It doesn't matter how "bad" wolves are, just as it doesn't matter how
"unfair" our immigration laws are. You don't break the laws, eh? And if
you do find it necessary to break the law, because your conscience cannot
stand the alternative, then you stand up like a man and take your


"L.W.(Bill) ------ III" <> wrote in message
> Hi Sandman,
> The Wolf is a pack animal, and just like our family dog, if it's
> allow to run free will find a pack and kill for fun, My parents lost ten
> sheep in one night, none were dead, yet just walking around without
> their guts.
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> "Nathan W. Collier" wrote:
> >
> > government is not about a popularity contest. government is doing what

> > know is right. "most voters" see the pretty pictures of wolves and

> > theyre cute and want to protect them. "most voters" have never see an
> > entire herd of elk slaughtered with only 1 or 2 eaten with the rest left

> > rot. if you want to see it, go to
> > pan down a

> > more than half way and youll see some of the pictures i put up of what
> > wolves bring.
> >
> > --
> > Nathan W. Collier
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Earle Horton 04-21-2006 12:11 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
Are you sure these were wolves? From what I have read, and had
confirmed by forest rangers and wildlife biologists, eating the guts first
is what dogs do. Domestic dogs, and wolves, though they are closely related
and can even breed together, have distinctively different behavior patterns,
which identifies which species you are dealing with. That is, if you are
not so overcome by rage at the federal government and bleeding heart liberal
wackos, that you can't think straight any more.

I am a little surprised that you don't attack Nate for being a "criminal"
now. As you know, the democratic form of government is indeed a "popularity
contest", not about "doing what you know is right". Anyone who strikes out
on his own, defying laws written by our process, which is essentially one of
consensus, is a criminal by your definition.

It doesn't matter how "bad" wolves are, just as it doesn't matter how
"unfair" our immigration laws are. You don't break the laws, eh? And if
you do find it necessary to break the law, because your conscience cannot
stand the alternative, then you stand up like a man and take your


"L.W.(Bill) ------ III" <> wrote in message
> Hi Sandman,
> The Wolf is a pack animal, and just like our family dog, if it's
> allow to run free will find a pack and kill for fun, My parents lost ten
> sheep in one night, none were dead, yet just walking around without
> their guts.
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> "Nathan W. Collier" wrote:
> >
> > government is not about a popularity contest. government is doing what

> > know is right. "most voters" see the pretty pictures of wolves and

> > theyre cute and want to protect them. "most voters" have never see an
> > entire herd of elk slaughtered with only 1 or 2 eaten with the rest left

> > rot. if you want to see it, go to
> > pan down a

> > more than half way and youll see some of the pictures i put up of what
> > wolves bring.
> >
> > --
> > Nathan W. Collier
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Earle Horton 04-21-2006 12:11 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
Are you sure these were wolves? From what I have read, and had
confirmed by forest rangers and wildlife biologists, eating the guts first
is what dogs do. Domestic dogs, and wolves, though they are closely related
and can even breed together, have distinctively different behavior patterns,
which identifies which species you are dealing with. That is, if you are
not so overcome by rage at the federal government and bleeding heart liberal
wackos, that you can't think straight any more.

I am a little surprised that you don't attack Nate for being a "criminal"
now. As you know, the democratic form of government is indeed a "popularity
contest", not about "doing what you know is right". Anyone who strikes out
on his own, defying laws written by our process, which is essentially one of
consensus, is a criminal by your definition.

It doesn't matter how "bad" wolves are, just as it doesn't matter how
"unfair" our immigration laws are. You don't break the laws, eh? And if
you do find it necessary to break the law, because your conscience cannot
stand the alternative, then you stand up like a man and take your


"L.W.(Bill) ------ III" <> wrote in message
> Hi Sandman,
> The Wolf is a pack animal, and just like our family dog, if it's
> allow to run free will find a pack and kill for fun, My parents lost ten
> sheep in one night, none were dead, yet just walking around without
> their guts.
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> "Nathan W. Collier" wrote:
> >
> > government is not about a popularity contest. government is doing what

> > know is right. "most voters" see the pretty pictures of wolves and

> > theyre cute and want to protect them. "most voters" have never see an
> > entire herd of elk slaughtered with only 1 or 2 eaten with the rest left

> > rot. if you want to see it, go to
> > pan down a

> > more than half way and youll see some of the pictures i put up of what
> > wolves bring.
> >
> > --
> > Nathan W. Collier
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Earle Horton 04-21-2006 12:39 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
"Mike Romain" <> wrote in message
> As mentioned, I don't get the mind set of some 'hunters'.....

Mike, every place has its own natural order and established customs.
Imported predators like the feral dog and cat, or overly romantic East Coast
city refugee mountain man wannabees stick out like a sore thumb and disturb
that natural order. You can't really blame the dog, but the human import
would be well advised to step back for a bit, and observe, until he figures
out what is really going on.

The ranchers out here lease federal and state lands for pennies, know which
side their bread is buttered on, and rarely take such a hostile attitude
towards the local wildlife and the people who are looking out for it. Many
of them are even conservationists of one kind or another.

It is odd, that many of those who would escape from the cities to live in
the wilderness, cannot really stand the wilderness the way it is either.


Earle Horton 04-21-2006 12:39 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
"Mike Romain" <> wrote in message
> As mentioned, I don't get the mind set of some 'hunters'.....

Mike, every place has its own natural order and established customs.
Imported predators like the feral dog and cat, or overly romantic East Coast
city refugee mountain man wannabees stick out like a sore thumb and disturb
that natural order. You can't really blame the dog, but the human import
would be well advised to step back for a bit, and observe, until he figures
out what is really going on.

The ranchers out here lease federal and state lands for pennies, know which
side their bread is buttered on, and rarely take such a hostile attitude
towards the local wildlife and the people who are looking out for it. Many
of them are even conservationists of one kind or another.

It is odd, that many of those who would escape from the cities to live in
the wilderness, cannot really stand the wilderness the way it is either.


Earle Horton 04-21-2006 12:39 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
"Mike Romain" <> wrote in message
> As mentioned, I don't get the mind set of some 'hunters'.....

Mike, every place has its own natural order and established customs.
Imported predators like the feral dog and cat, or overly romantic East Coast
city refugee mountain man wannabees stick out like a sore thumb and disturb
that natural order. You can't really blame the dog, but the human import
would be well advised to step back for a bit, and observe, until he figures
out what is really going on.

The ranchers out here lease federal and state lands for pennies, know which
side their bread is buttered on, and rarely take such a hostile attitude
towards the local wildlife and the people who are looking out for it. Many
of them are even conservationists of one kind or another.

It is odd, that many of those who would escape from the cities to live in
the wilderness, cannot really stand the wilderness the way it is either.


Nathan W. Collier 04-21-2006 02:48 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
"Grumman-581" <> wrote in message
> Given a choice of rats or snakes, I'll take snakes

doesnt have to be a choice......shoot both. :-)

Nathan W. Collier

Nathan W. Collier 04-21-2006 02:48 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
"Grumman-581" <> wrote in message
> Given a choice of rats or snakes, I'll take snakes

doesnt have to be a choice......shoot both. :-)

Nathan W. Collier

Nathan W. Collier 04-21-2006 02:48 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
"Grumman-581" <> wrote in message
> Given a choice of rats or snakes, I'll take snakes

doesnt have to be a choice......shoot both. :-)

Nathan W. Collier

Nathan W. Collier 04-21-2006 02:51 PM

Re: the reported bear attack
"billy ray" <> wrote in message
> Would you feel the same way about shooting a T-Bird or is it only
> Lincoln-Mercury products you want extinct?

heh......neither. just cats like the one that killed 5 year old joshua
walsh while riding his tricycle outside his home.

Nathan W. Collier

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