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-   -   Only 4 more subpoena days 'till Xmas!!!1!!! (

L.W.\(Bill\) Hughes III 12-23-2007 08:47 PM

Re: Only 4 more subpoena days 'till Xmas!!!1!!!
You gave me a bullsh*t address of: Donna Atkinson, 3105 Frankford ave.,
Philadelphia, PA 19134. From:
So I've learned you are a lying coward! And if it looks like a duck,
quacks, like a duck, and walks, like a duck it must be Joe Jared, or Brad
Taylor Jimenez whichever your ------'s name is:
Who's databasix bubby: a documented Convicted Child Molester: Gary Burnore:
Oh, and thanks little jealous pervert, for the ammunition to send
abuse at COX, Motzarella, and Teranews block you and other low lifes that
use databasix. :-) You've given me reason to devote my energies to
persuading Real News Servers to block everyone from ,
I know I've cost them millions in commercial revenues. :-)
Come on out here little ------ and I'll treat you like a King: Yes it is gay bashing, and I would free
this earth of scum like you, just as Cain did on to Abel.
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Cujo DeSockpuppet" <> wrote in message
> Death threats noted, Goat----er.

=?iso-8859-1?q?Pink_Freud=A9=AE?= 12-24-2007 01:57 AM

Re: Lardwellyn III The Blithering Dork!
On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 14:24:08 -0800, L.W.(Bill) ------ III wrote:

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
> over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
> possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
> Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
> coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
> Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
> course, I killed, now it's New Albany,
> Indiana asylum. now's it's back in Navarre,
> Florida: IP: It doesn't
> have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that. Who's only way to
> get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat obsession/fetish,
> where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like when the other
> kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in elementary school play
> grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to remember what he last wrote,
> like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican
> Chihuahua with its senseless barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too.
> And is too afraid to use your name, address, or even sign your statement as
> any man would, totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
> As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
> passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
> stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
> all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
> each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
> It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
> other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> man??????????
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
> hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
> Forwarded to:,
> groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
> Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
> Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
> suggest!!!!!
> Why don't you call my friends at the San Diego Sheriffs Department at
> 858-974-2020, maybe under the pretense of my CCW permit, they're waiting for
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
> man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
> I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
> contradicts it's self.
> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
> I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
> participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
> life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel:
> and
> 24bit:
> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
> will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
> Sincerely,
> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
> before you hurt yourself or someone else.
> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
> the top of your groups! :-)
> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
> Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
> coward.
> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
> :-)
> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
> straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
> faggots like would think of.
> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> ------.
> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
> soon the world of servers.
> What are you babbling about?????
> And you think the news members won't recognize your girlie writing, and
> see your user names, as fake as you.
> I used to pity retarded people like you, now you just make me
> laugh!!!!!!
> You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
> a girlie, ------ writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
> More jealous foul mouth girlie maricón acosador gibberish/babbling.
> My service is well documented at: It
> is you that has the dishonorable discharge, you're a coward. Thanks 24wimp
> for the reply, so as I may forward it to your ------ groups.
> I repeat: You have never been in the service, much less Vietnam!!!!!!!
> What a lying coward!!!!!!!
> 24wimp, do you really think the news members won't catch on and
> recognize your babbling on mchsi, Road Runner,, Newsguy
> remailers, as you, the coward fag using fake names, as queer as you?
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe your lies over
> any responsible man, man enough as me, to list my name and address here, and
> in every place I can think of?????
> Come on out here little ------ and I'll treat you like a King:
> Hehehe, keep'em coming. :-) Maybe, a little more language, and your
> pornography in an original post, coward
> I should snip your incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile babbling, so
> as not to embarrass you again! NOT! :-)
> 24wimp, I'm still waiting for your real name and address like any man
> would list. But then you're a coward. We notice you like signing a name
> similar to mine, do you feel more like a man, do you get your jollies off???
> Like shooting fish in a barrel, *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> Love my AR-15 like machine here! :-)
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> "Dr.---------" <> wrote in message
>> There you go again proving without a doubt, that you're as dumb as a
>> box of rocks

An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor
does the truth become error because nobody will see it.

-Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948)

=?iso-8859-1?q?Pink_Freud=A9=AE?= 12-24-2007 01:57 AM

Re: Lardwellyn III The Blithering Dork!
On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 14:24:08 -0800, L.W.(Bill) ------ III wrote:

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
> over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
> possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
> Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
> coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
> Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
> course, I killed, now it's New Albany,
> Indiana asylum. now's it's back in Navarre,
> Florida: IP: It doesn't
> have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that. Who's only way to
> get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat obsession/fetish,
> where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like when the other
> kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in elementary school play
> grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to remember what he last wrote,
> like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican
> Chihuahua with its senseless barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too.
> And is too afraid to use your name, address, or even sign your statement as
> any man would, totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
> As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
> passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
> stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
> all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
> each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
> It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
> other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> man??????????
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
> hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
> Forwarded to:,
> groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
> Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
> Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
> suggest!!!!!
> Why don't you call my friends at the San Diego Sheriffs Department at
> 858-974-2020, maybe under the pretense of my CCW permit, they're waiting for
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
> man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
> I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
> contradicts it's self.
> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
> I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
> participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
> life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel:
> and
> 24bit:
> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
> will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
> Sincerely,
> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
> before you hurt yourself or someone else.
> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
> the top of your groups! :-)
> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
> Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
> coward.
> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
> :-)
> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
> straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
> faggots like would think of.
> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> ------.
> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
> soon the world of servers.
> What are you babbling about?????
> And you think the news members won't recognize your girlie writing, and
> see your user names, as fake as you.
> I used to pity retarded people like you, now you just make me
> laugh!!!!!!
> You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
> a girlie, ------ writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
> More jealous foul mouth girlie maricón acosador gibberish/babbling.
> My service is well documented at: It
> is you that has the dishonorable discharge, you're a coward. Thanks 24wimp
> for the reply, so as I may forward it to your ------ groups.
> I repeat: You have never been in the service, much less Vietnam!!!!!!!
> What a lying coward!!!!!!!
> 24wimp, do you really think the news members won't catch on and
> recognize your babbling on mchsi, Road Runner,, Newsguy
> remailers, as you, the coward fag using fake names, as queer as you?
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe your lies over
> any responsible man, man enough as me, to list my name and address here, and
> in every place I can think of?????
> Come on out here little ------ and I'll treat you like a King:
> Hehehe, keep'em coming. :-) Maybe, a little more language, and your
> pornography in an original post, coward
> I should snip your incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile babbling, so
> as not to embarrass you again! NOT! :-)
> 24wimp, I'm still waiting for your real name and address like any man
> would list. But then you're a coward. We notice you like signing a name
> similar to mine, do you feel more like a man, do you get your jollies off???
> Like shooting fish in a barrel, *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> Love my AR-15 like machine here! :-)
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> "Dr.---------" <> wrote in message
>> There you go again proving without a doubt, that you're as dumb as a
>> box of rocks

An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor
does the truth become error because nobody will see it.

-Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948)

=?iso-8859-1?q?Pink_Freud=A9=AE?= 12-24-2007 01:58 AM

Re: Christmas a couple days away, and Cooyon is still Incurably Stupid!!!
On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 14:24:13 -0800, L.W.(Bill) ------ III wrote:

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
> over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
> possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
> Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
> coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
> Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
> course, I killed, now it's New Albany,
> Indiana asylum. now's it's back in Navarre,
> Florida: IP: It doesn't
> have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that. Who's only way to
> get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat obsession/fetish,
> where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like when the other
> kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in elementary school play
> grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to remember what he last wrote,
> like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican
> Chihuahua with its senseless barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too.
> And is too afraid to use your name, address, or even sign your statement as
> any man would, totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
> As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
> passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
> stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
> all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
> each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
> It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
> other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> man??????????
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
> hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
> Forwarded to:,
> groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
> Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
> Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
> suggest!!!!!
> Why don't you call my friends at the San Diego Sheriffs Department at
> 858-974-2020, maybe under the pretense of my CCW permit, they're waiting for
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
> man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
> I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
> contradicts it's self.
> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
> I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
> participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
> life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel:
> and
> 24bit:
> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
> will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
> Sincerely,
> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
> before you hurt yourself or someone else.
> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
> the top of your groups! :-)
> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
> Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
> coward.
> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
> :-)
> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
> straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
> faggots like would think of.
> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> ------.
> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
> soon the world of servers.
> What are you babbling about?????
> And you think the news members won't recognize your girlie writing, and
> see your user names, as fake as you.
> I used to pity retarded people like you, now you just make me
> laugh!!!!!!
> You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
> a girlie, ------ writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
> More jealous foul mouth girlie maricón acosador gibberish/babbling.
> My service is well documented at: It
> is you that has the dishonorable discharge, you're a coward. Thanks 24wimp
> for the reply, so as I may forward it to your ------ groups.
> I repeat: You have never been in the service, much less Vietnam!!!!!!!
> What a lying coward!!!!!!!
> 24wimp, do you really think the news members won't catch on and
> recognize your babbling on mchsi, Road Runner,, Newsguy
> remailers, as you, the coward fag using fake names, as queer as you?
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe your lies over
> any responsible man, man enough as me, to list my name and address here, and
> in every place I can think of?????
> Come on out here little ------ and I'll treat you like a King:
> Hehehe, keep'em coming. :-) Maybe, a little more language, and your
> pornography in an original post, coward
> I should snip your incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile babbling, so
> as not to embarrass you again! NOT! :-)
> 24wimp, I'm still waiting for your real name and address like any man
> would list. But then you're a coward. We notice you like signing a name
> similar to mine, do you feel more like a man, do you get your jollies off???
> Like shooting fish in a barrel, *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> Love my AR-15 like machine here! :-)
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> "Dr.---------" <> wrote in message
>> Yes you're right on top of it you ignorant trollop
>> >"But then you're a But then you're a",

>> you're good with the C&P!

An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor
does the truth become error because nobody will see it.

-Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948)


=?iso-8859-1?q?Pink_Freud=A9=AE?= 12-24-2007 01:58 AM

Re: Christmas a couple days away, and Cooyon is still Incurably Stupid!!!
On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 14:24:13 -0800, L.W.(Bill) ------ III wrote:

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
> over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
> possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
> Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
> coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
> Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
> course, I killed, now it's New Albany,
> Indiana asylum. now's it's back in Navarre,
> Florida: IP: It doesn't
> have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that. Who's only way to
> get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat obsession/fetish,
> where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like when the other
> kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in elementary school play
> grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to remember what he last wrote,
> like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican
> Chihuahua with its senseless barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too.
> And is too afraid to use your name, address, or even sign your statement as
> any man would, totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
> As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
> passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
> stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
> all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
> each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
> It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
> other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> man??????????
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
> hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
> Forwarded to:,
> groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
> Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
> Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
> suggest!!!!!
> Why don't you call my friends at the San Diego Sheriffs Department at
> 858-974-2020, maybe under the pretense of my CCW permit, they're waiting for
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
> man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
> I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
> contradicts it's self.
> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
> I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
> participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
> life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel:
> and
> 24bit:
> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
> will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
> Sincerely,
> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
> before you hurt yourself or someone else.
> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
> the top of your groups! :-)
> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
> Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
> coward.
> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
> :-)
> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
> straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
> faggots like would think of.
> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> ------.
> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
> soon the world of servers.
> What are you babbling about?????
> And you think the news members won't recognize your girlie writing, and
> see your user names, as fake as you.
> I used to pity retarded people like you, now you just make me
> laugh!!!!!!
> You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
> a girlie, ------ writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
> More jealous foul mouth girlie maricón acosador gibberish/babbling.
> My service is well documented at: It
> is you that has the dishonorable discharge, you're a coward. Thanks 24wimp
> for the reply, so as I may forward it to your ------ groups.
> I repeat: You have never been in the service, much less Vietnam!!!!!!!
> What a lying coward!!!!!!!
> 24wimp, do you really think the news members won't catch on and
> recognize your babbling on mchsi, Road Runner,, Newsguy
> remailers, as you, the coward fag using fake names, as queer as you?
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe your lies over
> any responsible man, man enough as me, to list my name and address here, and
> in every place I can think of?????
> Come on out here little ------ and I'll treat you like a King:
> Hehehe, keep'em coming. :-) Maybe, a little more language, and your
> pornography in an original post, coward
> I should snip your incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile babbling, so
> as not to embarrass you again! NOT! :-)
> 24wimp, I'm still waiting for your real name and address like any man
> would list. But then you're a coward. We notice you like signing a name
> similar to mine, do you feel more like a man, do you get your jollies off???
> Like shooting fish in a barrel, *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> Love my AR-15 like machine here! :-)
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> "Dr.---------" <> wrote in message
>> Yes you're right on top of it you ignorant trollop
>> >"But then you're a But then you're a",

>> you're good with the C&P!

An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor
does the truth become error because nobody will see it.

-Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948)


=?iso-8859-1?q?Pink_Freud=A9=AE?= 12-24-2007 02:02 AM

Re: Lardwellyn III, Kalyfornia Minuet Maid
On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 14:24:19 -0800, L.W.(Bill) ------ III wrote:

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
> over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
> possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
> Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
> coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
> Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
> course, I killed, now it's New Albany,
> Indiana asylum. now's it's back in Navarre,
> Florida: IP: It doesn't
> have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that. Who's only way to
> get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat obsession/fetish,
> where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like when the other
> kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in elementary school play
> grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to remember what he last wrote,
> like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican
> Chihuahua with its senseless barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too.
> And is too afraid to use your name, address, or even sign your statement as
> any man would, totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
> As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
> passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
> stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
> all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
> each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
> It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
> other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> man??????????
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
> hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
> Forwarded to:,
> groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
> Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
> Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
> suggest!!!!!
> Why don't you call my friends at the San Diego Sheriffs Department at
> 858-974-2020, maybe under the pretense of my CCW permit, they're waiting for
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
> man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
> I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
> contradicts it's self.
> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
> I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
> participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
> life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel:
> and
> 24bit:
> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
> will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
> Sincerely,
> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
> before you hurt yourself or someone else.
> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
> the top of your groups! :-)
> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
> Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
> coward.
> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
> :-)
> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
> straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
> faggots like would think of.
> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> ------.
> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
> soon the world of servers.
> What are you babbling about?????
> And you think the news members won't recognize your girlie writing, and
> see your user names, as fake as you.
> I used to pity retarded people like you, now you just make me
> laugh!!!!!!
> You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
> a girlie, ------ writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
> More jealous foul mouth girlie maricón acosador gibberish/babbling.
> My service is well documented at: It
> is you that has the dishonorable discharge, you're a coward. Thanks 24wimp
> for the reply, so as I may forward it to your ------ groups.
> I repeat: You have never been in the service, much less Vietnam!!!!!!!
> What a lying coward!!!!!!!
> 24wimp, do you really think the news members won't catch on and
> recognize your babbling on mchsi, Road Runner,, Newsguy
> remailers, as you, the coward fag using fake names, as queer as you?
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe your lies over
> any responsible man, man enough as me, to list my name and address here, and
> in every place I can think of?????
> Come on out here little ------ and I'll treat you like a King:
> Hehehe, keep'em coming. :-) Maybe, a little more language, and your
> pornography in an original post, coward
> I should snip your incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile babbling, so
> as not to embarrass you again! NOT! :-)
> 24wimp, I'm still waiting for your real name and address like any man
> would list. But then you're a coward. We notice you like signing a name
> similar to mine, do you feel more like a man, do you get your jollies off???
> Like shooting fish in a barrel, *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> Love my AR-15 like machine here! :-)
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> "Dr.---------" <> wrote in message
>> Surfer body!! Maybe if you're looking in a Fun House Mirror!
>> From seeing your family image, looks like you need two "John Boats"
>> to get near the water.

An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor
does the truth become error because nobody will see it.

-Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948)

=?iso-8859-1?q?Pink_Freud=A9=AE?= 12-24-2007 02:02 AM

Re: Lardwellyn III, Kalyfornia Minuet Maid
On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 14:24:19 -0800, L.W.(Bill) ------ III wrote:

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
> over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
> possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
> Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
> coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
> Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
> course, I killed, now it's New Albany,
> Indiana asylum. now's it's back in Navarre,
> Florida: IP: It doesn't
> have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that. Who's only way to
> get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat obsession/fetish,
> where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like when the other
> kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in elementary school play
> grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to remember what he last wrote,
> like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican
> Chihuahua with its senseless barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too.
> And is too afraid to use your name, address, or even sign your statement as
> any man would, totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
> As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
> passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
> stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
> all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
> each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
> It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
> other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> man??????????
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
> hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
> Forwarded to:,
> groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
> Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
> Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
> suggest!!!!!
> Why don't you call my friends at the San Diego Sheriffs Department at
> 858-974-2020, maybe under the pretense of my CCW permit, they're waiting for
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
> man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
> I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
> contradicts it's self.
> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
> I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
> participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
> life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel:
> and
> 24bit:
> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
> will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
> Sincerely,
> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
> before you hurt yourself or someone else.
> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
> the top of your groups! :-)
> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
> Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
> coward.
> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
> :-)
> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
> straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
> faggots like would think of.
> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> ------.
> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
> soon the world of servers.
> What are you babbling about?????
> And you think the news members won't recognize your girlie writing, and
> see your user names, as fake as you.
> I used to pity retarded people like you, now you just make me
> laugh!!!!!!
> You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
> a girlie, ------ writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
> More jealous foul mouth girlie maricón acosador gibberish/babbling.
> My service is well documented at: It
> is you that has the dishonorable discharge, you're a coward. Thanks 24wimp
> for the reply, so as I may forward it to your ------ groups.
> I repeat: You have never been in the service, much less Vietnam!!!!!!!
> What a lying coward!!!!!!!
> 24wimp, do you really think the news members won't catch on and
> recognize your babbling on mchsi, Road Runner,, Newsguy
> remailers, as you, the coward fag using fake names, as queer as you?
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe your lies over
> any responsible man, man enough as me, to list my name and address here, and
> in every place I can think of?????
> Come on out here little ------ and I'll treat you like a King:
> Hehehe, keep'em coming. :-) Maybe, a little more language, and your
> pornography in an original post, coward
> I should snip your incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile babbling, so
> as not to embarrass you again! NOT! :-)
> 24wimp, I'm still waiting for your real name and address like any man
> would list. But then you're a coward. We notice you like signing a name
> similar to mine, do you feel more like a man, do you get your jollies off???
> Like shooting fish in a barrel, *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> Love my AR-15 like machine here! :-)
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> "Dr.---------" <> wrote in message
>> Surfer body!! Maybe if you're looking in a Fun House Mirror!
>> From seeing your family image, looks like you need two "John Boats"
>> to get near the water.

An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor
does the truth become error because nobody will see it.

-Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948)

=?iso-8859-1?q?Pink_Freud=A9=AE?= 12-24-2007 02:03 AM

Re: Lardwellyn III The Blithering El Dorko!
On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 14:24:24 -0800, L.W.(Bill) ------ III wrote:

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
> over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
> possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
> Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
> coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
> Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
> course, I killed, now it's New Albany,
> Indiana asylum. now's it's back in Navarre,
> Florida: IP: It doesn't
> have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that. Who's only way to
> get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat obsession/fetish,
> where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like when the other
> kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in elementary school play
> grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to remember what he last wrote,
> like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican
> Chihuahua with its senseless barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too.
> And is too afraid to use your name, address, or even sign your statement as
> any man would, totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
> As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
> passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
> stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
> all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
> each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
> It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
> other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> man??????????
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
> hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
> Forwarded to:,
> groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
> Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
> Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
> suggest!!!!!
> Why don't you call my friends at the San Diego Sheriffs Department at
> 858-974-2020, maybe under the pretense of my CCW permit, they're waiting for
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
> man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
> I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
> contradicts it's self.
> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
> I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
> participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
> life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel:
> and
> 24bit:
> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
> will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
> Sincerely,
> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
> before you hurt yourself or someone else.
> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
> the top of your groups! :-)
> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
> Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
> coward.
> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
> :-)
> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
> straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
> faggots like would think of.
> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> ------.
> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
> soon the world of servers.
> What are you babbling about?????
> And you think the news members won't recognize your girlie writing, and
> see your user names, as fake as you.
> I used to pity retarded people like you, now you just make me
> laugh!!!!!!
> You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
> a girlie, ------ writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
> More jealous foul mouth girlie maricón acosador gibberish/babbling.
> My service is well documented at: It
> is you that has the dishonorable discharge, you're a coward. Thanks 24wimp
> for the reply, so as I may forward it to your ------ groups.
> I repeat: You have never been in the service, much less Vietnam!!!!!!!
> What a lying coward!!!!!!!
> 24wimp, do you really think the news members won't catch on and
> recognize your babbling on mchsi, Road Runner,, Newsguy
> remailers, as you, the coward fag using fake names, as queer as you?
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe your lies over
> any responsible man, man enough as me, to list my name and address here, and
> in every place I can think of?????
> Come on out here little ------ and I'll treat you like a King:
> Hehehe, keep'em coming. :-) Maybe, a little more language, and your
> pornography in an original post, coward
> I should snip your incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile babbling, so
> as not to embarrass you again! NOT! :-)
> 24wimp, I'm still waiting for your real name and address like any man
> would list. But then you're a coward. We notice you like signing a name
> similar to mine, do you feel more like a man, do you get your jollies off???
> Like shooting fish in a barrel, *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> Love my AR-15 like machine here! :-)
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> "Dr.---------" <> wrote in message
>> Good thing your not smart, and I suppose you'll never get it Coward.

An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor
does the truth become error because nobody will see it.

-Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948)

=?iso-8859-1?q?Pink_Freud=A9=AE?= 12-24-2007 02:03 AM

Re: Lardwellyn III The Blithering El Dorko!
On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 14:24:24 -0800, L.W.(Bill) ------ III wrote:

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
> over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
> possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
> Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
> coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
> Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
> course, I killed, now it's New Albany,
> Indiana asylum. now's it's back in Navarre,
> Florida: IP: It doesn't
> have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that. Who's only way to
> get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat obsession/fetish,
> where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like when the other
> kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in elementary school play
> grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to remember what he last wrote,
> like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican
> Chihuahua with its senseless barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too.
> And is too afraid to use your name, address, or even sign your statement as
> any man would, totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
> As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
> passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
> stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
> all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
> each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
> It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
> other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> man??????????
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
> hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
> Forwarded to:,
> groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
> Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
> Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
> suggest!!!!!
> Why don't you call my friends at the San Diego Sheriffs Department at
> 858-974-2020, maybe under the pretense of my CCW permit, they're waiting for
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
> man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
> I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
> contradicts it's self.
> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
> I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
> participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
> life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel:
> and
> 24bit:
> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
> will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
> Sincerely,
> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
> before you hurt yourself or someone else.
> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
> the top of your groups! :-)
> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
> Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
> coward.
> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
> :-)
> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
> straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
> faggots like would think of.
> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> ------.
> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
> soon the world of servers.
> What are you babbling about?????
> And you think the news members won't recognize your girlie writing, and
> see your user names, as fake as you.
> I used to pity retarded people like you, now you just make me
> laugh!!!!!!
> You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
> a girlie, ------ writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
> More jealous foul mouth girlie maricón acosador gibberish/babbling.
> My service is well documented at: It
> is you that has the dishonorable discharge, you're a coward. Thanks 24wimp
> for the reply, so as I may forward it to your ------ groups.
> I repeat: You have never been in the service, much less Vietnam!!!!!!!
> What a lying coward!!!!!!!
> 24wimp, do you really think the news members won't catch on and
> recognize your babbling on mchsi, Road Runner,, Newsguy
> remailers, as you, the coward fag using fake names, as queer as you?
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe your lies over
> any responsible man, man enough as me, to list my name and address here, and
> in every place I can think of?????
> Come on out here little ------ and I'll treat you like a King:
> Hehehe, keep'em coming. :-) Maybe, a little more language, and your
> pornography in an original post, coward
> I should snip your incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile babbling, so
> as not to embarrass you again! NOT! :-)
> 24wimp, I'm still waiting for your real name and address like any man
> would list. But then you're a coward. We notice you like signing a name
> similar to mine, do you feel more like a man, do you get your jollies off???
> Like shooting fish in a barrel, *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> Love my AR-15 like machine here! :-)
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> "Dr.---------" <> wrote in message
>> Good thing your not smart, and I suppose you'll never get it Coward.

An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor
does the truth become error because nobody will see it.

-Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948)

=?iso-8859-1?q?Pink_Freud=A9=AE?= 12-24-2007 02:05 AM

Re: Lardwellyn III The Blithering Dork!
On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 14:24:29 -0800, L.W.(Bill) ------ III wrote:

> There you go again, the little Psychopath, jealous, REALLY JEALOUS,
> over the fact that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents,
> possessions, successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfer body,
> Christian family, and name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile
> coward from AT&T WorldNet Services ATT, Mediacom
> Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-205-156-0-GULF-BREEZE-Florida, that of
> course, I killed, now it's New Albany,
> Indiana asylum. now's it's back in Navarre,
> Florida: IP: It doesn't
> have a DD214, it had to have served our country for that. Who's only way to
> get attention is to make a fool of its self, with its goat obsession/fetish,
> where it writes via remailers, to no one's surprise. Like when the other
> kids laughed at its attempt to use foul language in elementary school play
> grounds, but its just gibberish. Too senile to remember what he last wrote,
> like the rest of Florida. You remind me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican
> Chihuahua with its senseless barking it's rabid head off, me too, me too.
> And is too afraid to use your name, address, or even sign your statement as
> any man would, totally worthless!
> Posted pornography at:
> As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
> for forgery.
> I thought your attacks were just personal disagreements, but with
> passing of my country's Independents Day, I realize these attacks are
> stemming from my love of God and America, and that's what you've been doing
> all along is declaring your hatred for the United States of America, with
> each declaration of my signature, but just too cowardly to be a ---------.
> It's America, love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
> Considering the source, which you're a habitual lair, so these plus your
> other accusations would be thrown out of court.
> When are you going to take responsibility for yourself, and become a
> man??????????
> People that follow astrology, know the traits you have listed are a
> hundred eighty out from any Capricorn.
> Forwarded to:,
> groups so they may to see what an a**hole you really are!!!!!
> Is this what your Psychologist wrote about you? They don't fit any
> Capricorn, sounds like a spoil Leo.
> You're a LIAR and never been in the Service much less Vietnam, as you
> suggest!!!!!
> Why don't you call my friends at the San Diego Sheriffs Department at
> 858-974-2020, maybe under the pretense of my CCW permit, they're waiting for
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe you over any
> man responsible enough to list his name and address here and in every place
> I know of????? All you can do is lie, as most everything you have said
> contradicts it's self.
> You know what they say, once a ------ coward, always a ------ coward.
> I won't give up until traitors like you are gone from these groups I
> participate and see you've pretty well killed this group I will devote my
> life to reminding your groups who you are!!!!!!!
> I would appreciate the name and address of these trolls, Square Wheel:
> and
> 24bit:
> AT&T WorldNet Services ATT Mediacom Communications Corp. I
> will keep your name in confidence, kindly email -------------------- or
> Sincerely,
> Llewellyn W. (Bill) ------ III
> You're not fooling anyone, ------! You need to get back in the hospital
> before you hurt yourself or someone else.
> Oh, and thanks for keeping my fight against troll/faggots like you at
> the top of your groups! :-)
> The only reason you write me is to try to put down my friends and my
> Lord Jesus Christ. Well try as you may you're not strong enough for that,
> coward.
> BTW I put up a couple more of my friends cars for you to be jealous of.
> :-)
> I happen to know you've been locked in a rubber room, laced in a
> straight jacket. Time for lights out at your insane asylum again.
> Fortunately it is against the law for you to own a firearm.
> There you go with that psychopathic goat obsession/fetish, that only
> faggots like would think of.
> That's what I've said, it's common knowledge you're a schizophrenic
> ------.
> Hehehe I've got your user name blocked over at: Motzarella, COX, and
> soon the world of servers.
> What are you babbling about?????
> And you think the news members won't recognize your girlie writing, and
> see your user names, as fake as you.
> I used to pity retarded people like you, now you just make me
> laugh!!!!!!
> You pathetic little schizophrenic psychopath, you make me laugh the way
> a girlie, ------ writes, it gives me a feeling of extreme superiority!
> More jealous foul mouth girlie maricón acosador gibberish/babbling.
> My service is well documented at: It
> is you that has the dishonorable discharge, you're a coward. Thanks 24wimp
> for the reply, so as I may forward it to your ------ groups.
> I repeat: You have never been in the service, much less Vietnam!!!!!!!
> What a lying coward!!!!!!!
> 24wimp, do you really think the news members won't catch on and
> recognize your babbling on mchsi, Road Runner,, Newsguy
> remailers, as you, the coward fag using fake names, as queer as you?
> I'm just really curious as to who you think will believe your lies over
> any responsible man, man enough as me, to list my name and address here, and
> in every place I can think of?????
> Come on out here little ------ and I'll treat you like a King:
> Hehehe, keep'em coming. :-) Maybe, a little more language, and your
> pornography in an original post, coward
> I should snip your incoherent, uncontrolled jealous senile babbling, so
> as not to embarrass you again! NOT! :-)
> 24wimp, I'm still waiting for your real name and address like any man
> would list. But then you're a coward. We notice you like signing a name
> similar to mine, do you feel more like a man, do you get your jollies off???
> Like shooting fish in a barrel, *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!* *BAWK!*
> Love my AR-15 like machine here! :-)
> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
> "Dr.---------" <> wrote in message
>> If you want to call yours a family, and we know all about your house,
>> "my garage is bigger", and your Christmas tree, and your dog, and your
>> junk Jeeps, and your ThunderTurkey, and all the material things
>> Sanford & Cooyon have to offer!

An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor
does the truth become error because nobody will see it.

-Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948)

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