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AutoJunkieMan 02-17-2013 09:17 AM

Re: Hi y'all! New Jeeper from Brampton, ON

Originally Posted by cowboys666 (Post 565631)
maybe so...but the truth non the less

Catch more bee's with honey then vinegar my friend.

thing1 02-17-2013 10:58 AM

Re: Hi y'all! New Jeeper from Brampton, ON

Originally Posted by tool_guy (Post 565568)
The auto rubi is pretty capable. You'll be very suprised at what it can do on the trails. Wait until the spring and I can get a couple other people together and get you out on some mild trails near bobcaygeon.

I saw that someone suggested going to the JK101 and I'd suggest staying as far away as possible from that. I went to it a couple of years ago to check it out and from what I've seen and other stories I've heard I would not recommend anyone going to it.

You'll learn much more meeting up with other people in the area and going out in a small group. The other option that you have is a couple of the large scale events that happen in the summer. Trailfest and Camp NL both offer guided trail runs from the mild to wild levels. The advantage of both these event is they offer a 101 course for new people where they will teach you a bit about the vehicle and how to drive it then take you on a trail. The next days you have the option to sign up for other guided trails.

I'd also suggest becoming a member of the OF4WD.

If you have any questiosn let me know. I'm the current president of the London & Area Jeep owners club. I'm also involved with the OF4WD and helping to start a new club in the Kawartha Area.


Tool Guy
So why would you get on this forum and trash talk another forum? You are stating you personal opinion, which is exactly that, YOUR OPINION! Why would you wait till now to express your discontent with jk101 and do it on the WRONG FORUM instead of giving the group that puts on the event a chance to address your concerns?
I am actually one of the guides for JK101 and we do stress it as a family event, and a learning experience. So as one person stated we do not get fall down drunk etc, etc, etc. IT is a fun weekend where you can learn about and enjoy your rig. I have attended the 2 events you mentioned in your post and I too could trash talk that but I won't, but I can tell you this I will not attend either one of those events again.
As for LAJOC. I was a member as well, found that if your jeep wasn't perfect and had a million of purchased mods than no one would give you the time of day.
So why don't you contact the organizer of JK101 and let them know what your issues were.
When you think about the offroad community bashing one another does nothing but place a negative light on our community and gets us nowhere. If we work at becoming responsible wheelersand get along, maybe we could accomplish a community like the snowmobile clubs have.

AutoJunkieMan 02-17-2013 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by thing1 (Post 565636)
Tool Guy
So why would you get on this forum and trash talk another forum? You are stating you personal opinion, which is exactly that, YOUR OPINION! Why would you wait till now to express your discontent with jk101 and do it on the WRONG FORUM instead of giving the group that puts on the event a chance to address your concerns?
I am actually one of the guides for JK101 and we do stress it as a family event, and a learning experience. So as one person stated we do not get fall down drunk etc, etc, etc. IT is a fun weekend where you can learn about and enjoy your rig. I have attended the 2 events you mentioned in your post and I too could trash talk that but I won't, but I can tell you this I will not attend either one of those events again.
As for LAJOC. I was a member as well, found that if your jeep wasn't perfect and had a million of purchased mods than no one would give you the time of day.
So why don't you contact the organizer of JK101 and let them know what your issues were.
When you think about the offroad community bashing one another does nothing but place a negative light on our community and gets us nowhere. If we work at becoming responsible wheelersand get along, maybe we could accomplish a community like the snowmobile clubs have.

Says the person bashing him. So far with the responces i have seen from the Jj101 guys i dont really see a comunity feel.

If all you said when you came on here was, hey we are from JK101 this is our site, check us out we arnt that bad then ya ok id give you credit. But you guys come in highjack the forum just to personaly attack this guy for what? You guys made yourselfs look like jerks

thing1 02-17-2013 06:07 PM

Re: Hi y'all! New Jeeper from Brampton, ON

Originally Posted by AutoJunkieMan (Post 565641)
Says the person bashing him. So far with the responces i have seen from the Jj101 guys i dont really see a comunity feel.

If all you said when you came on here was, hey we are from JK101 this is our site, check us out we arnt that bad then ya ok id give you credit. But you guys come in highjack the forum just to personaly attack this guy for what? You guys made yourselfs look like jerks

No attack here, plain and simple I stated facts. If you don't like it then don't read it. I would rather hear from TG as he was the bashing one. I just responded and I reframed from trashing him/ What the others did, I can not comment on. Like you say, check out JK101, make up your OWN MIND! If your not into family oriented fun, they hey no biggie, go attend the other events.
Oh and JM, till you have attended a jk101, you have no comment!

Thanks and have a great weekend!

AutoJunkieMan 02-17-2013 06:12 PM

Originally Posted by thing1 (Post 565644)
No attack here, plain and simple I stated facts. If you don't like it then don't read it. I would rather hear from TG as he was the bashing one. I just responded and I reframed from trashing him/ What the others did, I can not comment on. Like you say, check out JK101, make up your OWN MIND! If your not into family oriented fun, they hey no biggie, go attend the other events.
Oh and JM, till you have attended a jk101, you have no comment!

Thanks and have a great weekend!

To be honest im not siding with anyone, probably wont join ether event because of all this. Im not getting into this political stuff when im trying to get into a new sport. Ill find some small trail team or something and start out there.

tool_guy 02-17-2013 08:05 PM

Re: Hi y'all! New Jeeper from Brampton, ON
I was only giving my opinion. Apparently we're not allowed to voice our opinion or make suggestions to other people in the jeep community.

And I find it strange that someone comes and makes a comment and it's their first day on the forum. It would appear that there was a clear purpose in joining this site.

cowboys666 02-17-2013 08:49 PM

Re: Hi y'all! New Jeeper from Brampton, ON

Originally Posted by tool_guy (Post 565647)
I was only giving my opinion. Apparently we're not allowed to voice our opinion or make suggestions to other people in the jeep community.

And I find it strange that someone comes and makes a comment and it's their first day on the forum. It would appear that there was a clear purpose in joining this site.

Yes, everyone has there opinion but when you state something as blated as you did,some people tend to get pretty upset,espesially when there have been no mention of a bad time( two years later as a matter of fact)..would have been nice to know how you felt that weekend so things might have got resolved then,instead of on another we still dont know what the issue was.

Sibbles 02-17-2013 09:01 PM

Re: Hi y'all! New Jeeper from Brampton, ON
Hello All

I'll start off here by telling you who I am. I have just signed up for this forum today as I was referenced to come here by three different people.

My name is Brian Sibbles, I have been wheeling for 11 years now and have seen just about everything you can dream of. I have been heavily involved with the Ontario Federation of 4 wheel Drive as a volunteer for about 6 or 7 years now, I can't remember, and am currently the vice president of the organization.

For you new people coming on board to the community I will share some words of wisdom. First off, everyone has an opinion and you will likely find a hundred other communities out there just like this one. People aren't afraid to voice an opinion either, especially behind the keyboard.

Now knowing that it is up to you to figure out what is best for you personally. I would say try it all, head to JK101, Try out Trailfest or Camp NL, hit up some sponsors shows or club show and shines and figure out where you fit in.

Having been around for a while know I have good and bad about every event, they all have their strong points and their weaknesses. Nothing is ever perfect due to the fact that everyone is different and is looking for something that fits them. The OF4WD has promoted all the events because in our mind, if someone wants to organize an event that promotes our sport in a positive light and share their experiences and learning with others then have at her. After all this community is being beat up every day by other other trail users and government organizations who are trying to put an end to the 4X4 sport. If Jeepkings, LAJOC or ourselves (OF4WD) are doing our best to educate people and prevent issues from occurring does it really matter how that gets done?

Is the message getting through to the new members? Yes

Are we preventing injury and teaching the tread lightly principles? yes

Are these events over all helping the community stay in the game and ensure we still have places to ride? Yes

All events are different, some are cheap and economical, some are fund raisers for charity or organizations like the OF4WD, so we can but money back into the trail system for a better riding experience for everyone. Like I said above, it all depends what you are looking for.

So back to the opinions part of the conversation. You will hear everything under the sun about events and clubs, good and bad and in my experience you will eventually find the truth lies down the middle most of the time and things are grossly embellished and ------ around often by people who have not even attended said such event or club. Its hear say.

Backing up the train now to your original post.

JK's are sweet and very capable vehicles. The OF4WD has has a huge spike in membership in the past two years and honestly it is a ton of new JK owners.

The OF4WD trail map index will also be very helpful to you in deciding which trails to use. There is actually a JK specific business and OF4WD supporter in the Trenton area, check out map or search JKJam to see when they are running their next clinics. The owner has his own property and is a military driving instructor. He has taught many JK owners how to use their vehicle safely over a range of terrain in which he has set up on his property. Not a bad start for new JK owers.

Once done, hit up JK101, Trailfest, Camp NL, get addicted, build up your jeep, become poor old bastards like the rest of us who sleep under our jeeps. You'll love it and meet tons of great people on the trails and in the Walmart parking lots.

If you have any other questions feel free to contact me at


Brian Sibbles

thing1 02-17-2013 09:01 PM

Re: Hi y'all! New Jeeper from Brampton, ON
Here is something impartial you can do, go to BAJA night in Brampton. It is every Tues at the north end of shoppers world. Not sure if they meet in the winter or not. Try it, you will learn lots and meet some fellow jeepers.

Sibbles 02-17-2013 09:11 PM

Re: Hi y'all! New Jeeper from Brampton, ON

Originally Posted by thing1 (Post 565650)
Here is something impartial you can do, go to BAJA night in Brampton. It is every Tues at the north end of shoppers world. Not sure if they meet in the winter or not. Try it, you will learn lots and meet some fellow jeepers.

I'm pretty sure they meet in the winter, Good club. They were club of the year in 2010

find them on Facebook

website Brampton Area Jeep Association

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