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24BitŪ 07-08-2007 01:59 AM

Re: L.W. "Cooyon Billy" Goatman-Hughes III
On Sat, 7 Jul 2007 19:32:39 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> Amazingly Replied without Prejudice below:

You wouldn't be the Grand Poo-Ba of the Kalyfornia --- would ya??

:> There you go again, the little jealous, REALLY JEALOUS, over the fact
:>that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents, possessions,
:>successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfing body, family, and
:>name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile coward from Navarre,
:>Florida, that of course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our
:>country for that. Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its
:>self, with its goat obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no
:>one's surprise. Like when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul
:>language in elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too
:>senile to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind
:>me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking
:>it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name,
:>address, or even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
:> Posted pornography at:
:>As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
:> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
:>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
:> for forgery.
:> I can't believe how stupid I've been, I thought your attacks were just
:>personal disagreements, but with these attacks stemming from my love of God
:>and America on Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my
:>country, and that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your
:>hatred for the United States of America, with each declaration of my
:>signature, but just too cowardly and stupid to make a bomb. It's America,
:>love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
:> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
:>"24BitŪ" <standing@the.exit> wrote in message
:> ..
:>> You really are a LOW LIFE COMMUNIST RED, and try to hid, you ain't no
:>> AMERICAN, your just a RED DOG!

24BitŪ 07-08-2007 02:01 AM

Re: L.W. "Cooyon Billy" Goatman-Hughes III
On Sat, 7 Jul 2007 19:33:11 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> Amazingly Replied without Prejudice below:

Another intellectual post by the #1 Usenet idiot.

:> There you go again, the little jealous, REALLY JEALOUS, over the fact
:>that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents, possessions,
:>successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfing body, family, and
:>name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile coward from Navarre,
:>Florida, that of course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our
:>country for that. Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its
:>self, with its goat obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no
:>one's surprise. Like when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul
:>language in elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too
:>senile to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind
:>me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking
:>it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name,
:>address, or even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
:> Posted pornography at:
:>As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
:> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
:>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
:> for forgery.
:> I can't believe how stupid I've been, I thought your attacks were just
:>personal disagreements, but with these attacks stemming from my love of God
:>and America on Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my
:>country, and that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your
:>hatred for the United States of America, with each declaration of my
:>signature, but just too cowardly and stupid to make a bomb. It's America,
:>love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
:> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
:>"24BitŪ" <standing@the.exit> wrote in message
:> ..
:>> Just like a communist, runs his mouth, with no backup!
:>> F*ck U Commie!

24BitŪ 07-08-2007 02:01 AM

Re: L.W. "Cooyon Billy" Goatman-Hughes III
On Sat, 7 Jul 2007 19:33:11 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> Amazingly Replied without Prejudice below:

Another intellectual post by the #1 Usenet idiot.

:> There you go again, the little jealous, REALLY JEALOUS, over the fact
:>that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents, possessions,
:>successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfing body, family, and
:>name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile coward from Navarre,
:>Florida, that of course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our
:>country for that. Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its
:>self, with its goat obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no
:>one's surprise. Like when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul
:>language in elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too
:>senile to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind
:>me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking
:>it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name,
:>address, or even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
:> Posted pornography at:
:>As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
:> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
:>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
:> for forgery.
:> I can't believe how stupid I've been, I thought your attacks were just
:>personal disagreements, but with these attacks stemming from my love of God
:>and America on Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my
:>country, and that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your
:>hatred for the United States of America, with each declaration of my
:>signature, but just too cowardly and stupid to make a bomb. It's America,
:>love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
:> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
:>"24BitŪ" <standing@the.exit> wrote in message
:> ..
:>> Just like a communist, runs his mouth, with no backup!
:>> F*ck U Commie!

24BitŪ 07-08-2007 02:01 AM

Re: L.W. "Cooyon Billy" Goatman-Hughes III
On Sat, 7 Jul 2007 19:33:11 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> Amazingly Replied without Prejudice below:

Another intellectual post by the #1 Usenet idiot.

:> There you go again, the little jealous, REALLY JEALOUS, over the fact
:>that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents, possessions,
:>successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfing body, family, and
:>name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile coward from Navarre,
:>Florida, that of course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our
:>country for that. Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its
:>self, with its goat obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no
:>one's surprise. Like when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul
:>language in elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too
:>senile to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind
:>me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking
:>it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name,
:>address, or even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
:> Posted pornography at:
:>As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
:> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
:>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
:> for forgery.
:> I can't believe how stupid I've been, I thought your attacks were just
:>personal disagreements, but with these attacks stemming from my love of God
:>and America on Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my
:>country, and that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your
:>hatred for the United States of America, with each declaration of my
:>signature, but just too cowardly and stupid to make a bomb. It's America,
:>love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
:> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
:>"24BitŪ" <standing@the.exit> wrote in message
:> ..
:>> Just like a communist, runs his mouth, with no backup!
:>> F*ck U Commie!

24BitŪ 07-08-2007 02:01 AM

Re: L.W. "Cooyon Billy" Goatman-Hughes III
On Sat, 7 Jul 2007 19:33:11 -0700, "L.W. \(Bill\) ------ III"
<> Amazingly Replied without Prejudice below:

Another intellectual post by the #1 Usenet idiot.

:> There you go again, the little jealous, REALLY JEALOUS, over the fact
:>that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents, possessions,
:>successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfing body, family, and
:>name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile coward from Navarre,
:>Florida, that of course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our
:>country for that. Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its
:>self, with its goat obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no
:>one's surprise. Like when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul
:>language in elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too
:>senile to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind
:>me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking
:>it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name,
:>address, or even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
:> Posted pornography at:
:>As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
:> But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,
:>, fraud@4AX.COM,,,
:> for forgery.
:> I can't believe how stupid I've been, I thought your attacks were just
:>personal disagreements, but with these attacks stemming from my love of God
:>and America on Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my
:>country, and that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your
:>hatred for the United States of America, with each declaration of my
:>signature, but just too cowardly and stupid to make a bomb. It's America,
:>love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
:> God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O
:>"24BitŪ" <standing@the.exit> wrote in message
:> ..
:>> Just like a communist, runs his mouth, with no backup!
:>> F*ck U Commie!

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 07-08-2007 02:26 AM

Re: L.W. "Cooyon Billy" Goatman-Hughes III
Every notice how these little trolls that want to bait me are too afraid
to use your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would. YOU
ARE A COWARD! Crawl back in your hole, like the rest of you low life,
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Cassandra Incognito" <a@b.invalid> wrote in message
> Now that's the first sensible thing you've ever said.

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 07-08-2007 02:26 AM

Re: L.W. "Cooyon Billy" Goatman-Hughes III
Every notice how these little trolls that want to bait me are too afraid
to use your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would. YOU
ARE A COWARD! Crawl back in your hole, like the rest of you low life,
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Cassandra Incognito" <a@b.invalid> wrote in message
> Now that's the first sensible thing you've ever said.

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 07-08-2007 02:26 AM

Re: L.W. "Cooyon Billy" Goatman-Hughes III
Every notice how these little trolls that want to bait me are too afraid
to use your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would. YOU
ARE A COWARD! Crawl back in your hole, like the rest of you low life,
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Cassandra Incognito" <a@b.invalid> wrote in message
> Now that's the first sensible thing you've ever said.

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 07-08-2007 02:26 AM

Re: L.W. "Cooyon Billy" Goatman-Hughes III
Every notice how these little trolls that want to bait me are too afraid
to use your name, address, or even sign your statement as any man would. YOU
ARE A COWARD! Crawl back in your hole, like the rest of you low life,
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"Cassandra Incognito" <a@b.invalid> wrote in message
> Now that's the first sensible thing you've ever said.

Posted via a free Usenet account from

L.W. \(Bill\) Hughes III 07-08-2007 03:10 AM

Re: L.W. "Cooyon Billy" Goatman-Hughes III
There you go again, the little jealous, REALLY JEALOUS, over the fact
that I once own a '37 Lasalle, ranting over my documents, possessions,
successes, manliness, Super Southern California surfing body, family, and
name. What a jealous little draft dodging senile coward from Navarre,
Florida, that of course, doesn't have a DD214, it had to have served our
country for that. Who's only way to get attention is to make a fool of its
self, with its goat obsession/fetish, where it writes via remailers, to no
one's surprise. Like when the other kids laughed at its attempt to use foul
language in elementary school play grounds, but its just gibberish. Too
senile to remember what he last wrote, like the rest of Florida. You remind
me of a little rat dog, like a Mexican Chiwawa with its senseless barking
it's rabid head off, me too, me too. And is too afraid to use your name,
address, or even sign your statement as any man would, totally worthless!
Posted pornography at:
As a member of the moral majority I know what ---- is when I see it!
But now worth the time to forward this low life to:,, fraud@4AX.COM,,, for forgery.
I can't believe how stupid I've been, I thought your attacks were just
personal disagreements, but with these attacks stemming from my love of God
and America on Independents Week, I realized you are actually attacking my
country, and that's what you've been doing all along is declaring your
hatred for the United States of America, with each declaration of my
signature, but just too cowardly and stupid to make a bomb. It's America,
love it, or leave it, so get the f*ck out!
God Bless America, Bill O|||||||O

"24BitŪ" <standing@the.exit> wrote in message
><snip queer ------ fantasies over my tanned surfer body, and the jealous

senile babbling over my accomplishments and conquests>

Posted via a free Usenet account from

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