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Tomes 07-31-2006 11:48 PM

Re: Boycott Gettysburg
Alas, this guy posts this from time to time across many NG; I have seen it
already in other NGs that I do. It is too bad for him that the folks that
would benefit from hearing this likely never read any of these NGs and thus
these thoughts are just wasted on us. Just how effective is this boycott
when his target has no idea that he is being targeted?

"Tom" <> wrote in message
> Link to photos showing how the battlefield looked before superintendent
> John
> Latschar raped it.
> We loved Gettysburg: took dozens of week-long trips, spent many thousands
> of
> dollars there, but those days are over thanks to park superintendent John
> Latschar. He's ruining the battlefield. He calls it restoration.
> Desecration
> is more descriptive. If we spent another dime we'd be supporting the
> destruction. Trees are being ripped out wholesale. The deer have been
> slaughtered. Visiting on a Nov. evening is an experience everyone should
> be
> able to enjoy, but he shortened the hours so you'll be ticketed and
> labeled
> criminals. He threw up so many one-way signs that traffic has become a
> tourist's nightmare. He likes saying, "The time for comment was during the
> planning, not now." Well, Bozo, the public DID and continues to comment,
> but
> you ignore them. Tens of 1000s have voiced their concern, but you act as
> though the battlefield is your own private domain. It belongs to the
> taxpayers, not an arrogant, government-appointed bureaucrat. Ghost hunters
> have been turned away in droves. He said they're in the same category as
> drug users. (look it up) What a moron. Not only is the town losing a
> fortune
> toward the local economy, the park is losing thousands of watchful eyes.
> Those with evil intent will always gain access at night, as was proven by
> the recent vandalism. Closing the park merely keeps honest folks out. John
> Latschar has, in affect, given vandals free rein. Attendance is lagging.
> He
> blames everything except his own bumbling. He moans about never having
> enough money, yet continues wasting funds on senseless projects that
> divide
> the townspeople and drives others away. It's typical government ineptness.
> Looks like John Latschar sits around dreaming up new ways to piss people
> off. If he's not shooting the wildlife, cutting down 100s of acres of
> trees,
> or screwing up traffic flow, he'll devise some other dumbass plan. Chances
> are he'll eventually move on to another location leaving his mess and
> debts
> behind for someone else. (He's done it before) What's worse than allowing
> John Latschar to inflict so much damage to such hallowed ground? Most of
> you
> sit idly by and let it happen without so much as a whimper. Talk is cheap,
> holding back spending speaks volumes. We're doing our part. Good bye
> Gettysburg. You were our favorite place on Earth until John Latschar raped
> you. Now you're just a memory. What a pity and disgrace.

Carolinasuzy 08-01-2006 05:19 AM

Re: Re: Boycott Gettysburg
And a memory it is! Hold on to it cause no one can take it away at any

First time and looking for info on my Old 1989 Jeep Cherokee Larado with
256,000 miles on her. A, shade-tree mechanic wanted to clean the engine
with $2 cleaner and waterhose. Now, she want start and I'm confused and

Carolinasuzy 08-01-2006 05:19 AM

Re: Re: Boycott Gettysburg
And a memory it is! Hold on to it cause no one can take it away at any

First time and looking for info on my Old 1989 Jeep Cherokee Larado with
256,000 miles on her. A, shade-tree mechanic wanted to clean the engine
with $2 cleaner and waterhose. Now, she want start and I'm confused and

Carolinasuzy 08-01-2006 05:19 AM

Re: Re: Boycott Gettysburg
And a memory it is! Hold on to it cause no one can take it away at any

First time and looking for info on my Old 1989 Jeep Cherokee Larado with
256,000 miles on her. A, shade-tree mechanic wanted to clean the engine
with $2 cleaner and waterhose. Now, she want start and I'm confused and

Carolinasuzy 08-01-2006 05:19 AM

Re: Re: Boycott Gettysburg
And a memory it is! Hold on to it cause no one can take it away at any

First time and looking for info on my Old 1989 Jeep Cherokee Larado with
256,000 miles on her. A, shade-tree mechanic wanted to clean the engine
with $2 cleaner and waterhose. Now, she want start and I'm confused and

Seahag 08-01-2006 06:20 PM

Re: Re: Boycott Gettysburg

"Carolinasuzy" <> wrote:
> First time and looking for info on my Old 1989 Jeep
> Cherokee Larado with
> 256,000 miles on her. A, shade-tree mechanic wanted to
> clean the engine
> with $2 cleaner and waterhose. Now, she want start and
> I'm confused and

You might want to re-post this under it's own subject. I
expect a lot of regulars won't see it otherwise.


Seahag 08-01-2006 06:20 PM

Re: Re: Boycott Gettysburg

"Carolinasuzy" <> wrote:
> First time and looking for info on my Old 1989 Jeep
> Cherokee Larado with
> 256,000 miles on her. A, shade-tree mechanic wanted to
> clean the engine
> with $2 cleaner and waterhose. Now, she want start and
> I'm confused and

You might want to re-post this under it's own subject. I
expect a lot of regulars won't see it otherwise.


Seahag 08-01-2006 06:20 PM

Re: Re: Boycott Gettysburg

"Carolinasuzy" <> wrote:
> First time and looking for info on my Old 1989 Jeep
> Cherokee Larado with
> 256,000 miles on her. A, shade-tree mechanic wanted to
> clean the engine
> with $2 cleaner and waterhose. Now, she want start and
> I'm confused and

You might want to re-post this under it's own subject. I
expect a lot of regulars won't see it otherwise.


Seahag 08-01-2006 06:20 PM

Re: Re: Boycott Gettysburg

"Carolinasuzy" <> wrote:
> First time and looking for info on my Old 1989 Jeep
> Cherokee Larado with
> 256,000 miles on her. A, shade-tree mechanic wanted to
> clean the engine
> with $2 cleaner and waterhose. Now, she want start and
> I'm confused and

You might want to re-post this under it's own subject. I
expect a lot of regulars won't see it otherwise.


JeffDeWitt 08-03-2006 10:11 PM

Re: Boycott Gettysburg
Carolinasuzy wrote:
> And a memory it is! Hold on to it cause no one can take it away at any
> cost.
> First time and looking for info on my Old 1989 Jeep Cherokee Larado with
> 256,000 miles on her. A, shade-tree mechanic wanted to clean the engine
> with $2 cleaner and waterhose. Now, she want start and I'm confused and

Probably got water under the distributor cap, that will do it every
time. Take the cap off and make sure it's dry inside, blow it out with
a hair dryer or leave it out in the sun if you need to.

I once had something like this happen with a Studebaker (Delco
distributor), absolutely drove me nuts until I figured out what was
going on.

Jeff DeWitt

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